
    Side Effects of Being a Blerd

    enJune 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Grandma McFlurry, Amanda SealesGrandma's love is celebrated at McDonald's through the Grandma McFlurry, while Amanda Seales advocates for autism acceptance and encourages fans to join her Patreon community for exclusive content and tour tickets

      Grandma's love and generosity towards her family is being honored at McDonald's through the introduction of the Grandma McFlurry. Meanwhile, Amanda Seales, the podcast host, shares her deep connection and empathy towards individuals with autism, viewing it as a unique spirit that deserves more acceptance and understanding in the world. She also encourages her audience to join her Patreon community, the Seal Squad, for more weekly content and exclusive perks. Additionally, Amanda is currently on tour and invites fans to attend her unlikable stand-up comedy shows in Toronto and Detroit. Sign up for her website or Patreon for tickets and membership details.

    • Embracing NerdinessExpand your definition of a nerd beyond academics and embrace any area of expertise or obsession. Stay informed and connected, especially in today's political climate, and consider the historical stigma against intelligence within the Black community. Use your passion and knowledge to make a positive impact.

      Amanda Seals, the host of the Small Doses podcast, encourages listeners to expand their understanding of what it means to be a "nerd." She emphasizes that being a nerd goes beyond academic prowess and can apply to any area of expertise or obsession. Seals also highlights the importance of staying informed and connected, especially in today's political climate, by signing up for her newsletter at amandaseals.com. Additionally, she discusses the historical stigma against intelligence within the Black community and the importance of embracing and learning about Black history and identity. Overall, Seals encourages listeners to embrace their inner nerd and use their passion and knowledge to make a positive impact.

    • Black Nerd IdentityBlack Nerd Identity is about finding a sense of belonging and community in niche spaces, embracing unique identity, and overcoming isolation through pride and passion

      Being a black nerd is more than just being good at calculus or being a fan of specific movies or comic books. It's about finding a sense of belonging and community in these spaces, which can be especially important for black individuals who may not have found it in traditional black spaces. Nerds and dweebs are both terms used to describe outliers, but there is a key difference. Nerds are often neurodivergent and proud of their expertise and passion for specific topics, while dweebs can be smart but isolate themselves with their judgmental attitudes. Ultimately, being a black nerd is about embracing one's unique identity and finding a sense of home in the things that bring joy and connection.

    • Nerd vs DweebEmbrace your passions and connect with like-minded individuals to find happiness, rather than feeling the need to defend quirks and create hostility.

      Being a nerd is about passion and connection, whereas being a dweeb can come across as strange and repellent. Nerds are proud of their interests and can bring people together through shared passions, while dweebs may feel the need to defend their quirks and create a hostile exchange. The speaker encourages embracing one's nerdiness and finding community with like-minded individuals. Additionally, the discussion touched on the joy of collecting and being passionate about various things. It's important to remember that everyone has unique traits and interests, and embracing them can lead to meaningful connections and happiness.

    • Media InfluenceMedia, such as science fiction and fantasy, can deeply influence our lives and relationships by providing representation, inspiration, and creating meaningful connections.

      Our connections to various forms of media, particularly science fiction and fantasy, can deeply influence our lives and relationships. The speaker shares how her love for Star Trek and Star Wars led her to name her pets after beloved characters, and how these connections brought her closer to her father and to important historical figures like Nichelle Nichols. The speaker also reflects on how these stories provided representation and inspiration, especially for underrepresented groups. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the power of media to bring people together, inspire creativity, and create meaningful connections.

    • Black NerdsBlack Nerds face historical stigma but find community and acceptance through shared interests in forms of nerdom like Star Wars, with recent representation in media helping to lessen the stigma

      Star Wars and other forms of nerdom provide an additional layer of culture for black people, allowing them to express their unique identities and experiences. This was particularly significant in the past when the perception of black nerds was that they had to choose between their race and their nerd interests. However, as more black characters have been introduced and celebrated in these spaces, the stigma surrounding black nerds has lessened. The speaker's personal experiences, including naming pets after Star Wars characters and attending Comic Con, illustrate the richness and importance of this cultural overlap. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the role of community and support, such as the impact of black-led films like "Black Panther" and the influence of family members who encouraged their interests. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the significance of embracing multiple aspects of one's identity and the importance of creating inclusive spaces for all.

    • Black representation in pop cultureElizabeth Drevira, a black comedian, created a platform for black comedians to be recognized for their unique styles and topics in pop culture, believing it to be an important portal for black representation and identity, especially during times of suppression and oppression.

      Elizabeth Drevira, also known as Endamoonlow, created the Smart Funny in Black show to provide a platform for black comedians who were not being recognized for their unique styles and topics, which often led to the assumption that they were "just black comics." Her favorite subject matters in her vast realm of knowledge are hip hop and Game of Thrones. She believes that black popular culture, including hip hop and television shows like Game of Thrones, serves as an important portal for black representation and identity, especially during times of suppression and oppression. By the way, if you're a fan of McNuggets and ice cream, raise a spoon to grandma, and head to McDonald's for the limited-time Grandma McFlurry. Also, don't miss out on savings at The Home Depot for your summer gardening needs.

    • Blurdom and connectionsEmbracing our shared passions and interests, or being a 'blurd,' can lead to meaningful connections with others, regardless of cultural differences.

      Our shared passions and interests, often referred to as being a "blurd," can help us connect with people we might not have otherwise. The speaker shared a personal experience of connecting with a tour guide over their love for "Avatar: The Last Airbender," leading to a deeper conversation and understanding between them. This moment of connection not only changed the energy of their day but also highlighted the importance of defining one's identity based on the things they love, rather than their traumas or challenges. By embracing our "blurdom" and immersing ourselves in our passions, we can find meaningful connections with others, regardless of cultural differences. Ultimately, being a "blurd" is not about being an outcast or oddball, but rather about the energy and expertise we bring to the things we love.

    • Deep connectionsDeep connections expand our sense of self and make our lives more fulfilling through access to new experiences, opportunities, and positive change

      Having a deep connection with someone or something, be it a partner or a passion like books or a franchise like Game of Thrones or Star Wars, expands our sense of self and makes our lives more fulfilling. This connection is not limited to specific interests or hobbies, but rather an expansion of our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. It's about seeking access to new experiences and opportunities, like a degree from the University of Michigan Flint, which provides access to education and career opportunities. This connection can also be seen as a form of revolution, as people coming together to challenge the status quo and use their unique skills and knowledge to bring about positive change, like the rebel army in Star Wars. So whether it's through learning new things, building deep connections, or standing up for what we believe in, we can all make our lives more meaningful and fulfilling. And sometimes, it's okay to indulge in simple pleasures, like a Grandma McFlurry from McDonald's or a game of Club Keno, as a reminder to enjoy the journey along the way.

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