
    Embracing Change and Making Impact With Seth Godin

    enAugust 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Daily Writing and Reflection with Seth GodinEmbrace daily writing and reflection to share ideas, learn, and grow. Look back on past predictions and observations to gain insights and make an impact.

      Learning from this episode of the Gary Vee Audio Experience is the importance of daily writing and reflection, as emphasized by Seth Godin. Seth shared his background, starting from his early days inventing commercial email and persuading backers, to his work in book packaging and educational computer games. He has written 18 bestselling books, and he emphasized the value of daily writing and looking back at past predictions and observations. Godin encouraged listeners to write every day, reflect on their thoughts, and share their ideas with the world. This conversation between Gary and Seth highlighted the power of change, impact, and the importance of consistent effort and creativity.

    • Earning Attention and TrustTo make a difference, earn attention through valuable contributions and authentic interactions, while building trust through consistency. (Seth Godin)

      In today's world where everyone can potentially be a thought leader, the currencies of attention and trust are paramount for making change happen. These two elements are interconnected in a virtuous cycle – you can't earn attention without being trusted, and you can't build trust without getting attention. While there are various ways to gain attention, such as being controversial or attention-grabbing, trust is earned through consistent, valuable contributions and authentic interactions with your audience. In Seth Godin's perspective, the value of authority lies in the ability to earn and maintain attention and trust, which ultimately leads to making a difference in people's lives.

    • Be Generous and Trustworthy to Build a Strong Personal BrandFocus on long-term relationships, be kind and consistent, stay true to yourself, and maintain a long-term perspective to build a successful personal brand.

      Building a successful personal brand involves being generous and trustworthy. According to the speaker, people tend to trust those who earn their trust through kindness and consistency. By focusing on long-term relationships and being generous with your time, attention, and expertise, you can build a strong network of people who will want to hear what you have to say. This approach may not yield immediate results, but it can lead to a sustainable and growing following. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of staying true to yourself and not worrying about what others may think of your approach. By remaining authentic and consistent, you can stand out from the crowd and build a strong personal brand that resonates with your audience. Additionally, having a long-term perspective and not being swayed by short-term gains can help you stay focused on your goals and build a successful brand over time.

    • The internet: the next big thing since 1991Focus on present opportunities in the ever-evolving internet market, building trust and long-term relationships with audiences, rather than manipulating them.

      The market ultimately decides the success or failure of content, regardless of who creates it. The internet has democratized media, allowing individuals to own their own platforms. However, it's essential to understand that there are various markets with unique preferences. Hustling or manipulating audiences may not be effective in building trust and long-term relationships. The internet revolution, characterized by mass connectivity and mobile usage, is the current big thing and will continue to evolve. VR, although promising, is still a long-term prospect. The key is to focus on the present opportunities and not wait for the next big thing. The internet, much like previous revolutions, will keep changing its flavor, but it's been the next big thing since 1991.

    • Trust and consistency are key to building a presenceTrust is built over time through consistent presence and commitment, not just having the latest technology or being right.

      Trust and consistency are more important than being right or having the latest technology. Guy Kawasaki became a trusted figure in tech not because he had the next big thing, but because he showed up and committed to being a trusted presence. This concept applies not just to individuals, but to brands as well. Trust is built over time, and it's not about getting things right the first time or having the perfect product. It's about making a commitment to show up and be present in a certain universe for certain people. Even seemingly unrelated things, like science and intuition, can coexist, but it's important to understand the nuances between them. Emotional intelligence, as defined by Daniel Goleman, is a crucial concept that emphasizes the importance of human skills like empathy and self-awareness. It's not the same as instinct or intuition, but rather a separate concept that is essential for building trust and effective relationships.

    • The power of recognizing patterns and creating storiesNoticing coincidences and creating stories helped our ancestors survive, and it still influences us today. Staying dedicated to a skill or project can lead to success, like Seth Godin's blog. Everyone should have a space for personal growth, even if it's not published.

      Humans have an innate tendency to notice coincidences and create stories around them, even if they're not actually meaningful. This tendency helped keep our ancestors alive by helping them recognize patterns and potential dangers. Today, we still look for these coincidences and stories, even if they don't have a real-world impact. Another key takeaway is the importance of focus and dedication in mastering a skill. Seth Godin, for example, has been consistently blogging for years, even when other social media platforms came along. He recognized that he could be good at Twitter, but it would require sacrificing time from his blog. By staying dedicated to his blog, he has become a successful and influential writer. Finally, the discussion touched on the idea that every human should have a blog, even if they don't publish it under their own name. This can be a space for personal growth and exploration, allowing individuals to process their thoughts and ideas in a meaningful way.

    • Expressing and sharing ideas is vital for growth and impactRegularly create and share ideas through writing, speaking, or reading to foster personal growth and make a positive impact on the world. Engage with the works of others for inspiration and insights.

      Consistent creation and sharing of ideas, whether through writing, speaking, or reading, is essential for personal growth and making an impact on the world. Even if you're not naturally inclined to write or keep a journal, finding a way to express and share your thoughts can lead to valuable insights and predictions that you can look back on with pride. Moreover, engaging with the works of others, whether through books or talks, can provide invaluable insights and inspiration. It's not about the quantity of content consumed but the quality and the impact it leaves on you. And, it's important to remember that even successful and influential people like Seth Godin didn't get there by being complacent or resting on their laurels. They continue to create and share meaningful ideas to make a difference.

    • Social media: Meaningful work or endless distractions?Social media can be a distraction, but with dedication and effort, it can be a platform for creating meaningful work and making a dent in the universe.

      While social media may provide endless distractions and consume our time, it doesn't necessarily lead to meaningful or productive output. Zig Ziglar used to say we can be a "meaningful specific" or a "wandering generality," and social media often encourages us to be the latter. Clay Shirky argued that the time spent on social media comes at the expense of traditional media like television. However, instead of using social media to hide from our work, we should invest our time and energy into creating a body of work that earns us trust and attention. Not everyone will become a great artist or thought leader, but with dedication and effort, we can make a dent in the universe. The decision to create meaningful work is not something we're born with, but something we choose to make along the way. The absence of gatekeepers like record producers means more people have the opportunity to pick themselves and make their mark.

    • The ways we apply ourselves impact personal growthBe mindful of time spent on social media, but recognize some forms of escapism can serve important functions. Strive for continuous improvement in all areas of life.

      While everyone has the capacity to learn and grow, the ways in which we apply ourselves and the energy we devote to various pursuits can have significant impacts on our personal development. The speaker argues that people today may be wasting their time on social media, but this behavior is not fundamentally different from the passive consumption of television in the past. However, the speaker also acknowledges that some forms of escapism, such as watching cat videos or reading a good book, can serve important functions for individuals dealing with difficult circumstances. Ultimately, the key is to be mindful of how we spend our time and to strive for continuous improvement in all areas of our lives.

    • Understanding Self-Awareness for SuccessDefine job, recognize social media pitfalls, embrace boredom, stand out, experiment, and push beyond comfort zones for growth.

      Self-awareness and understanding one's own needs are crucial for success. The discussion touched upon the importance of defining what one's job is and recognizing the potential pitfalls of excessive consumption of social media. Neil Gaiman's approach to overcoming writer's block, as shared by Seth Godin, highlights the value of boredom and the need to create in order to entertain oneself. Godin emphasized the importance of standing out rather than fitting in and encouraged experimenting with new approaches when faced with challenges. He also shared his personal experience of requiring chaos and input to thrive, contrasting with others who may struggle with the same system. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of self-awareness and the importance of pushing beyond comfort zones to learn and grow.

    • The Power of Accountability and Belief in OneselfStay curious, ask questions, engage in debates, value human connections, believe in oneself, and hold oneself accountable for personal growth and success.

      Accountability and belief in oneself are crucial for personal growth and success. Seth and Jimmy shared their experiences on the importance of being accountable to someone else and the power of science in their lives. They also highlighted their contrasting perspectives on human connections and the value of debating ideas. Jimmy emphasized the need for hard work and self-accountability, while Seth valued the importance of human connections and science. Despite their differences, they agreed on the significance of staying curious, asking questions, and engaging in meaningful debates. To connect with Seth and Jimmy, listeners are encouraged to read Seth's blog and engage in thoughtful discussions. Jimmy's show is a platform for exploring ideas and gaining consumer insights, making it a valuable resource for those who seek to broaden their perspectives.

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    • Consistency and patience are key in achieving goals.

    • The transition from one role to another requires mental training and personal growth.

    • Allowing children to express their emotions is important for their emotional development.

    • Leaving a lasting impression and connection with children is crucial for their growth and well-being.




    (00:00) Introduction and Setting the Standard as a Father

    (09:09) Teaching Patience and Consistency in Training

    (17:45) Transitioning from Strongman to Fatherhood

    (22:02) Becoming the Best Possible Father

    (25:02) Allowing Children to Express Emotions

    (36:24) Leaving a Lasting Impression and Connection

    (43:01) Summary and Takeaways


    David’s Links: 


    Website: https://advancingmanproject.com/ 


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irontamer/ 


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/irontamer1/ 

    📖Free eBook Here: Mastering Self-Development: Strategies of the New Masculine






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