
    Ep. 1613 - Chuck Schumer’s Great Replacement Theory

    enNovember 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Senate Majority Leader's Amnesty Proposal Defended with Controversial ArgumentsSchumer's amnesty proposal sparks debates over immigration, racism, and federal laws for same-sex marriages. Humanitarian needs in Ukraine and economic instability encourage investment in precious metals.

      Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's proposal for amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants is being defended using controversial arguments, including the claim that America isn't producing enough kids and that opposition to amnesty equates to racism. Meanwhile, the debate over same-sex marriage in federal law and the fallout from Donald Trump's 2024 announcement continue to dominate political discussions. Elsewhere, there are urgent humanitarian needs in Ukraine, where the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is working to provide food and basic necessities for families, especially the elderly and Jewish communities. Amidst economic instability and inflation, diversifying investments into precious metals is also being encouraged as a smart financial strategy.

    • The Complexity and Importance of the Immigration DebateThe immigration debate continues to be a contentious issue, with shifting voting patterns, concerns over labor shortages, and cultural impacts shaping the discussion.

      The debate surrounding immigration and demographic changes in the United States has been a contentious issue for decades, with both parties having held varying perspectives. Originally, some on the left believed that minority populations would form a new Democratic majority, leading some on the right to argue for immigration restrictions based on race. However, recent shifts in voting patterns, such as the American Hispanic community's increasing support for the Republican Party, challenge these assumptions. Meanwhile, the declining birth rate in the US and the large number of illegal immigrants entering the country are significant concerns for some, with debates surrounding immigration policy and its potential impact on American culture and traditions. Most recently, Senator Chuck Schumer openly discussed the need for immigration to address the declining birth rate and labor shortages, highlighting the ongoing complexity and importance of this issue.

    • The Importance of Encouraging Childbirth and Preserving Traditional InstitutionsAddressing the declining birth rate requires more than just importing labor. Encouraging childbirth and preserving traditional institutions like marriage are crucial for the future of civilizations.

      The declining birth rate is a significant problem for societies with large welfare systems, and the solution proposed by some, including Chuck Schumer, is to import labor from other countries. However, this approach overlooks the importance of encouraging people to have children and preserving traditional institutions like marriage. The redefinition of marriage and the decline in marriage and birth rates are major issues that threaten the future of civilizations. The recent Senate vote on same-sex marriage legislation in the United States, while a legal milestone, is not respect for marriage as the fundamental definition of the institution has been changed. The social transformation towards accepting same-sex marriage on a large scale in just a few years is remarkable but may have long-term consequences for the preservation of civilizational values.

    • Political tactic to include interracial couples in Respect for Marriage ActThe Respect for Marriage Act codifies same-sex marriage and recognizes interracial marriages, acknowledging Supreme Court's stance, while allowing religious institutions to opt-out without losing nonprofit status.

      The Respect for Marriage Act, if passed into law, would codify the ability of same-sex and interracial couples to marry, but the inclusion of interracial couples is a political tactic to avoid opposition. The bill also ensures that states must recognize marriages performed in other states, regardless of sexual orientation, and allows religious institutions to refuse participation in same-sex marriages without losing their nonprofit status. The bill does not expand religious rights, but rather acknowledges the Supreme Court's likely stance on the matter. It is important to note that religious people's beliefs extend beyond their places of worship and should be respected in all aspects of life. The bill establishes a social standard for marriage recognition and sets a precedent for the protection of religious freedom in the context of same-sex marriage.

    • Legitimizing Discrimination Against Certain Religious BeliefsThe proposed bill aims to restrict religious freedoms, allowing only expression of beliefs in religious institutions, while propagating a perspective that traditional marriage is based on individual choice rather than societal duty and family formation.

      The proposed bill, as discussed, seeks to legitimize discrimination against certain religious beliefs, specifically those opposing same-sex marriage. It portrays these beliefs as bigotry and only allows their expression in religious institutions. The underlying assumption is that there's no rational reason to prefer male-female dyads over same-sex couples or other relationships. This perspective has been propagated in public education, leading to the normalization of diverse family structures and same-sex marriage. The conversation also touched upon the historical significance of marriage as a societal institution built around family formation and duty, contrasting it with the current emphasis on mutual pleasure and individual choice. Ultimately, the debate goes beyond same-sex marriage and questions the very definition and purpose of marriage itself.

    • The shift from marriage as a societal institution to a voluntary unionMarriage's role as a societal institution for family formation has evolved into a voluntary union for romantic association. Despite this change, marriage remains essential for promoting social standards and supporting healthy relationships.

      The concept of marriage as a voluntary union for romantic association, rather than a societal institution for family formation, is a relatively new idea in human history. This shift, driven by factors like birth control and welfare, has led to marriage becoming seen as an optional and even vestigial part of society. However, it's important to note that marriage remains essential, despite these changes. Society's role in promoting social standards that support healthy relationships and family formation is still crucial. Meanwhile, other societal challenges, such as rising crime rates and the need for self-defense, have led many to prioritize individual safety and preparedness. Ultimately, understanding the historical context and current implications of these shifts can help us navigate the complexities of modern relationships and societal structures.

    • The changing cultural perspective on traditional institutions and societal consequencesThe acceptance of new values, such as same-sex marriage, can lead to declining birth rates, increased single motherhood, and a reliance on importing children from other societies. This loss of large-scale societal institutions can lead to greater individual freedom but also potential negative consequences for the continuation of the society itself.

      The changing cultural perspective on traditional institutions, such as marriage, can lead to significant societal consequences. According to the discussion, this shift in values, exemplified by the acceptance of same-sex marriage, has led to declining birth rates and increased single motherhood. These trends, in turn, can result in a society that relies on importing children from other societies that still value family formation and baby making. This societal breakdown can be seen in the US Senate, where some elites, like Chuck Schumer, seem to have a paternalistic view that only a few should have children, while others should import them. The loss of large-scale societal institutions can be seen as a step towards greater individual freedom, but it also has potential negative consequences for the continuation of the society itself. The discussion also touched upon the importance of understanding history and the role of societal institutions in shaping our values and laws.

    • Shift in societal values and prioritiesThe prioritization of reproductive rights and individual freedom over traditional family structures has led to the devaluation of babies and the androgynization of society, overlooking biological realities and evolutionary importance of sexual dichotomy and species propagation.

      There has been a significant shift in societal values and perspectives regarding family, marriage, and children. According to the discussion, some argue that the government's role is not to grant respect or honor but to provide basic services and protect civil institutions. This mindset has led to the validation of abortion as a societal positive and the devaluation of family formation. Reproductive rights and individual freedom are prioritized over traditional family structures, leading some to view babies as burdens and obstacles to personal happiness. This perspective, as the speaker points out, overlooks the biological realities and evolutionary importance of sexual dichotomy and the propagation of the species. The ultimate goal seems to be the androgynization of society, where romantic love feelings overshadow basic human realities.

    • Philosophical shift challenges traditional institutions like marriage and familyThis shift disregards biological and economic realities, leading to gov't as primary source of support for atomized individuals, threatening societal norms

      The same individuals and ideologies that deny the validity and importance of traditional institutions like marriage and family, while dismissing scientific consensus on issues like COVID-19 and climate change, also challenge the notion of biological sex and gender. This philosophical shift, as seen in policies like San Francisco's guaranteed income program for trans individuals, is leading us towards a society where the government becomes the primary source of support for atomized individuals, rather than institutions like family. This trend disregards the biological and economic realities that underpin these institutions and threatens to further erode societal norms and values.

    • Learning about Black Rifle Coffee and societal issuesBlack Rifle Coffee offers high-quality coffee and veteran support, while societal norms have led to the acceptance of radical subjectivism, as seen in the FTX crypto exchange scandal

      During this discussion, we learned about the high-quality coffee offerings from Black Rifle Coffee, which is veteran-founded and operated, and sources exotic roasts from around the globe. They offer various brewing gear, thermoses, mugs, apparel, and a coffee club subscription with a 10% discount using the code "Shapiro." Meanwhile, in a separate topic, we delved into the societal issue of the destruction of institutions and moral standards, where the notion of absolute morality has been replaced by radical subjectivism. This was exemplified in the FTX crypto exchange scandal, where Sam Bankman Fried allegedly engaged in fraudulent activities, which was largely ignored due to the societal norm of only acknowledging left-wing morality. The new CEO of FTX, John Ray, has taken over to clean up the situation, having previously handled similar large corporate failures.

    • Unprecedented failure of corporate controls and financial information in FTX caseFTX founder's disregard for ethical business practices, internal controls, and regulatory compliance, enabled by prioritization of political causes and industry support

      The failure of corporate controls and the absence of trustworthy financial information in the FTX case is unprecedented in the speaker's career. Sam Bankman Fried, the founder of FTX, was able to operate with impunity due to a moral system that prioritized left-wing political causes over ethical business practices. Fried was funded and championed by major players in the financial industry, including hedge funds and high-profile individuals like Mark Zuckerberg and Volodymyr Zelensky. Despite red flags and concerns about his unconventional business practices and moral compass, Fried continued to lobby for regulatory frameworks in Washington, using it as a means to regulate competitors and solidify his monopoly. The speaker questions how such a blatant disregard for internal controls, regulatory compliance, and moral standards was allowed to persist, and what this says about the current state of corporate governance and ethical standards in the financial industry.

    • FTX Founder's Controversial Views on Regulation and EthicsDespite his philanthropy and climate initiatives, Sam Bankman-Fried's ethical gray areas and political connections have raised questions about his motivations and the morality of new power structures in tech.

      Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, was criticized for his views on regulation and ethics in a text interview with a reporter. He expressed his belief that regulators don't protect consumers and that unethical actions could be justified for the greater good. However, he also acknowledged that people's perception of reality matters and that following ethical guidelines can help build a good reputation. Bankman-Fried's actions, such as funding liberal causes and climate initiatives, have been seen as attempts to buy influence and divert attention from his business dealings. The media's positive coverage of him has been criticized for overlooking his involvement in risky bets that led to FTX's collapse. Despite his philanthropic efforts, Bankman-Fried's ethical gray areas and political connections have raised questions about the true nature of his motivations and the morality of the new power structures in the tech industry.

    • Crypto Industry's Political Influence and Morality DilemmaThe crypto industry's focus on political donations and lobbying raises questions about trust and morality, potentially eroding the traditional moral grid underpinning functional markets. The destruction of strong family and moral structures can lead to exploitation and a 'game of winners and losers' mentality.

      The crypto industry, represented by figures like Sam Bankman Fried, engages in political donations and lobbying efforts to shape regulations that favor their businesses. This raises questions about trust and morality in economic transactions, as the traditional moral grid that underpins functional markets may be eroded by a focus on social causes and political giving. The destruction of strong family and moral structures can lead to a vacuum where people seek to exploit each other, and the rise of virtue signaling and ESG systems as a substitute for old-school moral accountability may further exacerbate this issue. Ultimately, the trustless nature of cryptocurrency systems relies on finding people and institutions that share a moral system, and the erosion of this moral fabric can lead to exploitation and a "game of winners and losers" mentality.

    • Defining morality through politics leads to societal instabilityPolitical sensibilities and modern social constructs cannot replace time-tested institutions and personal character for defining morality. Rebuilding social fabric and promoting individual moral behavior are crucial for a stable and ethical society.

      Attempting to define morality based on political sensibilities and modern social constructs, rather than time-tested institutions and personal character, can lead to societal instability and an increase in immoral behavior. The speaker argues that the obliteration of traditional morality and its underlying institutions will result in a lack of social fabric, leaving individuals to form their own moral codes based on political causes. However, this approach is flawed and has been demonstrated to fail, as seen in the cases of Sam Bankman Fried and Elizabeth Holmes. Instead, rebuilding the social fabric and promoting individual moral behavior are essential for creating a stable and ethical society. The government cannot legislate morality into people, and the financial industry, including cryptocurrency, has shown that bad actors will break the law regardless. Legal structures can complement morality, but they are not a substitute.

    • FTX Collapse Highlights Risks and Vulnerabilities of Crypto IndustryThe FTX collapse underscores the need for stricter, more transparent regulations in the crypto industry to mitigate risks of liquidity crises and solvency collapses, and protect consumer investments.

      The recent collapse of cryptocurrency exchange FTX, and the potential involvement of its affiliated trading firm Alameda Research, has highlighted the risks and potential vulnerabilities of the crypto industry. FTX's assets were largely tied up in its own digital currency, FTT, which was used as collateral for loans, possibly including customer funds. When concerns about FTX's solvency arose, a panic ensued, leading to a plummeting value of FTT and a potential inability for FTX to return loans due to its reliance on FTT. Regulators, including the Justice Department, SEC, and CFTC, are now investigating the situation. The SEC claims that it began before the scandal erupted. The text suggests that the industry's vulnerability to liquidity crises or even solvency collapses, as seen with FTX, could have been mitigated with stricter and more transparent regulations. The existing rules could have been enforced, but instead, some argue that more laws are needed. The crypto industry, including figures like Sam Bankman Fried, have been lobbying for regulations, but critics argue that they have been able to influence regulators due to financial contributions. The text also suggests that the industry's perceived instability and lack of morality may deter ordinary people from investing. Regulators and lawmakers are emphasizing the need for regulations that don't mislead consumers about the safety of their investments or give businesses a false sense of entitlement to bailouts.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Favorite Things: Dang Bars, Simply Devine Botanicals

    Remember to email us your questions at mombrainpod@gmail.com!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    671. Andy & DJ CTI: Migrants Have Rights To Own Guns, Missouri Says Biden Admin Censored Speech & Police Accuse Bolsonaro Of Fraud

    671. Andy & DJ CTI: Migrants Have Rights To Own Guns, Missouri Says Biden Admin Censored Speech & Police Accuse Bolsonaro Of Fraud

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss undocumented immigrants being granted the rights to own guns by a judge, Missouri saying the Biden administration censored speech on social media, and police in Brazil accusing Bolsonaro of fraud over COVID vaccine records.

    Dangerous Rhetoric 89: Gothix Returns!

    Dangerous Rhetoric 89: Gothix Returns!

    Gothix joins us once again to discuss the recent debate she moderated between Black Leftists vs Black Conservatives hosted by Walk Away; the Roe v. Wade decision and abortion; religion and spirituality; and her latest controversial video, "I Quit Smoking Weed - Here's Why" which inspired some backlash, and some of the dishonesty surrounding the discussion of cannabis consumption.

    Find Gothix:
    YouTube: /gothixtv
    Twitter: @gothixtv
    IG: @gothixtv
    FB: /gothixtv
    Twitch: /gothix

    Cash App: $cyre2067
    Venmo: @cyre2067

    Our socials:

    Email Us: DangerousRhetoricPod@gmail.com
    We are Newtown!

    133 Erik Wagter: Solution Focused Strategies Help Families Grow Closer

    133 Erik Wagter: Solution Focused Strategies Help Families Grow Closer

    Listen and learn from solution-focused specialist: Erik Wagter. He shares stratageis you can use today to help you and your family grow.

    Cher Kretz brings 20+ years of experience right to you with solution-focused products and coaching services. Follow links to learn more!


    Blog: www.thefocusedmindset.com/blog-by-cher

    Instagram: Cher The Focused Mindset

    Is Solution Focused Coaching with Cher right for you? Book a free discovery call today at Cher Kretz Discovery Call Access

    Website: www.thefocusedmindset.com

    Leave me a question here CONTACT CHER and your topic may be the next one on Parenting With The Focused Mindset. 


    GPS Life Solution Focused Journals on Amazon

    With the link above, you will be able to get your copy of 30 Days To Higher Hopes! New on Amazon by Cher Kretz

    The Big Life Journal Prodcts help kids grow in strength. Click affilate link here to see them all.

    Thank you for listening. Feel free to share this episode. Until next time, Keep in touch, and take care.