
    Podcast Summary

    • Sponsorship opportunities and listener engagementBrands like Shag, Burrow, and 1800flowers offer sponsorship deals and discounts for podcast listeners. Engaging with audience feedback is crucial for building a loyal fanbase.

      There are various opportunities for sponsorship and discounts from different brands mentioned in the podcast. Shag Mountainoid Plus offers exclusive bonus content and ad-free listening for sponsors. Burrow, a furniture company, provides up to 25% off their outdoor collection for listeners. 1800flowers.com offers a range of products to help celebrate special occasions and delivers with love. Additionally, the hosts discussed their experiences on a recent holiday, expressing the challenges of traveling with young children. Despite the difficulties, they acknowledged their love and appreciation for their kids. The hosts also mentioned their plans for a future trip with friends. Another point of interest was the hosts' discussion on the importance of remembering listener feedback and engaging with their audience. They shared how they sometimes forget the tweets and messages they receive, but they always try to respond and engage with their fans. Overall, the podcast episode emphasized the value of sponsorship opportunities, the challenges of traveling with young children, and the importance of listener engagement.

    • Ineffective Nappy Bags: Frustration with Thin and Smelly Diaper ContainersNappy bags, once effective at containing diaper odors, are now inadequate due to changes in materials and recycling practices. Users seek more effective and odor-resistant solutions for diaper disposal.

      Nappy bags, which were once effective at containing the smell of used diapers, no longer work as well due to changes in materials and recycling practices. The speaker expressed frustration with the thin and ineffective nappy bags he used on holiday, suggesting that they no longer provide an adequate barrier against odors. He also shared an unconventional solution used by his mother, who would flush the used diapers down the toilet instead of disposing of them in a nappy bag. While this method may not be practical or hygienic for everyone, it highlights the inadequacy of current nappy bags. Overall, the discussion underscores the need for more effective and odor-resistant nappy bags to ensure a more pleasant diaper changing experience.

    • Dealing with unexpected challenges in parentingParenting involves messy situations like 'rogue poo' incidents, requiring patience and understanding. Everyone deserves a break, even if not possible to go on holiday.

      Parenting comes with unexpected challenges, like dealing with a child's first "rogue poo" incident, which can be messy and require patience and understanding. Another takeaway is that everyone, including parents, deserves a break, even if it's not possible to go on a holiday due to financial or logistical reasons. The discussion also touched on the extreme heatwave and the record-breaking temperatures experienced in some parts of the world. Overall, the conversation highlighted the joys and challenges of parenthood and the importance of adapting to unexpected situations.

    • Parenting Challenges and MisunderstandingsEffective communication and trust are vital in relationships, but misunderstandings and disagreements can occur, requiring effort to work through them. Parenting brings unique challenges and the importance of self-care and humor.

      Communication and trust are essential in any relationship, but misunderstandings and disagreements can occur, leading to feelings of frustration and anxiety. The discussion reveals the speakers' concerns about their child's behavior, their own anxieties, and their feelings of being stifled or ignored. The conversation also touches upon the challenges of parenting and the passing of time, highlighting the importance of self-care and maintaining a sense of humor. Ultimately, the speakers acknowledge the complexities of their situation and express a desire to work through their issues together.

    • Unexpected resemblance to mother sparks conversation on personal groomingRealizing physical similarities to loved ones can remind us of the importance of personal grooming and maintaining good hygiene routines.

      The speaker in this conversation had an unexpected realization about his physical resemblance to his mother and the importance of personal grooming. He shared various experiences of noticing unwanted body hair on himself and others, leading to a conversation about personal hygiene routines. The speaker also mentioned his past experiences with nose hair removal and his reluctance to use certain grooming tools due to perceived age associations. Overall, the conversation highlights the universality of body image concerns and the importance of maintaining personal hygiene.

    • Our Evolutionary Connection to Apes and the Origin of the UniverseHumans evolved from apes, the universe began 13.8 billion years ago, Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, humans existed for only 0.03% of Earth's history, some theories propose dinosaurs evolved into birds, and scientific evidence supports the theory of evolution.

      Humans have an evolutionary connection to apes, as we share a common ancestry. The Big Bang theory explains the origin of the universe, approximately 13.8 billion years ago, while Earth came into existence around 4.5 billion years ago. Humans have only been around for about 150,000 years, while dinosaurs existed millions of years before their extinction. Some theories suggest that dinosaurs evolved into birds. Despite conflicting beliefs, such as the religious belief that Adam and Eve created everything, scientific evidence supports the theory of evolution. The complexity of understanding our origins can be challenging, especially when personal beliefs and scientific facts collide.

    • Navigating complex topics: religion and scienceExploring religious and scientific beliefs requires critical thinking and personal autonomy, as contradictions and personal beliefs can complicate understanding.

      Understanding complex topics like religion and science can be challenging and may require a deeper exploration. The speaker expresses feelings of unease and confusion about religious education and the potential contradictions with scientific facts. They also acknowledge that personal beliefs play a role in how one interprets these subjects. The conversation then shifts to a lighthearted moment about a roly poly competition during a PhD interview. However, the speaker's frustration with being told what to do by the government and media resurfaces, leading them to express their discontent with being treated like children by authority figures. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of navigating religious and scientific beliefs, as well as the importance of personal autonomy and critical thinking.

    • Exploring unconventional methods of rebelling against societal normsThe speakers discuss humorous and absurd ways to challenge societal norms, but emphasize that these ideas should be taken in jest and not actual recommendations.

      The speakers in this conversation express their frustration with societal norms and rules, and contemplate unconventional methods for rebelling against them. They discuss various absurd and humorous ideas, such as sticking ice cream up their backsides or engaging with trends like TikTok and vabbing, all in an ironic and lighthearted manner. The conversation also touches on the addictive nature of social media and the passing of time. Overall, the speakers seem to be exploring the theme of individuality and the desire to live life on their own terms, even if it means going against the grain. However, it's important to note that the ideas discussed in the conversation are meant to be taken in jest and not actual recommendations.

    • Exploring Affordable Luxuries and Unusual TrendsDiscover ways to enjoy high-end goods and experiences at affordable prices through companies like Quince, or try new hobbies. Unconventional perfumes and ethical manufacturing are trends to consider, while ASMR offers a unique form of entertainment.

      There are affordable ways to enjoy high-end goods and experiences, whether it's through companies like Quince that offer discounted luxury items or discovering new hobbies like bottle flipping with your family. Another intriguing trend is the use of unconventional perfumes, such as using vaginal fluids for scent, which some women practice and call "Vabbin." This discussion also touched on the importance of ethical and responsible manufacturing in consumer choices, as Quince prioritizes, and the potential for sharing homes through Airbnb. Additionally, ASMR, a unique form of entertainment, was mentioned as a fascinating trend where people whisper and react to gifts sent during live streams. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from budget-friendly luxury to unusual practices and trends.

    • Selling Farts and Thoughts Online: Unusual BusinessesIndividuals sell their farts or thoughts online for substantial income, showcasing the entrepreneurial spirit and unique monetization methods in the digital age

      There exists an unusual business model where individuals sell their farts or thoughts online for substantial income. This was revealed in a conversation between two individuals, where they discussed a woman named Ardena, who runs a website called mrsfart.org.inner, and has made over 200 grand from selling her farts. This business has become so successful that she has had to consume large quantities of beans, eggs, and protein shakes to meet the demand, leading her to hospitalization. The conversation also mentioned another woman, Stephanie, who made money on TikTok by selling her thoughts. While some may find this concept strange or even disturbing, it serves as a reminder of the entrepreneurial spirit and the various ways people monetize their unique offerings in the digital age.

    • Creativity and resourcefulness in unexpected placesFrom selling farts online to holiday stress, the speakers shared stories of finding unique ways to adapt and make the most of unexpected situations.

      People can find unique ways to make money, even in unexpected circumstances. During their conversation, the speakers discussed various topics, including a woman selling her farts online, holiday arguments, and strange food experiences. While some parts of the conversation were disturbing or humorous, the underlying theme was the importance of being resourceful and adaptable. The woman's ability to turn her unusual talent into a profitable business was a testament to her creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. The speakers also shared their own experiences of stress and arguments during their holiday, highlighting the normalcy of such situations. Overall, the conversation reminded us that there's always something new to learn and appreciate in life, even if it's something as unusual as selling farts online.

    • Balancing Old Habits and New Responsibilities in Relationships and VacationsCouples may face challenges in adapting to new family life and balancing old habits with new responsibilities during vacations. It's important to respect each other's perspectives and communicate openly about expectations and preferences.

      Chris and the speaker have realized they have different approaches to life post-children, making it difficult for them to go on holidays together. The speaker expressed her frustration with Chris's inability to adapt to their new family life and his desire for uninterrupted leisure time. She also shared her own feelings of missing her old life and mourning the loss of certain freedoms. They both acknowledged their differences and agreed to respect each other's perspectives. Additionally, they discussed various "holiday icks," or pet peeves related to travel, and shared some examples. The conversation also touched on the speaker's social media presence and her attempts to engage listeners with holiday-related content. Overall, the conversation highlighted the challenges of balancing old habits and new responsibilities in the context of a relationship and vacation planning.

    • Observing Annoying QuirksBe aware of how personal habits may annoy others and try to minimize irritating behaviors.

      Some people's quirks and habits, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can be irritating to others. The speaker shared an observation of a man practicing his golf swing without a club, drawing a comparison to other actions like shadowboxing and taking photos of other people's cars. She found these behaviors annoying and suggested that those engaging in them should "get in the sea." The speaker also criticized those who act as if they are rock stars on social media, and shared her annoyance with people who weigh their luggage to ensure they don't exceed the airline limit. Overall, the speaker's message is that everyone has their quirks, but it's important to be mindful of how they affect others.

    • Relaxed weight restrictions on airplanesDespite technology and resources, passengers continue to carry excessive luggage without consequences, raising questions about enforcement.

      The enforcement of weight restrictions on airplanes seems to have relaxed over the years, leading to instances of passengers carrying excessive luggage without consequences. This was a common occurrence in the past, especially when it came to buying duty-free items, and it raises questions about why this practice is still prevalent despite the availability of technology and resources to enforce rules. Another interesting anecdote shared was about a husband's unexpected attachment to a shower curtain during a holiday, leading to a humorous yet awkward situation. These stories illustrate the importance of communication and consideration in relationships and the unexpected twists that life can bring.

    • Finding humor in unexpected momentsUnexpected moments, whether good or bad, can create great stories and bring people together through shared experiences. Find the humor in these situations and share them with others.

      Life's unexpected moments, whether good or bad, can make for great stories. From hilarious mishaps like accidentally sitting on a toilet covered in shaving foam and Doritos, to more serious incidents like being picked up and almost kidnapped, these stories show the importance of finding humor and appreciation in our experiences. The speaker even finds joy in the quirky, like people selling mirrors online due to the challenge of taking a good photo with them. These shared stories create a sense of connection and remind us that we're not alone in our travel mishaps or holiday horrors. So next time you're on vacation and face an unexpected situation, remember to find the humor and share your story with others. You never know, it might become someone's favorite thing in the world.

    • Childhood stories of embarrassment and amusementChildhood experiences, though sometimes embarrassing, can provide amusing stories and teach us the importance of resilience and finding humor in unexpected situations

      Childhood experiences, no matter how embarrassing, can provide amusing stories that last a lifetime. The speaker shared a story about a friend who fell asleep with shaving foam on his head, thinking it was eggs, and woke up to find himself filmed and ridiculed by his neighbors. He also talked about various other childhood incidents, such as accidentally driving a moped through a shop, drinking bleach from a water bottle, and watching a wildlife program about rats coming up from the toilet. These experiences, though sometimes dangerous or awkward, became memorable moments that the speaker and his friends could still laugh about years later. The stories also showcase the importance of resilience and the ability to find humor in unexpected situations.

    • Sharing unexpected and humorous experiencesUnexpected experiences bring humor and joy, emphasize kindness to others in uncomfortable situations

      Life is full of unexpected and often humorous experiences. Peter Mahondre shared stories of his encounters with celebrities, near misses on planes, and awkward situations on public transportation. He also shared some embarrassing personal stories, such as losing his anal virginity to a pedalo and his brother sleeping with his girlfriend. Despite these mishaps, Mahondre maintained a positive attitude and found humor in the situations. He also emphasized the importance of being kind to others, even in uncomfortable situations. Overall, Mahondre's stories reminded us that life is unpredictable and that finding joy in the little things can make all the difference.

    • Maron promotes Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues on ShagmurdinoidMaron appeared on Shagmurdinoid, promoting Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues during allergy season. The podcast also mentioned upcoming tour plans and encouraged listeners to enjoy their holidays, with brief mentions of Branch's organic cotton sheets and UnitedHealthcare's short-term health insurance.

      The Shagmurdinoid podcast episode featured a mix of questions from the audience, bringing humor and interaction to the show. Marc Maron, from the WTF podcast, made an appearance to promote Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues, emphasizing their hypoallergenic benefits during allergy season. The podcast also mentioned the upcoming tour and encouraged listeners to enjoy their holidays, whether they were going away or staying home. Additionally, brief mentions were made about the softness of Branch's organic cotton sheets and the availability of short-term health insurance from UnitedHealthcare. Overall, the episode showcased a lighthearted and entertaining atmosphere while providing useful information on various topics.

    Recent Episodes from Sh**ged Married Annoyed

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
    This week, Rosie and Chris are off to London to do exciting things which they’re not allowed to talk about on the podcast, Chris has bumped into one of Rosie's old teachers at soft play and Rafe has revealed a development in our cashless society. We get an update after last week’s little argument… and the podcast also gets interrupted by the window cleaners. There are some questionable gym techniques discussed in QFTPs as well as a story from our favourite place… the GUM clinic!

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
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    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
    It's a (kind of) sexy episode this week! Chris and Rosie chat Northern Lights, latte art, competitions and Chris does some coffee math! Rosie has been talking about Chris behind his back which gets back to him and causes some fresh beef. QTFP involve a new game, spag bowl and a roll on deodorant. PLUS Chris starts planning Rosie's quiz for next week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
    Chris and Rosie discuss childhood games, refreshment sharing on a train and a league table of 'going out'. Chris shows Rosie his jiu-jitsu video and awaits her reaction! They also discus the potential meaning of pineapples! QFTP's include a randy dog, worms and a discussion about quick sand.

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    Ep 267. Rumour has it

    Ep 267. Rumour has it
    There's a rumour going around town about the Ramsey's... but is it true? The pair catch up after Rosie has been away for work and she presents Chris with the latest TikTok Bear/Man dilemma. The beef's get heated, there's some Star Wars explanation and QFTP's include a belly button investigation, an iron ick and a second time emailer!

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 266. Gasolina

    Ep 266. Gasolina
    On this week's podcast Chris proclaims Rosie as his Best Friend and it's not reciprocated! They discuss leisure wear, the London Marathon, Rosie's algorithm's and her thoughts on sugar free Chocolate Mousse. They have a couple of crime based QFTP's and a rouge mushroom incident.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

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    Greg Brenner, The HR Dad

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