
    Don't Worry, You're Not Lost... You Just Haven't Started Yet

    enJanuary 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Appreciate the value of time as a young personYouth provides a unique advantage of time to explore passions and experiment with different opportunities before settling into a career.

      Youth comes with a valuable asset: time. According to Gary Vee, this is an advantage that many young people don't fully utilize. Instead, they feel pressured to prove themselves or find success early on. However, the speaker emphasizes that it's important to remember that experience comes with age, but time is a luxury that youth possesses. He encourages trying out different things and taking the time to figure out what one might be passionate about. Many people view their post-university years as a daunting and uncertain time, but in reality, they're only a small fraction of their total life span. It's essential to keep things in perspective and remember that everyone's journey is unique. The speaker's own experience includes working in retail jobs in his late twenties before finding success. Ultimately, the message is to appreciate the time and opportunities that come with being young and not get too caught up in societal expectations or comparisons.

    • Don't worry about having it all figured out by a certain ageAppreciate the present, embrace opportunities, and remember it's okay to make mistakes as you figure out your path in life.

      No matter what age or stage of life you're at, whether it's your 20s, 30s, or beyond, it's important to remember that life is long and you have plenty of time to figure things out. Anxiety about not having it all figured out by a certain age is unrealistic and most people, including your parents, haven't had it all figured out at that age either. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, be grateful for what you do have and enjoy the present moment. The current world offers unique opportunities for millennials, such as NFTs, social media, entrepreneurship, and creativity, which can lead to great experiences and potential careers. Even if you make mistakes in the next few years, you're still young enough to make adjustments and try new things. So take a breath, be grateful, and embrace the opportunities that come your way.

    • Don't give up on your dreamsIt's never too late to pursue your goals, regardless of age or societal expectations. Keep pushing forward and focus on what truly matters to you.

      No matter what age you are, it's important to have ambition and conviction, but also patience and humility. The speaker encourages individuals to focus on their own goals and not worry too much about what others think. He emphasizes that people often lack perspective, especially when it comes to their age and the amount of time they have left to achieve their dreams. He encourages those who feel they have missed their chance to keep going, as it's never too late to start or continue working towards their goals. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of breaking free from conditioning and societal expectations, and reminding ourselves that we have many years left to live and make a difference. So, don't give up, keep pushing forward, and focus on what you truly want.

    • Age is just a number in entrepreneurshipRegardless of age, everyone has the potential to start a business and contribute to the world

      Age should not be a barrier to entrepreneurship. There are many individuals with entrepreneurial potential who may have been born in an era where starting a business seemed less practical, but times have changed. The market accepts victories regardless of age, gender, or background. It's important for older generations not to make excuses and feel left out of the entrepreneurial scene. With advancements in technology and longer life expectancy, there are ample opportunities for individuals to create something they love and be successful, regardless of their age. The speaker encourages everyone, especially those who may have felt excluded in the past, to educate themselves on the new world, start putting in the work, and represent their experience and knowledge in the entrepreneurial landscape. Age is just a number, and entrepreneurship is not about taking away from one's family, but rather about creating opportunities for oneself and contributing to the world.

    • Older Entrepreneurs Have an AdvantageIndividuals over 40 have valuable experience and practicality, making them strong business contenders. Don't let age deter you from starting a business.

      Age should not be a barrier to entrepreneurship. The speaker argues that individuals over 40 have an advantage due to their experience and practicality. However, many young entrepreneurs have a naive confidence and may miss out on opportunities by refusing to adapt to new platforms. The speaker encourages older individuals to seize the opportunity to start a business, citing successful entrepreneurs who started later in life. Instead of wasting time on leisure activities, they should use their free time and resources to build a company. The speaker is passionate about inspiring a new wave of older entrepreneurs and believes that with dedication and hard work, anyone can succeed, regardless of age.

    • It's never too late for boomers to start a businessBoomers should seize opportunities, learn new skills, and take action to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, as regret from missing out can be strong in old age

      For those in their late forties, fifties, and sixties, it's not too late to pursue entrepreneurial ventures. The speaker encourages this demographic to seize opportunities, learn new skills, and take action. Regret is a powerful emotion, and missing out on the potential entrepreneurial upside during this era can lead to deep regret in old age. Whether it's starting a business based on a hobby or passion, or learning a new craft, the time to act is now. Don't let the fear of the unknown or the belief that it's too late hold you back. Embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and go after your dreams, no matter your age.

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    Now Angela runs a group of holistic facial spas in New York City's West Village and Upper West Side, and in upstate New York. She continues to develop luxe organic products in the Beauty Kitchen with her team of Savor Spa Estheticians. Her Dollars & Scents initiative hires moms who need flexible work hours for their children. They make and ship the beauty creams fresh from the Hudson Valley in New York.

    Angela Jia Kim is a former concert pianist, wife to a Swiss man who loves to brew craft beer in his spare time, and mom to a second grader CEO and a yellow lab named Ella Fitzgerald. They live in New York City's Upper West Side.

    What you’ll hear in this episode 

    • How Angela became involved in and an active member of the Savor community
    • Why the spiritual element of the Savor community was helpful for Angela
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    • The importance of community and the role it plays in the work/life balance
    • Knowing that it’s ok to ask for help and using that as a source of strength
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    If you would like to learn more about nanotechnology, go to nano.gov or email us at info@nnco.nano.gov.


    Closed captioning is provided on our YouTube channel. For this episode, go to: https://youtu.be/_ka2dg5DVHw




    Special thanks to:  

    Rui Jing Jiang

    Avisi Technologies



    Teamwork by Scott Holmes  




    Produced by:  

    Andrew Pomeroy  


    Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office or United States Government. Additionally, mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by any of the aforementioned parties. Any mention of commercial products, processes, or services cannot be construed as an endorsement or recommendation.

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