
    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of continuing engagement with resonating content and creating safe spaces for emotional supportEngage with content that resonates, create safe spaces for emotional support, and expand engagement through community memberships.

      It's important to continue engaging with content that resonates with us, whether it's through weekly bonus episodes or favorite media. The speaker also emphasized the importance of creating safe spaces for emotional support, especially during difficult topics like sexual violence awareness. She shared her own experience of feeling misunderstood and unsupported after going public with her story, and urged for more urgency and understanding in responding to those in need. Additionally, she encouraged listeners to expand their engagement with her content by becoming members of her Patreon community.

    • Awakening from a terrifying dreamBe aware of surroundings, have support, and seek help when needed to prevent nightmares from becoming reality

      Dreams can be disorienting and sometimes nightmares can become a reality. The speaker recounts a dream where she felt uncomfortable and was violated, leading to a terrifying experience when she woke up. Despite the trauma, she managed to help her partner and seek help, but the aftermath left her feeling vulnerable and scared. This experience highlights the importance of being aware of our surroundings, especially during late nights or when we're in unfamiliar places. It also underscores the significance of having a support system and being able to seek help when needed.

    • Violation of personal safety and spaceRecognize and address intangible harms, validate need for support and connection when experiences occur, and uplift black voices and experiences through representation and empowerment in media.

      The violation of personal safety and space can leave one feeling disconnected and unheard, even when support is nearby. In the speaker's experience, the owner's inability to understand the value of the violation beyond tangible theft led to a disorienting interrogation. Meanwhile, the speaker's tendency to appear self-sufficient often hindered her from receiving the help she needed in the moment. The importance of centering and uplifting black voices and experiences, as showcased in NPR's "Black Stories, Black Truths," highlights the power of representation and empowerment in media. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize and address the intangible harms and validate the need for support and connection when these experiences occur.

    • The aftermath of trauma: self-doubt and lack of supportTrauma survivors may experience self-doubt and lack of support, making it difficult to process the violation of their body. Validation and affirmation from loved ones can be crucial in the healing process.

      The aftermath of a traumatic experience, such as sexual assault, can be disorienting and filled with self-doubt. The speaker in this text found herself questioning the reality of what had happened, despite having a clear memory of the event. She also experienced a lack of support from those around her, which made it difficult to process the violation of her body. However, the arrival of her uncle provided a sense of validation and affirmation, allowing her to continue seeking help and care for herself and her ex-partner. The request from the receptionist to pay the bill, despite the police involvement, added to the speaker's distress and further highlighted the need for empathy and understanding in the aftermath of trauma.

    • Empathy and human connection in traumatic situationsAcknowledge emotional impact before logistical matters, validate experiences, and prioritize empathy and human connection in traumatic situations. Amplify Black voices and experiences in media.

      It's essential to prioritize empathy and human connection in difficult situations, especially when dealing with traumatic experiences. The speaker in this discussion shared an experience of feeling disregarded and questioned after reporting a sexual assault. She needed validation and understanding before delving into the investigative details. It's crucial to acknowledge and respect the emotional impact of traumatic experiences before moving forward with logistical matters. The importance of empathy and human connection was further emphasized by the speaker's mother and her friend, who provided support and validation during a challenging time. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of amplifying Black voices and experiences in media, as seen in NPR's Black Stories, Black Truths podcast.

    • Lack of empathy and accountability in relationshipsWhen someone shares feelings of harm or discomfort, it's important to listen with empathy and take accountability for our actions. Setting boundaries and seeking out healthier relationships is crucial when we're not met with the support and understanding we need.

      Empathy and accountability are crucial in relationships. The speaker shared an experience of feeling unsafe and unsupported after a traumatic event, but her attempts to communicate her feelings were met with deflection and dismissal. The lack of empathy and accountability from those around her left her feeling isolated and unloved. It's important to recognize that when someone shares how they've been harmed or made uncomfortable, it's not the time for the other person to share their own feelings or deflect the conversation. Instead, accountability and a willingness to understand and make amends are essential for moving forward and building healthy relationships. The speaker's experience also highlights the importance of setting boundaries and expecting more from ourselves and others. When we're not met with the support and understanding we need, it's essential to prioritize our own well-being and seek out healthier relationships.

    • The importance of empathy and support during traumatic experiencesEmpathy and support are crucial in dealing with traumatic experiences. Recognize the impact of words and actions, and be there for others with genuine care and concern.

      Empathy and support are crucial in dealing with traumatic experiences. The speaker shares her disappointment and hurt when her family member failed to provide comfort and understanding after she was sexually assaulted. The lack of empathy and the focus on self-centeredness left the speaker feeling alone and isolated. It's important to recognize the impact of our words and actions on others, especially during difficult times. We can all learn to be more empathetic and supportive, regardless of whether we have experienced similar traumas ourselves. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having people in our lives who will show up for us and provide genuine care and concern. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone's experiences and responses to trauma are unique, and it's essential to approach each situation with sensitivity and compassion.

    • Open communication and being heard in relationshipsEffective communication, emotional and physical well-being, seeking help, centering black voices and experiences are crucial in relationships and life.

      The importance of open communication and being heard in relationships cannot be overstated. In the story shared, a couple's inability to have a personal conversation led to a traumatic event and a deeper rift between them. The incident also highlighted the significance of taking care of one's emotional and physical well-being and seeking help when needed. The story also underscores the importance of centering black voices and experiences in media and everyday life. The NPR podcast, "Black Stories, Black Truths," offers a platform for these voices and experiences to be heard and celebrated.

    • The importance of empathy and compassion in responding to emotional painEmpathy and compassion are essential for healing emotional pain, but not everyone may understand or respond in a supportive way. Self-care practices can aid in healing, but access to these resources is not always feasible for everyone.

      Expressing and acknowledging emotional pain is crucial for healing, but not everyone may fully understand or respond in a supportive way. The speaker shares her experience of feeling disconnected after a traumatic event and the lack of empathy and understanding from some of those she reached out to. She emphasizes the importance of the first response being one of empathy and compassion, but also recognizes the difficulty of consistently providing emotional support. The speaker ultimately found healing through self-care practices like therapy, Reiki, and mindfulness, but acknowledges that this level of support and self-care is not always accessible or feasible for everyone. It's a reminder of the importance of being present and compassionate towards others' emotional experiences and the need for a cultural shift towards prioritizing emotional well-being.

    • The importance of being seen, loved, and heard in healing from traumaHealing from trauma involves community support and validation. Amplifying Black voices and experiences through storytelling is crucial in ensuring everyone is seen and heard.

      Healing from trauma requires support from loved ones and the community. The speaker's experience of dealing with a traumatic event involved a daily regimen of sauna, cold shower, and headstand, but the lack of meaningful conversation with his partner about the experience left him feeling unheard. It was his mother and his mother's friend who ultimately provided the support and validation he needed to move forward. The importance of being seen, loved, and heard cannot be overstated in the healing process. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the significance of amplifying Black voices and experiences, as represented in NPR's "Black Stories, Black Truths" collection. Through sharing stories, we can uplift and empower one another, ensuring that we are all seen and heard in the narrative of our shared human experience.

    • The importance of self-reliance and support from othersPrioritize self-reliance and growth, but also recognize the importance of compassion and support from others in tough situations.

      When facing difficult situations, it's crucial to understand that self-reliance is essential, but so is the support of others. The speaker emphasizes that we must save ourselves when we can, but there's also a need for compassion and understanding from those around us. Past hurts may linger, but seeking forgiveness and extending compassion can help heal old wounds. The speaker encourages asking for help and support when needed, and emphasizes the importance of intentional friendships and being held during tough times. Viator, a travel planning app, can help create unforgettable experiences for travelers, providing a tool to plan and book tours, activities, and excursions with confidence. The takeaway is to prioritize self-reliance and growth, while also recognizing the importance of compassion and support from others.

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    Different Not Less with Chloe Hayden, Award-Winning Actor, Disability Advocate, Author - EP.193

    Different Not Less with Chloe Hayden, Award-Winning Actor, Disability Advocate, Author - EP.193

    Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz - #SPAITGIRL Podcast

    EP.193 - Different Not Less with Chloe Hayden, Award-Winning Actor, Disability Advocate, Motivational Speaker, Social Media Influencer, Author

    Chloe Hayden is an award-winning actor and disability advocate, motivational speaker and social media influencer whose story of being 'different, not less' has attracted a worldwide following.

    She stars as one of the worlds first autistic characters, Quinni in Heartbreak High, the Netflix remake of the iconic Australian Series.

    Chloe Hayden moved between 10 schools in 8 years, struggling to become a person she believed society would accept, and was eventually diagnosed with autism (and ADHD) at the age of thirteen and feeling ostracised from society, Chloe started an anonymous blog to share her feelings to find a community, and ended up building something bigger than she ever dreamed.

    Now, Chloe is a power house in advocacy and a worldwide know name, with platforms of half a million followers and nearly half a billion views.

    Chloe is fighting for a better future for those who's voices have been silence for too long.

    Different Not Less is a story of how it feels to be neurodivergent as well as practical guide with advice for living with meltdowns and shutdowns and tips for finding supportive communities and much more.

    Whether you're neurodivergent or supporting those who are, Different, No Less will inspire you to create a more inclusive world where everyone feels like they belong.

    Yvette Le Blowitz Podcast Host talks with Chloe Hayden Author of  Different Not Less who shares valuable insights into what it's like living with Autism and ADHD, Sensory Overloads, Meltdowns, Shutdowns and Burnout.

    In Podcast Episode - EP.193 

    Chloe Hayden shares:

    - a little bit about herself

    - insights into her book Different Not Less

    - how to cope with Sensory Overload

    - tips on how to support a Autistic person when Shutdowns, Meltdowns happen

    - tips on preventing burnout

    - mental illness, eating disorders, suicide, sexual abuse {some people may find this triggering, please seek support and contact Lifeline Australia on 13 11 44 or in a crisis contact your nearest hospital or emergency services)

    - how to find your tribe

    - mental health tips if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Autism and ADHD

    - his own self-care rituals

    Plus we talk about so much more

    TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide, Eating Disorders, Sexual Abuse is discussed in this podcast episode some people may find this triggering, if this causes any distress please contact Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 or in a crisis please contact your nearest hospital or emergency services


    Get Ready to TUNE IN 

    Episode 193 - #spaitgirl Podcast with Yvette Le Blowitz 

    available on Apple, Spotify, Google, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Audible, iTunes, Libysn, Audiobookstore.com - all podcast apps

    search for #spaitgirl on any podcast app or on google


    Available to watch on Youtube Channel - Spa it Girl or Yvette Le Blowitz

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    Podcast Guest

    Chloe Hayden

    Author of Different Not Less

    Instagram @chloeshayden

    Website www.chloehayden.com.au


    Podcast Host 

    Yvette Le Blowitz 

    Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

    Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com

    Website www.feelgoodfromwithin.com

    Youtube Channel: Yvette Le Blowitz 

    TikTok: @yvetteleblowitz

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    Email: info@feelgoodfromwithin.com



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    Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz - #SPAITGIRL Podcast 

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    Please note - The information in this podcast is a general conversation between the podcast host and podcast guest and is not intended to replace professional medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment or advice from a mental health professional or qualified medical doctor or specialist.  Use of any of the material in this podcast show is always at the listeners discretion.  

    The podcast host and guest accept no liability arising directly or indirectly from use or misuse of any of the information contained in this podcast show and podcast episode conversation, or any trauma triggered or health concerns associated with it. If you are experiencing depression, mental illness, trauma or have any health concerns please seek medical professional help immediately.