
    Podcast Summary

    • Waterford Whispers Cancels Live AppearanceThe Waterford Whispers won't be at the live podcast event in Waterford, replaced by Eli Kisiambe and Michelle Darmody. Podcast now available on Spotify, discusses Saint Patrick's Day, Enya, and direct provision.

      The Waterford Whispers, a popular Irish satirical website, will not be appearing on the live podcast in Waterford on March 23rd as previously announced. Apologies were expressed for the error in last week's podcast. The podcast host will instead find new guests for the live event. Waterford Whispers was praised for their independence and consistent comedic genius. The podcast will feature guests Eli Kisiambe and Michelle Darmody, as well as hot takes on Saint Patrick's Day and Enya's music. The podcast is now available on Spotify in addition to iTunes and Acast. The podcast host expressed excitement for upcoming live dates in Monaghan, Naas, Vicar Street, Belfast, and Cork. Cork was described as a functioning city with a good nightlife and investment, contrasting Limerick's reputation which was deemed unfairly negative. The podcast will also discuss the issue of direct provision, which the host believes is not spoken about enough in wider circles.

    • The Complexity of Expressing Hot Takes on TwitterTwitter's fast-paced and emotionally charged nature makes it hard to express hot takes effectively, as they can be misinterpreted, taken out of context, and lead to hostile reactions.

      Twitter is a complex and emotionally charged platform where hot takes, especially when expressed through text, can easily be misinterpreted and lead to hostile reactions. York, from The Blind podcast, shared his experience of tweeting a tongue-in-cheek hot take about Saint Patrick's Day and the backlash he received. He noted that the platform's fast-paced and mixed nature makes it difficult for users to switch emotions rapidly and understand the intended tone of a tweet. Additionally, tweets can be taken out of context and read in the midst of serious or inflammatory content, making it even more challenging to maintain a positive and wholesome online presence. Therefore, it's essential to be mindful of the potential consequences of tweeting hot takes and consider saving them for a more appropriate forum, like a podcast, where context and tone are clearer.

    • The Evolution of Saint Patrick's DaySaint Patrick's Day started as a way for Irish immigrants to find solidarity, but now has different meanings for Irish and Irish Americans. Understanding historical context is key to appreciating diverse cultural expressions.

      Saint Patrick's Day, which originated as a way for discriminated Irish immigrants in America to come together and find pride and solidarity, has evolved into something quite different in contemporary Ireland. While it is celebrated as a touristy event in Ireland, it holds deep political and historical significance for Irish Americans, who experienced oppression and gained power through acts of racism towards black people. The complex relationship between the Irish and Saint Patrick's Day is a reminder of the importance of understanding historical context and the diverse ways that cultures are expressed and experienced. It's crucial to acknowledge the complexities and nuances of different cultural expressions, rather than judging or dismissing them based on our own perspectives.

    • Acknowledging the complexities of Irish history and identityIrish Americans should confront painful realities, avoid perpetuating inaccurate myths, and transform St. Patrick's Day into a meaningful celebration of environmental issues.

      The narratives surrounding Irish history and identity need to acknowledge and confront the complexities and painful realities, including acts of racism and violence against other communities, rather than erasing or romanticizing them. Irish Americans should also be mindful of perpetuating inaccurate myths, such as the idea that Irish people were slaves. Furthermore, St. Patrick's Day, which is celebrated worldwide, could be transformed into a more meaningful and impactful celebration by focusing on environmental issues and taking action to combat industrial pollution and global warming. This would not only align with the historical context of the holiday but also address pressing global concerns. However, achieving this might face challenges due to the powerful influence of the Irish American lobby in industry and politics.

    • Addressing the impact of 100 powerful companies on global warming and reevaluating cultural traditionsWe must hold 100 companies accountable for their role in global warming and reconsider cultural practices to promote positivity and environmental consciousness, including music criticism.

      100 powerful companies are causing the worst of global warming, which presents a terrifying yet achievable challenge. To stop these companies from harming the environment is a clear goal that could lead to significant change. Additionally, there's a need to reevaluate and change the narrative surrounding certain cultural traditions and practices, such as St. Patrick's Day, to promote positivity and environmental consciousness. In the realm of music, there's a lack of critical respect for artists like Enya and The Prodigy, despite their massive global success. This lack of respect may be due to misogyny and the exclusionary nature of music criticism when it comes to women artists being recognized as geniuses and innovators. These issues highlight the need for change and a more inclusive and respectful approach towards cultural traditions, music, and environmental activism.

    • The mislabeling of Enya's music as New Age hindered her critical reputationLabeling music into genres can limit its artistic value and innovation, and Enya's use of electronic instruments in Irish traditional music was overlooked due to this misconception.

      The categorization of music into genres, such as New Age, can unfairly diminish its artistic value and innovation. This was evident in the case of Enya, whose music was often labeled as New Age and overlooked for critical acclaim despite her pioneering use of electronic instruments in Irish traditional music. Enya's vision and courage in blending Irish music with ambient electronica before it was popular deserves more recognition, especially when compared to other innovative artists like Tom Waits, Frank Zappa, and Aphex Twin, who have received similar praise despite comparable sales. The term New Age, which can be seen as devaluing, hindered Enya's critical reputation, leading people to associate her music with elevator music rather than groundbreaking artistry. It's important to remember that music is a conversation, and every artist contributes unique sentences to the ongoing dialogue.

    • Challenging the Norms of Pop Music with Multiple HooksEnya's unique blend of Irish music and electronic sounds, with multiple hooks, paved the way for modern pop music, inspiring artists like Radiohead, Aphex Twin, and Grimes.

      Enya, an Irish artist known for her new age music, challenged the norms of pop music in the late 1980s and 1990s by introducing multiple hooks and catchy parts to her songs, paving the way for modern pop music. ABBA, another influential group, brought this concept to pop music earlier with their multiple hooks, but Enya's unique blend of Irish music and electronic sounds set her apart. The labels and genres used in music can add or take critical value, and the term "new age" can be seen as diminishing the artistic value of music that operates on a functional basis. However, if we call it "ambient" music, it gains credibility and respect. Enya's music has influenced many artists, from Radiohead and Aphex Twin to Grimes, and her innovative use of sounds and hooks continues to impact modern music. Despite the criticism she faced, Enya's creativity and innovation are undeniable.

    • The Disparity Between Achievements and RecognitionSuccessful individuals often don't receive adequate recognition for their artistic innovations, and it's important to seek out and appreciate their contributions.

      Despite the massive success and innovative contributions of some individuals, a significant disparity exists between their achievements and the recognition they receive. Using the example of a highly successful musician who has sold 30 million albums, the speaker highlights the lack of adequate recognition and discussion about her artistic innovation in comparison to the number of albums sold. This issue is not acceptable to the speaker, and they encourage listeners to seek out and appreciate the innovations and achievements of individuals who may not always receive the recognition they deserve. Additionally, the podcast episode is a two-part series, with the second part being a live podcast about Direct Provision in Ireland, a human rights issue that has received little attention and representation in the media. The guests, Elie Kaziambe and Michelle Darmody, have created an organization called Our Table to raise awareness about this issue through food and apparel. The podcast episode is important and worth listening to for those interested in social justice and human rights.

    • Ireland's Long-Term Direct Provision System for Asylum SeekersThe direct provision system, initially meant as a temporary solution, has become a long-term issue for asylum seekers in Ireland. Criticisms include lack of preparation for long-term accommodation, restrictions on daily life, and the need for better solutions as migration increases.

      The direct provision system in Ireland, which was initially intended as a temporary solution for accommodating asylum seekers, has evolved into a long-term issue. The speaker, an asylum seeker himself, shared his personal experience of living in this system for nearly a decade. He explained that refugees are those who have been granted permission to live in a country before arriving, while asylum seekers are those who apply for asylum upon arrival. The direct provision system was established in the late 1990s when Ireland began seeing larger numbers of asylum seekers. However, it was not prepared for this influx and created this system as a temporary solution. The speaker criticized the system for its lack of preparation for long-term accommodation and its failure to adapt to changing circumstances. He emphasized the need for finding better ways to accommodate people seeking asylum, especially in light of the expected increase in migration due to climate change and political instability in Europe. He also highlighted the restrictions placed on the lives of those in direct provision, including the inability to cook their own food. The speaker called on the current generation to address these issues and prevent Ireland from becoming like countries with poor records on asylum seeker treatment.

    • Living in Direct Provision: Challenging Conditions for Asylum SeekersAsylum seekers in Ireland live in cramped conditions, face restrictions on education and cooking, and can be housed for years, making independent living difficult.

      The asylum seeker process in Ireland involves living in direct provision centers, which can house multiple people in small rooms and limit access to education and cooking facilities. These centers, often located in outskirts of towns or in converted hotels, convents, or army camps, can house individuals for years at a time. Arrivals are not allowed to pursue higher education and receive only €29 a week. Cooking is not permitted due to space constraints, creating a challenging living situation. This system, which can last for up to 15 years, can feel like adults are being treated like children, making independent living difficult. Asylum seekers come from diverse backgrounds and often face significant challenges, including political persecution and loss of family members, leading them to seek safety in Ireland. Michelle, a food writer and cook, founded "Our Table" to address this issue by providing communal meals and creating a sense of community within the direct provision system.

    • Using Food to Build Empathy and Connect CommunitiesFood can bridge cultural gaps and build empathy among diverse groups. Cooking sessions and social enterprises using food as a tool can provide opportunities for skill-building, relationship-building, and community integration.

      Food has the power to connect and build empathy among diverse communities. Michelle's experience of not being able to cook and share traditional meals with her family resonated deeply with her, leading her to approach the Irish Refugee Council with the idea of using food as a means to bring people together. Through a series of cooking sessions, Michelle and her team created a safe space where people from Direct Provision could learn new skills, share recipes, and build relationships. The project grew into a social enterprise, providing training and opportunities for those interested in the catering industry. Food served as a powerful tool for integration, helping to break down language barriers and changing the way people were perceived within their community. The project also raised awareness about the challenges faced by those in Direct Provision and sparked important conversations around their rights and experiences.

    • Food as a tool for connection and healingFood transcended language barriers, created a welcoming environment, fostered community, and served as a tool for healing and connection for asylum seekers in Ireland

      Food played a significant role in creating a therapeutic and communicative space for asylum seekers in Ireland, who have faced trauma and isolation in the direct provision system. Food served as a universal language that transcended language barriers and facilitated connections between people from different cultures. It provided a safe and welcoming environment where people could share their stories and experiences, fostering a sense of community and understanding. The intermingling of different cuisines led to the creation of new dishes, reflecting the rich cultural diversity of the participants. Food also served as a casual and effective way to invite people to engage in conversations and support the project. Overall, the use of food as a tool for connection and healing highlights the importance of creating inclusive and supportive spaces for individuals who have faced trauma and displacement.

    • Challenges of living in Direct Provision in IrelandThe current Direct Provision system in Ireland keeps asylum seekers isolated for years, hinders their integration, and needs transparency, accountability, and resources to improve.

      The current system of direct provision in Ireland, which houses asylum seekers in state-funded accommodation, is inadequate and needs reform. The speakers shared personal experiences of the challenges and negative impacts of living in direct provision for extended periods. They emphasized the importance of allowing asylum seekers to integrate into society and contribute to the economy, rather than keeping them isolated for years. The speakers also highlighted the need for transparency and accountability in the direct provision system, as well as the urgent need to address the issue of overcrowding and the lack of resources in direct provision centers. They called on the government and the public to push for change and create a more welcoming and inclusive community for asylum seekers. The speakers also mentioned the importance of supporting organizations like Massey and the Irish Refugee Council, which advocate for the rights of asylum seekers and provide essential services and support.

    • Privatization of services for asylum seekers leads to conflicts of interest and exploitationPrivatization of services for asylum seekers, such as direct provision and catering, can lead to conflicts of interest and exploitation, with corporations profiting from poor living conditions and low-quality food.

      The privatization of certain systems, such as prisons and direct provision for asylum seekers in Ireland, can lead to conflicts of interest and exploitation. In the case of direct provision, hotels that were on the brink of failure have thrived due to the large number of asylum seekers housed there. The corporation providing catering, Aramaic, profits from this arrangement by providing poor quality food. Moreover, powerful individuals and corporations, including Avoca, which is also owned by Aramaic, stand to lose financially if direct provision ends. This situation recalls the privatization of the Magdalene laundries, where women were exploited for labor without pay. The best model for integrating migrants into society may be countries that allow them to work and live independently while their cases are being processed, as this contributes to both their personal growth and the betterment of the community.

    • Integrating asylum seekers for a successful communityProviding opportunities for work and upskilling can lead to a self-sufficient and successful asylum seeker community, contrasting the current system's limitations.

      Integrating asylum seekers into society by providing them with opportunities to work and upskill can lead to a more successful and self-sufficient community. The current system of direct provision in Ireland, which limits opportunities for work and personal growth, sets asylum seekers up for failure upon entering society. This approach can be compared to systematic racism, as those in direct provision are at a significant disadvantage compared to the rest of the population. Personal experiences and relationships, like that of the speaker and Michelle, demonstrate the importance of trust and understanding between different backgrounds and the potential positive impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole. Switzerland's approach, which integrates asylum seekers into the workforce, is a model that Ireland could adopt to help asylum seekers reach their full potential and contribute to the country.

    • The Table expands business to corporate catering for social causeThe Table, a social enterprise, innovatively expands into corporate catering to raise awareness, funds, and provide jobs, while ensuring fair compensation and taxes are paid.

      The Table, a social enterprise in Ireland, is expanding its business to corporate catering as a way to raise awareness and funds for their cause. They have already worked with organizations like the European Union and plan to cater events across the country. Despite being a volunteer CEO, they ensure that their staff is paid and taxes are paid. Ellie, one of the co-founders, is now running for political office with the Social Democrats, becoming the first person from direct provision to do so. The goal is to give a voice to those who feel unheard and address the social issues facing Ireland. The Table's expansion into corporate catering is an innovative solution to create positive change while providing delicious food.

    • Growing up in Direct Provision and Advocating for ChangePersonal experiences and advocacy are crucial for change in the Direct Provision system. Despite challenges, continue sharing stories and taking action to promote inclusivity and equity.

      Direct provision, a system for housing asylum seekers in Ireland, requires active participation from those directly affected by it. The speaker, Ellie, shares her personal experience of growing up in the system and advocating for change. She emphasizes the importance of being present and sharing stories to ensure that future generations live without prejudice and fear. Unfortunately, there have been few policy changes despite recommendations from a working group led by Judge Brian McCommond. Ellie also mentions the challenges faced by asylum seekers, including not being allowed to work and earn wages. She plans to go into politics to continue advocating for change and invites others to join her in the movement. The call to action for those in attendance is to learn about the locations of direct provision centers and the challenges faced by those living in them. By raising awareness and taking action, we can help create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

    • Feeling trapped and powerless in the current housing and food systemThe current housing and food system leaves individuals with minimal choice and autonomy, providing poor nutritional food and perpetuating a sense of disempowerment. Urged to use our vote and anger to bring about change.

      The current system of housing and providing for individuals in need is not only inadequate but also disempowering. The speaker shares their personal experience of feeling trapped and powerless in the system, which leaves them with minimal choice and autonomy. The food provided is often of poor nutritional value, and the lack of choice contributes to a sense of disempowerment that filters down to children. The profit motive is a significant factor in the production and distribution of food. The speaker urges the audience to use their vote and lobby their politicians to bring about change. They emphasize the importance of anger, as a positive force, to drive this change and remind us that it is our tax money being used in ways that violate human rights. The lack of choice and autonomy in the current system is a major issue that needs to be addressed.

    • Lack of creativity and autonomy in Direct Provision centersDirect Provision centers limit creativity and autonomy for workers and residents, providing inadequate facilities and opportunities for personal growth. Successful initiatives, like Sanctuary Runners and Sligo Global Kitchen, offer support and opportunities for connection and growth.

      The living conditions in Direct Provision centers in Ireland are limiting the creativity and autonomy of those working there, as well as not providing adequate facilities or opportunities for entertainment and personal growth for the residents. The chef in the discussion shared her experience of being unable to order the food she wanted to cook and being restricted by a set menu. This lack of freedom and resources extends to other areas of life in Direct Provision, leaving many residents feeling isolated and without outlets for expression or engagement. The situation is not widely known or discussed, and there is a need for more organizations and individuals to step in and offer support. Examples of successful initiatives include Sanctuary Runners and Sligo Global Kitchen, which bring communities together through food and activities. If you're interested in making a difference, consider reaching out to these organizations or finding ways to volunteer your time and skills. By coming together, we can create opportunities for connection and growth in Direct Provision centers.

    • Empowering ourselves to make a differenceWe have the power to make a difference through action, compassion, and voting. Short-term health insurance offers flexible coverage for those in need.

      Each of us has the power to make a difference. Whether we feel inspired or angry, we have the autonomy to take action. This could be through volunteering, using our votes, or even expressing our opinions to our representatives. Compassion towards ourselves and our neighbors is also crucial. An interesting fact shared was that a crocodile cannot stick out its tongue. On a more practical note, short-term health insurance plans, such as those offered by UnitedHealthcare underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, provide flexible and budget-friendly coverage for a month or just under a year in some states. For more information, visit uhone.com. So, let's strive to be the change we want to see, be compassionate, and remember that our actions matter. Thank you for joining this discussion. I'll be back next week. Take care and have a good one.

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    de la joie, de la liesse et de la tradition… Un jour béni pour les débiteurs de

    Bibliographie : 

    Vita Tripartita, pars I, chap. 16, citée par l’abbé François Duine, Mémento des sources Hagiographiques de l’histoire de Bretagne, Rennes, 1918, sous l’article 201 (Tigride), Jean Guiffan, Saint Patrick et la christianisation de l'Irlande sur clio.fr, juillet 2002
    Marie-Louise Jacotey, Patrick, saint patron de l'Irlande : l'île des saints
    – Langres : D. Guéniot, 2005
    Frédéric Kurzawa, Petite vie de saint Patrick, Desclée de Brouwer, coll.
    « Petites Vies », 1995 

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