
    Ep. 121: Cardiovascular Disease – A Functional Approach

    enFebruary 10, 2024
    Why is prioritizing self-care important during challenging times?
    How can Instacart assist individuals during illnesses?
    What role does heart health play in overall well-being?
    What does a low heart rate variability indicate?
    How does IV nutrition help with chronic dehydration?

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on self-care during challenging timesInstacart delivers essentials for illnesses, BetterHelp offers affordable online therapy, prioritize heart health, and make small changes for overall well-being.

      Prioritizing self-care is crucial, especially during challenging times. Instacart can help deliver essentials for illnesses, allowing individuals to focus on recovery instead of work. BetterHelp offers affordable online therapy, enabling people to make time for mental well-being. Heart disease is a significant health issue, affecting half of Americans, and it's essential to prioritize heart health. Nick Bodie, a functional medicine certified nurse practitioner, emphasizes the importance of addressing heart disease, which can lead to complications and even death. By understanding these issues and making small changes, we can prioritize our well-being and improve our overall health.

    • Understanding Heart Disease and Diabetes ConnectionHeart attacks are often caused by blocked blood vessels, not the heart itself. High cholesterol doesn't always indicate a heart problem, and overall cardiovascular health is crucial for various health concerns.

      Heart disease and diabetes are interconnected with various body systems, and often, individuals who believe they have other health issues are actually dealing with undiagnosed cardiovascular disease. The heart itself is usually not the problem; instead, it's the blood vessels that supply the heart with blood that can become blocked, leading to heart attacks. Most cholesterol in the body is produced by the liver, and high levels of cholesterol do not necessarily indicate a heart problem. Instead, the issue lies in the blood vessels. Therefore, it's crucial to consider the overall health of the cardiovascular system when addressing various health concerns.

    • Heart disease is often a functional medicine issue, not just a heart problemAddressing liver dysfunction, kidney issues, inflammation, and blood vessel problems can improve heart health, not just focusing on cholesterol levels

      Heart disease is often not a heart problem, but rather a functional medicine issue. The liver produces 80% of cholesterol, and high cholesterol levels can indicate liver dysfunction. Blood pressure is regulated by the kidneys, and high blood pressure can be a sign of kidney issues. Half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels, suggesting that inflammation and blood vessel problems may be the root causes. Cholesterol, contrary to popular belief, is the body's main antioxidant, and high levels can indicate the body's attempt to heal inflammation. Large studies, such as the Framingham Heart Study and the Accord Studies, have shown that addressing inflammation, rather than just lowering cholesterol, can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In summary, heart disease may be misdiagnosed and inadequately addressed by focusing solely on cholesterol levels. Instead, addressing liver dysfunction, kidney issues, inflammation, and blood vessel problems can lead to significant improvements in heart health.

    • Addressing inflammation for heart healthFocus on finding and eliminating sources of inflammation for better heart health instead of solely lowering cholesterol levels. Adequate testosterone levels can help decrease inflammation and insulin resistance, creating a positive cycle for cardiovascular health.

      When dealing with high cholesterol levels or heart disease, it's essential to address the root cause of inflammation in the body instead of solely focusing on lowering cholesterol levels. This approach can help normalize the body's production of cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, having adequate levels of testosterone can decrease inflammation and insulin resistance, creating a positive cycle that benefits heart health. It's crucial to remember that low cholesterol levels can also pose risks, making it harder to raise cholesterol levels when necessary. Therefore, a functional medicine approach to heart disease emphasizes finding and eliminating the sources of inflammation in the body to improve overall cardiovascular health.

    • Interconnected Systems and Health IssuesNeglecting the interconnectedness of body systems can lead to long-term health issues, including heart and blood vessel problems, inflammation, and low testosterone levels.

      The body's systems are interconnected, and conditions like insulin resistance, diabetes, and hormonal imbalances in both men and women can lead to a vicious circle of health issues, including low testosterone levels, inflammation, and increased risk for cardiovascular disease. The April 2010 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism supports this narrative. The pulse analyzer, a non-invasive device used in the clinic, measures heart rate variability to assess heart and blood vessel health. Greater heart rate variability indicates a healthier heart and blood vessels. Neglecting the interconnectedness of the body's systems can lead to long-term health issues, making it crucial to consider the body as a whole.

    • Heart rate variability and artery elasticity insights from a simple testA heart rate variability test reveals health status through heart rate flexibility and artery elasticity, offering quick insights into overall well-being and stress response.

      Heart rate variability and the elasticity of your arteries, as measured by a heart rate variability test, can provide valuable insights into your overall health. A low heart rate variability may indicate poor health, while high heart rate variability suggests good health and a flexible, elastic artery system. This test also measures your stress response, allowing healthcare professionals to assess your ability to handle stress and adapt, which is crucial for maintaining good health. These markers can provide valuable information before even meeting a patient, making the test a quick and easy way to gather important health data.

    • Link between stress and cardiovascular diseaseAthletes face increased cardiovascular issues due to stress, emphasizing the need to address root causes and focus on comprehensive testing beyond total cholesterol levels.

      Stress and cardiovascular disease are closely linked. Athletes, even those in peak physical condition, experience increased cholesterol levels and other cardiovascular issues due to the stresses they face. This highlights the importance of understanding the root causes of stress and addressing it to maintain heart health. When it comes to testing for cardiovascular disease, it's essential to look beyond total cholesterol levels, focusing instead on the number and size of cholesterol particles and their stickiness. By taking a holistic approach to heart health, including investigating stressors and undergoing comprehensive testing, individuals can better understand their cardiovascular health and take steps to improve it.

    • Detailed tests like lipoprotein fractionation provide valuable heart health infoDetailed tests reveal harmful plaque, inflammation, and other risk markers for cardiovascular disease. Personalized testing and treatment are crucial for effective management.

      While total cholesterol levels are commonly checked for heart health, more detailed tests such as lipoprotein fractionation provide more meaningful information. These tests can reveal the presence of harmful plaque, inflammation, and other markers that indicate increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Additionally, individual responses to certain nutrients, such as omega-3s, can vary greatly due to genetic factors. Therefore, personalized testing and treatment are crucial for effective cardiovascular health management. Some commonly recommended supplements, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin D3K2, can be beneficial, but individual responses may vary, and proper testing is necessary to determine the most effective options.

    • Maintaining Cardiovascular Health with Essential VitaminsConsuming essential vitamins like Vitamin K2, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C, or taking supplements, can significantly contribute to cardiovascular health by preventing atherosclerosis, reducing inflammation, and maintaining the health of blood vessels' inner lining.

      Maintaining optimal cardiovascular health involves a balanced intake of various essential vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin K2, for instance, plays a crucial role in directing calcium deposition to bones instead of arteries, thereby preventing atherosclerosis. Vitamin E, with its eight components, acts as a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps keep inflammation down. Vitamin C, which is often underconsumed, is essential for maintaining the health of the glyco-calix, a slick substance that lines the inside of blood vessels and determines their health. Additionally, consuming foods rich in these vitamins or taking supplements can significantly contribute to cardiovascular health. For example, vitamin K2 is abundant in certain Asian and Eastern cultures' diets, contributing to their lower risks of cardiovascular disease. Green Tea is another valuable addition, offering numerous health benefits. Overall, a balanced diet rich in these vitamins and nutrients, along with appropriate supplementation, can contribute significantly to cardiovascular health.

    • Consuming certain supplements and beverages can reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and mortalityDrinking 3-5 cups of green tea daily and taking supplements like Bergamot and Berberine can lower all-cause mortality by 30% and cardiovascular disease risk factors by 27%.

      Incorporating certain supplements and beverages into your daily routine can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. Specifically, green tea, consumed in the three to five cup range per day, has been shown to reduce all-cause mortality by 30% and cardiovascular disease risk factors by 27%. Bergamot, found in Earl Grey tea, also offers benefits such as helping the body produce proper cholesterol particles and improving arterial stiffness and elasticity. Another favorite supplement is Berberine, which works in three ways: increasing LDL receptor sites, regulating insulin resistance and blood sugar, and balancing the gut microbiome. Oral supplements like these can make a big impact on cardiovascular health. Additionally, IV nutrition, which is used in the speakers' clinic, offers further benefits for cardiovascular health and will be discussed in the next segment.

    • IV nutrition: A solution for gastrointestinal issues and chronic dehydrationIV nutrition provides higher doses of vitamins and hydration by bypassing the gut, addressing chronic dehydration and reducing inflammation, preparing the body for healing and weight loss

      IV nutrition, specifically IV vitamin C, offers numerous benefits for individuals who may have gastrointestinal issues that impair their ability to absorb nutrients orally. IV nutrition bypasses the gut, enabling the administration of higher doses of vitamins and hydration. Chronic dehydration is prevalent in our society, and IV nutrition provides an additional layer of hydration. Moreover, vitamin C and B vitamins in IV nutrition can help reduce inflammation, which is a significant issue for many people and an obstacle to weight loss and overall health. Inflammation slows down weight loss and creates "angry fat," making it essential to address inflammation before focusing on weight loss. IV nutrition plays a crucial role in putting out the "fire" of inflammation in the body and preparing it for healing and rebuilding.

    • Undiagnosed cardiovascular problems can lead to serious health issuesPrioritize cardiovascular health through regular check-ups and lifestyle changes, address underlying health issues, and seek help if needed to determine priorities.

      Many people with weight issues may have undiagnosed cardiovascular problems, such as high cholesterol or inflammation, which can't always be felt or noticed. These conditions can lead to serious health issues, including heart attacks, if left untreated. It's essential to prioritize cardiovascular health through regular check-ups and lifestyle changes, such as reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure. The speakers emphasized the importance of addressing underlying health issues rather than relying on medications with potential side effects. They also suggested that identifying what's important to us can help us make time for prioritizing our health. If you're struggling to determine your priorities, consider seeking help from a therapist, and explore online resources like BetterHelp for affordable and convenient options.

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