
    Podcast Summary

    • Preparing for allergy season and appreciating loved onesStay prepared with hypoallergenic tissues and show love to moms on Mother's Day, while enjoying the success of podcasts like 'WTF' with Marc Maron, which brings unexpected triumphs even in difficult situations.

      During allergy season, it's important to be prepared with hypoallergenic tissues like Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues to help alleviate symptoms without causing further irritation. Additionally, taking care of the important people in our lives, such as moms, is a worthwhile investment. This Mother's Day, consider showing appreciation with thoughtful gifts from 1 800flowers.com. Meanwhile, in the world of entertainment, the podcast "WTF" with Marc Maron continues to thrive, having won awards and outperforming even well-established TV shows. Despite the challenges and pressures of producing a TV show, Maron expressed his deep enjoyment for the podcast, which he does from the comfort of his own home. In an unexpected twist, Maron and his wife each received an award for their divorce, a reminder that even in difficult situations, there can be unexpected triumphs.

    • Moments of Unpredictability in Formal SettingsEven in formal settings, it's easy to let our guard down and slip up, causing unexpected consequences. Be mindful of your actions and the unpredictability that can come with group settings.

      Even in formal settings, people can let their guard down and slip up, leading to unexpected consequences. The speaker in this conversation admitted to swearing during an awards ceremony, causing her child to be scared and leading to an apology. The incident was a reminder of how easy it is to get carried away in the moment, especially when under the influence of alcohol or in a relaxed environment. The speaker also shared her experience of the chaotic end of the event, where everyone was asked to leave but refused, resulting in the use of white noise to disperse the crowd. This anecdote highlights the importance of being mindful of our actions, even in seemingly informal situations, and the unpredictability that can come with group settings.

    • An unforgettable night of embarrassment and laughterThe speaker had an embarrassing night filled with drunken encounters, but still enjoyed the unforgettable moments and impressive performance of the host.

      The speaker had an unforgettable experience at a party, where they got drunk and made various embarrassing encounters. Towards the end of the night, a white noise was played to signal it was time for everyone to leave. The speaker tripped over their words and feet while trying to maintain composure, apologizing to those they met, including a woman named Emilia whom they couldn't remember what they said to. They also mentioned Tom Allen's impressive performance as the host, who managed to navigate the room full of comedians and their critics with ease. Despite the sour faces and critics, the speaker had a great time and was glad they attended the event. The white noise might have been their subconscious or the management team's signal for everyone to leave. Overall, it was an event filled with laughter, embarrassment, and unforgettable moments.

    • Sharing uncomfortable experiences at awards showsAttending awards shows can be unpredictable and uncomfortable, but maintaining a sense of humor and perspective helps to navigate unexpected moments.

      The experience of attending awards shows can be unpredictable and sometimes uncomfortable, as evidenced by a conversation between two individuals discussing their reactions to a recent event. They share stories of being caught on camera in less than ideal moments, feeling self-conscious about their appearances, and dealing with unexpected distractions. Despite these challenges, they remain good-natured about the experience and look forward to future opportunities, even if they consider alternative ways of participating, such as sending pre-recorded videos. Overall, the conversation highlights the human element of awards shows and the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and perspective in the face of unexpected circumstances.

    • Don't miss out on buffet's hidden gemsTake a full lap around the buffet before deciding, be mindful and deliberate to avoid missing out on the best options.

      At a buffet, people tend to overlook the items at the beginning and miss out on the better options towards the end. It's essential to take a full lap around the buffet before deciding what to put on your plate. Additionally, everyone has their unique strategies for approaching a buffet, whether it's focusing on protein, carbs, or desserts. Some people even go as far as waiting for their toast to ensure they get the best possible meal. Overall, the key is to be mindful and deliberate when making your selections at a buffet to avoid missing out on the best options.

    • Staff frustration with guests changing appliance settingsClear communication and following instructions prevent unnecessary complications and save resources.

      Communication and understanding are key in any work environment. The anecdote shared involves a common frustration among hotel staff about guests changing the settings on appliances like toasters, leading to burnt food and wasted resources. This issue was a daily occurrence and caused a great deal of annoyance for the staff. The most memorable instance was of a guest who put a baguette in the toaster despite the clear warning of only sliced bread. The result was a fiery disaster, but the guest nonchalantly picked up the burnt bread and continued eating it. The staff found this behavior baffling and frustrating, highlighting the importance of clear communication and following instructions to avoid unnecessary complications. The incident also shows the resilience and humor of the staff in dealing with such situations.

    • Desire for constant reassurance and appreciationEffective communication and understanding are crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship, as constant reassurance and validation may come across as repetitive and intrusive to some partners.

      The speaker in this conversation is expressing his strong desire for his partner's constant reassurance and appreciation for new possessions. He feels the need to share his excitement and seek validation from his partner multiple times. However, his partner finds this behavior repetitive and intrusive, leading to frustration and a feeling of being overwhelmed. The speaker acknowledges this issue and suggests setting aside time in the future for undivided attention, comparing it to an imagined scenario of discovering a vast collection of treasures. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of communication and understanding in maintaining a healthy relationship.

    • Recalling Movie Details: A ChallengeThe speaker struggled to remember specific movie details, leading to a discussion about creating an app to help users recall movies based on remembered details.

      The speaker was trying to recall specific details from Indiana Jones movies but kept getting confused between different films and actors. They mentioned Jodie Foster being on a horse with children in one film, but they couldn't remember the title or if it was even a horse. The conversation also led to an idea for an app where users can input remembered details from movies and get suggested titles. Despite the confusion, the speaker was determined to find the answer and even suggested accepting Gwyneth Paltrow on a cow as a possibility. The conversation ended with the speaker mentioning their fiancée and revealing their new nickname. Overall, the conversation showcases the challenges of recalling specific movie details and the potential for technology to help with memory recall.

    • Discussing Indiana Jones and a Lady on an ElephantIdentified 'The Temple of Doom' as the Indiana Jones film with a woman on an elephant, featuring Kate Capshaw as Willie Scott. Mentioned Botox, Indiana Jones films, Blue Nile, UnitedHealthcare, and Bombas in casual conversation.

      During a conversation, the speakers touched upon the topic of a film featuring a woman on an elephant in the Indiana Jones series. Despite some confusion about the specific film and the actress involved, they managed to identify it as "The Temple of Doom" and the character as Willie Scott, played by Kate Capshaw. The conversation also included some light-hearted banter and references to other topics, such as Botox, Indiana Jones films, and everyday inconveniences. Additionally, there were mentions of various products and services, including Blue Nile for ring shopping and UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans for flexible coverage options. Lastly, Bombas was promoted for its charitable donations of socks, underwear, and t-shirts to those in need.

    • Finding Comfort in the Car: A Mother's PerspectiveMothers value the convenience of car naps for their children, but struggle with losing items in the car's cluttered console and seats. Online dating can also bring unexpected challenges.

      The speaker values the convenience of taking her son in the car for long naps instead of dealing with the clutter and noise of a car park while using her phone. She finds that her son, Rafe, sleeps better in the car and prefers the quiet environment over being disturbed in a noisy park. However, the car has become a source of frustration due to the accumulation of small items that get lost between the console and seats. The speaker laments over her inability to retrieve these items and expresses her disappointment over the design of the car, suggesting an invention to prevent such losses. Despite her successful business and family life, she has had unsuccessful experiences with online dating, encountering individuals with undesirable traits. Overall, the speaker's takeaway is the importance of finding comfort and convenience in everyday situations, while also expressing her frustration with the challenges that come with it.

    • Privacy and Unexpected Discoveries in RelationshipsCommunication, understanding, and respect are essential for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship, even if it means navigating privacy and unexpected discoveries.

      Privacy in relationships is important, even if it comes with some unexpected discoveries. The speakers in this conversation shared stories about their experiences with privacy, from discovering a partner's unusual habits to learning to respect each other's boundaries. They discussed the joys of having an en suite bathroom and the importance of having personal space, even if it means leaving the room when one partner is using the bathroom. They also shared humorous stories about their partners' quirks and learned to adapt to each other's needs. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of communication, understanding, and respect in maintaining a healthy and happy relationship.

    • A bathroom conversation leads to a philosophical discussion on alternate universesRespect personal boundaries and let curiosity fuel your imagination to explore complex ideas

      The discussion revolved around the topic of personal habits and privacy in the bathroom, with one person expressing surprise and confusion over the other's bathroom routine. The conversation then shifted to a philosophical exploration of alternate universes and the possibility of infinite versions of oneself, drawing parallels to religious beliefs and scientific theories. Despite the contradictory statements, the speaker seemed fascinated by the concept and couldn't stop thinking about it. Ultimately, the conversation showcased the importance of respecting personal boundaries and the power of curiosity and imagination to explore complex ideas.

    • Unexpected discoveries in marriageEveryone has unique preferences and quirks, and it's important to approach discoveries with an open mind rather than jumping to conclusions.

      People's quirks and habits, no matter how unusual they may seem, can often lead to unexpected and intriguing discoveries between them. In the discussed scenario, a woman found a milkshake bottle in her husband's car and assumed he had kept it from her. However, it turned out that he had eaten a full tube of tomato puree instead, which he considered a treat. Despite the initial shock and confusion, the woman and her friend couldn't help but be intrigued by this revelation and delved deeper into the origins of this habit. Ultimately, they came to understand that everyone has their unique preferences and quirks, and it's essential to approach such discoveries with an open mind rather than jumping to conclusions. Marriage, as portrayed in the conversation, can be full of surprises, both good and bad, but it's the ability to navigate through these challenges together that makes it worthwhile.

    • Discovering new things about each other after years of being togetherCommunication and being open to learning about one another's unique traits are essential in maintaining a healthy and playful relationship.

      People can surprise us with their quirks and habits, even after years of being together. The discussion revolves around a man, referred to as the "puree pervert," who has an unusual fondness for eating baby food, specifically tomato puree, straight from the can. His partner, Jasmine, is initially disgusted but eventually finds his behavior amusing. The conversation also touches upon their shared love for stock cubes and other unconventional eating habits. The conversation reveals that despite being together for seven years, Jasmine was still discovering new things about Ben. This highlights the importance of communication and being open to learning about one another's unique traits. The man's behavior may seem odd to some, but it brings joy and excitement to him and his partner. Moreover, the conversation showcases the playful banter and humor that exists in their relationship. They share a bond that allows them to laugh at each other's eccentricities and find amusement in the most unexpected places. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding and appreciating the quirks and habits of our loved ones.

    • The truth behind a colleague's frequent lunchtime absencesAssumptions can be inaccurate, respect privacy, and office life can be monotonous leading to personal excitement outside work hours

      Office gossip can be both intriguing and surprising. In this particular case, the office was puzzled by a colleague's frequent lunchtime absences. The speculation ranged from health concerns to unusual habits. However, the truth was far from what anyone had imagined. Lisa was going home three times a week to have lunch with her fiancé and have sex. This revelation left the office with many unanswered questions and a new topic of conversation. It also highlighted how people's assumptions can be far from the truth. The incident also showed how office life can be monotonous, leading people to seek excitement outside of work hours. Despite the initial shock, the office took it in stride and even made a joke out of it. Overall, the incident served as a reminder that everyone has private lives, and respecting those boundaries is important.

    • Finding joy in the simple things despite life's challengesInvest in thoughtful gifts for loved ones and enjoy the softening comfort of high-quality items like Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets.

      Life can be unpredictable and sometimes challenging, but it's important to make the best of it. In the podcast excerpt, the speaker shares her experience of being stuck at home instead of going back to her family, leading to a monotonous routine of eating spaghetti on toast on the stairs. However, she finds humor in her situation and even finds joy in the simple things, like the softening of her sheets over time. Another takeaway is the importance of giving thoughtful gifts to loved ones. The speaker mentions how she is known for being an amazing gift giver, and credits her success to the celebrations passport from 1800flowers.com. With free shipping on thousands of amazing gifts and rewards for frequent gift-giving, it's a convenient and effective way to show appreciation to loved ones. Lastly, the speaker introduces Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, which get softer with every wash. This is a reminder that even the simplest things in life can bring joy and comfort, and that investing in high-quality items can make a big difference in our daily lives.

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
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    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
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    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

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    Ep 267. Rumour has it

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    Ep 266. Gasolina

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    00:00 Intro

    04:00 Where it began….

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    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

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