
    REPLAY: Side Effects of Living Out Loud (with TS Madison)

    enMay 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Authenticity and Self-AcceptanceCelebrate others' boldness and self-acceptance, commit to being true to oneself, and embrace one's identity fearlessly.

      Living authentically and unapologetically is a powerful and beautiful thing. Amanda Seales emphasizes this in her podcast episode with TS Madison, where she celebrates Madison's boldness and self-acceptance. Seales encourages listeners to give space for others to live out loud and to commit to being true to themselves, no matter the criticism or judgment. Additionally, Seales promotes her upcoming comedy shows in various cities and encourages fans to support independent artists. She also mentions her Patreon and other podcast, The Amanda Seales Show. Overall, the message is to embrace one's identity and express it fearlessly.

    • Living authentically can be a burdenBe authentic, but surround yourself with genuine people and be aware of potential risks and liabilities. Avoid sensationalism, especially for marginalized communities.

      Living authentically and openly can be a burden, as people may be drawn to you for the wrong reasons or try to exploit your success. The speaker shares her experiences of being used by friends for club access and being sensationalized in the media due to her trans identity. She emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with genuine people and being aware of the potential risks and liabilities that come with fame. The speaker also encourages authenticity and avoiding sensationalism, especially for marginalized communities. Ultimately, living out loud and being true to oneself can be overwhelming, but it's essential to navigate these challenges with discernment and a strong support system.

    • The intersectionality of identities for trans women of colorTrans women of color face unique challenges and their experiences should be respected and validated. Creating a safe and inclusive space for all individuals is crucial.

      The intersectionality of identities, particularly for trans women of color, is an important issue that requires acknowledgement and understanding. A recent incident involving a cisgender man discovering his sexual partner was trans during an intimate moment sparked controversy and criticism. Some argued that the man had invalidated the woman's identity by bringing attention to her trans status. Others argued that the woman should have disclosed her trans status beforehand to avoid scrutiny. However, the conversation went beyond just this incident and highlighted the larger issue of violence and discrimination faced by trans women, particularly women of color. The discussion also touched upon the importance of creating a safe and inclusive space for all individuals to share their experiences, regardless of their identity. It's crucial to remember that trans individuals face unique challenges and that their experiences should be respected and validated. The conversation serves as a reminder that there is still work to be done to create a more trans-friendly world.

    • Respecting Trans Individuals' Privacy in RelationshipsTrans individuals have the right to decide when and how to disclose their identity in relationships. Authenticity and respect are key to building strong connections.

      Trans individuals have the right to decide when and how to disclose their identity, especially when it comes to dating and intimate relationships. While some may choose to disclose early on for safety reasons or to avoid potential rejection, others may prefer to wait until they feel a deeper connection. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one, and it's important for everyone to respect each other's privacy and autonomy. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the importance of authenticity and the potential risks of hiding parts of oneself in relationships. The speaker shared her experience of wishing she had known earlier about certain partners' true intentions. However, she also emphasized the importance of living openly and authentically as one gets older, especially for trans individuals who face discrimination and stigma. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of respect, authenticity, and individual agency in relationships, particularly for marginalized communities like the trans community. It's crucial to create safe and inclusive spaces where individuals can be themselves without fear of judgment or rejection.

    • Bridging Divides and Understanding Complex IssuesCommunication and trust are vital for bridging deep-rooted divisions. Focus on the fine print and consider the impact on marginalized communities. Speak your truth and foster holistic understanding. Be mindful of the impact of words, especially for public figures.

      The current political climate involves deep-rooted divisions and misunderstandings, particularly regarding issues affecting marginalized communities like the Black and transgender populations. Trust and communication are essential for bridging these divides. People may focus on the surface-level issues, but it's crucial to consider the fine print and how it affects everyone involved. Individuals like the speaker, who are unafraid to speak their truth, are needed to bring attention to these complex issues and foster holistic understanding. The internet has given a platform for direct communication, but it's essential to remember that our words have a significant impact on others. In the case of public figures like Caitlyn Jenner, the speaker believes she may have been put in place to undermine the work of marginalized communities, and it's essential to critically evaluate the intentions and implications of their actions.

    • Expressing emotions through anger is a form of caring and loveAmanda Seales emphasized the importance of authentic connections, deprogramming negative mindsets, and being true to oneself, while criticizing limiting opportunities in the entertainment industry and the notion of not deserving reparations.

      Expressing emotions, especially anger, is a form of caring and love, even if it doesn't feel that way at first. Amanda Seales discussed how she uses her phone as an outlet to express her feelings, and how anger can sometimes stem from fear. She also highlighted the importance of deprogramming negative mindsets and working to authentically connect with audiences, rather than giving them what's easy and boring. Seales also criticized the notion that certain individuals don't deserve reparations and instead want privilege, and called out the entertainment industry for limiting opportunities for those who don't fit into preconceived boxes. Overall, Seales emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and putting in the effort to create authentic connections.

    • Erasing parts of African American historyFailing to acknowledge and amplify all voices within the African American community perpetuates cognitive dissonance and marginalization. Inclusive and nuanced understanding of Black history is essential.

      Excluding certain aspects of African American history, such as the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community, from educational curriculums is a form of cognitive dissonance that undermines the full representation and understanding of the African American experience in America. This erasure of history and experiences can be seen as an attempt to silence and marginalize already marginalized communities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and amplifying all voices within the African American community, as they all contribute to the rich and diverse tapestry of Black history and culture. The speaker also highlights the importance of standing up for these communities and speaking out against attempts to silence or erase their histories and experiences. The speaker encourages a more inclusive and nuanced understanding of Black history and the role of various communities within it.

    • Recognizing and Valuing Unique PerspectivesAmplify and celebrate unique voices, acknowledge contributions, and combat stereotypes and appropriation.

      Representation and authenticity matter, especially in media and online spaces. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of uplifting marginalized communities and acknowledging the contributions of individuals, rather than reducing them to stereotypes or cliches. She also highlights the challenges of living out loud and dealing with plagiarism and appropriation, but encourages turning these experiences into opportunities for education and inspiration. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the power of individual voices and the impact they can have on culture and society. It's essential to recognize and value the unique perspectives and experiences of others, and to use platforms and spaces to amplify and celebrate them.

    • The struggle for equal representation continuesRepresentation matters, but the lack of support from unexpected sources can hinder progress, especially within marginalized communities

      Representation matters, but the struggle for equal representation is far from over. The first person to break a barrier may feel proud, but they often ask themselves "why?" because the next person should have had it easier. However, when support doesn't come from expected sources, it can create a cycle that makes progress difficult. This is particularly true within marginalized communities, where the lack of support from within can be especially hurtful. The importance of representation and the need for continuous progress cannot be overstated.

    • Feeling excluded and discriminated against within a communityDespite being part of a community, individuals can still experience pain and frustration from being overlooked and excluded based on their identity.

      The discussion highlights the deep pain and frustration experienced by the speaker when she felt excluded and discriminated against within her own community. She expresses her hurt over being overlooked for an interview opportunity based on her race and sexuality, and the added sting of being rejected by someone she considered to be part of her own group. The speaker's response was to seek support and validation from other parts of the black media, and to express her anger and disappointment publicly. The conversation underscores the complexities of identity and the importance of being seen and recognized in all aspects of one's being.

    • Embrace self-expression and authenticityStay true to oneself, overcome narcissistic relationships, practice resilience, reflect, live life fully, and accept oneself despite societal pressures or diagnoses.

      Self-expression and living authentically, regardless of societal pressures or past experiences, is a powerful form of empowerment. The speaker in this conversation emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and not letting others diminish one's presence or achievements. She also highlights the challenges of dealing with narcissistic relationships and the impact they can have on self-love and confidence. Despite these challenges, she encourages resilience and self-reflection, emphasizing that everyone's journey to self-love is unique and valid. Additionally, she encourages living life to the fullest and not being held back by diagnoses or societal expectations. Ultimately, the message is one of empowerment, self-acceptance, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    • Desire for companionship and trust is naturalIt's natural to seek companionship and trust, but it's essential to distinguish between feeling good and forming genuine bonds, maintain self-protection, and navigate unhealthy relationships.

      Wanting companionship and trust from others is not a weakness, despite what manipulative individuals, like narcissists, may exploit. It's natural to desire connection and protection, especially for those who live openly and publicly. However, it's crucial to be aware of the difference between feeling good and forming genuine bonds. Trust is essential, but it's also important to maintain a healthy level of self-protection and not internalize negative feelings for extended periods. The journey to healing and growth may involve various approaches, including self-care, therapy, and personal growth. Ultimately, being vulnerable and living authentically can lead to rich experiences, but it also requires resilience and the ability to identify and navigate unhealthy relationships.

    • Understanding Trauma and Mental Health for a Happier LifeTrauma and mental health issues can hinder joy in life experiences. Seeking therapy can help process traumas and live more authentically. Overcome fear and make time for therapy to improve self-understanding and live a more joyful life.

      Traumas and mental health issues can prevent individuals from fully enjoying life experiences, and seeking therapy can help individuals understand themselves better and live more joyfully. The speaker shares her own experiences of trauma and meeting celebrities, expressing how she felt uncomfortable and unable to fully enjoy the moments due to her past traumas. She emphasizes that therapy can help individuals face and process these traumas, allowing them to live more freely and authentically. However, the fear of sharing personal information and the belief that one doesn't have time are common reasons why people avoid therapy. The speaker encourages seeking therapy as a way to better understand oneself and live a more joyful life. It's important to remember that life is about more than just diagnoses and challenges, and taking care of mental health is essential for living a fulfilling life.

    • Understanding past emotional experiences for personal growthRecognizing and addressing past emotional issues can lead to healthier relationships and personal growth. Seek therapy for insight and better coping mechanisms.

      Understanding and addressing past emotional experiences can lead to significant personal growth. The speaker discussed how her abandonment issues from her past influenced her behavior in relationships, leading her to become a people pleaser and form unhealthy attachments. She emphasized the importance of recognizing these patterns and seeking therapy to gain insight and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Additionally, she highlighted the McDonald's app offering $0 delivery fee with a $15 purchase as a convenient solution for those looking to avoid the hassle of washing dishes. However, the discussion primarily focused on the importance of self-awareness and personal growth.

    • Understanding and addressing narcissistic tendenciesRecognizing and addressing our narcissistic tendencies can help prevent unhealthy patterns in relationships and enable personal growth.

      We all have narcissistic tendencies, but recognizing and acknowledging them is key to preventing unhealthy patterns in relationships. The speaker in this conversation learned that she was putting too much focus on another person's role in her success and was triggered by abandonment issues when that person left. Through therapy, she was able to identify her abandonment issue and learn to take responsibility for her own growth and success. It's important to understand the difference between having narcissistic tendencies and being a full-blown narcissist – the former means recognizing and addressing our behaviors, while the latter means being unable to admit to our problems. By recognizing and addressing our own tendencies, we can avoid becoming a "supply" in unhealthy relationships and instead focus on thriving in our personal and professional lives.

    • Survival vs Thriving: A Distinction in PerspectiveSelf-awareness, values, and choices are crucial for thriving, not just surviving. Survival and thriving are not mutually exclusive, but distinct concepts.

      While survival and thriving are related, they are distinct concepts. Survival implies doing whatever it takes to get by, often in difficult circumstances. Thriving, on the other hand, implies having choices and living a fulfilling life. In the context of the discussion, TS Madison expresses that she is not in a position to "survive" in the way some people might expect, given her reality TV persona. She prefers to "thrive" and make choices that align with her values. This distinction is important because it highlights the importance of agency and autonomy in one's life. It also underscores the idea that survival and thriving are not mutually exclusive, but rather different stages or aspects of the human experience. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of self-awareness, values, and making choices that align with who we are and what we want in life.

    • Embracing Black Identity and Letting Go of EgoTo amplify Black voices and make a positive impact, embrace your Black identity, let go of ego, and uplift others.

      Maintaining one's voice and finding one's tribe in a world that seeks to diminish Black people requires standing firmly in one's Black identity and letting go of ego. The speaker shares her experiences of having to navigate difficult situations and let go of her ego to understand the bigger picture. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing that one's voice is amplified and using it to uplift others rather than causing harm. Letting go of pieces of oneself that are not essential can lead to growth and understanding, ultimately making the world a better place for all.

    • Understanding from different perspectivesRecognize and respect diverse perspectives, challenge negative beliefs, and engage in open dialogue to foster understanding and respect for all individuals.

      Perspectives can change and people can understand things from different angles without it being a switch in beliefs or values. The speaker emphasizes that everyone has the ability to gain new insights and understanding, and it's important to recognize and respect that. Additionally, the conversation touched on the idea that some individuals may hold onto negative perceptions or stereotypes about others, which can lead to misunderstandings and misconceptions. It's crucial to challenge these beliefs and engage in open and honest dialogue to foster understanding and respect for all individuals. Furthermore, the speaker highlighted the importance of acknowledging and respecting the unique experiences and struggles of different groups, while also recognizing and celebrating the commonalities that unite us all.

    • Respecting Individual Identities and ExperiencesUnderstanding and respecting individual identities and experiences promotes inclusivity and reduces conflict. Self-awareness, validation, and acknowledgement are key. Gender complexities challenge labeling and religious interpretations. Focus on personal growth.

      Understanding and respecting individual identities and experiences is crucial for fostering inclusivity and reducing conflict. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, validation, and acknowledgement of one's own identity, while also respecting the identities and experiences of others. She also touches upon the complexities of gender and the limitations of using labels and interpretations from religious texts to define or limit people's identities and experiences. Ultimately, the speaker encourages embracing one's own identity and focusing on personal growth, rather than getting caught up in internal and external conflicts.

    • Acknowledging past wrongdoings and seeking authenticityRecognize past mistakes, introspect, and strive for personal growth to build trust and healthy relationships.

      The history of the country, as well as individual lives, can be built on questionable foundations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging past wrongdoings, such as theft and violence, before claiming a moral high ground. She also highlights the importance of introspection and personal growth, and the difference between living authentically and seeking attention or validation from others. The speaker's quiet moments reveal a desire for companionship, trust, and intimacy. She acknowledges the challenges of trusting new people and the importance of addressing past hurts and current clutter to make room for healthy relationships. The speaker has been cursed and recognizes the need for self-improvement. The difference between living out loud and wanting to be seen is that the former is a natural expression of one's authentic self, while the latter involves deliberate efforts to seek attention and validation.

    • The Impact of EncouragementEncouraging others and taking action can significantly impact their lives, helping them pursue their passions and reach their goals.

      Supporting and encouraging others to pursue their passions and dreams can make a significant impact on their lives. The speaker in this conversation shared a story about a friend who recognized her talent and encouraged her to pursue stand-up comedy. This friend went beyond just giving words of encouragement; she made calls and connected the speaker with people to help her get started. The speaker emphasized the importance of not just talking about helping but actually taking action. Additionally, the speaker discussed the importance of having people who have your back, especially in the face of adversity. She acknowledged that the world can be difficult and challenging, but having supportive people can help us navigate those challenges and reach our goals. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of encouragement and action in helping others and in our own lives.

    • Being true to oneself and expressing authenticityEmbrace self-love, encouragement, and authenticity. Seek supportive relationships and enjoy favorite things for a fulfilling life. Prioritize financial planning for long-term happiness.

      Living out loud means being true to oneself and standing up for oneself, as expressed by the speakers in this conversation. They emphasized the importance of self-love and encouragement, and the value of authenticity and self-expression. The speakers also highlighted the significance of having supportive relationships and being allowed to be oneself. Additionally, they discussed the enjoyment of favorite things, such as food and music, and the importance of seeking out what brings joy and fulfillment. Lastly, they mentioned the importance of financial planning and wealth management for living life to the fullest.

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    Some topics covered in this audio session are:

    • The importance of spending time with the Holy Spirit and seeking revelation
        - Man will always let us down, but the Holy Spirit can reveal secret things and give us wisdom
        - Seeking revelation is our lifeline with the Holy Spirit and helps us discern God's will
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      - The importance of finding a qualified counselor and being cautious of seeking counsel from unqualified people
        - Bottling up emotions is like shaking a soda bottle, and everything can explode when released
      - The need for vulnerability and self-examination for healing and growth
        - The surgical process of surrendering to the Holy Spirit and embracing healthy mindsets
        - People have to want to change and do the work themselves
      - The speaker's belief in the simplicity of revelation and God's word
        - Breaking generational curses and sticking to biblical principles
        - God shows us the secret things and provides answers when we trust Him
      - The importance of self-love and being mindful of one's heart space for spiritual growth
        - Checking if tasks are from the Holy Spirit or personal desires
        - Projecting positive spiritual energy can attract others
      - The speaker's connection to Israel and being called to bridge the gap between Jews and Christians
        - The need to pray for Israel and understand biblical prophecies
        - Identity in Christ and obedience to His calling are more important than material possessions or good works
      - The value of authenticity, collaboration, trust, and unity in the body of Christ
      - The importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and seeking true change through the Holy Spirit
        - Forgiveness and repentance bring freedom; vulnerability and trust in God break the enemy's hold

    Watch the show, Destiny X TV, find Salt and Light Magazine, and get your copy of Destiny's book, Visions, Dreams, and Destiny, at her website, http://www.destinyx.tv/. Experience the documentary film, Bridging the Gap in the Holy Land on YouTube and via the media outlets supporting Destiny X TV and Pearls of Promise TV.

    To book Tina as a speaker, connect with her life coaching services, and more, visit her website: https://tinayeager.com/

    Get inspired now and get Tina Yeager's newest release, Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose! The book is available on Amazon, Bold Vision Books, or wherever books are sold. Visit Tina's website for craft videos and more at https://www.tinayeager.com/upcycled/

    Follow Tina on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Tina-Yeager-M.A./e/B06Y4T4TMG/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0

    Upcycled: Crafted for a Purpose (Bold Vision site)

    Beautiful Warrior: Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You (publisher site): https://www.newhopepublishers.com/shop/beautiful-warrior/

    If you're a writer, subscribe to Inkspirations Online (devotional publication by writers for writers): https://www.inkspirationsonline.com/

    Manage stress and anxiety in 10 minutes a day with the course presented by 15 experts, Subdue Stress and Anxiety https://divineencouragement.onlinecoursehost.com/courses

    Connect with Tina at:

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    Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tinayeager/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tina.yeager.9/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TinaYeager

    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tyeagerwrites/

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3865622.Tina_Yeager