
    E003 - Jesse James West: From Scholarship Dropout to YouTube Sensation

    en-gbDecember 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Leaving behind a promising path for a passion can lead to inner peaceDeciding to leave a promising path for a passion can bring liberation and lead to pursuing true dreams, ultimately resulting in inner peace.

      Sometimes, making the decision to leave something behind, no matter how promising it may seem, can lead to a profound sense of liberation and inner peace. The speaker shares his experience of quitting his athletic scholarship and starting a fitness channel, drawing inspiration from popular YouTubers. For years, he struggled to gain traction, but remained dedicated. His perseverance paid off, and he eventually gained a large following. Looking back, he realizes that the freedom he felt when he made the decision to leave behind his athletic career was a turning point in his life. It allowed him to pursue his true passion and find inner peace. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that sometimes, taking a risk and following your dreams, even when it seems uncertain, can lead to great rewards.

    • From a different industry to fitness: Overcoming challengesDetermination, consistency, and adapting to new situations are crucial for success in the fitness industry. Utilize resources, find a niche, and believe in yourself to overcome obstacles.

      Determination and consistency are key to success, even when starting from scratch. The interviewee shares their experience of transitioning from a different industry into the fitness world and the challenges they faced in getting started. They emphasized the importance of finding a niche and focusing on it, which in their case was educational style videos. They also mentioned the significance of having a strong work ethic and believing in oneself, even when progress seems slow. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of learning from past experiences and utilizing resources, such as social media platforms, to build a following and establish a presence. Overall, their story illustrates the importance of persistence and adaptation in achieving one's goals.

    • Focus on goals and surround yourself with supportDespite criticism, stay focused on your goals and surround yourself with positive influences to build confidence and overcome negativity.

      Perseverance and self-belief are key to overcoming criticism and achieving success. The speaker, Mike, shares his experience of being bullied in high school for creating fitness content despite the judgmental environment. Instead of letting the hate deter him, he chose to focus on his goals and surround himself with supportive friends. This experience built a thick skin and helped him develop the confidence to continue creating content and not let hate affect him. The speaker's ability to not be embarrassed or intimidated by public scrutiny is impressive and a valuable lesson for anyone looking to create content or pursue their passions in the face of criticism.

    • Embracing Extroversion and Developing a Thick Skin for YouTube SuccessTo succeed on YouTube, cultivate extroversion and a thick skin. Be authentic, learn from feedback, and stay true to your passions.

      Developing a thick skin and embracing extroversion are essential skills for success on YouTube, even if it doesn't come naturally. The path to becoming a successful YouTuber involves hard work, practice, and perseverance, despite the challenges and setbacks. Some people may be naturally extroverted and confident on camera, but for those who aren't, it can be a difficult and intimidating process. It requires putting yourself out there, being authentic, and learning from feedback. The speaker's personal experience of committing to a path he didn't want, feeling unhappy and unfulfilled, and eventually discovering his passion for fitness and social media, illustrates the importance of staying true to yourself and following your passions, even when the road ahead seems uncertain or difficult.

    • Follow your individual nature and passions despite societal pressureSocietal expectations and parental pressure can lead us down the wrong path, but it's important to stay true to ourselves and discover our true passions, even if it means breaking free from conventional wisdom.

      While parental pressure and societal expectations can guide us towards certain paths, it's essential to stay true to our individual nature and passions. The speaker's experience of being pushed towards a college and career path that didn't align with who they were led them to feel suffocated and unfulfilled. However, hitting rock bottom at age 18 ultimately led them to discover their true passions and pursue their own business. The speaker acknowledges that their success defies the conventional wisdom of following a set path, but they also criticize the education system for not providing practical experience and instead focusing on theory. Ultimately, the speaker encourages others to break free from societal expectations and follow their own path, even if it's unconventional.

    • Hitting rock bottom and finding personal growthRecognizing when we're not thriving and making decisions that prioritize our well-being can lead to personal growth and self-discovery.

      Hitting rock bottom can be a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. When I was 18, I felt trapped in a situation that left me feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. I was struggling with depression and felt like I had no control over my life. I remember hitting a point where I couldn't take it anymore and broke down to my mom in a Target parking lot. She encouraged me to quit the lacrosse team and find a less time-consuming alternative, which led me to a smaller college. The liberation I felt from making that decision was enlightening and brought me inner peace. It's important to recognize when we're not thriving and make decisions that prioritize our well-being, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone. This experience taught me the value of taking control of my life and prioritizing my happiness.

    • Personal growth through difficult decisionsMaking difficult decisions and facing hardships can lead to personal growth and happiness, even if it means going against the norm or leaving a familiar situation.

      Going through hardships and making difficult decisions can lead to personal growth and happiness. The speaker shared his experience of feeling trapped in a situation that wasn't true to himself, but after making the courageous decision to leave and discover himself, he found inner peace and became the main character of his own life. He emphasized that it's not easy to initiate change, but it's necessary for those who aren't happy or feeling like themselves to take that risk and find a way to escape. The speaker also reflected on his experiences in school, where he was discouraged from focusing on his passions, but he learned to value the importance of following one's dreams, even if it means going against the norm. He encourages everyone to understand that hardships are a natural part of life and can ultimately lead to personal growth and success.

    • Athletic background advantages in lifeAn athletic background fosters resilience, dedication, high work capacity, and passion for success in various aspects of life.

      Having a strong athletic background can provide significant advantages in various aspects of life. The speaker shared his experience of being an athlete, specifically playing rugby, which demanded intense dedication and resilience. He mentioned how this experience helped him push through challenges and develop a high work capacity. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having a healthy obsession or passion, even if it's not your ultimate long-term goal. He believes that the skills and discipline gained from athletics can contribute to success in other areas, such as business or creative pursuits. The speaker encourages parents to support their children in finding their passion and developing it through consistent practice.

    • The value of consistency and persistenceConsistency and persistence in any endeavor, no matter how small, can lead to significant growth and valuable experiences over time. Stay true to your goals, progressively improve, and embrace the journey for personal growth.

      Consistency and persistence in any endeavor, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can lead to significant growth and valuable experiences over time. The speaker shares his experience of working seven days a week for eight years, which may not have led him to become a professional bodybuilder, but gave him invaluable lessons about staying true to his goals, progressively improving, and understanding that everything worthwhile takes time. He encourages embracing the journey and focusing on personal growth rather than seeking quick fixes or external validation. The speaker also reflects on his own career evolution and the importance of staying authentic to oneself and adapting to new opportunities. Ultimately, he emphasizes the importance of staying committed to one's goals and using platforms like YouTube to explore new experiences and help others.

    • Authentic content and emotional connectionAuthentic storytelling and emotional connection can lead to significant growth and success on YouTube. Be open to change and explore different aspects to find what resonates most with your audience.

      Creating authentic content and connecting with your audience on an emotional level can lead to significant growth and success. The speaker, who went from being an average personal trainer to building multi-million dollar businesses online, shares that a turning point in his career was a raw and authentic video featuring Liver King. He learned that putting a genuine message out there and making people feel something can leave a lasting impact. The speaker encourages creators to grow with their content and not resist change, as he did with lacrosse in the past. He emphasizes that fulfillment and helping others are essential aspects of creating content, and it's important to explore different aspects of YouTube to find what resonates most. The speaker's success didn't come overnight, but through authentic storytelling and a passion for connecting with his audience.

    • From numbers to emotional connectionFocus on creating emotionally moving content to build a loyal audience, rather than just chasing subscriber counts.

      Creating content on YouTube, or any platform, is not just about the numbers, but also about making a meaningful connection with the audience. The speaker shares how his perspective on YouTube success has evolved from focusing on subscriber counts to seeking to create emotionally moving content. He emphasizes the importance of building a portfolio of valuable videos that resonate with viewers and leave a lasting impact. The speaker also discusses the potential for combining high-energy, fast-paced content with more introspective, documentary-style videos to create a unique and engaging viewing experience. Ultimately, the goal is to maintain a high view and sub count while also focusing on creating content that truly makes a difference.

    • Staying true to creative vision while collaboratingPassionately pursuing a creative pursuit leads to growth and unique style. Clear vision and effective communication with collaborators are essential for successful projects. Value small, dedicated teams for collaboration and growth.

      Being passionate and obsessive about a particular creative pursuit can lead to personal growth and the development of a unique style. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience as a YouTuber, explaining how his constant shifts in content and style have contributed to his channel's growth. He emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and effectively communicating it to collaborators to create the desired end product. Additionally, the speaker values having a small, dedicated team to bounce ideas off of and collaborate with, rather than relying on yes-men or outsourcing creative control. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying true to one's creative vision while remaining open to collaboration and growth.

    • Learning the basics of YouTube and handling criticismTo create successful content on YouTube, learn video editing, handle criticism, and put in the necessary effort to build an audience over time.

      Creating successful content on YouTube requires dedication, creativity, and thick skin. In the beginning, it's essential to learn the basics, even if it means teaching yourself video editing software. Not everyone has the personality or the patience to be a successful YouTuber. It's not just about being good-looking or funny; one must be able to handle criticism and negativity. Building an audience takes time and effort, and most people give up before they see any significant results. The road to success may be long, and it's crucial to believe in oneself and put in the necessary work. As Gary Vaynerchuk says, one must be willing to wait five years before seeing any results. Ultimately, YouTube is not for everyone, but for those who are persistent, creative, and resilient, the potential rewards can be significant.

    • Waiting for the right momentPatience and dedication can turn a passion project into a successful endeavor, even if it takes years of practice and consistency.

      Seizing opportunities requires patience and dedication. The speaker shares how he was unable to focus on YouTube due to work and school commitments until the quarantine gave him the unexpected free time. He emphasizes the importance of being patient and waiting for the right moment to put in the necessary effort. The speaker also highlights the value of practice and consistency, as it took him years of editing videos before his channel took off. Overall, the speaker's experience demonstrates that with patience and dedication, one can turn a passion project into a successful endeavor.

    • Stay true to yourself for YouTube successBe authentic, create unique content, provide value, and build your own audience to stand out on YouTube

      Being authentic and true to yourself is crucial for success on YouTube. The platform is becoming increasingly saturated, making it harder to gain attention, but trying to imitate others or copy content will not help. Instead, finding inspiration from others and creating unique, original content that reflects your personality is key. It may take effort and creativity, but staying true to yourself and providing value to your audience will set you apart from the competition. Additionally, focusing on building your own audience and community, rather than trying to steal someone else's, is essential for long-term success.

    • Be original and create unique content to gain an advantage on YouTubeCapitalize on emerging trends or unique perspectives to stand out and potentially become a trendsetter on YouTube

      Being original and thinking ahead in content creation is crucial for success on platforms like YouTube. The person who is the first to identify and capitalize on emerging trends or unique perspectives can gain a significant advantage in terms of views and influence. It's essential not to be lazy and copy others' work but instead strive to add something new and authentic to the conversation. By doing so, you can potentially become a trendsetter and even discover new talents before they gain widespread recognition. Remember, being the first to create a high-quality video on a specific topic can lead to massive success.

    • Creating authentic content pays offInvesting in unique, authentic content can lead to significant rewards, despite initial challenges and financial investment.

      Creating unique content that resonates with people can be more rewarding than following trends, even if it comes with significant challenges and financial investment. The speaker's experience with creating a video using a fat suit is a prime example. Despite the high cost and initial setbacks, the video resulted in a powerful story that motivated people and had a positive impact on their lives. The speaker's determination to create authentic and impactful content paid off, and the financial investment was worth it in the end. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that YouTube ad revenue is a significant source of income for them, but it comes with risks as it's not a stable source of income and could be taken away at any time.

    • Passion project leads to financial successConsistently working on a passion project can lead to significant income and the ability to invest in personal and business growth.

      Consistency and hard work on a passion project can lead to significant financial success. The speaker started by making around $6,000 per million views on YouTube and later added revenue streams from sponsors and fitness plan sales. With dedication and growth, they were able to make around $50,000 a month and live comfortably. However, as the speaker's goals and responsibilities expanded, they became more motivated by the potential to earn more money to invest in business growth and personal goals, such as buying a house. It's important to note that the speaker's primary focus remained on growing their audience and maintaining their loyal fanbase, which ultimately led to increased revenue opportunities. Money itself was not the main motivation, but rather the ability to use it to achieve bigger goals and continue growing.

    • Optimizing health through customized micronutrient supplementsPersonalized micronutrient formulas can enhance performance and prevent diseases. Prioritize experiences and health over material possessions.

      Prioritizing health and well-being through proper micronutrient supplementation is crucial for optimal performance and disease prevention. The speaker shares his personal experience of taking random supplements without knowing their effectiveness and the benefits he gained from using a customized micronutrient formula from Bionic. He also emphasizes the importance of utilizing money wisely and focusing on experiences rather than material possessions. The speaker's goal is to make more money to take care of himself and his loved ones. He believes in living a humble life and using his resources to make a positive impact on others.

    • Balancing Success and Helping OthersSuccess brings attention and criticism, prioritize helping loved ones privately, and focus on personal happiness.

      Success brings attention and criticism, and it's essential to prioritize helping those we care about while navigating public perception. The speaker shares an experience of helping a team member in need, but facing backlash for not publicly announcing it. He emphasizes that people may resent success and want to see others fail. The speaker also mentions the challenge of balancing public generosity with personal privacy. Ultimately, the speaker encourages focusing on personal happiness and fulfillment, rather than succumbing to external pressures and criticism.

    • Navigating Negative Feedback and Protecting Personal RelationshipsCreating content online can impact personal relationships, especially when dealing with negative feedback. It's important to maintain boundaries, protect loved ones, and prioritize ethical considerations.

      Creating content on social media platforms can be challenging, especially when dealing with negative feedback and the impact it has on personal relationships. Mike, a content creator, shared his experiences of dealing with criticism, particularly towards his girlfriend, who is introverted and doesn't enjoy filming. He acknowledged the importance of maintaining boundaries and protecting loved ones from the harsh comments online. Additionally, Mike discussed the evolution of his content and how he's shifted towards more storytelling and less focus on his personal life. He also emphasized the importance of being mindful of how children are portrayed in content and avoiding exploitation. Overall, Mike's experiences highlight the complexities of creating content online and the need to prioritize personal relationships and ethical considerations.

    • Waiting for the right partner and financial stability before having childrenMike prioritizes having a stable financial situation and the right partner before starting a family, influenced by his sibling relationship and desire for multiple children, while maintaining an open and communicative relationship with his supportive partner.

      Both Claudia and Mike value the potential experience of having children, but believe it's important to wait until they're ready and with the right partner. Mike expresses a desire for multiple children, influenced by his own sibling relationship. He also emphasizes the importance of being financially stable and having the ability to dedicate time to raising them properly. Mike's current partner is supportive of his YouTube career and understanding of the nature of his work. They have an open and communicative relationship, allowing Mike to prioritize his career while also making time for her. Mike's family, including his partner, has a background in YouTube, making it easier for them to understand the industry and its demands.

    • Finding Balance: Personal Experience of Work-Life BalancePersonal experiences show that maintaining a balance between work and personal life is essential for overall well-being and productivity. Embrace different life phases, including a 'hoe phase,' and eventually find the right person to commit to for a healthier lifestyle.

      Having a healthy balance between work and personal life is crucial for overall well-being and productivity. The speaker shared his personal experience of working excessively during his single days, leading to burnout, while his current relationship brought a sense of normalcy to his life and allowed him to maintain a healthier work-life balance. He emphasized the importance of experiencing different phases in life, including a "hoe phase," but eventually finding the right person and committing to a healthy relationship. The speaker also mentioned the challenges of meeting people during the pandemic and how he used to meet girls during video shoots. Overall, his story highlights the importance of finding a balance between work and personal life and embracing different phases of life to ultimately lead to a happier and more fulfilling existence.

    • Optimizing daily routine and sleep for productivityPrioritize rest, make tough decisions in the morning, believe in goals, focus on small steps for productivity and better well-being.

      Optimizing your daily routine and getting adequate sleep can significantly improve your productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. The speaker shares how he used to overwork himself, leading to poor sleep quality and decreased performance. However, by prioritizing rest and structuring his day to make tough decisions in the morning, he's been able to increase his productivity and achieve better results. He emphasizes the importance of self-belief and finding ways to truly believe in your goals, no matter how big they may seem. By focusing on small steps and finding a middle ground, you can build confidence and work towards your objectives every day.

    • Staying persistent and focused can lead to valuable opportunitiesKeep pushing forward and don't let uncertainty hold you back, check out Jesse James West's platforms for inspiration and insights.

      Staying relentless and consistently putting yourself out there, even when unsure of the timing, can lead to valuable opportunities. Jesse James West is a great example of this mindset in action. He expressed his excitement about being a part of the conversation and encouraged everyone to check out his work on YouTube and Instagram. The importance of staying persistent and focused was a recurring theme throughout the discussion. So, keep pushing forward and don't let uncertainty hold you back. Check out Jesse James West's platforms for more inspiration and insights.

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    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
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    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Tracy «
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TracyHarmoush
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyharmoush/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tracyharmoush?lang=en
    Untraceable: https://www.instagram.com/untraceable

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    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Simon «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonsquibb/?hl=en
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@simonsquibb?lang=en
    Get free business help: Helpbnk.com

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    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Mo «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mo_gawdat/
    Website: https://www.mogawdat.com/
    Pre-order unstressable: https://www.unstressable.com/

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    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow ArabUncut «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arab/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourFellowArab
    Website: https://www.arabuncut.com/

    E040: Luke Belmar - How To Create a Better Life For Yourself *break the system*

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    » Topics «
    Conspiracy theories
    Media & censorship
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    Cryto, bitcoin & investments
    Purposeful living
    Psychology & consumerism
    Business & entrepreneurship

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Luke «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lukebelmar/?hl=en
    Capital Club: https://www.capital.club/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lukebelmar?s=21&t...

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    0:00 Introduction
    2:12 Hitting “rock bottom”: suffering from addiction & low self-worth
    8:10 Roxie’s turnaround: the role of manifestation
    13:44 The Journey from Instagram advice Instagram to
    “manifestation queen”
    18:34  Lack of role models, finding your purpose & feeling
    22:23 Rewiring your perspective: the key mindset of
    25:55 Step #1: Be clear in your vision (what do you want?) 
    30:25 The power of visualisation on your subconscious 
    32:00 Critique & common misconceptions surrounding
    33:50 Law of attraction & vibrational frequencies
    38:11 Unexplained coincidences & attracting desires 
    40:16 Reality manifestation: turn your desires into reality
    47:20 “Trick” your brain into experiencing positive, empowering
    thoughts (overcome the victim mentality) 
    50:40 Gratitude: Changing mindsets and experiencing gratitude
    54:22 Overcoming fear & doubt
    59:45 Strategies for facing obstacles  
    1:00:12 Relationships & dating: manifest your ‘perfect’ partner
    1:07:03 Magnetism & chemistry
    1:11:52 Turning rejection into opportunity: life advice for those
    in their 20s
    1:14:01 Inspiration over 
    1:17:22 “Authenticity is magnetic”: the power of you
    1:20:04 Self-love 
    1:23:00 Roxie’s current manifestation goals
    1:27:24 Diversifying your skill set & becoming multi-faceted 

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Roxie «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxienafousi/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialroxienafousi
    Website: https://roxienafousi.com/

    E038 - Entrepreneurship, Fitness & Dating in Your 20s | Joss Mooney

    E038 - Entrepreneurship, Fitness & Dating in Your 20s | Joss Mooney

    Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming my good friend Joss Mooney to our discussion. Joss is a distinguished coach and entrepreneur in the fitness industry, recognised for guiding thousands on their journey to a perfect physique. Leveraging his 15+ years of coaching experience, Joss helps fitness influencers and businesses on a worldwide scale and grow their revenue from 10k-50k per month. Tune in for two hours of reflection as we explore Joss’s journey from Uni dropout and “party boy” to serial entrepreneur. 

    » Topics «
    Nightlife & partying
    Fitness & bodybuilding
    Creator economy
    Personal brand
    business development
    Relationships & dating
    Life skills 

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Joss «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jossmooney/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joss_mooney?lang=en
    JM Transformations: https://www.jossmooney.com/
    Elevate Agency: https://www.scaleyouronlinefitness.com/vsl

    E037 - Crypto Expert: The Future of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency & NFTs | Alex Chehade (Binance)

    E037 - Crypto Expert: The Future of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency & NFTs | Alex Chehade (Binance)

    Alex Chehade is a trading specialist and the UAE executive director of Binance FZE, the world’s leading crypto exchange platform. With 20 years of experience in finance, and over 12 years in operations and trading, Alex has set out to bring digital assets and trading to the forefront of the global economy. Enjoy the next hour as Alex shares his expertise on all things crypto and tech related, including Bitcoin, virtual assets, AI, the metaverse and more.  

    » Topics «
    Trading & investing
    Brokers & trading platforms
    Risk management
    AI & ML
    The Metaverse

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Binance «
    Website: https://www.binance.com/en-GB
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@BinanceYoutube

    E036 - #1 Marketing Expert: Top Strategies Guaranteed To Grow ANY Business | Raoul Plickat

    E036 - #1 Marketing Expert: Top Strategies Guaranteed To Grow ANY Business | Raoul Plickat

    Raoul Plickat is the CEO and founder of CreatorGroup, a technology conglomerate employing over 300 people. The conglomerate encompasses a variety of self-funded software and marketing companies, all of which are focused on the creator economy. Raoul began his career in marketing and digital advertising, fields that continue to be fundamental to his success today.

    » Topics «
    Branding & personal image 
    Business startup & scaling
    Leads generation
    Digital marketing 
    Product & services
    Company ecosystems
    Content creation & the creative economy 
    AI & ML
    Consumerism & advertising
    Productivity & inspiration 
    Hedonism & perspective

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Raoul «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raoulplickat/
    Creator Group: https://creator-group.holdings/careers/
    Copecart: https://copecart.com/
    Pressmaster AI: https://www.pressmaster.ai/

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    A World Champion Athlete & Oscar-Nominated Writer on Mindset, Performance & Persistence
    With over 400 triathlons to her name, today's guest Lesley Paterson is a 3x XTERRA Triathlon World Champion and 2x World Triathlon Cross Champion. But if you asked about her greatest test of endurance, it wouldn’t be a race. It would be chasing an Oscar. For 16 years during her professional triathlon career, Lesley fought to secure and maintain the film rights to All Quiet on the Western Front out of her own pocket from race winnings. She wrote and rewrote the script, and despite the odds stacked heavily against her, never gave up on her dream of getting the movie made. After many years of starts and stops the film was finally released and took home four Oscars and seven BAFTAs—including one for best-adapted screenplay (this was Lesley’s first screenplay might I add). All of which is a testament to her patience, discipline, and hard work. Lesley’s relentless persistence is the focus of today’s conversation, along with the importance of self-belief, playing the long game, and the ‘never quit’ drive required to crush audacious goals. Delightful, engaging, and strong, I adore Lesley. There’s a lot to learn from this fiery Scottish lassie. Note: If you like this exchange, be sure to check out her book The Brave Athlete, which is packed with actionable practices to build an endurance mindset. Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Seed: seed.com/RICHROLL BetterHelp: BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Squarespace: Squarespace.com/RICHROLL Momentous: LiveMomentous.com/richroll  Indeed: Indeed.com/RICHROLL Babbel: Babbel.com/RICHROLL Plant Power Meal Planner: https://meals.richroll.com Peace + Plants, Rich

    Are you ready for a change?

    Are you ready for a change?

    Hey everyone!


    My name is Alex E Kheyson, and I want to welcome you to the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast, wish you the best of luck and determination on your exciting and often challenging personal development and professional growth journey.


    Can I ask you for a big favor? Could you please leave your honest feedback about the topic, content, level of interest and engagement after listening to this episode of the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast. Also, please let me know if you found this episode especially helpful in your existing situation, based on where you are today in your life and career.  I appreciate your support in helping me to create and share topics and information with each episode that is actionable and relatable to those listening and following this show. 


    Some of the key questions and points that I cover in this episode are:

    Hey everyone!


    My name is Alex E Kheyson, and I want to welcome you to the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast, wish you the best of luck and determination on your exciting and often challenging personal development and professional growth journey.


    Can I ask you for a big favor? Could you please leave your honest feedback about the topic, content, level of interest and engagement after listening to this episode of the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast. Also, please let me know if you found this episode especially helpful in your existing situation, based on where you are today in your life and career.  I appreciate your support in helping me to create and share topics and information with each episode that is actionable and relatable to those listening and following this show. 


    Some of the key questions and points that I cover in this episode are:


    • What does it mean to be "prepared for a change?" How does one show their readiness and preparedness?
    • Is there a such a thing as a "mindset of change?"
    • Don’t fool yourself by expecting that nothing unexpected or unplanned is going to happen in your life or to you - expecting the unexpected, what does that mean and why it important to be ready?
    • Knowing and being prepared for a change - it's life with multiple ups and downs. Why is this important?
    • Being the champion of change - using changes to learn something new and useful in present and future. What are some benefits of being prepared for a change at a any time?
    • How does it feel when one is prepared and ready for a change?
    • What can one do to prepare and get ready for a change?
    • Knowing and expecting change - making appropriate accommodations for life's surprises. Often change is not optional but mandatory. Are you going to be ready when you would be required to change?

    I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it


    One more thing, if you enjoy this podcast show and are interested in receiving free Growth and Success Mindset Digest (weekly newsletter) from me, delivered straight to your inbox with latest updates, then please complete quick form at the bottom of this page and you will be on your way! It's that simple! You may also click the following link and sign up: http://eepurl.com/b0ReHz



    298 || How to Start out Your Dream in Alignment with God || Polly Payne

    298 || How to Start out Your Dream in Alignment with God || Polly Payne

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/298 

    How do you know if you’re following God’s plan for your dream? 

    It’s a big question! And if you’re asking it, you should know you are not the only one. I hear this all the time from listeners who are concerned about missing what God is prompting them to do. 

    It’s one of the reasons I’m so honored to have the inspiring Polly Payne back for a second episode this month. In case you’re new to Polly, she’s the CEO + Founder of Horacio Printing, and she’s here to share her heart for putting structure around how we plan and pursue our dreams.

    In this follow-up to last week’s interview, Polly and I talk about her core philosophy of how to make time for our dreams and ensure that those dreams are in alignment with the will of God.

    You’ll learn:  

    • Polly’s strategies for beginning to plan and dream (anytime, not just at the new year),
    • How to nurture your weekly schedule and make space for a dream, as well as
    • How to set goals and intentions that stick.

    If you don’t know Polly or aren’t familiar with Horacio Printing, her Dream Planner or Print School, School, go back to episode 297 and get caught up on her story of bringing Horacio Printing to life! Especially the mishap as she was naming her company; that story is unforgettable and has some great takeaways if you struggle with perfectionism!

    Okay, let’s jump into it! Grab your planner, set your intentions, and lean into the blessings of God’s new mercies every morning.

     You don't want to miss this revitalizing episode of the Devoted Dreamers Podcast—here's to dreaming, growing, and becoming the person God is calling you to be in this God-breathed new year! 


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    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by
    Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku. 

    Live Episode! Milk Bar: Christina Tosi (2019)

    Live Episode! Milk Bar: Christina Tosi (2019)
    For Christina Tosi, baking wasn't just a delicious childhood hobby—it was a daily creative outlet and a way to blow off steam. After college, she went to culinary school and honed her pastry technique at high-end restaurants in NYC. But she also craved the opportunity to make unfussy, nostalgic desserts like the ones she grew up eating. So in 2008, Christina opened her first Milk Bar bakery in the East Village, with the help of her mentor, Momofuku chef David Chang. Soon, people from around the country were calling her up, begging for her gooey pies, confetti birthday cakes, and pretzel-potato-chip cookies. Today, Milk Bar has spread to 15 locations, and reportedly brings in tens of millions of dollars a year. This show was recorded live at The Town Hall in New York City. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #88: From Plates to Pixels with Casey Eiland

    #88: From Plates to Pixels with Casey Eiland

    Casey Eiland is a professional photographer who specializes in food, portrait, and landscape photography. In this episode of the Nate Biltz Podcast we dive into Casey’s inspiring transition from working in the hospitality industry to making a living pursuing his passion through his camera lens. 

    Casey shares his story from receiving his first camera to finding his own photography style that sets him apart from the rest. We also explore the importance of putting yourself into the world, creativity as a form of self-expression, and the power of having the right people around you to find your purpose. 

    Casey Eiland:
    IG: @mister.island

    Shoot with Casey:

    Inspirit Bitters
    IG: @inspiritbitters
    Code: NBP

    Brute Fitness Seltzer
    IG: @bruteseltzer
    Code: Biltz10