
    Ep.61 A Masterclass In Defying Stereotypes: How Jordan Brompton Built A Nine-Figure Green Energy Empire

    enNovember 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding Hidden Talent on LinkedInExplore LinkedIn's untapped pool of potential candidates, where over 70% don't visit other job sites. Hire unapologetic, determined individuals who defy stereotypes and bring unique perspectives to your business.

      LinkedIn is a valuable resource for finding professionals who aren't actively looking for new jobs but could be excellent candidates for your small business. Sandra, a successful entrepreneur, shares her experience of being hired by a company that used LinkedIn to find her. She emphasizes that over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites, making it an untapped pool of potential candidates. Additionally, Jordan has an inspiring story of defying stereotypes and building a successful energy company, My Energy, despite facing numerous challenges due to her gender. Her unapologetic attitude and determination serve as a reminder that background, gender, or societal expectations should not limit one's potential for success. So, if you're looking for top talent, consider posting your job on LinkedIn and be open to candidates who might not be actively seeking new opportunities.

    • From performing arts to energy industry, Jordan's journey defied conventionsDiscover your strengths and persevere through challenges to find success, no matter the industry or background

      Jordan's unconventional journey to running an energy company began with a lack of academic background and a desire for independence. Starting from her teenage years, she worked various jobs to earn her own money and travel, but lost her confidence in pursuing performing arts. After trying law and hairdressing, she found her interest in business and was encouraged by her granddad's hustle and her father's belief in her communication skills. Despite growing up in a male-dominated family, she learned to lean into her strengths and overcome obstacles, eventually leading her to the energy industry. This inspiring story highlights the importance of discovering one's strengths and persevering through challenges to achieve success.

    • Following your passion and controlling your own destinyPassion and determination led the speaker to various experiences, a failed business, and ultimately, success with My Energy. The importance of controlling your own destiny and finding the right partnerships cannot be overstated.

      Following your passion and taking control of your career can lead to great opportunities and success. The speaker's father encouraged her to do whatever she enjoyed, leading her to try various jobs and experiences. She eventually met her business partner, Lee, and together they had the potential to grow a business in the solar industry. However, the business failed due to poor partnerships and market conditions. Years later, Lee approached the speaker to revive the business, and they joined forces to create My Energy in 2016. The speaker's experience as a distributor taught her the importance of controlling her own destiny and margins, which she was able to do with My Energy. This story highlights the importance of passion, determination, and the right partnerships in achieving success.

    • Passionate entrepreneur advocates for off-grid living and renewable energyOff-grid living reduces reliance on the national grid, supports the environment, and promotes energy security. The speaker's company, MyEnergy, helps consumers manage their own energy production.

      The speaker is a passionate entrepreneur and advocate for off-grid living and renewable energy. She fell in love with the industry due to her desire for energy independence and decentralized power. Off-grid refers to generating one's own power and reducing reliance on the national grid. The speaker's company, MyEnergy, helps consumers manage and utilize their own energy production. Being off-grid is beneficial for the environment, supports the grid, and promotes energy security as a country. The speaker's background in the industry was challenging, as she was one of the few women in the field at the time, but she persevered and found the experience rewarding. The initial concept for MyEnergy was based on the speaker's first product, a ready-made solar panel, which they started with and built their business around.

    • Determination and innovation in electric vehicle charging and solar energy utilizationZappy's success came from identifying a problem, creating a solution, and maintaining tenacity, resourcefulness, and strong relationships to optimize energy usage and attract investment.

      Determination, innovation, and building strong relationships were key factors in the success of Zappy, a company that revolutionized electric vehicle charging and solar energy utilization. The founders, who were both from Grimsby and had backgrounds in engineering, identified a problem and created a solution that catered to a growing market of electric vehicle owners with solar panels. Their tenacity, lack of external influence, and resourcefulness allowed them to create a product that balanced the grid and optimized energy usage. This innovation led to the invention of smart charging and the growth of their business, which eventually attracted significant investment.

    • Turning rejections into opportunitiesPersistence and innovation can lead to success despite initial rejections. Approach alternative markets and keep innovating to find a breakthrough.

      Persistence and innovation can turn rejections into opportunities. The speaker, who was trying to promote a charging technology for electric vehicles, faced numerous rejections from companies who were more focused on sales than the environment or grid. However, he didn't give up and instead approached solar installers and electrical wholesalers. A turning point came when he met the owner of a popular YouTube channel, Fully Charged, who was impressed by his technology and did an episode on it, leading to a surge in sales. The speaker's team grew from a few people to managing a larger team in a 65,000 square foot factory. This story illustrates that even in the face of rejection, staying focused on the vision and continuing to innovate can lead to success.

    • Navigating the Transition from Small to Large TeamImplementing processes, procedures, and qualified hires is necessary for larger teams, but maintaining a relaxed culture and trust is important. Adapting to various management styles and ensuring consistency is crucial for productivity.

      Growing a business from a small team to a larger one can be a challenging transition. While it may feel like a family atmosphere during the early stages, as the team grows, implementing processes, procedures, and qualified hires becomes necessary. However, finding the right balance between maintaining a relaxed culture and implementing structure can be difficult. Each manager's leadership style is unique and effective for certain types of people, but in larger organizations, a more standardized approach is required. Trust and self-management can be beneficial for both the employer and employee, but not every hire will thrive in that environment. Adapting to various management styles and ensuring homogeneity in processes is crucial to prevent chaos and maintain productivity. Ultimately, there's no one-size-fits-all solution, and ongoing assessment and adjustment are essential.

    • Impact of Policy Reversal on Self-Funded EV Charging BusinessPolicy reversals can cause financial strain and inventory buildup for businesses in the EV sector, but consumers' shift to EVs continues despite political decisions.

      The sudden reversal of EV policies in the country has significantly impacted the growth of a self-funded EV charging business, causing a massive slowdown and financial strain. The business had been growing rapidly due to the increasing demand for EVs and the country's lead in EV technology, but the policy change came unexpectedly and resulted in excess inventory and a dent in cash flow. The business owner expresses disappointment and frustration over the political decision, which they believe could have positioned the country as a global leader in EV technology and sustainability. Despite the challenges, the business is adapting and carrying on, with consumers continuing to make the switch to EVs. The owner remains hopeful that the country will find a way to regain its leadership position in this area.

    • Affordable at-home manicures and hiring professionals on LinkedInSmall business owners can find affordable at-home manicures with Olive and June and hire professionals on LinkedIn.

      Olive and June offers an affordable and convenient solution for salon-quality manicures at home, while LinkedIn is an essential platform for small businesses looking to hire professionals. For Paige, the co-host of Gigli Squad, the success of her investment in Olive and June comes with a relief after a challenging fundraising journey for her energy company. Despite being a female business owner with impressive growth numbers, she faced difficulties raising funds in a difficult market. However, the experience taught her valuable lessons and ultimately led her to secure funding for her energy company through private equity. For small business owners, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for finding and hiring professionals, while Olive and June provides an affordable and efficient alternative to salon manicures.

    • Unique challenges for women in business in 2023Despite progress, women leaders face bias and different treatment, including exclusion and underestimation based on gender. It's crucial to acknowledge and address these biases to create a more inclusive business environment, and women can succeed by staying true to themselves and leveraging their unique strengths.

      Being a woman in business continues to present unique challenges in 2023, despite progress. Women leaders often face bias and different treatment, including being overlooked or judged based on their gender. This can manifest in various ways, such as being excluded from certain opportunities or being underestimated based on preconceptions. These challenges are not only imposed by men but also by women. It's essential to acknowledge and address these underlying biases, both personally and collectively, to create a more inclusive business environment. The speaker emphasized the importance of learning to handle oneself, being street smart, and developing strong communication skills to navigate these challenges. Despite these challenges, women can and do succeed in various industries, including male-dominated ones, by staying true to themselves and leveraging their unique strengths.

    • Learning to be Authentic Despite CriticismA female executive shares her journey of embracing her authentic self and standing up for herself, despite facing constant criticism. She encourages others to do the same and not let societal norms or negative opinions define them.

      Despite facing constant judgment and criticism due to her open and warm personality, a female executive has learned to stand up for herself and be unapologetically authentic. She acknowledges the challenges of dealing with negative comments, both internally and externally, but refuses to let it define her. Her epiphany came when she realized that she was shrinking herself to fit societal norms and decided to stop letting others diminish her energy and leadership style. While she may not have a thick skin, she is determined to express herself honestly and demand respect in return. She recognizes that it's not her responsibility to change her personality to suit others and that people should be held accountable for their actions. Ultimately, she encourages others to embrace their unique qualities and not let the opinions of others hold them back.

    • Society's conflicting expectations of women leadersWomen in leadership face mental and emotional strain due to societal pressure to be both vulnerable and strong, while men are not held to the same standard.

      Society places different expectations on women in leadership roles compared to men. Women are often required to be vulnerable and share their struggles, while also being strong and self-assured. These expectations are mutually exclusive, making it challenging for women to meet these demands and be seen as likable leaders. Men, on the other hand, are not typically required to share their backgrounds or vulnerabilities to the same extent to be seen as successful leaders. This double standard creates mental and emotional strain for women in leadership positions. It's essential to recognize and challenge these expectations to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for women in business.

    • Challenges for women leaders during their formative yearsEmbrace uncertainty, learn from others, and take pride in accomplishments, regardless of how achieved.

      Self-doubt and the pressure to perform can be particularly challenging for women leaders, especially during their formative years in business. However, as they age and gain more confidence, they begin to care less about what others think and embrace their power. It's essential to recognize that everyone, including successful entrepreneurs, is winging it to some extent. The key is to keep pushing forward despite the uncertainty and to learn from the experiences and advice of others. Additionally, women should not feel ashamed of their successes and should take pride in their accomplishments, no matter how they were achieved. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that there's nowhere to hide as a business owner, and it's up to you to take charge and make things happen.

    • Consider taking money off the table for financial securityFounders, especially females, should negotiate taking some money off the table for financial security and peace of mind. This can enable focus on business growth and potentially buy a dream asset.

      Founders, especially female founders, should consider taking some money off the table from their businesses when they have the opportunity. This can provide financial security and alleviate stress during uncertain times. The speaker shared her personal experience of doing this during the COVID-19 pandemic, which allowed her to buy her dream house and improve her family's quality of life. She emphasized the importance of negotiating for a potential clawback if the business value increases in the future. While it may not be possible for everyone, taking some money off the table can provide peace of mind and enable founders to focus on growing their businesses. The speaker also acknowledged that the perception of success can be misleading, as many high-earning businesses require founders to reinvest all profits back into the business. Ultimately, taking some money off the table can be a crucial step in ensuring both personal and business success.

    • Starting a family and running a business: Finding balanceBe content and prepared, have a supportive partner, set boundaries, and prioritize family over work for balance in starting a family and running a business.

      Starting a family and running a business can be a challenging and risky endeavor, especially when external factors come into play. The speaker shared her personal experience of making the decision to start a family despite the uncertainty and the chaos that ensued. She emphasized the importance of being content and prepared, and the value of having a supportive partner who can share the load. The speaker also highlighted the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing family over work when necessary. Despite the initial challenges, she expressed gratitude for the decision and the positive outcomes that followed.

    • Mindset and Initiative: Prioritizing What MattersMaking conscious decisions to prioritize time and resources can significantly improve quality of life, even in challenging situations. Having a supportive partner and focusing on values are key to creating a balanced life.

      Having the right mindset and taking initiative can significantly improve one's quality of life, even when faced with challenges such as running a business and raising a family. The speaker shares how she made conscious decisions to prioritize her time and resources to reduce stress and create a more balanced life for herself and her family. She also emphasizes the importance of having a supportive partner and making investments in their peace of mind. Having a child has further shifted her perspective, making her more focused on leaving a positive legacy for her daughter and the world. Ultimately, it's about making choices that align with one's values and prioritizing what truly matters.

    • Navigating personal and societal pressures to grow a businessFounding a business involves intense focus and dedication, but the potential rewards of making a significant impact on the environment can outweigh the personal and societal pressures to have a family or take time off.

      Founding a business requires a level of self-centered focus and dedication that can be intimidating, but also rewarding. The speaker shares how they've been able to prioritize their business due to personal circumstances, but acknowledges the societal pressure to have a family. The ultimate goal is to make a significant impact on the environment by decarbonizing homes and increasing flexible power. The speaker's next target is to reach 1 million connected customers in the UK, which would allow them to balance the national grid and potentially expand to new markets. Despite the demanding nature of entrepreneurship, the speaker expresses a desire for time off and plans to continue growing their business and personal life. In essence, the journey of founding a business comes with immense personal and societal pressures, but the potential rewards and impact can make it all worthwhile.

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    The Psychology Of Your 20s: https://www.psychologyofyour20s.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatpsychologypodcast/?hl=en

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/jemmasbeg/?hl=en


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    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

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    Girls That Invest: https://girlsthatinvest.com/

    GTI Podcast: https://girlsthatinvest.com/pages/podcast



    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/



    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=...


    Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent Girls That Invest, however, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Girls That Invests Masterclass is for educational purposes only. Girls That Invest does not provide personalised investing advice for your individual needs. We Are not Financial Advisors. The advice from Girls That Invest exists for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. Advice from Girls That Invest is general in nature and does not consider individual circumstances. Always do your research and please use your due diligence.

    Grace mentions Shopify in this episode. Grace has worked with Shopify in the past but this episode is in no way sponsored by Shopify.


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

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    SLA: https://www.slathelabel.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahhashcroft/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

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    Trinny London: https://trinnylondon.com/uk/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trinnywoodall/


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Website: https://www.marieforleo.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marieforleo/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuoxrRDDgk3UUnxR4tlkJYQ


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    This podcast is sponsored by Skin & Me, a brand whose products have genuinely changed my life. Try your first Skin + Me Daily Doser for £4.99 using code HARDLYWORKING: https://www.skinandme.com/?promocode=HARDLYWORKING


    SHREDDY, TALA and THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear 😊

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timmchiusano/?hl=en

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@timmchiusano?lang=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/

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    Whoop: https://www.whoop.com/us/en

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/willahmed/?hl=en


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robinsharma/

    The Wealth Money Can't Buy: https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-wealth-money-cant-buy/robin-sharma/9781846048296

    The 5am Club: https://www.amazon.co.uk/5-AM-Club-Robin-Sharma/dp/0008312834


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/your.richbff/?hl=en

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yourrichbff

    Vivian's book Rich AF: https://www.penguin.co.uk/books/456914/rich-af-by-tu-vivian/9780241644959


    MY LINKS: https://gracebeverley.komi.io/


    Download Revolut for free and get £20 when you use your card! www.revolut.com/grace

    Cashback subject to availability. Max £200 cashback per month. T&Cs apply. £20 Reward only available until 30th April 2024 and other T&Cs apply.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 85 The Habit Theory That Changed My Life, Explained

    Ep. 85 The Habit Theory That Changed My Life, Explained

    When I started the podcast I wanted it to be all about life improvement from every angle, not just the ones we're all taught about.

    We've put so much effort into improving the guest episodes this year, but if I'm totally honest I felt the solo episodes needed re-vamping to make them the most useful resource possible. I LOVE explainer podcasts on everything from history to celebrity scandals. So we're trialling a new 15-minute explainer format. I’ve given myself an excuse to spend hours researching the topics I wish I knew more about so you don’t need to read a whole book to understand something important.

    So I've started with one of the most important things I've researched over the last few years: habit theory and why everyone on Instagram says it changed their life (including me).

    The episode is only 15 minutes long, so perfect for your morning hot girl walk! Let me know what you think!



    I owe a huge amount to the following habit theory researchers who make up the reading list below and whose work I researched for this episode!


    Download Revolut for free and get £20 when you use your card! www.revolut.com/grace

    Cashback subject to availability. Max £200 cashback per month. T&Cs apply. £20 Reward only available until 30th April 2024 and other T&Cs apply.



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    Need help? hello@wearetala.com


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    Need help? Support.shreddy.com


    Website: https://productivitymethod.com/

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    THE PRODUCTIVITY METHOD, SHREDDY and TALA are my own brands, therefore any mention of them - whilst not being a sponsorship - is monetarily endorsed. As usual, sponsorships do not change my opinions nor my honesty, but I will always disclaim to make sure motives are clear.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    761: From Sleeping on the Floor to Making $80K/Month (in 2 Years!) w/Yamundow Camara

    761: From Sleeping on the Floor to Making $80K/Month (in 2 Years!) w/Yamundow Camara
    How do you go from absolute poverty to passive income in a short amount of time? What if you were raised on the other side of the world, where even a basic education had to be fought for, and every opportunity was a constant struggle? This is the real story of Yamundow Camara, who went from sleeping on a dirt floor in a small village of Gambia to making a million dollars per year thanks to real estate. Yamundow grew up in an environment foreign to many of us. When her parents passed away in her youth, she was forced to live with relatives that treated her as a nuisance, not someone worth nurturing. She slept on the floor of her family’s home and was sometimes lucky enough to have a cardboard box as a mattress. She was set to be wed in her early teenage years, but thanks to her drive, determination, and pleading of her aunts, Yamundow was given a chance to go to high school and college and later immigrate to the US. From there, Yamundow put success as her sole focus. She not only academically overachieved, but was able to do an INCREDIBLE amount of investing with almost no money, no credit score, and no experience in the industry. She now sits on over thirty rental units, with a monthly income that rivals most Americans’ yearly salaries. Yamundow has one of the most incredible stories we’ve ever shared on the podcast, and you’ll have to tune in to hear her unimaginable path to success. In This Episode We Cover: How Yamundow went from complete poverty to making $80,000 in cash flow a month  Putting education first and the true value of hard work and perseverance  Investing with NO credit score and VERY little money and how to find banks that will lend to you Working two jobs and why increasing your income is ESSENTIAL to building wealth Out-of-state real estate investing and what to do when your local market is too expensive How to find (and keep) quality contractors, property managers, and other team members Using the BiggerPockets Rental Property Calculators to make sure a deal is worth doing And So Much More! Links from the Show Find an Agent Find a Lender BiggerPockets Youtube Channel BiggerPockets Forums BiggerPockets Pro Membership BiggerPockets Bookstore BiggerPockets Bootcamps BiggerPockets Podcast BiggerPockets Merch BPCON2023 Listen to All Your Favorite BiggerPockets Podcasts in One Place Learn About Real Estate, The Housing Market, and Money Management with The BiggerPockets Podcasts Get More Deals Done with The BiggerPockets Investing Tools Find a BiggerPockets Real Estate Meetup in Your Area David's BiggerPockets Profile David's Instagram David’s YouTube Channel Work with David Rob's BiggerPockets Profile Rob's Instagram Rob's TikTok Rob's Twitter Rob's YouTube BiggerPockets Rental Property Calculator 3 Ways to Invest in Real Estate With Little to No Credit From Extreme Poverty to DIY Wealth and 2 Full-Time Incomes Books Mentioned in the Show: BRRRR by David Greene Long-Distance Real Estate Investing by David Greene SCALE by David Greene Connect with Yamundow: Yamundow's BiggerPockets Profile Yamundow's Instagram Click here to listen to the full episode: https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-761 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    E69: Grace Beverley: How To Build A Multi-Million Pound Empire At 24

    E69: Grace Beverley: How To Build A Multi-Million Pound Empire At 24
    Grace is an entrepreneur, brand founder, influencer and Oxford University graduate who defied expectations and took her post-grad journey in an unexpected direction by launching 2 major brands: [We Are] TALA (sustainable, slow fashion activewear label) and fitness app Shreddy. TALA’s performance since its launch in 2019 shows it to be one of the biggest positive disruptors in the gymwear space both in the UK and overseas. At the core of the brand is a focus on ethical, eco-efficient manufacture practices. The designs are inclusive in terms of size and shape range: Grace has spoken of the importance of personalising your fitness and health journey rather than subscribing to what's most popular or promoted on social media etc. Grace has remained outspoken on the challenges faced by women in business, even in 2021. A social conscience runs through all three of her companies: up-cycled offcuts and recyclable materials are incorporated into products from TALA while remaining available to consumers at affordable prices. Grace also used to vlog her daily life with great success, sharing her ups and downs as a 20-something year-old. Longtime subscribers of hers have had the chance to join her on a more personal journey. She however stepped away from vlogging a year ago to pursue her business ventures. Grace launched both Shreddy and TALA within a month of her final university exams. She is frequently discussed by followers for her drive and ability to be able to take on multiple projects at once with tons of enthusiasm. Shreddy has received widespread press coverage since its launch, and Grace has recently pulled off a major partnership with celeb/influencer Jordyn Woods in LA, as well as collaborations with brands such as KOI footwear (an exclusive line of vegan footwear released in 2019). - How did you have the confidence to pursue such an uncertain career - How does it feel being discredited for what you've done? - Sacrifice of business - Your mental health - Relationships as a young successful woman - How has being a successful person changed you? - Your take on working culture - By stepping back from social media did you let the negativity win? - What area of business are you best at? - What area of business are you bad at? - Instagram - Any big regrets? - Worries about your book - How do you battle with all your ideas Grace: https://www.instagram.com/gracebeverley/?hl=en Sponsors: uk.huel.com/ www.fiverr.com/ceo My book pre-order: (UK, US, AUS, NZ Link) - http://hyperurl.co/xenkw2 (EU & Rest of the World Link) https://www.bookdepository.com/Happy-Sexy-Millionaire-Steven-Bartlett/9781529301496?ref=grid-view&qid=1610300058833&sr=1-2 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    What you want to be know for

    What you want to be know for

    Transparency. These podcasts get used in like 30 different ways. I like to call my content repurposing system The Master Content Blueprint. It is something that I talk about with my 1:1 clients as well as my mastermind clients and it is how I realistically do what I do in terms of having such a consistent presence on social media, have high level thought leadership content that is consistently serving me. I still have episodes from 2020 that are still being downloaded. I think that is having the master content that is specifically designed for your audience.

    Ep. 324 A Girls Guide to Poker for Empowerment Strategies! With Author Amanda Botfeld

    Ep. 324 A Girls Guide to Poker for Empowerment Strategies! With Author Amanda Botfeld

    Invest In Her host Catherine Gray talks with Amanda Botfeld, the author of “A Girl's Guide to Poker” & CEO, Finally Get Your Book Done. Amanda is an author-turned-book-coach who helps women write books from start to finish. Previously she has written for The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, and Los Angeles Times. Now her mission is to empower women to tell their stories and share their expertise.





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    128. Heavy To Modified Ft. Anthony Lopez

    128. Heavy To Modified Ft. Anthony Lopez

    The reason where you are in life is because of you and nobody else. On today’s episode, Andy is joined by Anthony Lopez, who has lost over 350 pounds, as they dissect the mentality of winners who create real long-term change in their lives, how owning up to your actions in life can speed up your progress and how anything is possible if you give it your all.