
    Podcast Summary

    • Donald Trump's Third Presidential Bid: Culture Wars and Attacks on RivalsDespite investigations and being a twice impeached loser, Trump continues to tap into boomer anxiety and cable news fears to appeal to his base, while Democrats focus on police reform following Tyre Nichols' murder.

      Donald Trump has officially announced his third presidential bid, and his campaign speeches have largely consisted of his greatest hits, including culture war issues and attacks on potential rivals. Trump's events in New Hampshire and South Carolina were aimed at signaling to Republicans, with local officials in attendance, to either hold off on making endorsements or to jump in and support him. Despite facing multiple investigations and being a twice impeached loser, Trump has shown no signs of slowing down and continues to tap into boomer anxiety and cable news fears to appeal to his base. The Democratic Party, meanwhile, is reviving calls for police reform following the murder of Tyre Nichols. The latest developments in Ukraine were discussed with State Department counselor Derek Shelley.

    • Trump's speeches focus on negotiation skills and past accomplishmentsTrump pitches himself as a deal-maker and experienced leader, emphasizing past successes to regain presidency

      During his recent speeches in New Hampshire and South Carolina, Donald Trump focused on his negotiation skills and past policy accomplishments as part of his argument for reinstatement as President. He presented himself as a deal-maker who could get things done, despite criticism and opposition. Trump also seemed to be targeting establishment support this time around, despite his earlier image as an outsider. The speeches were not large rallies but rather smaller, more intimate events. Some critics saw Trump's stories and anecdotes as exaggerated or even fabricated. Overall, Trump's message appeared to be a nostalgic call to return to the days of his presidency, emphasizing strength and experience.

    • Trump Proposes Cutting Funding for Schools Teaching Critical Race Theory and Gender IdeologyTrump aligns with DeSantis' stance, criticizes Democrats as Marxist, racist, and perverted, attacks DeSantis' pandemic response, and appeals to anti-immigration sentiments in his education policy plan, potentially fueling bigoted rhetoric within the Republican Party.

      During a recent speech, former President Donald Trump proposed cutting federal funding for schools teaching critical race theory or gender ideology as part of his education policy plan. This aligns with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' stance on these issues, leading some to view Trump's policies as a response to DeSantis' leadership. The speech contained several message-tested lines, including anti-immigration rhetoric and criticisms of the Democratic Party as Marxist, racist, and perverted. The competition between Trump and DeSantis to appeal to the most extreme parts of the Republican Party could result in increasingly bigoted rhetoric. Additionally, Trump criticized DeSantis for his handling of the pandemic response, accusing him of flip-flopping on vaccine promotion. Vaccine skepticism is growing within the Republican base and among elite opinion makers, which could impact the 2024 primary.

    • Trump's Criticism of DeSantis: Establishment vs. OutsiderTrump criticizes DeSantis for potential primary challenge, while taking a more conciliatory stance towards other opponents. Trump's narcissism and outsider image drive his disparate treatment.

      The ongoing speculation about a potential primary challenge to former President Donald Trump within the Republican Party revolves around perceived differences in establishment support and outsider status. Trump has criticized Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for potentially entering the race, labeling him disloyal, while taking a more conciliatory stance towards other potential challengers like Nikki Haley and Mike Pence. This dynamic is reminiscent of the 2008 Democratic primary between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, with DeSantis currently holding a significant lead over Trump in polling. Trump's narcissism and the desire to maintain his outsider image are believed to be driving factors behind his disparate treatment of potential opponents.

    • 2024 Presidential Race: A Rematch of Establishment vs. Outsider?The 2024 presidential race could resemble the 2008 contest between Clinton and Obama, but DeSantis' governorship and fundraising abilities give him an edge over Trump's outsider status. Republican primaries' winner-take-some system could keep non-college educated voters with Trump.

      The 2024 presidential race could shape up to be a rematch between an establishment front runner and an outsider candidate, much like the 2008 race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. However, there are significant differences. DeSantis, as a sitting governor and a proven fundraiser, is in a stronger position than Obama was at this point. He is currently leading in some early polls and has the support of the Republican establishment. Trump, on the other hand, is using his outsider status to appeal to his base. The similarity lies in the fact that both candidates are taking on an establishment front runner. However, Trump's lack of experience was a major issue in 2008, but DeSantis has the advantage of being a successful governor. The key difference is the way the parties conduct their primaries. The Democratic primaries are winner-take-all, while the Republican primaries are winner-take-some. This means that a significant portion of the Republican electorate, particularly non-college educated whites, may not be familiar with DeSantis and could continue to support Trump.

    • Electability and Potential Third Party Run in GOP PrimaryTrump's potential third-party run and electability discussions in the GOP primary are dominating headlines, while the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act faces continued opposition over qualified immunity in Congress.

      The conversation around electability will likely become a significant factor in the upcoming Republican primary, with Donald Trump signaling his intent to run again and potentially as a third party candidate. Meanwhile, in other news, the tragic and infuriating murder of Tyre Nichols by Memphis police officers has sparked renewed calls for policing reform, with the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act expected to be reintroduced in Congress. However, negotiations around the bill's key sticking point, qualified immunity, stalled last year due to Republican opposition and the significant differences between the two parties' bills.

    • Political parties change, but police reform remains a focusThe George Floyd Justice and Policing Act is still a possibility for passage, with a focus on both police protection and reform, despite political shifts and evolving public opinion.

      Despite the change in political party control in the House, the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act is still a possibility for passage, as long as there is a bipartisan agreement in the Senate. However, the debate around police reform and defunding the police has shifted since the last attempt, with a focus on protecting citizens from both violent crime and violent police. The politics of the issue have evolved, with a majority of Americans expressing a desire for both police protection and reform. However, there are challenges, including potential obstacles from former President Trump and the need for a nuanced approach to the issue. The reintroduction of the bill and Biden's upcoming meetings with the Congressional Black Caucus and Tyree Nichols' parents indicate a continued focus on police reform at the federal level.

    • Elite police units and dangerous outcomesElite police units, with less oversight and militarized training, can lead to dehumanization and excessive use of force, resulting in fatalities. Reforms like body cameras and changes to qualified immunity aim to mitigate negative effects, but the creation of these units contributes to the complexity of the issue.

      The creation and operation of elite police units, often with less oversight and militarized training, can lead to dangerous and violent outcomes. These units, which are intended to address high crime areas, can instead dehumanize the people they are meant to protect and result in excessive use of force and even fatalities. The culture within these units, which can dehumanize both officers and civilians, is a deep-rooted issue that requires significant attention and reform. The push for police reforms, such as body cameras and changes to qualified immunity, are attempts to mitigate the negative effects of joining the police force and the potential for officers to dehumanize the people they serve. However, the creation of these units in the first place, based on the belief that more leeway and fewer oversight will effectively address violent crime, contributes to the complexity of this issue.

    • Moving Beyond Extreme Cases for Police ReformWhile some progress has been made at the state level, a more balanced approach is needed to keep the conversation on police reform going, focusing on daily issues of violence and abuse, and addressing root causes of crime and violence.

      While progress in police reform has been made at the state level, with over 300 policing bills passed in 45 states, there is still a long way to go. The debate around police reform has often been focused on extreme cases of police brutality, leading to a cycle of inattention to the daily issues of police violence and abuse. A more balanced approach is needed to keep the conversation going and prevent the need for conscience-shocking events to reignite the debate. On a national level, it may be unlikely that a Republican-led House will pass significant police reform legislation, but continuing to push for compromise and negotiation could lead to progress. Additionally, addressing the root causes of violence and crime, such as mental health crises and low-level traffic offenses, can lead to effective reforms. Ultimately, it's important to keep the conversation going and not let the focus on police reform fade between high-profile cases.

    • US Support for Ukraine: A Collective Effort to Defend Against Russian AggressionThe US and its allies have provided billions in military aid to Ukraine since the conflict began, with a focus on defending against Russian aggression. This includes training on sophisticated tanks and sending tanks from other allies.

      The United States and its allies have been providing significant support to Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict, with a focus on punishing and isolating Russia. This support has included billions of dollars in security assistance, from Stinger missiles and Javelin anti-tank missiles to howitzers, air defense, Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and now, heavy tanks. The US has provided Ukraine with about 5 times the equivalent of their defense budget from before the war, and over 50 countries are contributing in some way. The US is currently training Ukrainians on the sophisticated M1 Abrams tank and plans to send 31 of these tanks, along with up to 60 to 90 tanks from other allies. This support is part of a collective effort to help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression and is a significant investment in terms of the US's security interests. The conflict and Ukraine's needs have evolved, and the US and its allies have been trying to meet those needs as they arise. Despite the challenges, the US has been committed to supporting Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict.

    • International community aids Ukraine against RussiaThe international community supports Ukraine's independence and sovereignty, providing military aid to defend against Russia's invasion, while negotiations continue for a peaceful resolution.

      The international community, including the United States, is providing significant military aid to Ukraine as it faces an ongoing conflict with Russia. This aid includes tanks, HIMARS systems, and potential requests for F-16 fighter jets. The Ukrainian government's needs are evolving, and the ability of the international community to provide aid is also changing. The ultimate goal is to help Ukraine become an independent, sovereign, democratic country that can defend its territory and is free from corruption. The world's interest lies in ensuring Russia does not succeed in its invasion of Ukraine. Turkey's potential objections to Sweden and Finland joining NATO could delay the process, but the addition of these countries to the alliance would make NATO stronger. It's important to remember that Ukraine's conflict was not provoked by the West but by Russia's violation of international borders. The ongoing discussions and negotiations reflect the complexities of international diplomacy and the importance of finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

    • Russian President Putin unwilling to negotiate over UkraineDespite diplomatic efforts, Putin's conditions for Ukraine talks are non-starter for Zelensky. Tensions escalate between Israel and Iran, with US support for Israel's stance on Iran's nuclear program and problematic behaviors.

      Despite ongoing diplomatic efforts, there is currently no evidence that Russian President Putin is willing or able to engage in meaningful negotiations over Ukraine. Reports suggest that Putin's conditions for talks, such as recognition of Russian-occupied territories, are non-starters for Ukraine's President Zelensky. Meanwhile, tensions between Israel and Iran continue to escalate, with Israel reportedly striking Iranian military sites over the weekend. Secretary Blinken is currently in Israel for intensive talks on various issues, including Iran's nuclear program and its provision of drones to Russia. The US shares Israel's determination to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and to address Iran's other problematic behaviors. Regarding Israel's new government, the US is monitoring the situation closely and focusing on policies rather than personalities. The new coalition, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, is facing criticism from some quarters for its ultra-nationalist and controversial composition.

    • US-Israeli relations and expanding diplomatic tiesDespite shared values and diplomatic progress, challenges in Israel's region and complex relations with China make expanding US diplomatic ties difficult.

      The shared values and thriving democracies of the United States and Israel have brought them close over the last 75 years. The normalization of Israel's relations with some Arab neighbors, such as the UAE, Morocco, and Bahrain, has been a positive development, but the current crisis in Israel's backyard makes it challenging to expand these relationships and achieve ambitious goals. Regarding China, while there are concerns about potential conflict, the US and its diplomats are working to avoid war and find areas of cooperation, such as climate change. The relationship with China is complex and multifaceted, involving competition, cooperation, and conflict.

    • US-China diplomacy ongoing to prevent conflictsBoth the US and China are prioritizing diplomacy to prevent potential conflicts, despite differences, with ongoing conversations between leaders and efforts to resume dialogue after COVID-19 restrictions.

      Despite fundamental differences between the US and China, both countries recognize the importance of maintaining their relationship to prevent potential conflicts. Diplomacy, including conversations between leaders and meetings between officials, is ongoing to find common ground and prevent things from escalating. The US has faced challenges in engaging with Chinese officials due to COVID-19 restrictions, but efforts are being made to resume dialogue. Secretary Blinken is making his first trip to China as Secretary of State, marking a significant development in diplomatic efforts. The US and China have significant differences, but they are working to prevent these differences from leading to a larger conflict.

    • Debates and concerns over political decisions and their consequencesPolitical decisions continue to spark debates, with concerns raised over funding for Ukraine and refugees, proposed monuments, and potential impact on children through products and technology

      The loss of a right-wing cable news channel, Newsmax, was a concern for some, but the emergence of a new channel, The First, featuring Bill O'Reilly, alleviated those fears. Meanwhile, members of Congress have been making questionable decisions, attempting to allocate funds for various causes, including Ukraine and refugees at the border. A proposed monument for Ukrainian president Zelensky at the US Capitol was met with skepticism. The conversation then shifted to the potential influence on children through products and technology, with concerns raised about wokism and its impact on young minds. The culprits identified were AWOKE Pop Tarts and the Xbox. Overall, the discussion highlighted the ongoing debates and concerns surrounding political decisions and their potential consequences.

    • Controversies Surrounding Media and EntertainmentRepublican figures criticize various media and entertainment issues, but not all criticisms are factually accurate or morally justifiable. It's important to promote open dialogue, consider facts, and respect individual freedoms and rights.

      There have been various controversies surrounding different aspects of media and entertainment, from Disney closing Splash Mountain and a perceived threatening ad for Easy Bake Ovens, to Xbox's power-saving mode update and drag shows. Republican figures, including Tucker Carlson, have criticized these issues, with Carlson expressing concern over the exposure of children to what he perceives as inappropriate content. However, it's important to note that not all of these criticisms are factually accurate or morally justifiable. For instance, the Xbox update is simply a power-saving measure, and drag shows, when age-appropriate, can provide a fun and enjoyable experience for families. It's crucial to approach these issues with a clear understanding of the facts and to consider the potential harm or benefit to various communities. Ultimately, it's essential to promote open and respectful dialogue while recognizing the importance of individual freedoms and rights.

    • Meet the Team Behind Pod Save AmericaA dedicated team of producers, editors, sound engineers, and digital specialists collaborate to produce 'Pod Save America'.

      The production of "Pod Save America" is a collaborative effort involving several key team members. Michael Martinez serves as the executive producer, while Andy Gardiner Bernstein is the senior producer. Hailey Muse and Olivia Martinez are the producers. The show is mixed and edited by Andrew Chadwick, and Kyle Seglen and Charlotte Landis handle the sound engineering. Hallie Keefer, Ari Schwartz, Sandy Gerard, Andy Taft, and Justine Howe provide production support. Additionally, the digital team, consisting of Elijah Cohn, Phoebe Bradford, Milo Kim, and Emilio Montoux, plays a crucial role in uploading the episodes as videos on YouTube.com/podsaveamerica.

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    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

    This Is Your Debate on Drugs

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

    How Democrats Can Win Latinos Back (Ep. 4)

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    enJune 23, 2024

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    Trump Loses It Over Fox News Poll

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    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

    The Plan to Fight Trump's Second-Term Agenda

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Trump returns to the Capitol for the first time since January 6th and receives a hero’s welcome from House and Senate Republicans—where he calls Milwaukee a “horrible city,” refers to the Justice Department as “dirty bastards,” and complains about Taylor Swift not endorsing him. Meanwhile, the same Republicans attempting to overturn Trump’s conviction are instead trying to prosecute Attorney General Merrick Garland. Plus, SCOTUS affirms legal access to abortion medication, Biden takes voters’ cost of living concerns head on, and Trump tries to woo CEOs with more tax cuts.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    • Karen DeYoung - Associate Editor, The Washington Post
    • Peter Spiegel - US Managing Editor, Financial Times
    • Giles Whittell - World Affairs Editor, Tortoise Media
    • Ivo H. Daalder - President, Chicago Council on Global Affairs