
    Podcast Summary

    • Going the extra mile: Making a differenceBeing a little extra can lead to positive outcomes and make a difference in people's lives, as seen in health care, comfort essentials, and acts of kindness.

      Being a little extra can have significant benefits, especially in areas like health care and doing good for others. UnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard fixed indemnity insurance plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, help individuals manage out-of-pocket costs without usual requirements and restrictions. In the world of comfort essentials, Bombas goes the extra mile by donating one item for every purchase made. The importance of being kind and going the extra mile was highlighted in a story where a contestant lost his winnings, and the host genuinely felt terrible and wanted to help. These examples demonstrate that being a little extra can lead to positive outcomes and make a difference in people's lives.

    • Our existence is brief in the universe's timelineHuman existence is minuscule compared to the universe's vast timeline, encouraging us to cherish our brief presence

      The universe's timeline is vast, and our existence is but a brief moment. During an episode, a contestant discussed how holding out one's arms and swiping a nail file on a fingernail represents the entirety of human existence. He also mentioned that if we consider the Empire State Building as a timeline, humans have only been present for a minuscule amount of time. Despite a moment of nervousness during the competition, the host reassured the contestant and encouraged listeners to keep things in perspective. The episode was the start of a new journey, and it's essential to remember the significance of our brief presence in the grand scheme of the universe.

    • The Challenges of Repeating TV AppearancesEntertainment industries can be monotonous and draining, with celebrities facing pressure to maintain a public image and participate in numerous shows. Singing and creative expression offer a refreshing escape.

      The monotony of maintaining the same lighting conditions and participating in multiple TV shows and quiz programs can be soul-crushing, especially during non-festive seasons. The speaker expresses frustration with celebrities who seem desperate to appear on various shows and laments their own experiences, which sometimes involve unexpected challenges and awkward moments. Additionally, the speaker discusses the joy they find in singing, particularly with a friend, and the annoyance of hearing muddled lyrics or sounds while trying to focus on other tasks. While the rules of certain programs may limit opportunities, the speaker reflects on past experiences and considers alternative paths. Overall, the conversation touches on the complexities of entertainment industries, the importance of personal expression, and the value of connection and creativity.

    • Using unexpected interests to build connectionsEven mundane topics can be used to build connections and lighten the mood in job interviews or unexpected situations.

      During a job interview, the interviewee found herself struggling to answer questions about her interests and hobbies, and could only think of her extensive knowledge about crisps. Despite the interviewers' confusion, she managed to turn the situation around by engaging them in an impromptu crisp quiz. The experience showed that even seemingly mundane topics can be used to build connections and lighten the mood in unexpected situations. Additionally, the conversation revealed that the interviewee's desired Mother's Day gifts were a family pack of kettle chips and an Easter egg, and she was looking forward to attending a UFC fight between Leon Edwards and Kamaru Usman. The interview ended on a positive note, with the interviewees expressing their excitement for Leon Edwards, who they were rooting for in the upcoming match.

    • Misunderstood Television Rules and Intimacy in Long-Term RelationshipsTelevision rules can be confusing, comedy shows prohibit giving money directly to crowd members, and maintaining physical intimacy in relationships can strengthen bonds beyond sexual encounters.

      Rules in television production can sometimes be misconstrued or misunderstood. For instance, during a comedy show, giving money directly to a crowd member is against the rules because it requires no skill. However, games like Deal or No Deal are presented as games, but in reality, they involve pure luck. Another intriguing observation shared was the importance of maintaining physical intimacy in long-term relationships. A relationship psychologist suggested that smooching (kissing) before bed can help strengthen the bond between partners and should not be limited to only before sexual encounters. Moreover, the conversation touched upon the popularity of Deal or No Deal and the impact it had on viewers. The game show took the country by storm and became a cultural phenomenon, despite being largely based on chance. Lastly, the discussion revealed some light-hearted moments, such as the confusion surrounding a missing piece of paper and the shared frustration over the financial burden of marriage. Overall, the conversation provided insights into various aspects of television production, relationships, and popular culture.

    • Unexpected romantic gestures add excitement to relationshipsCommunication, consent, and humor are key to maintaining healthy relationships. Unexpected romantic gestures can add excitement, but it's essential to respect boundaries and ensure they are appreciated.

      The conversation touched upon various quirky and unexpected romantic gestures, such as kissing after brushing one's teeth or poking each other's bums, which can add excitement and novelty to relationships. However, some people might find these gestures odd or inappropriate, and it's essential to communicate and respect each other's boundaries. The conversation also mentioned the importance of communication, consent, and humor in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Additionally, the speakers referenced various pop culture references and shared personal experiences, adding to the light-hearted and entertaining nature of the discussion.

    • Setting screen time limits for children's developmentLimiting screen time, especially on weekdays, is crucial for children's development and creativity. Parents may find it challenging to enforce rules, but setting boundaries and offering alternatives can help.

      Limiting screen time for children, especially on weekdays, is important for their development and overall well-being. The speaker shares her experience of struggling to get her son to limit his iPad usage, even on weekends. She recalls her own childhood and how she was often bored, which she believes is beneficial for children's creativity and imagination. She also mentions how constant screen time can make it difficult for parents to enforce rules and maintain a united front. The speaker concludes by acknowledging the importance of setting boundaries and finding alternatives to screen time for children.

    • Partner's peculiar cheese habit causes recurring household issueConsidering personal habits' impact on household dynamics and finding solutions to prevent recurring issues is essential.

      Despite not liking cheese in some forms, the speaker's partner has a peculiar habit of leaving uneaten Dairylea Dunkers with room temperature cheese around the house, making it the responsibility of the speaker to dispose of it. This habit, which the speaker finds annoying and disgusting, has led to a recurring issue in their household. The speaker suggests that if Dairy Lee wants to address this issue, they could consider sending a bin liner of the chivey sticks instead. Another issue raised in the conversation is the speaker's dislike of touching cheese, adding to the inconvenience caused by the partner's habit. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of considering the impact of personal habits on household dynamics and finding solutions to prevent recurring issues.

    • Embracing quirks and finding humor in differencesUnderstanding and accommodating each other's unique differences, even if they seem irrational or absurd, strengthens relationships and creates lasting memories. Brands can play a role in enhancing these experiences.

      Relationships can be unpredictable and full of quirks, much like the obsession over bananas in the discussed conversation. Rafe's unusual rule against bananas and Marc's dislike for them highlight the unique dynamics that can exist between individuals. This banter showcases the importance of understanding and accommodating each other's differences, even if they seem irrational or absurd. Moreover, the conversation underscores the power of shared experiences and humor in strengthening relationships. The back-and-forth banter about bananas is a testament to the couple's ability to find joy in their differences and create lasting memories. Additionally, the conversation provides a brief mention of various sponsors, including Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues, Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets, and Quinn's travel essentials. These sponsor mentions demonstrate how brands can play a role in enhancing everyday life experiences, from managing allergy symptoms to elevating travel style. In essence, the conversation between Marc and Rafe illustrates the importance of embracing quirks, finding humor in differences, and leveraging brands to improve daily life experiences.

    • Unexpected Prank Leads to Family BondingUnexpected situations can lead to unexpected humor and bonding experiences within families. However, it's important to consider each child's individual temperament before attempting pranks.

      Sometimes, the most unexpected and embarrassing situations can lead to unexpected humor and bonding experiences within families. The story shared involved a father who, in an attempt to prank his children, spread curry on himself and ate it, believing it was a spill from the fridge. The children were initially shocked but later found the situation amusing when they learned the truth. The incident became a memorable and funny experience for the family, and even inspired the idea of a prank for a school assignment. However, it was also acknowledged that not all children might react the same way to such a prank and it's important to consider each child's individual temperament before attempting it.

    • Childhood Embarrassments and FibsEveryone makes mistakes and fibs during childhood, which can lead to unexpected consequences. Open communication and setting boundaries are important for healthy growth.

      Everyone, including parents, can make embarrassing mistakes and fibs during their childhood years. The speaker shared a story about how they once lied about their parents spilling curry on their children during a school project, only for it to backfire when the teacher confronted their parents. The speaker also recalled other instances where they embarrassed their mother, such as shouting about her being ill or pretending to be sick to get out of school. The speaker reflected on how their parents might have viewed them differently if people knew about these incidents. The speaker also discussed how not setting boundaries or saying "no" to children can lead to unexpected behavior. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of open communication and the natural embarrassment and mischief that comes with growing up.

    • Mars Bars in a BMW: An Unusual FindDiscovering Mars Bars in a car led to differing opinions and showcased the power of correct pronunciation and importance of not jumping to conclusions.

      Mars Bars have a surprising connection to an unusual event in a BMW workshop. A woman's car was found to have an extraordinary amount of Mars Bars in the boot, leading to various assumptions among the garage workers. The discussion around this incident brought up differing opinions on Mars Bars, with some expressing their love for the chocolate bars and others expressing their dislike. The conversation also showcased the power of correct pronunciation in making an impression and the importance of not making assumptions without sufficient information.

    • A woman's unusual use of Mars bars in her side businessAppearances can be deceiving, and people may have hidden lives that are quite different from what others perceive. Don't assume the worst without proper information.

      A woman in a garage was rumored to be running an unfinished business on the side, using Mars bars in an unusual way. The garage workers were puzzled by her frequent visits and the disappearance of Mars bars from the garage. A new mechanic eventually revealed the truth, which was quite shocking to everyone. The woman was reportedly using Mars bars in her line of work as a sex worker, offering them as a unique part of her services. The garage workers were surprised to learn this, and some were even amused by the situation. The incident served as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving, and people may have hidden lives that are quite different from what others perceive. It also highlighted the importance of not jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst without proper information.

    • Mechanic's Claim and Woman's DiscomfortSkepticism towards unproven claims and communication are crucial in maintaining trust and healthy relationships.

      The discussion revolved around two main topics: a mechanic's claim about insider information and a woman's uncomfortable situation with her boyfriend's habits. Regarding the mechanic, the group was skeptical about his credibility due to his lack of firsthand knowledge. On the other hand, the woman shared her discomfort with her boyfriend's post-toilet behavior, which was damaging their relationship. The group advised the woman to address her boyfriend's health concerns and establish boundaries to maintain her comfort. Additionally, they suggested the mechanic to provide concrete evidence to validate his claims. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of trust and communication in various aspects of life.

    • The man's peculiar dressing gown habit and a midwife's unusual labor room experiencePeople can exhibit strange and unexpected behaviors, from a man's dressing gown routine to a midwife's encounter with an unconventional labor support method.

      The discussion revolves around the strange behavior of a man described in a text, specifically how he takes off and puts on his dressing gown. The speakers express confusion and amusement over this action, with one speaker sharing her dislike for dressing gowns due to their unflattering nature. The conversation then shifts to a bizarre experience had by a student midwife, where she and her colleague were taken aback by a man massaging his partner's breasts instead of offering typical labor support during contractions. The speakers find the situation odd and uncomfortable, and the midwife shares that it was a warning sign for an unusual couple. Overall, the conversation highlights the unexpected and sometimes bizarre behaviors that people encounter in their daily lives.

    • Finding joy and connection in unexpected situationsMaintaining a sense of humor and normalcy, using technology for comfort, and embracing unexpected moments can create joy and connection in unusual circumstances.

      Even in the most unusual circumstances, such as giving birth during a lockdown, small moments of humor and connection can make a significant difference. The speaker shared anecdotes from her birth experiences with Robin and Rave, highlighting the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and normalcy amidst the unexpected. Additionally, she emphasized the role of technology, such as Wi-Fi codes and music playlists, in creating comfort and familiarity during unfamiliar experiences. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of finding joy and connection in unexpected situations and making the most of the resources available.

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
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    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
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    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
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    Ep 267. Rumour has it

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    Ep 266. Gasolina

    Ep 266. Gasolina
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    GBP25: How to Stop Leaking Your Personal Power

    It is exhausting when all your personal power goes into fighting with your nasty inner critic or the family member challenging your vision… but how do we stop this cycle and reclaim personal power? Let’s go into it!

    Do you feel you are leaking your power away to others or circumstances in your life? Do you feel your past fears are controlling the action you take and the trust (or lack of) you have in life?

    You’re not alone! Many women are leaking their personal power away to their inner critic, toxic inner dialog and to people in their lives! This week’s episode will help you if you are ready to stop giving your power AWAY and reclaim your feminine power so you can live a life of joy, passion and loving relationships!

    What You Will Learn On This Episode:

    · How to Stop Leaking Your Power to Others and Your Fears!
    . How to Reclaim Your Feminine Energy!
    . How to Stop Letting Your Fear Control Your Life!
    . How to Feel Worthy of Your Joy, Confidence and Power!

    Resources Mentioned:

    · See if the School of Soul Wealth is a Good Fit For You! Book a Call with Me:

    . Get 25% off your doTERRA essential oils here: www.mydoterra.com/krisbritton

    · Join Team Goddess Boss http://krisbritton.net/flow-into-freedom/

    · Your Free Goddess Goodies (like Awaken the Goddess Within Guide + Meditation)! www.krisbritton.net/goddess

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    Kris Britton is a spiritual life coach & success coach who helps women dissolve their inner blocks so they can make big money and a big impact!

    Kris is also the founder of Team Goddess Bosses, a global community that helps women unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit, so one can move ahead in their dreams with ease, flow and the power of community.

    Over the last few years years Kris has helped over 100 people reach five and six figure incomes working from home and has been featured in Success Magazine + Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine.

    Visit Kris’ Website: www.krisbritton.net
    Connect with Kris on Facebook: www.facebook.com/krisbrittonfan
    Connect with Kris on Instagram: www.instagram.com/kris_britton

    Ready to awaken the goddess within? Download my free Awaken the Inner Goddess Guide + Meditation and get the support to dissolve the barriers between you and your dreams by awakening the magnetic power within you, your inner Goddess and we do this with simple practices and essential oils!

    Kris Britton
    Spiritual Life + Business Coach

    Bonus Email Episode #2

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