
    Ep. 114: Low Cholesterol

    enJanuary 27, 2024
    What do Instacart shoppers help us focus on?
    Why is individualized healthcare important according to Dr. T.J.?
    How do statins affect cholesterol levels?
    What issues can arise after gallbladder removal?
    Why is nutrition emphasized over medications for health?

    Podcast Summary

    • Instacart shoppers help manage groceries, freeing time for personal matters. Discussing cholesterol.Understanding individual cholesterol needs is crucial for effective healthcare. Generic advice may not suffice, and personalized approaches are essential.

      Instacart shoppers are meticulous when it comes to selecting groceries, allowing us to focus on other aspects of life, such as preparing for a third date. During the discussion, Dr. T.J. highlighted the importance of addressing cholesterol issues, whether high or low. A woman with unusually low cholesterol (92) was featured, emphasizing the need for individualized approaches to healthcare. Doctors' general recommendations, like "eat better and exercise more," may not be enough, and medications like statins could contribute to abnormally low cholesterol levels. It's crucial to understand that everyone's health journey is unique and requires personalized attention and guidance.

    • Low cholesterol can be harmfulContrary to popular belief, low cholesterol can negatively impact health. Cholesterol plays essential roles in the body, and further research is needed to understand its functions and potential risks.

      Low cholesterol levels, contrary to popular belief, can be detrimental to one's health. Despite conventional doctors focusing on reducing cholesterol levels as much as possible, cholesterol plays crucial roles in the body. There is a lack of research on low cholesterol, and many doctors are not educated on this topic. Functional medicine practitioners, who prioritize evidence-based approaches, face challenges in convincing people to question the long-held belief that high cholesterol is the only concern. The speaker shares personal experiences of patients who have been told by their doctors that low cholesterol is not possible. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the functions of cholesterol in the body and encourages further research on the topic.

    • Low cholesterol can be problematic tooLow cholesterol can cause health issues, particularly for those taking cholesterol-lowering medications, and its relationship with disease progression is unclear

      Having extremely low cholesterol levels can be just as problematic as having high cholesterol. Cholesterol is an essential component for cell membranes, hormone production, and bile acid synthesis. In critically ill patients, cholesterol levels can drop significantly, but it's unclear whether the illness causes the cholesterol drop or if the low cholesterol worsens the condition. People with low cholesterol levels, particularly those who have taken cholesterol-lowering medications, have reported health issues in my clinical experience. The 2008 review article "Hypocholesterolemia in Clinically Serious Conditions" from the Czech Republic supports this notion, emphasizing the importance of cholesterol for various bodily functions and the uncertainty surrounding the relationship between cholesterol levels and disease progression.

    • Diet contributes to only 20% of total cholesterol levelsYour body produces most of your cholesterol, focusing on producing the right kind is essential for health.

      Contrary to popular belief, your diet only contributes to about 20% of your total cholesterol levels, as your body produces approximately 80% of it. Therefore, having a crappy diet can lead to the production of incorrect cholesterol particle sizes. A good diet is essential, but it's not about eliminating saturated fat. Instead, focus on producing the right kind of cholesterol. Low cholesterol levels, as seen in the patient with a total cholesterol of 92, can be problematic as cholesterol is crucial for various bodily functions, including cell membrane health, brain function, and hormone production. It's essential to understand the importance of maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and addressing any issues with your healthcare provider.

    • Cholesterol's role goes beyond heart diseaseCholesterol production is linked to liver and intestine health. Statins impact both cholesterol and essential proteins.

      Cholesterol is not just a marker for heart disease, but a complex compound intimately linked to overall health. It's primarily produced by the liver and the small intestine, and issues in these organs can impact cholesterol levels. Additionally, statins, common medications for lowering cholesterol, inhibit the production of not only cholesterol but also essential isoprenylated proteins, which play crucial roles in cell membrane function. Understanding the broader context of cholesterol and its production can lead to more holistic approaches to managing it.

    • Statins impact on essential nutrientsStatins can deplete CoQ10 for energy, affect neurodegenerative diseases through Dolichol, and potentially lead to low testosterone levels in men and women.

      Certain essential nutrients, including CoQ10 (Ubiquinone), Dolichol, and steroid hormones, are not produced adequately in the body when taking statin medications. CoQ10 is crucial for energy production and, when depleted, can lead to fatigue and even contribute to conditions like Parkinson's disease. Dolichol, produced in high concentrations in the brain, plays a role in neurodegenerative diseases like schizophrenia and Parkinson's. Additionally, statin use can lead to low testosterone levels in both men and women, which can result in various health issues such as erectile dysfunction. It's essential to understand these potential side effects and take steps to mitigate them if choosing to take statin medications.

    • The Connection Between Cholesterol and Bile AcidsTaking cholesterol-lowering medications can impact bile acid production and flow, leading to digestive issues. Proper liver function is crucial for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

      Cholesterol and bile acids are closely connected. Our body gets rid of cholesterol by making bile acids in the liver, which are essential for digesting and absorbing lipids. If we're taking medications to lower cholesterol, we may be affecting the production and flow of bile acids, leading to digestive issues. People who have had their gallbladders removed can experience these problems, as they no longer have a storage unit for bile. It's important to understand that proper liver function is crucial for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. If you've had a gallbladder removal, make sure to pay attention to your digestive health and consider supplementing with digestive enzymes to help break down fats and absorb cholesterol.

    • Gallbladder removal and long-term health issuesUnderstanding gallbladder removal's impact on liver health and prevention through proper nutrition is crucial for maintaining overall health and preventing complications.

      The removal of the gallbladder, a common procedure due to the formation of gallstones or sludge, can lead to long-term health issues. The root cause of these issues often lies in the liver, where bile production and flow are affected by dietary changes. While gallbladder removal may be necessary in some cases, it's crucial to understand that this is a permanent solution. Prevention through proper nutrition and addressing liver health can help prevent gallbladder issues and their associated complications. Cholesterol, a crucial component of cell membranes and human metabolism, plays a significant role in maintaining overall health. So, it's essential to ensure proper cholesterol levels for optimal cell function and overall well-being.

    • Cholesterol's Vital Role in Human MetabolismCholesterol is crucial for inflammation control and numerous reactions in the body. Low levels can lead to unchecked inflammation and chronic diseases.

      Cholesterol plays a vital role in human metabolism and maintaining optimal health. It is essential for numerous reactions in the body, whether we're awake or asleep. Unfortunately, conventional medicine is driving cholesterol levels too low for some individuals, leading to fatigue, cognitive issues, neurological problems, and inflammation. Cholesterol acts as the body's fireman, helping to put out inflammation and insulate damaged areas. Low cholesterol levels can result in unchecked inflammation, leading to chronic diseases. It's crucial to ensure that cholesterol levels are within a healthy range and not too low. Cholesterol's importance extends beyond inflammatory control, and we will discuss another essential role for lipids when we return. Remember, being informed and taking control of your health is essential.

    • Cholesterol's Important Role in Neutralizing Harmful SubstancesCholesterol is vital for health, primarily produced by the liver, and essential for neutralizing harmful substances. Adequate cholesterol levels are necessary for effective HDL production and immune function.

      Cholesterol is essential for various bodily functions, including cell membrane health, hormone production, and immune function. Contrary to popular belief, only a small percentage comes from diet, as our livers produce most of it. Cholesterol plays a crucial role in neutralizing harmful substances called lipopolysaccharides, which can cause inflammation if not neutralized. Having sufficient cholesterol, particularly HDL cholesterol, is necessary to bind and neutralize these substances. When cholesterol levels are low, the body cannot produce enough HDL cholesterol to perform this function effectively. It's important to ensure our bodies have enough cholesterol by allowing the liver to function optimally. In some cases, this may involve using supplements or making dietary changes to support liver health and cholesterol production.

    • Focus on essential nutrients for optimal healthUnderstanding body's physiology and improving health through proper nutrition is crucial, rather than relying on medications. Regular cholesterol checks ensure optimal levels, and lifestyle changes can lead to significant improvements.

      Our bodies don't require pharmacologic agents like statins for long-term health. Instead, we're often deficient in essential nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. It's crucial to understand our bodies' physiology and focus on improving our health through proper nutrition rather than relying on medications. Regular cholesterol checks are necessary to ensure optimal levels, as overly low cholesterol can be detrimental to our health. The world's healthiest countries don't force cholesterol levels as low as in the US, and their overall health ranks higher. Empowering ourselves with knowledge and making lifestyle changes can lead to significant improvements in our health.

    • Explore ways to save money and improve your lifeVisit INHSTL.com for tips, Cox offers savings on internet with mobile, and full synthetic oil change at O'Reilly saves money and rewards

      There are various ways to save money and improve different aspects of your life. Dr. TJ from Wellness 101 encouraged listeners to visit INHSTL.com for more information and to reach out with any questions. A current promotion from Cox offers savings on internet when you add Cox mobile, providing fiber-powered internet at home and reliable 5G connectivity on the go. Additionally, a full synthetic oil change with Mobile One at O'Reilly Auto Parts can save you money and earn you rewards. Always remember to check for any specific restrictions or requirements that may apply to these offers.

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