
    Dr. David Yeager: How to Master Growth Mindset to Improve Performance

    enApril 15, 2024
    What is the definition of a growth mindset?
    How does stress act as a performance enhancer?
    What are domain-specific mindsets?
    What challenges do leaders face in mentoring?
    How can mentors balance standards and support effectively?

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Power of a Growth Mindset and StressBelieving in your ability to grow and improve, along with reframing stress as a performance enhancer, can significantly boost cognitive and physical performance.

      That growth mindset, as defined by Dr. David Yeager, is the belief that your abilities or potential in a certain domain can change. It's not about believing you can do anything with just hard work, but rather recognizing that your skills and intelligence can be developed through dedication and effort. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of reframing stress as a performance enhancer, which when combined with growth mindset, can lead to significant improvements in cognitive and physical performance. Dr. Yeager also shared research on optimal learning environments and how to apply these principles in various settings, such as classrooms, families, and sports teams. Overall, this episode provided valuable insights into how to cultivate a growth mindset and harness the power of stress to enhance performance.

    • Effectiveness of brief interventions in fostering long-term growthBrief interventions, like those lasting 25 minutes or less, can lead to significant improvements in various areas of life, including academic performance and resilience, with effects lasting up to four years.

      Under the right conditions, change is possible, and this idea, rooted in the growth mindset theory, can lead to significant improvements in various areas of life. One of the most striking findings from the research is the effectiveness of brief interventions, such as those lasting 25 minutes or less, in fostering long-term growth. For instance, a study led by Carol Dweck and her colleagues demonstrated that a short growth mindset intervention for ninth-grade students led to better academic performance and increased enrollment in challenging math classes, with effects lasting up to four years. Another intriguing study by David Nussbaum and Carol Dweck revealed that individuals with a growth mindset tend to view mistakes as opportunities for learning, rather than threats to their self-esteem. These findings underscore the importance of adopting a growth mindset, which can lead to increased motivation, resilience, and overall improvement.

    • Effective interventions for promoting growth mindset involve more than a single session and use persuasive techniques like wise interventions.Effective growth mindset interventions include sharing new info, relatable stories, and asking participants to write their own narratives. Persuasive techniques like wise interventions help individuals remember and apply ideas long-term.

      Effective interventions for promoting growth mindset in young people involve more than just a single session. These interventions should be persuasive and communicated in a way that keeps the individual's ears open, without being condescending or shaming. The interventions themselves consist of presenting new scientific information, sharing relatable stories, and asking participants to author their own narratives. The use of these techniques, referred to as "wise interventions," can help individuals remember and apply the ideas over long periods, potentially leading to better decision-making and behavior. The metaphor of the brain as a muscle that grows stronger with challenge and recovery is an essential part of this approach. Writing stories about personal struggles and the belief that one's brain can change can contribute to building a growth mindset. These interventions are considered "lay theory interventions," which tap into people's intuitive understanding of the world to help them anticipate and make sense of the concepts being presented.

    • Understanding Situations and Making Meaning Shapes Our ResponsesSharing simple narratives of overcoming challenges encourages a growth mindset and helps people recognize improvement is possible through effort and persistence.

      Our understanding of a situation and the meaning we make from it significantly influences how we respond. The theories we hold in our minds shape our interpretations and actions. Narratives and stories are effective ways to convey theories and help people adopt new perspectives. One such theory is that when faced with difficulty, it's not a determinant of our future, but rather an opportunity for growth. By sharing simple narratives of overcoming challenges, we can encourage a growth mindset and help people recognize that improvement is possible through effort and persistence. The physiological response to mental challenges, such as stress or anxiety, can be reappraised as a sign of growth rather than failure. This recursive process of giving people a starting hypothesis, allowing them to experiment, and reinforcing the learning through experience is an effective way to foster growth and resilience.

    • Reframing stress as a positive experienceInstead of trying to eliminate stress, learn to reframe it as a sign of important challenges and growth opportunities

      The growth mindset, which encourages people to embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for learning, is often misunderstood. People assume that having a growth mindset means they should immediately love and thrive in the face of stress and frustration. However, this overlooks the physiological component of stress, which can make it difficult to interpret and respond effectively. Research in recent years has focused on "stress is enhancing mindset," which suggests that stress can be a sign of important challenges and growth opportunities. Instead of trying to eliminate stress, we can learn to reframe it as a positive experience. This involves recognizing that stress is a normal response to important challenges and that it can actually enhance performance and well-being. By changing the way we think about stress, we can make the most of the challenges we face and continue to grow and develop.

    • Reframing stress as a resourceShifting perception of stress as a resource can enhance performance, improve stress physiology, and boost overall well-being. Nutritional support and nuanced language for internal readiness levels can further optimize health.

      Our perception and interpretation of stress play a significant role in how our bodies respond to it. Instead of viewing stress as a debilitating force, we can reframe it as a resource to enhance performance. This shift in mindset, paired with a growth mindset, can lead to improved stress physiology and overall well-being. Additionally, ensuring foundational nutritional support through supplements like AG1 can help optimize mental and physical health. A more nuanced language for understanding internal readiness levels could further help individuals make better decisions based on their body's signals and the demands of their environment. Overall, small changes in perception and language can lead to profound improvements in our relationship with stress.

    • Understanding Stress: Beyond the External FactorStress is not only caused by external factors, but also by our perception and response to them. By changing our mindset towards stressors and managing our responses, we can improve overall well-being.

      Stress is not just an external factor, but also a result of how we perceive and respond to it. Stressors, such as social situations or work demands, can trigger a threat response in our bodies, preparing us for physical danger even when the threat is not present. This response, including the release of cortisol and changes in blood flow, is a natural part of our evolutionary history. However, it's important to distinguish between the stressor and the stress response, as the former is not inherently good or bad. By changing the way we think about stressors and our responses to them, we can break free from a cycle of threat and improve our overall well-being. Additionally, understanding the autonomic nervous system and where we fall on its continuum of arousal could help us better understand our internal state and respond appropriately to challenges.

    • Balancing Demand and Perception of Resources for Optimal Learning and PerformanceTo achieve optimal learning and performance, it's essential to balance the level of demand with a balanced perception of available resources. High arousal states, whether positive or negative, require a balanced perception of resources to maximize performance and learning.

      The optimal level of stress for learning and performance depends not only on the demand or challenge level, but also on the perception of available resources to meet that demand. The body responds similarly to high arousal states, whether they are positive and challenging or negative and threatening. However, the difference lies in the perception of resources and the appraisal of the situation. For instance, a good skier might experience high arousal before skiing down a double black diamond, feeling confident and excited, while a less skilled skier might feel terrified and overwhelmed. A device measuring only sympathetic nervous system activation would not be able to distinguish between these two states. Therefore, it's crucial to pair an appropriate level of demand with a balanced perception of resources to achieve optimal performance and learning. This can be achieved through various means, such as confidence, reappraisal, or material resources. By reframing the perceived stress as a resource, individuals can cope better physiologically and mentally.

    • Balancing high standards and support for effective mentoringEffective mentoring requires a high standards, high support approach to help individuals grow and overcome criticism, ensuring they believe in their potential and develop a growth mindset.

      Effective mentoring involves balancing high standards with support to help individuals grow and overcome criticism. The mentor dilemma refers to the challenge leaders face in providing constructive feedback while maintaining motivation. Instead of being a demanding, autocratic figure or a low-standards, overly supportive one, the solution is to combine high standards with support. This approach, known as the high standards, high support approach, reassures individuals that their potential is believed in, making growth mindset come to life. Randy Pausch, a computer scientist known for his book "The Last Lecture," emphasized the importance of mentors pushing individuals to grow and warned against protectors who shield individuals from challenges. By combining the best of both approaches, mentors can effectively guide individuals towards growth and resilience.

    • Effective communication in feedback: High standards and high supportBalancing high standards and high support fosters a safe and respectful learning environment, enhancing students' perception of their teachers' care and support.

      Effective communication in the context of feedback plays a crucial role in students' perception of their teachers' care and support. High standards and high support, often referred to as "wise feedback," are essential elements for students to implement critical feedback and view their teachers as being on their side. However, it's important to remember that these concepts are not a magic formula, but rather an experience of dignity and respect that fosters a sense of safety and feeling real. Parents can also adopt this mentality by maintaining high expectations and expressing love and support for their children. The challenges in implementing these practices stem from the human tendency to view them as conflicting, but with a dynamic stance, one can effectively balance both aspects. Additionally, tools like the Waking Up meditation app can help individuals maintain a consistent meditation practice, which is beneficial for mental and physical well-being.

    • The Brain's Desire for Change and ImprovementOur brain is wired for growth and improvement, driven by social validation and the desire to feel better or avoid feeling worse.

      The human brain is wired for striving and improvement, driven by a desire for change and social validation. From our hunter-gatherer roots to modern times, this innate desire has led us to develop new technologies and push boundaries. The concept of a growth mindset and the pursuit of betterment can be seen as a way to tap into this hardwired system. Neuroscientist Ron Dahl suggests that the brain is constantly learning and seeking improvement, often driven by the desire to feel better or avoid feeling worse. During adolescence, social validation becomes a crucial factor in feeling good about oneself, leading to complex social hierarchies and the obsessive practice seen in songbirds learning mating calls. This drive for social acceptance and improvement is rooted in our evolutionary history, where survival depended on being part of a group.

    • Universal drive to improve and excel during adolescenceAdolescence is a time for individuals to strive for social status through improvement and excelling in various areas, driven by hormonal changes and observed in various social structures.

      During adolescence, individuals strive to improve and excel in various areas as a means of gaining status within their social circles. This drive to get better, whether it's in music, sports, academics, or other pursuits, is not limited to any specific gender or age group. The increase in testosterone levels during adolescence serves as a good proxy for an individual's gonadal maturation, which plays a significant role in this social learning and status-seeking behavior. This behavior is not limited to one hierarchical structure, but rather, it can be observed in various sub-hierarchies within different social milieus. The importance of this striving behavior is evident in various studies, including those on primate troops and human social structures, which show that individuals near the top and bottom of popularity hierarchies are more likely to engage in destructive behaviors, while those in the middle have more options and stability. Overall, the drive to improve and excel during adolescence is a universal and essential aspect of human development.

    • Growth mindset's carryover between domainsBelief in improving one trait is linked to belief in others, but domain-specific mindsets exist and should be considered in interventions

      The concept of a growth mindset, which allows individuals to believe that they can improve and develop in various areas of their lives, does have some degree of carryover between domains. However, the extent of this carryover can vary greatly. Research suggests that there is an overall association between believing that one trait can be changed and developed and the belief that other traits can as well. Yet, there are also domain-specific mindsets, meaning that some individuals may believe they can improve in certain areas but not in others. When predicting behavior or intervening, it's essential to consider the specific domain in question, as individuals may be more defensive about certain areas and less receptive to change. Ultimately, the most effective approach may involve a combination of general and domain-specific interventions. The key is to understand that growth mindset is not a one-size-fits-all concept, and its application can vary greatly depending on the context.

    • Belief in personal growth through hard work matters most during challengesGrowth mindset interventions are effective, but their impact depends on supportive environments and resource allocation.

      Growth mindset, or the belief that one's abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, becomes most relevant in the face of challenges. While psychological interventions aimed at promoting growth mindset can be effective, their impact is influenced by the environment. Individuals who face the most challenges but are in supportive environments are likely to benefit the most from these interventions in the long run. However, it's important to remember that external factors, such as the allocation of resources, also play a crucial role in determining whether individuals can even pursue their goals. Therefore, a more comprehensive approach would be to consider both the internal psychology and the external structure to bring about meaningful change. This perspective moves away from a deficit-based view and instead focuses on the assets and potential that individuals possess. By combining interventions aimed at optimizing psychology with efforts to reallocate resources, we can create a more holistic approach to helping individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

    • Embracing the Love of Learning with Growth MindsetGrowth mindset theory encourages individuals to challenge limiting beliefs, embrace their potential, and long-term learning effects can be significant even in disadvantaged contexts.

      The human mind is an active learner, driven by a natural desire to grow and develop. This desire, however, can be hindered by social and cultural beliefs that limit our agency and love of learning. The concept of growth mindset aims to remove these barriers and allow individuals to fully embrace their potential. This theory, rooted in developmental psychology, assumes the goodness in people and seeks to challenge limiting beliefs. Research shows that when individuals are in an environment where they can act on their love of learning, long-term effects can be significant, even in disadvantaged contexts. The human brain's reward systems, which are associated with striving and achieving, are believed to have played a crucial role in human evolution. Our species' unique ability to organize experiences in terms of stories and to constantly strive and learn sets us apart from other animals. The affective regions of the brain, such as the amygdala, are not just unruly horses to be tamed, but rather teachers that train the prefrontal cortex to better pursue goals in social contexts.

    • Emotions drive goal pursuit during adolescenceAdolescence sees emotions guiding goal-driven actions, with fear and gains influencing behavior, and understanding emotions' role can foster pro-social behaviors

      Our brains are designed to help us adapt and pursue goals effectively, with emotions playing a crucial role in driving tactical decisions and learning. Studies have shown that during adolescence, affective regions instruct the prefrontal cortex on what actions to take. Goals can be driven by various emotions, such as love, fear, or the desire for survival or well-being. The fear of loss can be a powerful motivator, as highlighted in prospect theory, but it's essential to remember that the prospect of a gain can also be motivating. Ultimately, understanding the role of emotions in goal pursuit can help us appreciate the importance of pro-social behaviors and contribute to creating a more cooperative and fulfilling environment for everyone.

    • Focusing on positive impact on othersShifting focus from avoiding losses to contributing positively to others' lives can improve overall well-being.

      When we find ourselves in difficult situations or feeling uncertain, focusing on the potential positive impact we can have on others can be more effective than trying to avoid losses or negative outcomes. This approach was exemplified by the NBA's best shooting coach, Chip England, who motivated players to improve their shots not through fear of loss, but by highlighting the long-term benefits of doing so for themselves and their families. Research supports this idea, with correlational studies showing that the sense of meaning and connection to others is a strong predictor of overall life satisfaction and well-being. By shifting our mindset towards the contributions we can make to the world, we can not only improve our own lives but also make a positive impact on those around us.

    • Focusing on contributing to othersFraming tasks as opportunities to gain skills for helping others increases motivation and engagement in learning

      Focusing on the potential to contribute to others and make a difference, rather than just the potential financial rewards, can lead to deeper learning, greater persistence, and higher grades for students. This "purpose condition" is more compelling for students than the standard narrative of suffering now for future financial rewards, which can be uncertain and hard for young people to calculate. By framing tedious tasks as opportunities to gain skills that will help them contribute to others, students are more willing to persist through the challenges and even find the pursuit itself to be the reward. This approach, which has been supported by research, can lead to increased motivation and engagement in learning.

    • Finding meaning and purpose in life goes beyond personal gainReframing effort and failure as opportunities to contribute to others can lead to greater happiness and motivation

      Finding meaning and purpose in our lives goes beyond personal gain and contributes significantly to our overall happiness and well-being. The act of contributing to others, whether it's a community, family, or the world at large, can transform the effort involved into its own reward. This concept is crucial to our evolution as a species, as humans have always needed to demonstrate value to their groups to survive. When we face challenges and failures, the social status of overcoming them for ourselves can be negative, but the status of doing so for others is positive. By reframing the meaning of effort and failure, we can find motivation in previously unpleasant experiences, such as stress, boredom, or tedious tasks. This perspective can make all the difference in our personal and professional growth.

    • The importance of scrutiny in scientific researchScrutiny through peer review and public platforms improves research quality and accuracy, motivates researchers to focus on impact, and fosters a culture of high-quality work for societal benefit.

      The scrutiny of scientific work, whether through peer review or public platforms like PubPeer, is an essential part of the scientific process. While there are instances of bad faith actors looking to discredit others, the primary goal is to improve the quality and accuracy of research. As a researcher or lab manager, assuming that your work will be scrutinized and being meticulous about documentation and methodology can lead to better outcomes. This mindset not only ensures the integrity of the research but also motivates individuals to focus on the potential impact and contribution of their work for the greater good. The fear of potential shame or humiliation, when balanced with the desire to make a meaningful contribution, can lead to a highly motivated and productive research environment. Ultimately, the goal is to create a culture where scientists are driven by the desire to produce high-quality work for the betterment of society, rather than just for personal gain or recognition.

    • Encouraging a contribution mindset through personal growth and social impactLinking personal growth and financial rewards to social contributions can motivate individuals to strive for both personal development and positive impact on others.

      Encouraging a contribution mindset, where individuals strive for growth while also making a positive impact on others, can be a powerful motivator. However, it's important to recognize that people are not purely selfless or purely self-interested. The most effective approach may be to combine self-interest, such as personal growth and financial rewards, with prosocial contributions. For instance, in education, students are motivated to learn when they see the connection between their own growth and the benefits they can bring to others. Similarly, in product design and management, focusing on user needs and making a positive impact on people can lead to better outcomes and increased engagement from employees. Ultimately, fostering a mindset that values both personal growth and social contribution can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling approach to work.

    • Contributing to personal growth and company's bettermentRecognizing the value in helping others leads to personal and professional rewards. Constructive feedback and collaboration can lead to better outcomes for everyone.

      Contributing to both personal growth and the betterment of the company and those around us can lead to great rewards, both personally and professionally. This was exemplified in the story of Steph, who not only saw professional growth but also found joy in mentoring and changing lives. However, it's important to note that this doesn't mean being a martyr or working without compensation. Instead, it's about recognizing the value in helping others and the benefits that come from it. Additionally, there are individuals who serve a crucial role in identifying errors and correcting the literature. While it's essential to have a corrective mechanism, it's also important to understand the motivations behind the criticism, especially in the online world. The incentives for being overly critical may not be entirely clear, but it's worth considering the potential cultural factors that might contribute to this behavior. Mary Murphy's recent book, "Cultures of Growth," sheds light on the importance of a growth mindset not just at an individual level but also at a cultural level. In such a culture, people may feel the need to put others down to protect themselves, but it's crucial to remember that constructive feedback and collaboration can lead to better outcomes for everyone.

    • Culture of fear vs culture of growthA culture of fear can lead to unethical behavior and the concealment of mistakes, while a culture of growth encourages learning from errors.

      A culture of hypercriticism and fear of making mistakes can lead to unethical behavior and the concealment of mistakes, ultimately hindering growth and innovation. Mary Murphy's book, "Cultures of Growth," explores this concept, drawing on examples like Microsoft and Boeing. In these organizations, a "culture of genius" emerged, where mistakes were not tolerated and individuals were criticized harshly. This led to employees hiding mistakes and even engaging in unethical behavior to avoid being labeled as non-genius. In contrast, a "culture of growth" encourages the examination of mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth. The former CEO of Boeing, Calhoun, implemented a stack ranking system, which resulted in the firing of the bottom 10% of employees within a group, regardless of the group's overall performance. This policy, which was adopted from GE, has been linked to a culture of fearing mistakes and hiding them, potentially contributing to the numerous mistakes and issues Boeing has faced in recent years. The appropriate use of critique, as demonstrated by Elizabeth Bick, can lead to improvements and growth, while online cynicism and excessive criticism can hinder progress.

    • Navigating Criticism for Personal and Professional GrowthBe open to constructive criticism, seek out expertise, and create supportive environments for continuous learning and improvement.

      Constructive criticism is essential for personal and professional growth, but it can be challenging to navigate the vast amount of information available and the varying expertise of sources. The concept of a growth mindset, which emphasizes learning from mistakes and perseverance, is widely supported, but it's important to consider different perspectives. An effective way to utilize critique is by being open to it, seeking out experts in the field, and creating supportive environments where feedback is given with the belief in one's potential to succeed. The lab of physicist Kavon Stassen at Vanderbilt University, which employs a rigorous and inclusive approach to education and research, serves as an excellent example of this principle in action. Through its bridge program and demanding lab meetings, the lab fosters a culture of growth and continuous improvement, ultimately leading to significant achievements and diversity in the field of physics.

    • Filtering open online critique for trustPrioritize motivation and drive over standardized scores for student selection. Trust in communities with shared missions and values. Foster growth mindsets for individual success and contribution.

      While open online critique can be attractive due to the lack of barriers, it requires a selective filter. In a community where everyone shares a common mission and values, the critique can be trusted. However, standardized tests, such as the GRE, are not always a reliable indicator of potential or merit, as they can be influenced by advantages one has had in the past. Instead, drive and motivation should be prioritized when selecting students. The Vanderbilt lab's focus on motivation and drive, rather than standardized scores, is an example of this approach. Ultimately, it's not just about the admission process, but also about mentoring, training, and breaking the link between past advantages and future success. I, myself, was drawn to the study of mindsets because of my experiences and observations, and I believe that understanding and fostering growth mindsets can help individuals be their best and contribute to the greater good.

    • Unexpected experiences shape our livesBe open to new experiences as they can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities.

      Sometimes our lives take unexpected turns, and it's only looking back that we can connect the dots and understand how those experiences shaped us. The speaker shares his own story of how he thought he would become a lawyer after graduating with a liberal arts degree, but ended up teaching instead. A friend's death and reading a book about poverty led him to reconsider his path and pursue a career in motivating young people. This led him to Stanford, where he became passionate about the science of motivation and attribution. Now, his research focuses on helping people be their best selves and has had a significant impact on the field. The speaker's story illustrates the importance of being open to new experiences and how they can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

    • The Impact of Mindset and Stress on PerformanceRecognizing a growth mindset and embracing stress as performance-enhancing can significantly improve lives, especially for young people. Listen to Dr. David Yeager on the Huberman Lab podcast for insights.

      Having a growth mindset and recognizing that stress can be performance-enhancing can make a significant difference in people's lives, especially for young people. Dr. David Yeager shared insights from his research on these topics during his discussion on the Huberman Lab podcast. Although he missed his nine-year-old baseball team's practice, he emphasized the importance of the information shared in the episode. For those interested in learning more about Dr. Yeager's work, check out his upcoming book, 10 to 25. Additionally, subscribe to the Huberman Lab podcast on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple, and leave a review to support the show. The Huberman Lab also discusses supplements on the podcast, which can be explored further at Live Momentus. Follow Huberman Lab on social media for science-related content. Lastly, sign up for the Huberman Lab newsletter for free access to protocols and podcast summaries.

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    Optimal Protocols for Studying & Learning

    Optimal Protocols for Studying & Learning
    In this episode, I discuss science-supported protocols to optimize your depth and rate of learning of material and skills. I explain the neurobiology of learning and neuroplasticity and how correctly timed, self-directed test-taking can be leveraged to improve learning and prevent forgetting.  I discuss the study habits of the most successful learners, ways to limit distractions, how to set study goals, and how tests can be used as tools to learn, not just as a means for evaluating one’s mastery of learned material. A surprising aspect of tests, specifically self-testing soon after exposure to new material, is that they can significantly improve your ability to learn, apply, and maintain new knowledge. I also discuss tools to improve focus and alertness while studying. By the end of this episode, you will have learned various science-supported actionable tools you can use to better learn, remember, and apply new information. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at hubermanlab.com. Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: https://protocolsbook.com Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman  Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman  BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman  Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman  LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman  Timestamps 00:00:00 Improve Studying & Learning 00:02:11 Sponsors: Eight Sleep, BetterHelp & Waking Up 00:06:45 Offsetting Forgetting 00:08:22 Learning & Neuroplasticity 00:13:06 Periodic Testing 00:16:09 Focus & Alertness, Sleep, Tool: Active Engagement 00:21:37 Tool: Improve Focus, Mindfulness Meditation, Perception Exercise 00:24:38 Sleep & Neuroplasticity, Tool: Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) 00:28:29 Tools: Study Habits of Successful Students 00:36:21 Sponsor: AG1 00:37:33 Studying & Aspiration Goals; Challenging Material 00:42:54 Tool: Testing as a Learning Tool 00:48:23 Self-Testing, Repeated Testing 00:55:29 Testing Yourself & Knowledge Gaps 01:01:11 Sponsor: LMNT 01:02:23 New Material & Self-Test Timing 01:07:21 Familiarity vs Mastery 01:10:55 Self-Testing & Offsetting Forgetting 01:15:53 Best Type of Self-Tests; Phone & Post-Learning Distractions 01:22:03 Tool: Gap Effects; Testing as Studying vs. Evaluation 01:25:40 Tool: Emotion & Learning, PTSD, Deliberate Cold Exposure, Caffeine 01:33:28 Tool: Interleaving Information; Unskilled, Mastery & Virtuosity 01:39:10 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Dr. Teo Soleymani: How to Improve & Protect Your Skin Health & Appearance

    Dr. Teo Soleymani: How to Improve & Protect Your Skin Health & Appearance
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Teo Soleymani, M.D., a double-board-certified dermatologist and specialist in skin cancer and reconstructive surgery. We discuss science and clinically supported protocols to improve skin health and give your skin a more youthful appearance and structure, reducing premature aging and skin cancer risk. We discuss the impact of sun exposure on skin appearance and aging and the surprising relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer. We explain how mineral-based (inorganic) sunscreens differ from chemical (organic) sunscreens, whether sunscreen can minimize premature skin aging, reduce cancer risk, and if there are any health risks associated with sunscreen use. We discuss skincare routines to significantly improve skin appearance and how to select skincare products. We discuss how caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and stress impact the skin and describe how nutrition and anti-inflammatory diets can improve skin health. We also discuss the causes and treatments for common skin conditions, including dandruff, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo. Our conversation also covers topics such as the use of retinoids, laser treatments, red-light phototherapy, supplements, and how to best monitor for skin cancer. This episode provides numerous actionable protocols, most of which are zero-to-low cost, for improving skin health and appearance, reducing cancer risk, and treating skin problems. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Pre-order Andrew's new book, Protocols, at protocolsbook.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman ROKA: https://roka.com/huberman Joovv: https://joovv.com/huberman Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Teo Soleymani 00:01:35 Sponsors: ROKA, Joovv & Helix Sleep 00:05:45 Skin Turnover; Skin Appearance & Stress  00:13:35 Caffeine, Vasoconstriction & Skin Redness 00:16:31 Nicotine, Vaping & Skin Appearance 00:18:37 Alcohol, Skin Health 00:24:33 Hydration, Fluid Intake & Genetics 00:26:19 Tool: Selecting a Moisturizer 00:29:28 Sponsor: AG1 00:30:40 Puffiness Under Eyes & Cause 00:32:14 Tool: Skin Cleansing; Frequency, Showers 00:41:57 Dry & Flaky Scalp, Dandruff 00:46:09 Cost & Skincare Products 00:50:20 Tool: Sun Exposure & Skin Health, Mood 00:56:24 Sponsor: LMNT 00:57:35 Sunscreens vs. Sunblocks; Mineral-Based (Inorganic) vs. Chemical (Organic) Sunscreen 01:02:45 Physical Barriers, Sunscreens, Oral Supplements & Skin Cancer 01:07:27 Skin Cancer, Genetics; Sunscreen, Premature Aging 01:12:11 Premature Aging & Skincare 00:15:56 Choose Mineral or Chemical Sunscreen? 01:20:24 Polypodium Supplement, Sun Exposure, Skin Redness 01:26:02 Tool: Selecting Mineral-Based Sunscreens 01:28:30 Chemical Sunscreens & Blood-Brain Barrier 01:30:13 Nutrition, Gut Microbiome & Skin Health 01:34:28 Tool: Nutrition for Skin Health, Protein, Anti-Inflammatory; Collagen; Omega-3 01:42:58 Retinoids vs. Retinol, Skin Appearance 01:49:45 Laser Resurfacing; Exfoliation, Microdermabrasion 01:56:52 Red Light Therapy & Phototherapy, Face Masks, Light Panels 02:04:10 Psoriasis, Phototherapy 02:10:03 Vitiligo, Immune System & Skin Cancer Risk 02:15:41 Acne, High Glycemic Index Foods, Dairy 02:19:38 Rosacea, Types & Treatments 02:23:00 Eczema, Immune System 02:25:37 Popping Pimples & Acne Scars; Corticosteroids 02:30:15 Tattoos; Tool: Monitoring for Skin Cancer, Moles, Annual Exams 02:36:28 HPV, Cancer & Warts; Vaccine & Cancer Risk 02:43:31 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 19, 2024

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Nutrition to Support Brain Health & Offset Brain Injuries

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Nutrition to Support Brain Health & Offset Brain Injuries
    I'm honored to share Episode 10, the final episode of Season 1 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I'm delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 featured 10 episodes, where Dr. Galpin covered everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 10 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform to listen to all the episodes from Season 1 and to get notified when Season 2 is released. Show notes for this episode can be found at performpodcast.com. Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:08 Brain Health & Injury   00:05:06 Sponsors: LMNT & Continuum   00:08:16 Nutrition & Supplements for Brain Injury   00:12:44 Brain Injury Categories, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion   00:17:09 Brain Injury Pathophysiology   00:22:16 Burst Capillaries, Initial TBI Response   00:30:03 Delayed TBI Response, Neuroinflammation   00:34:19 Sponsors: Momentous & Maui Nui   00:36:52 Creatine Monohydrate; Second Impact Syndrome   00:41:52 Strength of Evidence Scale, Creatine   00:47:15 Creatine Doses, Frequency, Adverse Issues; Food Sources   00:53:22 Sponsors: AG1 & David Protein   00:56:05 Fish Oil, DHA, EPA   01:00:38 EPA & DHA Dosage, Timing, Adverse Issues; Food Sources; Omega-3 Index   01:04:46 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B   01:08:57 Riboflavin Dosages, Timing; Food Sources   01:11:25 Choline   01:18:37 Choline Supplements & Food Sources, Alpha GPC, Dosage   01:21:30 Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), Sleep   01:25:04 BCAAs Dosage, Whole Food Sources   01:28:02 Magnesium   01:31:20 Magnesium Dosage, Timing, Supplements, Adverse Issue; Food Sources   01:33:09 Blueberry Anthocyanins   01:35:28 Anthocyanins Dosage; Food Sources   01:37:17 Caffeine & Brain Injury Recovery   01:38:50 Perform Episodes, Perform Newsletter, Acknowledgements   01:41:19 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media   01:42:56 Conclusion by Andrew Huberman   Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 14, 2024

    Dr. Layne Norton: Tools for Nutrition & Fitness

    Dr. Layne Norton: Tools for Nutrition & Fitness
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Layne Norton, Ph.D., one of the world’s top experts in nutrition and training for physical fitness. We discuss how to evaluate scientific evidence and the validity of different practices aimed at achieving fat loss, muscle strength and hypertrophy, microbiome health, vitality, and longevity. We explore many hotly debated topics, including fasting, seed oils, saturated fats, sugar, red meat, artificial/low-calorie sweeteners, and GLP-1 agonists (e.g., Ozempic). Additionally, we delve into the timing of protein and carbohydrate intake relative to fasting and exercise, fat loss and sleep, and the benefits of dietary protein and fiber on overall health. We also discuss how to accelerate hypertrophy and fat loss, improve strength, whether we need to train to “failure,” how to enhance exercise recovery, and how to manage pain. We cover training before versus after age 50, whether metabolism changes with age, and the connection between muscle health and longevity. We also address why certain behaviors and supplements might work for some people but not others. Listeners to this episode will benefit greatly from Layne’s science-based expertise on a wide range of topics, including health, nutrition, and fitness. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Mateina: https://drinkmateina.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/huberman Maui Nui: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Layne Norton 00:01:49 Sponsors: Mateina, Eight Sleep, Maui Nui 00:06:39 Science-Based Evidence, Mechanism vs. Outcome 00:14:31 Meta-analysis, Methods, Evidence Quality 00:22:45 Evidence Hierarchy, Randomized Controlled Trials, Cohort Data 00:33:53 Sponsor: AG1 00:35:05 “Don’t Turn Your Brain Off”; Protein Synthesis 00:42:01 Protein Synthesis, Refractory Response; Resistance Training   00:46:05 Protein Intake, Intermittent Fasting & Training 00:54:52 Tool: Total Protein Intake, Distribution & Protein Synthesis 01:00:25 Muscle Quality, Protein Remodeling, Muscle Growth 01:05:34 Sponsor: LMNT 01:06:46 Early vs. Late Time-Restricted Eating; Fasting Blood Glucose & HbA1c 01:10:30 Carbohydrate Timing, Individual Response, Placebo; Tool: Tracking Diet 01:19:50 “The Norton Method”; Tool: Consistency 01:25:16 Resistance & Cardiovascular Training; Competition; Immune System & Rest 01:33:50 Mind & Body Effects, Stress; Belief Effects 01:41:30 Training to Failure, Reps in Reserve, Hypertrophy & Strength Training 01:50:24 Fatigue & Training to Failure, Speed, Strength Training 01:59:06 Tool: Training After 50, Consistency 02:09:12 Fat Cells, Diabetes, Exercise 02:16:50 Metabolism & Age-Related Changes?, Appetite 02:23:17 Ozempic, Mounjaro, GLP-1 Agonists, Lean Mass, “Food Noise” 02:33:42 GLP-1 Agonists, Judgement & Obesity 02:40:19 Sugar, Excess Calories, Body Weight 02:49:16 Satiety, Sugar & Calorie Budget 02:54:56 Tool: Individualization, Context & Diet Psychology 02:57:22 Seed Oils, Butter, Olive Oil 03:06:56 Red Meat, Carcinogenic?; Simple Diet; Fiber Benefits 03:13:43 Saturated Fat, Cholesterol; Seed Oils 03:18:41 Artificial & Low-Calorie Sweeteners, Insulin, Appetite 03:29:06 Artificial & Low-Calorie Sweeteners, Gut Microbiome; Cancer 03:37:58 Tools: Training Recovery, Glycogen Replenishment; Stress & Activity 03:45:56 Collagen Supplementation, Skin & Nails, Whey Protein 03:57:00 Evidence-Based Approach 04:01:41 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 12, 2024

    Dr. Martha Beck: Access Your Best Self With Mind-Body Practices, Belief Testing & Imagination

    Dr. Martha Beck: Access Your Best Self With Mind-Body Practices, Belief Testing & Imagination
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Martha Beck, Ph.D., a Harvard-trained sociologist, bestselling author, and one of the world’s foremost experts on personal exploration and development.  Dr. Beck shares specific frameworks and practices to tap into your unique and deepest desires, core truths, and best life direction—all elements that comprise your authentic self. She also explains how to align your work and relationships of all kinds with your true self and how to embrace the discomfort and process of leaving unhealthy relationships. We discuss how to deal with negative thoughts and emotions, grapple with societal norms, and improve body awareness to gauge your inner truth. We also discuss codependency and self-abandonment - and how to exit and recover from these experiences.  By the end of the episode, you will have learned numerous practical tools to access your best self and live a richly fulfilling life.  Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Dr. Beck's Wayfinder Life Coach Training: https://marthabeck.com/life-coach-training Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Martha Beck 00:01:34 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Helix Sleep & LMNT 00:05:34 Tool: Perfect Day Exercise 00:15:31 “Clear Eyed”, Male vs. Female 00:23:31 Family & Work; Directed Attention & Miracles 00:30:21 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:10 Unease, Restlessness & Guilt; Life Worth, Fear 00:37:22 Accessing the Subconscious; Compassionate Witness Self 00:46:16 Finding Self, Suffering, Anxiety; Tool: “KIST”, Self-Parenting 00:54:01 Self, Radiance, Death; Awakening 00:59:14 Suffering & Compassionate Attention 01:02:10 Challenging Internal Thoughts, Understanding Truth, Body & Mind; 01:08:44 Sponsor: Waking Up 01:10:20 Western Society & Pressure 01:18:30 Tool: Sensing Truth in Body; Meditation, “Stopping the World” 01:25:02 Energy, Magnetoreception, Pet’s Death 01:33:49 Lying to Ourselves, Addiction 01:38:18 Tool: “Integrity Cleanse”, Lies; The Light 01:47:32 Relationship with Loss; Love, Self-Abandonment & Codependency 01:55:10 Romantic Relationships; Jobs & Family 02:02:06 Hurting Others, Relationship Imbalance 02:06:55 Tool: True Empathy 02:11:26 “Happiness is an Inside Job”, Codependency 02:18:58 Live Your Joy, Western Society 02:24:41 Relationships, Love & Integrity, “Feeling Good By Looking Weird” 02:30:42 “I Like It!”, Punk Rock Music, Love 02:34:24 Honesty & Essential Self; Helping People & Healers 02:42:12 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 05, 2024

    AMA #18: Cold Therapy Advice, Skin Health Tips, Motivation, Learning Strategies & More

    AMA #18: Cold Therapy Advice, Skin Health Tips, Motivation, Learning Strategies & More
    Welcome to a special edition of the 18th Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of Huberman Lab Premium. This episode is a recording of the live stream AMA, exclusive to our Premium members. We've decided to make the full-length version available to everyone, including non-members of Huberman Lab Premium. Huberman Lab Premium was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the main Huberman Lab podcast — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation and other donors. If you're not yet a member but enjoyed this full-length livestream AMA, we invite you to join Huberman Lab Premium. By subscribing, you'll gain access to exclusive benefits including our regular monthly full-length AMA episodes, AMA transcripts, podcast episode transcripts, early access to live events and more. Additionally, a significant portion of your membership proceeds contributes to advancing human scientific research. You can learn more about the research we were able to support in our Annual Letter 2023. If you're a Huberman Lab Premium member, you can access the transcript for this AMA episode here. Timestamps 00:00 Introduction & Announcements 00:15 Supporting Mental & Physical Health Research 01:56 Exciting New Research Initiatives 03:39 Skin Health & Appearance 14:46 Cold Therapy Benefits & Guidelines 21:18 Self-Motivation Strategies 27:05 Understanding REM Sleep 28:45 Morning Routine: Exercise & Cold Exposure 29:17 The Importance of REM Sleep 29:49 Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) Protocols 31:27 REM Sleep Rebound & Compensation 32:55 Impactful School Strategies for Learning 34:19 Meditation & Micro Gaps in Learning 39:13 Physical Activity & Learning 41:01 Exploring Shilajit & Testosterone 47:51 Writing Process & Overcoming Obstacles 51:32 Addiction & Recovery Resources 53:47 Closing Remarks & Gratitude Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 02, 2024

    Dr. Peter Attia: Supplements for Longevity & Their Efficacy

    Dr. Peter Attia: Supplements for Longevity & Their Efficacy
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Peter Attia, M.D., a Stanford and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine-trained physician expert in improving human healthspan and lifespan. Dr. Attia is also the host of The Drive podcast and author of the best-selling book Outlive.  We discuss the NAD pathway in human cells and its possible links to aging and health. We evaluate how supplementation can augment molecules in the NAD pathway; we compare NAD, NMN, and NR, different routes of administration, their safety, and bioavailability. Then, we discuss the broader research and clinical literature on longevity to decide if supplementation with NAD, NR, NMN, rapamycin, or resveratrol can indeed extend lifespan.  Finally, we each describe our supplement regimens and compare the role of supplementation to behaviors such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise for longevity. We also discuss whether tests of biological age are true indicators of aging and whether normal radiation levels increase cancer risk.  Listeners of this episode will learn if supplements purported to improve lifespan show any efficacy and the behaviors and other factors that can prevent disease and extend lifespan. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Levels: https://levels.link/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Peter Attia, NAD Pathway 00:02:31 Sponsors: LMNT, Levels & Eight Sleep 00:06:38 Categories of Longevity Approaches 00:17:22 Peter’s Supplements; Rapamycin & Research Data 00:25:01 NAD Pathway: Energy & DNA Repair; Knock-Out & Knock-In, Klotho 00:30:35 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:25 Yeast, Sirtuins, Caloric Restriction & Lifespan 00:38:56 Sirtuins, Transgenic Mice, Gender & Lifespan 00:43:42 DNA Repair, Sirtuins, Cancer; Resveratrol 00:53:31 Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Podcast 00:54:18 NAD & NADH, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Mitochondrial Health 01:02:17 NAD vs NR vs NMN Supplementation; IV & Oral Routes 01:11:33 NR vs. NMN, Doses, Side Effects; Interventions Testing Program 01:17:43 Fatty Liver Disease & NR; NMN & Glucose; Clinical Significance 01:25:17 Safety & FDA, NMN & NR Supplementation; Skin Cancer Benefits 01:30:38 Longevity, NR & NMN Supplementation, Inflammation 01:41:00 Rapamycin & Immune Function 01:44:37 Biological Aging Tests, Chronologic & Biologic Age; Vigor  01:55:24 Radiation & Cancer Risk 01:58:12 Tool: Self-Care in 50s-70s & Aging; Energy Decline 02:07:12 Tool: Exercise Timing & Energy Levels 02:11:22 Peter’s Supplements 02:18:46 Andrew’s Supplements 02:24:34 Tool: Supplement Use vs. Critical Behaviors; Titanic Analogy  02:26:52 NAD Pathway Supplementation for Longevity? 02:28:52 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJuly 29, 2024

    Dr. Stacy Sims: Female-Specific Exercise & Nutrition for Health, Performance & Longevity

    Dr. Stacy Sims: Female-Specific Exercise & Nutrition for Health, Performance & Longevity
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Stacy Sims, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist, nutrition scientist, and expert in female-specific nutrition and training for health, performance, and longevity. We discuss which exercise and nutrition protocols are ideal for women based on their age and particular goals. We discuss whether women should train fasted, when and what to eat pre- and post-training, and how the menstrual cycle impacts training and nutrition needs. We also explain how to use a combination of resistance, high-intensity, and sprint interval training to effectively improve body composition, hormones, and cardiometabolic health, offset cognitive decline, and promote longevity.  We also discuss supplements and caffeine, the unique sleep needs of women based on age, whether women should use deliberate cold exposure, and how saunas can improve symptoms of hot flashes and benefit athletic performance. Dr. Sims challenges common misconceptions about women’s health and fitness and explains why certain types of cardio, caloric restriction, and low-protein diets can be harmful to women’s metabolic health. Listeners will learn a wealth of actionable information on how to improve their training and nutrition to enhance their health and how to age with greater ability, mobility, and vitality. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Maui Nui Venison: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman  Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman   Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman  Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Stacy Sims 00:02:24 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Eight Sleep & Waking Up 00:07:03 Intermittent Fasting, Exercise & Women 00:12:50 Cortisol & Circadian Rhythm, Caffeine & Training 00:17:25 Reps in Reserve, Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE); Age & Women 00:21:06 Pre-Training Meal & Brain, Kisspeptin 00:26:45 Post-Training Meal & Recovery Window 00:29:59 Sponsor: AG1 00:31:48 Hormones, Calories & Women 00:34:24 Women, Strength Improvements & Resistance Training 00:39:10 Tool: Women & Training Goals by Age Range 00:44:16 Women, Perimenopause, Training & Longevity 00:47:14 Women & Training for Longevity, Cardio, Zone 2 00:51:42 Tools: How to Start Resistance Training, Machines; Polarized Training 00:58:23 Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Podcast 00:59:10 Menstrual Cycle & Training, Tool: Tracking & Individual Variability 01:04:31 Tool: 10-Minute Rule; High-Intensity Training & Menstrual Cycle 01:08:36 “Train Hard & Eat Well”; Appetite, Nutrition & Menstrual Cycle 01:12:22 Oral Contraception, Hormones, Athletic Performance; IUD 01:20:57 Evaluating Menstrual Blood, PCOS; Hormones & Female Athletes 01:26:31 Iron, Fatigue; Blood Testing & Menstrual Cycle 01:29:33 Caffeine & Perimenopause; Nicotine, Schisandra 01:34:24 Deliberate Cold Exposure & Women, Endometriosis; Tool: Sauna & Hot Flashes 01:42:19 Tools: “Sims’ Protocol”: Post-Training Sauna & Performance; “Track Stack” 01:49:37 Women, Hormones & Sleep, Perimenopause & Sleep Hygiene 01:52:54 Supplements: Creatine, Water Weight, Hair Loss; Vitamin D3 01:57:21 Protein Powder; Adaptogens & Timing 02:00:11 Pregnancy & Training; Cold & Hot Exposure 02:06:19 Tool: Women in 50s & Older, Training & Nutrition for Longevity 02:09:38 Tool: Women in 20s-40s & Training, Lactate 02:12:18 Tool: What is High-Intensity Training?, Cardiovascular Sets & Recovery 02:17:22 Training for Longevity, Cellular & Metabolic Changes 02:19:30 Nutrition, 80/20 Rule 02:23:30 Listening to Self 02:26:00 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter  Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enJuly 22, 2024

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    Like what you hear? Let us know! Subscribe and share—we really appreciate it.

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    Hatchcast is made possible by the Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Michigan State University in collaboration with the MSU Innovation Center, the MSU Entrepreneurship Association, & MSU Women in Entrepreneurship.

    Today’s episode was written and executive produced by Diego Fernandez

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    MSU Burgess Institute
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    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

    Introducing THE Podcast for Parents of Anxious Teens

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    What to do next?



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    Eustress vs Distress

    Eustress vs Distress

    Watch this episode on YouTube here.

    Let’s talk about stress. 

    In this day and age, the amount of stress people are experiencing is quite intense. Well, I'm here to bring some peace and joy to this topic. 

    The majority of times when people refer to the word “stress”, they only have a negative connotation of what stress is. And there is truth in that aspect, for sure. 

    However, there's another perspective to what stress is and what it does, and how it can actually be a good thing.

    In this TAO-Living episode, we explore:

    • Eustress (good stress) vs distress (bad stress)

    • How overcoming challenges, putting your body to the test, and learning something new are all “stressing” your body and mind - yet it’s good for you!

    • The distinctions between “accumulative constructive survival values” and “accumulative destructive survival values”

    • The tool of self-assessment and scanning your day to see if your activities, location, interactions, etc. are building you up or breaking you down

    • How to Manage Your Environment and utilize Conscious Languaging to modify your perspective on stress in your life

    • Mindfulness, thriving, and much more!

    If you only conceive of stress from a negative connotation, you're missing a powerful productive ally in your life. 

    Learning, growing, working out, overcoming challenges - all of these things are productive “eustress” that help you stay healthy and move forward in your life!

    Thanks for tuning in and please be aware that we have a “eustress” experience 😉 coming up in October: The Art of Living Immersion.

    If you'd like to experience four days of transformation with an intimate group of people in pure nature, doing some amazing work to handle the destructive stuff, and incorporate the constructive, life affirming shifts in your life - join us October 12th to 15th!

    Abundant Blessings,

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    #58. 3 keys when facing failures

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    • Discover what you can learn from it. 
    • Focus on solutions that move you forward.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

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    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

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