
    Education in the US, Studying, and Reddit Review | Community Stream

    en-usJuly 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Education Challenges through Evolutionary BiologyThe education system's outdated practices persist due to lack of selection pressures, but alternative approaches are being explored through research and coaching programs.

      The educational system in the US is facing significant challenges, and these issues can be understood through the lens of evolutionary biology and the theory of natural selection. According to this perspective, the education system has become outdated and ineffective due to the absence of appropriate selection pressures. Vestigial elements, such as massive lectures and certain teaching methods, have persisted despite their diminishing relevance and value. The Healthy Gamer nonprofit aims to address these issues by funding research into alternative educational approaches and subsidizing coaching services for those in need. The nonprofit's coaching program is currently full, but applications are open for new coaches to be trained. Overall, the educational system needs to adapt and evolve to better serve students in the modern world.

    • Shift from research to education in teaching roleColleges prioritize research abilities over teaching abilities, creating a disconnect between teaching and learning.

      The role of teachers and the way we learn has evolved significantly over time. From the ancient method of direct dissemination from Socrates to the modern college system, the primary focus has shifted from research to education. However, the college system still prioritizes research abilities over teaching abilities, creating a disconnect between the primary goal of colleges and the needs of students. The lack of a feedback system for evaluating teachers and educational quality perpetuates this issue. While colleges have evolved to accommodate various professions, the emphasis on research funding and publishing continues to prioritize professors' research abilities over their teaching abilities. This disconnect between teaching and research can negatively impact students' learning experiences.

    • Colleges lack incentive to prioritize quality teachingThe education industry needs a system of meaningful feedback and quality assurance to ensure consistent educational quality and incentivize colleges to prioritize teaching over research grants or other factors.

      The current college education system lacks sufficient evolutionary pressure to improve education significantly due to limited options for students when faced with unsatisfactory professors. The system does not incentivize colleges to prioritize quality teaching over research grants or other factors. This is similar to industries like the taxi industry before ride-sharing apps, where consumers had limited recourse for poor service. The speaker argues that the education industry needs a system of meaningful feedback and quality assurance to ensure students receive a satisfactory education. Without this, colleges may not feel the need to improve, as students are often unable to easily transfer and receive credit for their previous coursework. This lack of pressure for improvement may result in inconsistent educational quality, with some professors excelling while others struggle.

    • Colleges prioritize profitability over quality educationSince 1980, college tuition and fees have increased 1200% compared to inflation due to lack of selection pressure and government loan guarantees, leading colleges to prioritize profitability over quality education.

      The lack of selection pressure in the education system, combined with the government's guarantee of student loans, has led colleges to prioritize profitability over quality education. This is evident in the significant increase in college tuition and fees since 1980, with an average increase of 1200% compared to inflation's 236%. The government's loan guarantees during economic recessions have further fueled this trend, resulting in a correlation between loan availability and tuition costs. Without consequences for poor teaching or rewards for excellent education, colleges have gravitated towards increased profitability as their primary driving force.

    • College Costs vs. Teacher Salaries: A Complex IssueCollege costs have risen significantly, outpacing inflation and teacher salaries, while administrative costs and college presidents' salaries have also increased, leading to questions about where the money is going and who is benefiting.

      The increased availability of student loans has led to a significant increase in college costs, creating a complex issue where the cost of education doesn't seem to be directly benefiting those who teach it. From 2001 to 2013, annual increases in college tuition and fees exceeded 5%, and while some argue that the cost of delivering education has increased, others point to administrative costs and salaries for college presidents skyrocketing. Postdoc salaries, which range from $23,000 to $100,000, have not kept pace with rising costs. This situation raises questions about where the money is going and who is benefiting from the 1200% increase in college costs versus the 236% inflationary increase. The decrease in state funding and the passing on of costs when federal money is made available are contributing factors, but the issue is far from clear-cut. Ultimately, finding a solution to this problem requires a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between college costs, student loans, and the allocation of resources.

    • The high cost of tuition doesn't guarantee a high-quality educationThe cost of tuition does not ensure a superior education, as large classes and subpar teaching can be just as costly as individualized instruction from top teachers, whether in person or online.

      The cost of higher education is significantly higher than what it appears to buy in terms of actual education. For instance, the average postdoc gets paid $47,000 a year, which is enough to pay for 11 postdocs to provide personal tutoring for 5 hours a week. However, in a college setting, students are typically taught by one professor in a large classroom, often with subpar teaching and little individual attention. The high cost of tuition does not guarantee a high-quality education. Instead, it could be more cost-effective to standardize education and allow students to learn from the best teachers, whether they are in person or online. The medical field provides an example of this, as the USMLE requires all doctors to have a minimum threshold of knowledge, ensuring a consistent level of competence regardless of specialty.

    • Reforming College EducationStandardize curriculums, make it easier to transfer, make resources widely available, and provide better teacher training to create a more efficient and effective educational system.

      The educational system, particularly at the college level, needs significant reform to make education more efficient, accessible, and affordable for students. The speaker's experience in medical school highlights the importance of high-quality resources like First Aid, which were more effective than traditional classroom learning for many students. However, these resources were not freely available or standardized, leading to a wasteful and inefficient education system. To address this issue, the speaker suggests standardizing curriculums, making it easier to transfer between colleges, and making educational resources widely available. Additionally, they advocate for better teacher training to ensure that professors are effective educators. By implementing these changes, we can create a more efficient and effective educational system that empowers students to learn and succeed.

    • Revamping the Higher Education SystemStandardize curriculums, test out of college, invest in small group education and social-emotional skills, increase transparency, and prioritize competence and development for a more effective and affordable education system.

      The current higher education system may prioritize revenue over providing a quality education. The speaker suggests solutions such as standardizing curriculums, allowing students to test out of college, investing tuition money in small group education and social-emotional skills training, and increasing transparency for colleges. These changes could lead to a more effective and affordable education system. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of ensuring a minimum level of competence and investing in students' overall development.

    • Misaligned incentives in educationUniversities prioritize marketing over quality education, disruption through transparent and outcome-focused institutions can address this issue, and there's a need for affordable, effective, and outcome-oriented learning

      The current education system is facing significant issues due to misaligned incentives. Universities prioritize marketing budgets to attract students, often spending more on convincing students to attend than on providing quality education. The system is designed more for the benefit of universities, rather than the students. This issue can be addressed through disruption, specifically in the form of transparent and outcome-focused educational institutions. These institutions prioritize teaching students valuable skills and preparing them for productivity in their chosen fields. The current system's lack of financial pressure to change and the availability of loans for any field of study, regardless of its practicality, contributes to the issue. To improve the education system, there needs to be a shift towards affordable, effective, and outcome-oriented learning.

    • Investing in quality educationEffective teachers, resources, mental health support, and a focus on teaching over research are crucial for a quality education. Community colleges may offer a better learning experience for some students.

      The quality of education in colleges and universities should be prioritized over research and other non-teaching responsibilities. The speaker argues that institutions should invest in hiring and supporting effective teachers, providing ample resources for students, and addressing mental health issues to ensure students receive a quality education. He also mentions that community colleges, with their focus on teaching over research, may offer a better learning experience for some students. The cost of education should not be the only consideration; the value and effectiveness of the education provided should be the primary goal. The speaker also suggests that making college free is only half the solution, and that there needs to be more emphasis on improving the educational experience as a whole.

    • Meeting students where they're atWhen helping someone feeling hopeless or inadequate, create a safe, non-judgmental space to understand their perspective and encourage self-reflection, rather than pushing solutions or unrealistic goals.

      When trying to help someone who feels hopeless or inadequate, it's important to meet them where they're at rather than pushing them to solve problems or setting unrealistic goals. This approach can help avoid reinforcing their feelings of inadequacy and instead, create a safe and supportive environment for them to open up and express their thoughts. The educator in this situation was commended for their efforts in trying to help a struggling student, and it was suggested that they try to understand the student's perspective and ask open-ended questions to encourage self-reflection and exploration of their feelings. By creating a non-judgmental space, the educator can help the student build confidence and develop a sense of agency in their learning. Additionally, it was recommended that the educator consider involving a guidance counselor or someone trained in this area to provide additional support.

    • Belief and encouragement can have a profound impact on someone's lifeBelieving in someone and offering encouragement, even when progress is slow, can help them overcome self-doubt and create a pattern of seeking validation and support. Setting deadlines and creating a sense of crisis can help those with a Vata mindset focus and accomplish tasks efficiently, but it's important to avoid excessive stress and burnout.

      Even if you don't see immediate results from your efforts to support someone, your belief and encouragement can have a profound impact on their life, especially during times of hopelessness. This can create a pattern where they turn to you for hope and validation, and your belief in them can help them overcome their self-doubt. It's important to remember that the value of what you do may not always be apparent, but it can lead to significant long-term benefits. Additionally, for individuals struggling with procrastination, especially those with a Vata mindset, setting deadlines and creating a sense of crisis can help them focus and accomplish tasks efficiently. However, it's important to be mindful of the potential downsides of this approach and ensure that it doesn't lead to excessive stress or burnout.

    • Balancing Multiple TasksIdentify key projects, cycle through them, find the right number of tasks, and recognize the origins of a competitive mindset.

      It's essential to recognize the importance of balancing multiple tasks without overwhelming yourself. This can be achieved by identifying a few key projects or responsibilities and allowing yourself to cycle through them, rather than constantly adding new tasks. It's crucial to find the right number of tasks to juggle, which may vary from person to person. Additionally, it's important to understand that beating oneself up over not being the best is a form of self-sabotage. While it may lead to success for some, it can also be detrimental to mental health. To overcome this, it's essential to recognize the origins of the competitive mindset and consider alternative ways to approach goals and challenges.

    • Exploring the origin and function of thoughts and behaviorsUnderstanding where our constant striving comes from and what it achieves can help us find healthier ways to motivate ourselves

      Understanding the origin and function of our thoughts and behaviors can help us gain power over them. If you find yourself constantly striving to be the best and beating yourself up when you fall short, it's important to explore where this behavior came from and what it does for you. It may stem from early experiences or parental expectations, and the function could be a source of motivation or a way to suppress negative emotions. To improve your learning and retention, consider exploring resources on the topic in Doctor K's guides. Remember, understanding the root and purpose of our thoughts and behaviors can lead to healthier and more effective ways to motivate ourselves.

    • Tips for Vatas to improve memory retentionSpaced repetition with sleep, focus on understanding concepts, create a solid framework, and consume warm, moist foods can help Vatas improve memory retention.

      To improve retention of information, especially for those with a quick-learning but quick-forgetting memory type (Vata), it's essential to understand memory mechanisms and adapt learning strategies accordingly. Vatas benefit from spaced repetition with sleep in between study sessions, focusing on understanding concepts rather than memorizing details, and creating a solid framework to slot in the details. Additionally, diet recommendations, such as consuming warm, moist foods, can help increase retention. Overall, the key is to understand how memory functions and tailor learning methods to suit individual memory types for optimal information retention.

    • Balance vata and kapha for effective learningImprove memorization by balancing vata and kapha, using spaced repetition with sleep, reproducing learned material, and embracing career growth as a non-linear process

      Effective learning involves a combination of strategies to enhance retention and memory. First, aim to balance your vata and kapha by decreasing the former and increasing the latter to improve memorization. Second, use spaced repetition with sleep to consolidate your learning. This means studying for short periods with multiple repetitions, taking breaks, and getting enough rest in between. Third, focus on reproducing what you've learned instead of just reviewing it. After studying, try to write or sketch out what you understand to reveal gaps in your knowledge and help you remember the material better. Lastly, remember that a career path is not a linear progression, and it's okay to change directions. Instead of worrying about abandoning a past pursuit, embrace the integration of various experiences and skills throughout your life.

    • Explore Different Career PathsExplore various career paths, don't limit yourself, go where your interests lead, build a diverse skill set, and prepare for your unique calling in life.

      It's important to explore different career paths and not limit yourself to one specific field. The speaker encourages trying new things, even if they seem unrelated to your current interests or skills. They suggest being practical but not losing sight of your passions, as there may be opportunities to combine them in unexpected ways. The Internet and digital age provide more opportunities for niche careers and cross-functional roles, so it's essential to go where your interests lead you and continually explore new possibilities. Ultimately, building a diverse skill set and experiencing various career paths can prepare you for your unique dharma or calling in life. Don't worry too much about long-term commitments or planning every detail, but instead focus on making practical, interesting moves that align with your current passions.

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    Maybe you worked too hard on your last project. Or, you exerted too much energy on a work task that ended up not working out. Whatever the case may be, burnout is a real thing that all of us experience. As its name goes, burnout drains you of your energy and motivation. It doesn't only affect how you show up in your business, but also in other aspects of life. How then do you rekindle the spark if you find yourself stuck in the burnout cycle?

    In this episode of The Pollen Podcast, Diana talks about the secret to navigating burnout. Burnout happens when you don’t create healthy boundaries for yourself. Remember: you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you think you can, then you’re setting yourself up for a lot of exhaustion and unfulfillment. Recognize when you need to take a step back and put yourself first. Only in this way can you best serve your highest purpose. 😌

    Listen to this episode to learn how to recover from burnout and avoid it happening again!

    Create your own creative entrepreneurship story of clarity, professional confidence, and profit. Join Diana’s 90-day group course Camp Clarity and learn everything you wish you already knew, like how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve. Learn more here

    🔥Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

    1. Understand how burnout can impact your work and personal life.
    2. Identify the symptoms of burnout and how they can build over time.
    3. Learn tools to heal from burnout and get back to a place of balance in your business and life.


    🎧Episode Highlights

    [01:49] Camp Clarity Early Bird Extension

    • Camp Clarity is currently in motion for its seventh round.
    • SPECIAL DEAL: Listen to this episode, and DM Diana on Instagram to get an early bird extension ($500 OFF 🤑) for Camp Clarity!
    • Camp Clarity is a 90-day program for creative entrepreneurs in need of community and the three pillars—confidence, cash, and clients.
    • Tune in to the full episode to learn more about the program and Diana’s special offer for Pollen listeners!

    [04:50] Sharing from the Wound

    • Diana recorded a 30-minute episode that was due to her podcast production team. At the end of the session, she realized it didn’t record.
    • She then decided to record an episode about the burnout she experienced from this incident.
    • People oftentimes share the gushing wound of a traumatic experience versus the scar.
    • Diana recorded this episode from the wound of being burnt out.

    [06:44] Working in a Paradise

    • Diana has had a hard time during her stay in Costa Rica despite the place being a paradise.
    • If you’re only spending a week in a new place, you have to make it an integration week for yourself.
    • It’s the hardest to work in a paradise because you don’t get to block off any time and create boundaries for yourself.

    [08:13] Experiencing Burnout

    • One of the first posts Diana has ever made as an NYC photographer was about being burnt out.
    • Diana has experienced burnout many times since then.
    • One of her “whys” in coaching is helping creative entrepreneurs try to avoid and learn how to recover from burnout.
    • Boundaries, time management, and outsourcing are some tools for navigating burnout.

    [09:58] Pine Cone vs. Rice Analogy

    • Imagine you have a jar and you put rice in it first. If you try to force a pine cone in it after, you’ll never get the pine cone in there.
    • But, if you put the pine cone in the jar first and put the rice in after, everything will fit.
    • This analogy is to say: the things that fill your cup must come first in order for you to best serve your clients.
    • Diana had to put a lunch block on her calendar. She previously had booked calls even over her lunch hour.

    [12:55] Riverbed Analogy

    • You have to have the riverbeds to have a river. Otherwise, you’re a lake.
    • The riverbeds are your masculine energy. It includes things like calendar blocking, support systems, client workflows, etc.
    • This masculine energy allows you to flow powerfully and intentionally with your feminine energy. 
    • Your riverbeds give you space in a container to flow and feel like you’re supported.
    • We underestimate the things we can get done in a day.

    [13:56] Diana Davis: “We, a lot of times, think we have to get these 20 things in a day, and actually, it's not possible. But we're beating ourselves up for something that's actually not humanly possible. So boundaries are huge; burnout is real.” 

    [16:18] Putting Yourself First

    [17:25] Diana Davis: “I think it's a big deal to remember that we're going through a lot. We're going through a lot—every single one of us is going through a lot.” 

    • With everything happening in your life, it’s important to put yourself first and put your boundaries in place.
    • You have to fill your cup first before giving to others.
    • It’s up to you to make the boundary, regulate yourself, and recognize when you’re burnt out.
    • Reschedule the meeting if you don’t feel like it. Everything is just a blip.

    [19:13] Diana Davis: “Don't focus so much on every little detail. Focus on the bigger picture. Make moves for yourself as the CEO that you want to be. Fill those shoes yourself before you think you're ready and before the evidence is there—and that means taking time for yourself, making boundaries, and just filling your cup.” 

    • Your business needs to work around your life, not the other way around. Listen to the full episode to hear about Diana and Caitie’s trip to Costa Rica!

    Enjoyed this Podcast on Navigating Burnout?

    Burnout happens through a series of stages, but it all begins with compromising your boundaries. When you don’t know your limitations, you’re bound to end up giving and giving without knowing how to stop—until you crash. The thing is, it’s impossible to pour from an empty cup. So start putting yourself first, and see the magic it will create in your life.

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    Connect with me on Linkedin: Diana Davis Creative.

    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources.