
    Side Effects of Labor Unions Pt 2. (with Chris Smalls)

    enMay 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Chris Smalls' Fight for Workers' RightsAfter facing adversity and loss, Chris Smalls founded a labor union to advocate for essential workers' rights and persevered despite racial biases and financial opposition.

      When faced with adversity and loss, Chris Smalls chose to fight back and make a difference. After being let go by Amazon during the pandemic and losing everything, he founded the Congress of Essential Workers and traveled across the country advocating for workers' rights. It wasn't until he saw the racial demographics and the large sums of money spent to stop a union campaign in Alabama that he decided to pursue forming a labor union. Through his experiences, Smalls shows us the power of perseverance and standing up for what is right, even when it seems like all hope is lost. For more small doses of inspiring stories and insights, join the Seal Squad on Patreon for bonus episodes.

    • Amazon's Anti-Union Tactics in BessemerAmazon used fear and misinformation to discourage unionization, causing division and uncertainty. Advocating for workers' rights and unity is crucial.

      During Amazon's anti-union campaign in Bessemer, Alabama, the company used fear and doubt to discourage workers from joining the union. They spread misinformation, such as claiming the union would take their money and make union leaders wealthy, to create division and uncertainty. The community, already struggling due to neglect, was further decimated by these tactics. The Congress of the People, a group of Amazon workers looking to support the union effort, faced resistance from some established unions and their politics. Despite these challenges, it's essential to continue advocating for workers' rights and standing together to create positive change.

    • Disappointment and Perseverance in Union OrganizingUnion organizing can be challenging, with politicians and unions sometimes failing to deliver on promises. Perseverance and taking action are key to achieving change.

      The speaker, a union organizer, has encountered disappointing experiences with politicians and unions, and has learned the importance of perseverance and taking action when promises are not kept. The speaker had gone to Bessemer, Alabama to support a union effort, but was met with resistance and disappointment. Despite this, the speaker recognized the need for change and decided to take matters into their own hands, leading to the formation of a union. The speaker also criticized the Democratic Party for making empty promises and not delivering on their promises to support labor unions. The speaker's experience highlights the challenges of organizing unions and the importance of staying committed to the cause, even in the face of adversity.

    • Amazon's Unique Business Model Hinders Traditional Union OrganizingAmazon's high turnover rate makes traditional union organizing methods ineffective, requiring innovative approaches like building personal relationships at bus stops.

      Chris Smalls, the organizer of the failed Amazon union campaign in Bessemer, Alabama, believes that traditional union organizing methods would not have been effective in his situation due to Amazon's unique business model. Smalls shared his experience of organizing a campaign in 2018, where the Teamsters attempted to unionize his building but were unsuccessful. He spent over 300 days at a bus stop across from the warehouse, building relationships and earning trust from workers, which is not a common approach taken by traditional unions. Traditional unions often hire "union salts," workers who are paid by the union to organize, but this method is not effective at Amazon due to the high turnover rate. Smalls' innovative approach, which involved spending extensive time at a bus stop and building personal relationships, sets him apart from traditional union organizers.

    • The importance of workplace connectionsStrong workplace relationships can provide motivation and support, even during difficult commutes and challenging circumstances.

      The long commute and challenging circumstances of the speaker's life didn't deter him from working long hours at Amazon due to the strong connections he formed with his colleagues. Despite the hardships, he found enjoyment in the job and the people, forming deep relationships that extended beyond the workplace. These bonds were so strong that he felt a sense of responsibility towards his team and felt the consequences of his absence would be severe. The speaker's story highlights the importance of human connections in the workplace and how they can provide motivation and support in challenging circumstances.

    • The Importance of Labor Unions in Protecting Workers' RightsLabor unions are crucial in advocating for workers' rights, especially in countries where they're integrated into the government. They've historically addressed labor exploitation and continue to fight for inclusion and representation in corporate structures.

      The lack of representation and systemic racism in corporations, like Amazon, can create a sense of exclusion and mystery around labor unions. The speaker, who has personal experience with labor unions and racism in the workplace, emphasizes the importance of unions in protecting laborers and their rights, especially in countries where they are integrated into the government. The speaker also highlights the historical context of labor exploitation in the United States and the need for more significant representation and inclusion of laborers in corporate structures. The discussion also touches upon the speaker's personal experiences of being in the labor union since childhood and the lack of choice and representation for workers in the US. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of labor unions in advocating for workers' rights and addressing systemic issues in the workplace.

    • Emphasizing the need for stronger union role in governmentUnions need more independence, political power, and member consent to effectively advocate for workers' rights and bring about change.

      The speaker is emphasizing the importance of unions having a stronger role in government to effectively advocate for workers' rights and bring about change. They criticize the current situation in the United States where union density is low, and unions lack the political power to influence decisions in real-time. The speaker also calls out unions for endorsing politicians without the permission of their members, which undermines their power. They believe that unions should be more independent and more actively educating the public about the importance of union membership and organizing. Overall, the speaker is advocating for a more robust and effective union system that can better represent and protect workers' interests.

    • Amazon Labor Union's Financial StrugglesDespite making progress, the Amazon Labor Union is currently struggling financially and relies on community support, merchandise sales, and donations to survive.

      The Amazon Labor Union, though making progress in the resurgence of labor in the US, is currently struggling financially and surviving through community support. The union, led by Chris Smalls, is independent and does not charge union dues due to the low wages of its members. The union's mission is to represent Amazon workers, but they are not yet financially stable enough to expand into other industries. Smalls is currently helping other organizations, such as Tesla, Walmart, and Trader Joe's, but they are not yet at the point of formal involvement. The union's survival depends on donations and merchandise sales. Smalls emphasized the need for truth and transparency in the labor movement, as well as the need for stronger labor laws and easier unionization processes, like Canada's card check system, to make a more significant impact.

    • Businesses have a responsibility to ensure fair treatment for employeesBusinesses must prioritize employee well-being, implement policies for equality and safety, and hold accountable those who engage in discriminatory behavior.

      Businesses, no matter the industry, have a responsibility to ensure their employees are treated with respect and dignity. The stories of workers being mistreated, such as the Amazon worker who was attacked in Houston and the sister who died due to COVID-19 exposure at work, are unfortunately not isolated incidents. These stories deserve to be heard and addressed, and it's crucial for companies to prioritize the well-being of their employees beyond just PR concerns. Whether it's through implementing policies that promote equality and safety or holding accountable those who engage in discriminatory behavior, businesses have a role to play in creating a fair and just workplace for all. Additionally, platforms like social media can be powerful tools for workers to share their experiences and raise awareness about these issues. So let's continue to use these tools to amplify voices that may not otherwise be heard and push for change. And if you're looking to start or grow a business, consider using Shopify, the global commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business. Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at shopify.com/try.

    • Holding Corporations and Individuals AccountableThe need for accountability in tech companies, particularly Amazon, is crucial for workers. Personal experiences highlight issues of harassment, data theft, and monopolistic practices. Individuals like Jeff Bezos and Andy Jossy must be held accountable through prosecution, and unions can empower workers to create change.

      Accountability is necessary for both workers and corporations, particularly in the context of large tech companies like Amazon. The speaker shares personal experiences of working in Amazon warehouses and observing issues related to worker harassment, data theft, and monopolistic practices. He emphasizes the need for holding individuals like Jeff Bezos and Andy Jossy accountable, not just through congressional committees but through prosecution. He also encourages the formation of unions as a means for workers to gain power and create change from within the system. The speaker's passion and determination shine through as he shares his belief in the importance of standing up for workers' rights and holding corporations accountable for their actions.

    • Challenges in Union Formation and NegotiationUnion formation and negotiation can be costly and time-consuming, with companies able to delay through appeals, potentially leading to worker loss and significant legal fees. Fair labor laws and processes are crucial to effectively represent and negotiate for workers.

      Forming a union is a lengthy and costly process, even after winning the election. Companies can delay negotiations through appeals, potentially leading to the loss of workers and significant legal fees for the union. Despite historic wins for unions at Amazon and Starbucks, the current labor laws and processes in the US make it challenging for unions to effectively represent and negotiate for workers. The union leader in the discussion shared their personal experience of helping workers from around the world, but the financial burden of legal fees is a significant challenge. While companies like McDonald's may have a strong reputation in their industry, the union leader emphasizes the need for fair labor laws and processes to ensure workers' rights are protected.

    • A passionate leader in social justice shares his insights and experiencesListen to a passionate leader's inspiring words about bringing change and making a difference in people's lives. Learn about Kisqali's potential impact on health.

      Chris Mansi, a passionate leader in social justice movements, shares his insights and experiences during this podcast episode. His dedication and determination to bring change in people's lives are truly inspiring. Amidst his busy schedule, he took out time to engage in this conversation, and I believe his words will move, enlighten, and inspire many listeners. It's a reminder that change is possible, and each of us has the power to make a difference. Additionally, during the discussion, Chris mentioned Kisqali and ribociclib, and their potential impact on people's lives. For those interested, they can learn more about Kisqali at kisqali.com and consult their healthcare provider to determine if it's an appropriate treatment option for them. Overall, this podcast episode serves as a reminder of the power of determination, the importance of listening to our favorites, and the potential impact of treatments like Kisqali on people's lives.

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