
    Side Effects of Being a Showrunner (with Courtney Kemp)

    enMarch 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • From Writing to Showrunning: A Passionate JourneyStudy, watch shows, read scripts, and stay true to your vision to create content. Passion and continuous learning are key.

      Creating content, whether it's in television or any other medium, requires dedication, hard work, and a deep understanding of the craft. Courtney Kemp, the creator of the Power Universe, emphasized the importance of being passionate about what you do and continuously learning the ropes. She shared her experience of transitioning from writing to showrunning and the importance of treating writing as an art form. In today's era where content creation is more accessible than ever, it's essential to not only have a vision but also the skills to bring it to life. Kemp's advice for those aspiring to create their own content is to study, watch a lot of shows, read scripts, and understand that the script and the final product are not the same thing. Ultimately, it's about putting in the work and staying true to your vision. As Kemp put it, "I'm someone who believes in the next right action and just take the next right step."

    • Write a compelling script as your first stepTo create a TV show, write multiple spec scripts, understand genre history, be passionate, progress daily, and maintain a positive attitude.

      If you aspire to create your own TV show, it's crucial to write a compelling script as your first step. Having multiple spec scripts is a good foundation, but not enough to secure a job. Understanding the genre, its history, and being passionate about television are essential qualities for potential candidates. Keep progressing towards your goal by taking small actions daily, like writing a paragraph of an outline or editing a sizzle. Remember, you cannot skip steps, but you can speed them up. Lastly, maintain a positive attitude and be respectful to everyone you encounter during your journey, as you never know who you'll meet on your way up or down.

    • Balancing Work and Personal Life in ShowrunningSuccess in showrunning requires sacrifice, but neglecting personal relationships for work can lead to an empty victory. Prioritize family, loved ones, and self-care.

      Success in any field, including showrunning, comes with a cost. Prioritizing work over personal relationships can lead to an empty victory. It's essential to make time for family, loved ones, and self-care. The job of a showrunner may demand all your attention, but it's crucial not to let it consume you entirely. Remember, it's just entertainment, not a matter of life and death. Before embarking on such a demanding career, consider if you're willing to give your all and what you might lose in the process. As the speaker learned, the person you become in your professional life might not be the same person in your personal life. Don't lose sight of who you are outside of work.

    • Navigating the complexities of showrunning as a lone female in a male-dominated environmentTrusting oneself and leaning on support systems are crucial for women in male-dominated industries to navigate the complexities of leading a large team or project.

      Showrunning, or leading a large team or project, can be a complex and challenging experience, especially for a lone female in a male-dominated environment. Courtney A. Kemp, the creator and showrunner of Power, shared her experiences of navigating through the maze of male egos and various responsibilities, using the metaphor of runaway slaves feeling for the moss on trees to find their way to freedom. In this context, the showrunner is the tree, and they must rely on their own instincts to lead themselves and their team out of problems. Kemp emphasized that she couldn't delegate all responsibilities and come home to be someone else, as she couldn't be 2 different people. Instead, she suggests seeing different spaces as calling for different strengths rather than being 2 different people. Kemp also shared that there were times she wanted to quit Power, but her ex-husband's support kept her going. Overall, her message highlights the importance of trusting oneself and leaning on support systems to navigate the complexities of leading a large team or project.

    • Navigating differences in relationshipsCommunicate and find common ground instead of expecting partners to validate fears or worries. Have a supportive partner who believes in us, even during uncertain times.

      Both partners in a relationship can be right about different aspects, but the challenge lies in finding a way to align and support each other despite their differences. The speaker shared her personal experience of being married to someone who believed in her talent when she wanted to pursue a career change, while she knew the marriage couldn't sustain her personal growth. They were both right in their perspectives, but unfortunately, they couldn't navigate their differences at the same time. The speaker also emphasized that there's no manual for being the partner of a strong, independent person, and that fear often plays a role in relationships. Ultimately, it's essential to communicate and find common ground, rather than expecting our partners to validate our fears or worries. The speaker also highlighted the importance of having a partner who supports and believes in us, even when we're uncertain or afraid.

    • The Power of Emotional ConnectionEmotional support and connection are vital for personal growth and resilience. Self-reliance for emotional stability is important, but so is seeking support from others and having a strong team. Trusting oneself and having confidence in abilities are also crucial.

      Emotional support and connection are essential for both men and women. People often overlook the importance of emotional connection, focusing instead on material possessions. The speaker shares her experience of realizing that she needed to depend on herself for emotional stability and that this inner strength could be a source of power. She also discusses how she learned the importance of emotional support from her romantic relationships and how it can be a source of comfort and reassurance. Additionally, she talks about the importance of having a team or a support system during challenging times and how it's essential to have confidence in oneself and trust in one's abilities. The speaker also shares her experience of feeling drained and undervalued while working on a TV show and how she ultimately decided to end it due to personal and professional reasons.

    • Learning to validate oneself internallySeeking external validation for self-worth can lead to feelings of unappreciation and lack of support. To overcome this, focus on self-validation for greater confidence and fulfillment.

      Seeking external validation for self-worth can lead to feelings of unappreciation and lack of support in personal and professional relationships. This can stem from past experiences where validation was withheld or conditioned on perfection. To overcome this, it's essential to learn to validate and love oneself internally. This can lead to greater confidence in asking for what one truly wants and deserves, without fear of judgment or rejection. By focusing on self-validation, individuals can achieve greater fulfillment and success in their personal and professional lives. The speaker's experience of losing marital privilege and learning to value herself internally led her to this realization.

    • The Power of Saying 'No'Assertively saying 'no' without explanation is essential for underrepresented groups and liberating for everyone. It's okay to prioritize your needs and boundaries, even if it means turning down opportunities.

      Having the power to say "no" is liberating and essential, especially for underrepresented groups. Suzanne Depass emphasized this point, drawing an analogy between the word "no" and a half note in music, surrounded by two beats of silence. Depass encouraged everyone, particularly people of color, LGBT individuals, and women, to assertively say "no" without explanation when the answer is negative. She shared her own experience of saying a significant "no" in her career and feeling the freedom that came with it. The discussion also touched on the challenges of night shoots in Hollywood, which can be as demanding as day shoots despite the common perception that they are easier. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of asserting one's needs and boundaries, even if it means saying "no."

    • The Power of Perseverance and Connections in TV ProductionBringing a successful TV show to life requires dedication, creativity, and the right opportunities. Perseverance in the face of adversity and the ability to make connections can lead to the realization of a vision.

      Creating a successful TV show involves perseverance and the right connections. The speaker, a showrunner, shared a story about working on the cold set of Power, where the cast and crew had to endure freezing temperatures. Despite the harsh conditions, the lead actor, Joseph Sikora, never complained. This dedication to the craft is a reflection of the commitment required to bring a show from idea to screen. The speaker explained that it wasn't an easy process. After the loss of her father, she was trying to develop a show while grieving and dealing with the complications of their relationship. It wasn't until she was brought into a room with producers Mark Canton and 50 Cent through her agency that the idea for Power came to fruition. The speaker emphasized that this wasn't a magical occurrence, but rather the result of hard work and the right opportunities coming together. In the world of TV production, there are no shortcuts. It takes determination, creativity, and the right connections to bring a vision to life. The speaker's experience on Power serves as a reminder of the dedication and perseverance required to make it in the industry.

    • 50 Cent's Unconventional Background Led to Challenges in Pitching 'Power'Despite facing criticism and self-doubt, 50 Cent and the showrunner persevered and created a successful television series, 'Power,' without a key spiritual element initially requested by producers.

      50 Cent, known for his brilliance in character development, came into a pitch meeting with a fully fleshed-out series concept, including music, and had to work twice as hard to get it accepted due to his unconventional background. During the development process, the producers requested the removal of a key aspect - the protagonist's struggle with addiction in recovery. Despite facing criticism and self-doubt, 50 Cent and the showrunner persevered, eventually creating a successful television series, "Power," without the initial spiritual element. The experience served as a reminder of the challenges faced by those from non-traditional backgrounds in the entertainment industry.

    • Experiences of underrepresented individuals in the entertainment industryPersistence, advocacy, and representation are crucial for underrepresented individuals in the entertainment industry to overcome systemic biases and secure opportunities.

      The entertainment industry can present unique challenges for underrepresented individuals, particularly when it comes to being given opportunities to showcase their talents. The speaker in this conversation shared her experience of being asked to write multiple episodes of a potential TV show without a writer's room or clear commitment, ultimately leading her to consider taking another job. She emphasized the importance of having strong representation and advocacy in the industry, as well as the impact of systemic biases that can limit opportunities for those who are black and untested. Despite the challenges, the speaker remained resilient and continued to push for her goals, ultimately securing a valuable opportunity. This experience underscores the importance of persistence, advocacy, and representation in the entertainment industry, particularly for underrepresented individuals.

    • Unexpected opportunities for underrepresented individuals in showrunningMentorship and self-belief can lead to opportunities for underrepresented individuals in showrunning. Trust and financial management are crucial aspects of the role.

      Opportunities to run a show can come unexpectedly, especially for underrepresented individuals. For the speaker, this happened when they were given the chance to run a show with predominantly black and Latino characters, as the industry struggled to understand how to represent these communities. This experience was shaped by previous mentors and believers in their abilities, who saw their potential and encouraged them. However, being a showrunner involves more than just storytelling – it's about managing money and delivering a return on investment. Trust is crucial, and those in positions of power must believe that the showrunner can handle the financial responsibilities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of mentorship and believing in oneself, regardless of background or appearance.

    • Balancing Showrunning and Empathy towards TalentSuccessful showrunning involves managing resources, storytelling, and empathy towards talent for a productive and award-winning set.

      Showrunning involves making tough decisions and managing resources effectively, including the script, budget, and talent. The speaker shares an experience where a producer's insensitive comment left her feeling undervalued, leading her to carry that feeling for a long time. However, she later learned that taking care of talent is essential for a successful production. The speaker emphasizes that treating talent with respect and understanding their needs is crucial for a productive and award-winning set. Additionally, some parts of acting can be challenging, and it's the showrunner's responsibility to check in with the actors and ensure they are mentally and physically prepared to perform. Overall, the key takeaway is that effective showrunning requires a balance of storytelling, budget management, and empathy towards talent.

    • Supporting actors during intense scenesDirectors play a crucial role in creating a safe and supportive environment for actors during emotionally taxing scenes. Empathy, understanding, and attentiveness are essential for maintaining a positive and productive working atmosphere.

      Acting in intense scenes, especially in television and film, can be emotionally taxing and challenging for actors. They can experience a range of emotions and even feel violated, as they are required to immerse themselves fully in the character and the scene. Directors play a crucial role in supporting actors during these moments, ensuring they feel safe and taken care of. Actors often draw on personal experiences to bring authenticity to their performances, and the connection between the actor and character can be so strong that it can be difficult for them to return to their normal state after filming. The importance of empathy, understanding, and attentiveness from directors and cast members cannot be overstated in creating a positive and productive working environment. Additionally, writers must ensure that the storylines and characters are believable and grounded in reality, with consequences and prices paid for actions taken.

    • Reflecting on the Price of Admission to SuccessRecognize the present moment, make changes, and find balance to overcome pain and struggle in pursuit of success. Forgive yourself and prioritize relationships.

      Pain and struggle can be the price of admission to a new life or achieving success, but it doesn't have to be. In the discussion, the speaker reflects on the character Ghost from the TV show "Power," who went through significant pain and made questionable choices to rise above his circumstances. The speaker also acknowledges the additional challenges and minefields that come with being black in America and trying to succeed. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the present moment and making changes instead of constantly putting things off until later. They also share their own experiences of neglecting relationships in pursuit of success and the importance of forgiving oneself and finding balance. Ultimately, the speaker encourages the audience to reflect on their own lives and consider the role of pain and struggle in their own growth and success.

    • The toll of grinding culture on mental and physical healthRecognize personal well-being is important, having a TV show isn't the ultimate goal for everyone, and learn from Seinfeld's 'Cars Getting Coffee' about creativity.

      The pressure to succeed and adhere to the "grind culture" can have detrimental effects on one's mental and physical health. The speaker shares her personal experiences of trying to produce multiple shows during the pandemic while dealing with family issues and health concerns. She emphasizes the importance of prioritizing personal well-being and recognizing that having a TV show may not be the ultimate goal for everyone. She suggests Jerry Seinfeld's series "A Comedian's in Cars Getting Coffee" as a resource for learning about creativity and offers a reminder to follow her professional journey for more insights on showrunning.

    • Insights into stand-up comedy and creativity from 'The Gary Shandling Show'Study comedy scripts for structure, handle unresponsive audiences with resilience, read 'The 48 Laws of Power' and 'Clarity and Connection' for personal growth and industry navigation.

      Watching shows like "The Gary Shandling Show" can provide valuable insights into the world of stand-up comedy and creativity. According to the speaker, the episodes where Shandling knows the comedian result in the funniest moments. The show is unique in its raw exploration of creativity and the craft of comedy. The speaker expresses a deep admiration for the ability of stand-up comedians to handle unresponsive audiences and bounce back with resilience. He encourages aspiring writers and creators to read scripts, particularly pilot scripts, and study their structures for surprise and engagement. The speaker also recommends books like "The 48 Laws of Power" and "Clarity and Connection" for personal growth and navigating the industry. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of dedication, resilience, and continuous learning in creative fields.

    • Staying Grounded and Grateful in the Entertainment IndustryIn the entertainment industry, it's crucial to remain grounded, grateful, and recognize the depth and complexity of people's stories, even amidst challenges and success.

      The entertainment industry can be a challenging journey, full of ups and downs, but it's important to stay grounded and remember where you came from. The speaker shared her experience attending a production set and was impressed by the positive energy and efficiency. She also reflected on the importance of gratitude and not forgetting your roots, even when success comes. Additionally, she discussed the depth and complexity of the contestants on a competition show, "Magic Mike," which focuses on helping men rediscover their "magic" rather than just their physical abilities. Despite her initial disappointment over the host selection, she acknowledged the importance of the host's personal connection to the show's theme. Overall, the speaker's insights highlight the importance of staying grounded, remaining grateful, and recognizing the depth and complexity of people's stories in the entertainment industry.

    • Courtney Kemp's Multifaceted AspirationsFrom creating jobs for underrepresented groups to being a good mom and continuing personal growth, Courtney Kemp's aspirations extend beyond her successful television career.

      Key takeaway from this podcast episode is the multifaceted and inspiring aspirations of Courtney Kemp. Beyond her successful career in television, she expresses her desires to be a good mom, create jobs for underrepresented groups, and continue growing as a person. Her resilience and determination to make a difference, even in seemingly small ways, are noteworthy. Additionally, her honesty about her struggles with her hair and the importance of self-improvement is relatable and endearing. Overall, her conversation highlights her dedication to personal and professional growth, as well as her commitment to making a positive impact on others.

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