
    Don't Live For the Algorithm, Live For Your Happiness

    enJune 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming fear of judgments for personal growthFear of judgments can hinder personal growth, but focusing on positive interactions and taking small steps towards goals can help overcome it. Gary Vee's podcast contest is an example of how a little positivity can lead to significant progress.

      Fear, particularly the fear of others' judgments, can be a major barrier to personal growth and achieving goals. However, it's important to remember that change doesn't always mean cutting people out completely. Instead, limiting negative interactions and focusing on positive ones can help make progress. This was exemplified in a podcast contest held by Gary Vee, where three winners were able to share their stories and start their own podcasts at a free studio in New York City. The contest, despite being delayed by COVID, ultimately resulted in a win-win situation for the global audience of aspiring podcasters and the three individuals involved. So, don't let fear hold you back, take small steps towards your goals, and remember that a little positivity can go a long way.

    • Leveraging online reviews and social media for business growthBuilding a strong online presence and engaging with communities can lead to new opportunities, collaborations, and business growth.

      Leveraging online reviews and social media can significantly grow a small business. Collin Dark, an ambidextrous artist, shared how he grew his clientele as a nail artist through positive online reviews and Yelp. He reached a point where he was fully booked and had to consider raising prices or expanding his services. Instead, he delved deeper into social media and built a strong community, which led to collaborations and new opportunities. Similarly, Colin D'Arc, an attorney and artist, used social media to gain viral success with his artwork and recently left his corporate job to start his own law practice, integrating his social media presence to provide additional value to his clients. Both stories illustrate the power of building a strong online presence and engaging with communities to grow a business.

    • Embracing Multiple Interests Leads to Fulfillment and SuccessEmbracing various aspects of creativity and people skills can lead to inspiration, new passions, and a successful business.

      Having a multifaceted approach to life and business can lead to greater fulfillment and success. Drew C., a rapper and musician, shares how he started making a song and a music video every day in 2020 as part of a communal movement. This experience not only filled him with joy but also led him to discover new passions and skills. He transitioned from just being an artist to starting a retreat company, focusing on people's well-being. By embracing various aspects of his creativity and people skills, Drew was able to inspire others and build a successful business. The opportunity to create and connect with others is vast, and as Gary predicted, someone will continue to capitalize on it. Drew's story is a reminder that having multiple interests and pursuits can lead to a more meaningful and engaging life.

    • Navigating the shift from creating to sellingStay true to yourself and lean into humility for long-term happiness when transitioning from creating to selling in the creator economy

      Transitioning from creating content for an audience to selling products or services to that same audience can be a challenging experience. It's natural to fear losing followers or facing negative feedback, but it's essential to prioritize following your passions and staying true to yourself. Comparisons to past successes and the desire for validation through likes and followers can be major vulnerabilities in the creator economy. Instead, focus on the joys of starting fresh and the potential for growth. Change is inevitable, and there will be ebbs and flows in the journey, but staying true to yourself and leaning into humility will lead to long-term happiness.

    • Transitioning to new content areasCreators should embrace change and explore new content areas on social media, despite potential audience fragmentation. Engage and grow a diverse audience through high-quality, engaging content.

      Creators should not be afraid to transition or explore new content areas on social media, even if their audience came for something specific. While there may be a risk of mixed messaging and potential audience fragmentation, the algorithms are not as rigid as they once were, and individual pieces of content can still perform well. Creators should consider having a pinned post that introduces their audience to their various content areas and who they are as a whole. Additionally, creators should expect and be prepared for negative feedback when showcasing different aspects of their personality or interests, as people can be resistant to change. Ultimately, social media success comes down to the individual piece of content and the ability to engage and grow a diverse audience.

    • Choosing light over dark in online interactionsFocus on empathy and compassion in online discussions, even during contentious times, to promote civility and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

      It's important to remember that people who lash out and unfollow you due to disagreements may not be worth your time or energy. Instead, we should focus on promoting civility and empathy in our discussions, especially during times of political or social tension. The speaker shares that she has received apologies from people who have hurt her in the past, acknowledging that they were in a dark place at the time. She encourages everyone to choose light over dark, and to remember that not every interaction is intended to harm. It's essential to have compassion for others and understand that everyone has their reasons for their beliefs. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of empathy, compassion, and civility in our interactions with others, especially during contentious times.

    • Effective Communication in Today's Digital WorldEmpathy and understanding are crucial in dealing with negativity or criticism, whether in person or digitally. Respond with kindness and acknowledge unique perspectives. Tone matters, consider using video or audio for important messages.

      Communication is key, especially in today's digital world where tone and intent can easily be misconstrued. The speaker emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding in dealing with negativity or criticism, whether in person or through digital means like social media or email. He suggests responding with kindness and acknowledgement, recognizing that everyone has their own unique perspectives and experiences. The speaker also highlights the impact of tone in communication, particularly in audio versus written form, and encourages leaders to consider using video or audio for important messages to better convey their intended message and tone. In the context of working with small businesses and fintechs, the speaker emphasizes the importance of building genuine relationships and buying from people who align with your values. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and effective communication in both personal and professional contexts.

    • Leveraging LinkedIn for Business Development as a CreativeUse LinkedIn creatively through videos, written content, or doodles to stand out and attract potential clients. Stay positive and embrace your unique talents to make a difference in a world shifting towards social media for decision-making.

      LinkedIn can be a game-changer for individuals looking to excel in business development. For creatives like Harrison, who has a unique demeanor and style, leveraging LinkedIn through videos, written content, or even doodles could set him apart and attract potential clients. The world is shifting towards social media for decision-making, with platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube gaining popularity over traditional search engines. Amidst the negativity in the world, choosing positivity and light can help individuals stand out and make a difference. However, it's essential not to be delusional but to keep it real while staying positive. Embrace your unique talents and break free from the boxes society puts us in. Remember, success may not always look or feel the way we expect, but it's essential to stay committed and adapt to new opportunities.

    • Overcoming the fear of judgmentWork on eliminating fear through therapy, limiting negative influences, focusing on physical health, and consuming positive content to gain confidence and stability to share unique perspectives and talents with the world.

      Fear of judgment and negativity from others can hold individuals back from sharing their authentic selves and talents with the world. The democratization of content through the Internet provides a unique opportunity for individuals to reach scale and share their messages, but the fear of being put in a box or being negatively judged can be a significant barrier. To overcome this, it's essential to work on eliminating fear through various means such as therapy, limiting negative influences, focusing on physical health, and consuming positive content. By doing so, individuals can gain the confidence and stability needed to share their unique perspectives and talents with the world. The fear of judgment often holds more power than the fear of practical challenges like lack of money, making it crucial to address this emotional hurdle.

    • Embrace positivity and love for personal growthFocusing on love and supportive relationships can help overcome fear and foster positivity, essential for personal growth.

      Eliminating fear and embracing positivity is essential for personal growth and building healthy relationships. Negativity and cynicism may provide temporary relief, but they don't solve the problem. Instead, focusing on love and finding supportive communities can help overcome fear and foster positivity. Love, though often seen as hippie or cliche, is the most practical solution to fear. It may seem like love is losing at the moment, but it is undefeated. For those who lack supportive relationships, it's essential to find your chosen family and friends, as they can provide love and positivity. Loyalty is important, but it's okay to let go of toxic relationships that no longer serve you. The middle ground is finding a balance between reality and positivity, and love is the key to getting there.

    • Recognizing Loyalty vs Enabling ToxicityBe loyal, but don't enable negative behavior. Focus on self-fulfillment and good intentions, and trust your community for support during transitions.

      Being loyal doesn't always mean enabling negative behavior. It's important to recognize your role in a situation and whether you're truly being loyal or if you're enabling toxicity. Additionally, everything in life is acceptable as long as it's done with good intent. Moving on from heavy topics, even something as simple as deciding on a price for nail services can be a significant decision. The speaker emphasizes that self-fulfillment is crucial to being able to bring positivity to others. Lastly, fear of disappointment or judgment should not hold us back from making transitions or changes in our lives. Instead, we should trust that our community will support us through these transitions.

    • Exploring passions and building a team for successDiscovering and sticking to passions requires discipline and self-awareness, but it's okay to try new things and build a supportive team to help grow a business.

      Following your passions and interests, even if they seem unrelated or unexpected, can lead to personal growth and success. The speaker shares his own experiences of exploring various pursuits and building a team to support him. He emphasizes the importance of discipline and self-awareness in discovering and sticking to one's passions, but also acknowledges that it's okay to try new things and drop some along the way. He encourages hiring young, eager assistants early on to help manage and grow with a business. The balance between instilled values and self-discipline is crucial in personal development. The speaker's journey illustrates how instilling values in oneself and building discipline can lead to positive changes and long-term success.

    • Accountability to others as a powerful motivatorHiring a full-time trainer led to personal growth and discipline not due to external policing, but from the desire to not let them down and be accountable.

      Accountability to others can be a powerful motivator for personal growth and discipline, even surpassing self-motivation. The speaker shares how hiring a full-time trainer helped him become a better version of himself not because of external policing, but due to the desire to not let the trainer down and be accountable to him. This realization led to significant progress and a deeper understanding of personal frameworks. If you're looking to make a change, consider finding someone to be accountable to and create a system that keeps you on track. It might just be the game changer you need. You can find Katie on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and her website colindarke.com. All music is available under the name druc on Instagram (Jedi Alchemist). The Vayner Nation community has shown interest in this genre of podcasts, so let us know if you'd like more content like this. Thank you for joining us today, and we'll see you next time.

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