
    Embrace Change; Trust; Self-Care; Remnants of Karma

    en-usJuly 24, 2023
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    About this Episode

    You are being made new in every way. Embrace this change with open heart! Self-care is critical in this period of profound change. Now is the time for trust: in yourself, the knowing that you’ll be OK, and in us. If old issues you thought were gone are coming up, know they’re just remnants of karma that is mostly gone.

    You are being made new in every way, enabling you to function as a physical being at 5th dimensional vibration and above, so you can exist, create, understand, make decisions, have experiences within the unceasing energies of oneness, compassion and cooperation. In a world where lower vibrations such as fear, poverty, illness, and competition are no longer present. Part of the 3rd dimensional human condition is deeply habitual resistance to change, but that recreates old propensities in both your consciousness and collective consciousness. So don’t just accept this change, embrace it, open your heart to it. Human belief systems developed as survival mechanisms are no longer needed. You're safe: safe to be you, safe to follow your heart, safe to reconnect with your own inner truth and be that. In these times of rapid, profound, and intense change, self-care is so very important. It will become apparent what self-care means when you’re centered in your heart, listening to your mind, body, yourself. Many of the changes you're undergoing require some downtime, so rest when you need rest. 

    Many light workers felt they were past certain karma, and are discouraged to find old issues still coming up. But they’re just remnants: most of that karma IS gone, but there’s still the dust that settled in the corners and down into the floor boards that’s coming up now for closure and release. 

    We remind you that the appearance of chaos around you is release, and it will continue to grow in intensity. These appearances don’t mean anything, their true nature is their divine essence. They have no authenticity or power until you intentionally or unintentionally make them real in your own consciousness. Many light workers are caught up attempting to understand what’s happening, includes pursuing understanding from other people, such as channels, gurus, psychics, and people with web pages. Things such as finding your twin flame and helping the forces of light against dark were born of duality. Move beyond the need to understand, which is a dualistic need based in survival. Another habit that will be coming up for many of you, sometimes quite subtly, is the need to know what following your heart looks like. There’s no need to analyze that. What will bear result, and make your way forward easier and more joyful, is to focus on you: your spiritual growth, meditation and practice, doing your best to put mind aside and live from your heart. 

    Another subject is trust. First trust yourself, allow your flow as a divine being. Live from your heart, your intuition; be your truth without needing to know what that is. Second, trust in your oneness with all that is, and know that there is no way for you not to be OK. What will slow you down is clinging to what you acquired 3rd dimensionally, for example the belief in “no pain, no gain”. And trust us, your ascended guides, ascended masters, angels, who have been with you for so many lifetimes.

    Recent Episodes from Tom Barry on Awakening with Mother Earth

    Your Mind is Holding You Back; How We Define Mind

    Your Mind is Holding You Back; How We Define Mind

    Your mind is holding most of you back. We define mind as everything you have come to know as you: brain, perceptions about what your 5 senses tell you, understandings, habits, skills, fears, etc. Your habitual reliance on these tools acquired in the 3rd dimension, including teachers & gurus, will be of no use where you’re going.

    We define mind as everything, every aspect, that you have come to know as you: understandings, knowledge, wisdom, habits, hopes, fears, desires, skills, perceived weaknesses; your 5 senses and how you’ve come to use them, and your perceptions about the reliability of what they tell you; and of course your brain. These are the TOOLS you used for growing, thriving and surviving 3rd dimensionally. But in terms of your spiritual growth, your habitual reliance upon your mind as we define it is holding most of you back. We offer an analogy where everything we describe as the mind is a boat and you and your boat have been on an adventure sailing the sea of duality. Over the course of the journey, you have come to perceive you and your boat as being inseparable. Now you’ve run aground, but the habit of you and boat, the appearance of absolute reliance, is so deeply engrained, so strong, it doesn’t occur to most people that they can leave their boat behind. It’s confusing and uncomfortable, because the database and toolbox of the mind is no longer providing very clear information upon which decisions and understanding will be made. Many are aware that their boat is no longer moving, but it doesn’t occur to most that it’s safe to get out of the boat. A few brave souls have hopped out of their boat but it does not occur to most of them that they can leave the boat—this partnership with the mind—behind. So they drag the boat with them, which is difficult, plus the tools constituted in the boat are becoming ever less reliable. Then one day you come across a sheer cliff, and it is apparent that you and your boat will not navigate this in any way. People will search the database of their mind for a way. Some will read more and listen to teachers. Some will attempt to scale the cliff using their mind, but it doesn’t work because the tools they’re using don’t work: they see a hand hold, reach for it, but it's not there. At some point, you’ll realize there is no figuring anything out, there are no books or teachers, there is nothing in your tool bag, library, wisdom, understanding, skills, or earthly memory that you acquired in your 3rd dimensional existence that will be of any use where you’re going. So you finally make the decision to let go of everything, even at depths you cannot yet see. At the top of your list of things to let go of are those perceptions, understandings, definitions having to do with you. Let go of all instincts for survival, of gravity being real. In your meditations and walking through life, it is a human habit to have expectations of experience, wondering what something is going to be like, ideas about what’s happening. Let go of those too .As you let go, your higher chakras will open in ways that you’ve not yet experienced in the 3rd Dimension. With regard to people, teachers and gurus who have advice, they’re doing the best they can but remember that they’re using concepts developed in the 3rd dimension. It's not possible to know anything about what lies ahead.

    Say Goodbye to Old Stuff that Arises; Take Charge of Your Life

    Say Goodbye to Old Stuff that Arises; Take Charge of Your Life

    Make a conscious decision not to react to the ever-deeper layers of old stuff being shaken loose. It’s time to take charge of your life as a being with divine knowing by following your inner knowing. 

    Ever deeper layers of your old, lower vibrational stuff are being shaken loose, ancient forgotten traumas, old fears, feelings, whatever. As these arise and you begin to react, stop and be an objective observer. Know that whatever it is that you’ve begun to react to, it’s only energy and has no reality to you in your consciousness, no power or effect, until you react to it and make it real. It might help to say in your mind or out loud something like: “thank you for once serving me, I no longer resonate with you, goodbye”. Or send it to your Ascended Guides. When you make a conscious decision not to react, your level of consciousness rises. Another key aspect of ascension is following your inner knowing or heart. Not just knowing your heart, but following it: taking charge of your life as a being with divine knowing. Do the best you can, but do something: move, create movement. Quite a few Light Workers continue to do things (such as jobs and relationships) that they’ve known in their heart of hearts isn’t for them. Also love yourself: moment by moment nurture and take care of yourself. Another aspect of your rising consciousness is that which used to resonate with you no longer does, it falls away: people, places, situations, things, interests.

    There are no rules to ascension, no steps. Just a posture of intent to ascend, whatever that looks like for you, the intent to let go and move beyond the old reality, to return to your own truth, unconditional love. You don’t need to understand.  Any idea, understanding, or concept that a person has when they are still in duality, even if just a little, cannot possibly be correct, because it was formed in the illusion of duality. As soon as you achieve an understanding, let it go. At this stage for most of you, any understanding you have is a barrier, constraint, or ceiling to where you’re going. We acknowledge that one needs enough understanding to decide what to do, moment by moment. Higher understanding comes from your heart, third eye, intuition.

    You Are the Only Change that is Important Now; Engage in it in a Determined Way

    You Are the Only Change that is Important Now; Engage in it in a Determined Way

    YOU are the only change now you need to be concerned with that will have any impact. Hard-wired habits of reaction will continue to come up. Just catch yourself and make the conscious decision to let it go and center in your higher knowing. It’s possible to disengage from what's going on but still function within it.

    For every person on the planet, what you create as reality with your reactions, thoughts, and emotions (often habitual), collectively these go into the consciousness that is more or less the governing vibration of the planet at any given moment. YOU are the only change now that you need to be concerned with, to engage and work on, that will have any impact or importance whatsoever. The massive shift of this planet and you to higher vibration has to do with you moving to a place of following your own divine nature. It’s all about you embracing and engaging in the change within you, in a determined, consistent way for awhile. All the rest of it ...it means something, but the actual causes for all these visible changes are YOU, rising to higher vibration, rising to a place where you functioning within the higher vibrational aspects of this planet, leading the way, holding the light. You flowing into your natural state as a fully conscious being is something that is so natural, and now so easy, all it really requires is a willingness to let go and stay in this place of UCL, and to maintain this as much as you can. It’s all set up. Habits of reaction are hard wired...amazement, self-righteousness, blame... will continue to come up. Every time you catch yourself and make the conscious decision to let it go and center at a higher place centered in your HEART, your inner knowing, you create the ability to do that even more so next time. It is possible to disengage and be in a place of absolute UCL and acceptance, no longer treating what’s around as real but still functioning within it. Acceptance does not mean that deciding that everything everyone is doing is OK.

    The Ascended Masters Answer Questions From Listeners

    The Ascended Masters Answer Questions From Listeners

    The Masters discuss their nature and purposes here in the ascended, and other realms of earth, as well as how to effectively connect with them and use their guidance and assistance. Included in this discourse are cautions about spirits who masquerade as Ascended Guides, and how to avoid them.

    Other questions addressed have to do with the difficulties lightworkers face in triggering reactions and disproportionate responses in those around them, and how best to handle these situations. Also discussed are issues of diet, listening more closely to the needs of our bodies (while putting beliefs and habits of mind aside), and so on.

    Let Go of Belief that Anything Outside of You Can Affect You

    Let Go of Belief that Anything Outside of You Can Affect You

    There is nothing outside of yourself that can hurt, save, or otherwise affect you unless you let it. Letting go of that which contradicts your truth, and welcoming your transition from duality to oneness, opens you up energetically for this transition to flow.

    There is nothing outside of yourself—no concept, person, anything—that can control, hurt, save, or even affect you, unless you give it that power. When you truly begin to loosen up on the boundaries you’ve created for yourself, energetically you're opening up to divine flow. When you loosen up on that which contradicts your truth, your truth flows more freely. It’s what you as divine creator create for yourself. It will be necessary for you to welcome the fact that ascension requires your transformation from a being who has been deeply engaged in duality back to an awakening, then awakened ascended being, who not only believes you are one with you are one with all that is, but you are that. As divine creator, you need to create the space, the openness, the invitation, the willingness for this transformation. The more your consciousness moves towards an awakened state, the less duality will resonate with you. More and more you will exist in a state of unconditional love, true compassion, kindness, and an awareness of oneness. Reaction to people, events, situations in a judgmental way will fall away. You will be a light and people will see it. Open your heart to love and being your light, that’s it.

    All of the ways of being, the systems on your planet—especially those dealing with how humans deal with one another—all will change quite rapidly. In every sense there will be equality, not just economically but politically, environmentally, every way you can think of. Power as you think of it, as it’s understood, will no longer be a factor. Hierarchies where a person or group holds power over others will no longer be able to exist. Humans, in cooperation with us and galactic beings, will begin healing one another and Gaia. This process cannot be turned around, it has reached a point of no return and cannot fail. How you each experience this will be determined by your level of consciousness. You as light workers are so critical, you are the free will of humanity in expression.

    Your Resurrection; Manifesting Abundance

    Your Resurrection; Manifesting Abundance

    The resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus)—returning to that highest essence of all that is—is the same as yours, although you made the choice to ascend while retaining your physical form. In manifesting abundance for yourself, shift away from dualistic cause and effect to having the consciousness that it can come in any way.

    After crucifixion, Yeshua returned to his true state, that highest essence of all that is, which goes by many terms (source, creator, The One, God, Allah, ...). On Sunday he reappeared in physical form, then again left his body behind to exist in that highest state. Your resurrection and Yeshua’s are the same, although your process looks different because most of you made the choice to ASCEND while retaining your physical form. An aspect of your ascension is to be that purest love on a physical planet in physical form, to anchor that love and be a beacon and demonstration of that love to all others. This would not be possible while still maintaining your lower-vibration form, so you're changing from carbon-based to crystalline and many new chakras will allow you to exist at full consciousness in every way, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Yeshua, Buddha, and so many others of us got together with you—you who have reincarnated repeatedly doing this human experience and are ascending—and decided to do this together. So remember that you're already absolute love, source/creation/creator. You’re simply in a process of remembering, and more than anything loving. And remember that self-love, self-treasuring means loving the divine, your truth. In your mediation or quiet times, call in and merge with Yeshua, who is here with you now, as always. Ask to remember your awareness of being absolute love.

    Regarding what you put into yourself, we urge you to simply follow your inner knowing as to what your body is asking for, and the energetic cause and effect on you at every level, how you behave, think, feel. In one moment, you might feel that flesh doesn’t resonate, but the next day your body might be calling for something else. It’s true that most who are ascending will reach a point where lower-vibrational substances no longer resonate, such as animal flesh, alcohol, drugs, and medications. But there are no requirements for ascension regarding this, it's simply a matter of energy.

    Humanity will have abundance, it's simply an aspect of that rainbow of divine. But the timing is unknown and there’s no logical progression, because the paths are limitless given the billions of humans still creating from a belief in want and separation (although the balance is shifting as Light Workers are beginning to create consciously). Whatever happens, every being on earth will experience and understand everything at the level of their consciousness, whatever mixture of energies remains within them at a given time: Unconditional Love, human love, joy, happiness, generosity, compassion, mixed with those remnants from separation such as neediness, lack, and fear. In manifesting abundance for yourself, shift away from dualistic cause and effect. Instead of doing something such as buying currency to experience abundance, you might shift your intent for these purchases to be one of creating a path for abundance in your consciousness in these ever-shifting energies of humanity, with the consciousness that abundance can come in any way.

    Higher Consciousness Begins With Loving the Divine in All Beings

    Higher Consciousness Begins With Loving the Divine in All Beings

    Loving the Source Nature of all beings is so powerful that the actuality of your interconnection with all others will become apparent in a way that you will begin experiencing your own Divine Nature as One with All That Is. You just need to start. This is the subject of today's channeling with the Ascended Masters.

    Unconditional Love Cannot Coexist with Judgment

    Unconditional Love Cannot Coexist with Judgment

    Moving into a state of higher consciousness, beyond the 3rd and 4th dimensions, is all about unconditional love. It is about seeing Source Nature, the essence of Absolute Love in all that is, and being that. In this episode the Ascended Masters discuss letting go of all forms of judgment as an essential element of this process.

    Do We Consciously Choose to Take Our Rebirths (Reincarnations) with Specific Missions and Purposes?

    Do We Consciously Choose to Take Our Rebirths (Reincarnations) with Specific Missions and Purposes?

    In this episode the Ascended Masters talk about the myriad processes and possibilities involved in how we earth beings make our choices to be reborn as humans (or not) on Mother Earth, and how we choose what to do with our lives, both before and during our current incarnations.