
    Side Effects of Haiti (with Dr. Bertrhude Albert)

    enMay 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Expanding Perspectives, HaitiExplore beyond surface level through bonus episodes on Patreon, challenge narrow perspectives, and seek accurate information to understand Haiti's complex history and ongoing fight for liberation from imperialism.

      There's more to explore and connect with beyond the surface level of small doses through the Seal Squad's weekly bonus episodes on Patreon. Amanda Seals, the podcast host, is expanding her reach and making new connections with individuals, leading to enriching conversations about challenging the status quo. Additionally, Haiti, a beautiful and culturally rich country, is often misunderstood and presented as a third-world, war-torn nation. Dr. Bertrand Albert, an activist on the ground in Haiti, joins the podcast to provide context on Haiti's history and the ongoing fight for liberation from imperialism. It's essential to challenge narrow perspectives and seek out accurate information to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of places like Haiti. So, join the Seal Squad and expand your love of Small Doses by becoming a member on Patreon for bonus episodes and deeper connections. Plus, don't miss the Amanda Seales Show, and support the ticket pool for the Unlikable Tour to bring intellectual comedy to cities and make tickets accessible to those who can't afford them.

    • Haiti's History and ImpactHaiti, the first free black republic, inspired freedom and sovereignty movements in Latin America, but its development as an independent nation has been hindered by US imperialism

      Haiti is more than just the negative stereotypes often portrayed by the American narrative. For Dr. Bertrude Albert, who was born in Haiti, the country is a symbol of liberation and hope. Haiti was the first free black republic in the world, the first to permanently abolish slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It was a beacon of hope for the rest of the region, inspiring the fight for freedom and sovereignty in Latin America. Despite its challenges, Haiti's history and impact on the world should not be underestimated. However, the country's development as an independent nation has been hindered by US imperialism, which has exerted control and influence since Haiti's birth in 1804. Despite these challenges, Haiti remains a source of pride and inspiration for the African diaspora and a testament to the resilience and strength of the Black community.

    • Haiti's struggle for recognitionThe first free Black nation, Haiti, faced resistance and exclusion from the international community due to its challenge to white supremacy and slavery systems, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and learning from underrepresented histories.

      The Black experience in America and around the world has been underrepresented and marginalized in historical narratives. This is evident in the case of Haiti, the first free Black nation, which was met with resistance and exclusion from the international community due to its challenge to the white supremacy and slavery systems. Haiti's struggle for recognition as a sovereign nation is a significant example of imperialism and the silencing of Black voices in history. It's crucial to acknowledge and learn from these stories to understand the complexities of the past and present. Listen to NPR's "Black Stories, Black Truths" to explore more episodes celebrating the Black experience.

    • Haitian narrativeHistorically misrepresented Haitian narrative aims to suppress Black power and achievements, but sharing authentic stories empowers the diaspora and inspires pride in heritage. Centering Black voices in media is crucial for accurate representation.

      The narrative surrounding Haiti and its people has been historically misrepresented, leading to a sense of shame and self-hatred among the Haitian diaspora. This distorted perception was deliberately created to suppress the power and achievements of Black people, including their role in abolishing slavery and challenging white supremacy. By changing the narrative and sharing authentic stories, individuals like the speaker are empowering the diaspora and inspiring pride in their heritage. The importance of centering Black voices in media, such as NPR's Black Stories, Black Truth, is crucial for accurate representation and uplifting the Black experience. The speaker's personal journey to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake and her commitment to fighting for her country's liberation illustrate the transformative power of learning, evolving, and applying new knowledge.

    • Education and determinationEducation can help overcome obstacles and make a difference, even in the face of adversity. Determination and addressing every excuse are necessary to achieve goals.

      Education and determination can help overcome obstacles and make a difference, even in the face of adversity. The speaker, who is a Haitian woman with a PhD, shares her personal journey of staying in school despite the challenges and the importance of having a strong education to represent her country and be taken seriously. She also emphasizes the need to address every excuse and not let obstacles stand in the way of achieving goals. The discussion also touches on the current situation in Haiti, clarifying that while the country faces challenges, particularly insecurity in the capital, it's important to note that not the entire nation is affected, and the economic impact is felt nationwide. The speaker's nonprofit project in Haiti, the canal, is also mentioned. Overall, the conversation highlights the resilience and determination required to make a positive impact in one's community and country.

    • Haiti's historical ties to the USThe US has historically sought control of Haiti due to fear of a black republic and potential financial implications, leading to the theft of Haiti's gold reserve and ongoing impact on Haiti's economy and political landscape

      The ongoing instability in Haiti is not only emotionally challenging for its leaders, but also rooted in complex geopolitical issues. Emotionally, leaders must navigate the traumatic situation while addressing the needs of their people. Meanwhile, the source of the guns fueling the violence in Haiti can be traced back to the United States. Politically, the United States has historically sought control of Haiti due to its fear of a black republic and the potential financial implications. This control includes the theft of Haiti's gold reserve in 1915, which was used to establish Citibank in New York. These historical actions demonstrate the United States' continued impact on Haiti's economy and political landscape. Additionally, the representation and empowerment of Black voices in media, such as NPR's Black Stories, Black Truth, is essential in centering their narratives and experiences in the larger American story.

    • US imperialism in HaitiThe US has a long history of intervening in Haiti's affairs due to fear, economic interests, and desire for power and resources, leading to negative impacts on Haiti's economy and sovereignty

      The United States has historically had a significant interest in controlling Haiti due to various reasons including fear, money, land and natural resources, power, and investments. The US has a long history of intervening in Haiti's affairs, from the occupation in 1915 to more recent policies that have negatively impacted Haiti's economy and sovereignty. For instance, the US forced Haiti to lower its tariffs, which led to the destruction of its rice industry and made Haiti dependent on US rice imports. Additionally, the US has controlled Haiti's natural resources, such as gold, oil, and copper, and has even tried to take control of specific pieces of land. The US also has a large number of nonprofits and investments in Haiti, which are valuable to US interests. These historical and ongoing interactions demonstrate the imperialistic nature of the US relationship with Haiti.

    • Black Stories, Black TruthEmpowering the Black community through diverse and authentic storytelling, showcasing resilience, joy, and empowerment of Black individuals, and promoting freedom and autonomy for Haiti's future.

      NPR's Black Stories, Black Truth collection represents and empowers the Black community through diverse and authentic storytelling. This collection showcases the resilience, joy, and empowerment of Black individuals, giving them a platform to share their unique experiences and perspectives. The future of Haiti, according to Dr. Bertrude Albert, lies in freedom and the ability of its people to reach their fullest potential. This includes improving education and creating a Haiti that reflects the desires and autonomy of its people, rather than being controlled by external forces. To continue learning from Dr. Albert, follow her on TikTok and Instagram (@Bertrude).

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