
    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable and Convenient Solutions for Better Everyday Experiences: Olive and June for Manicures and Blue Nile for Engagement RingsDiscover Olive and June for at-home manicures, offering salon-quality results for $2, and Blue Nile for custom engagement rings, with online design and home delivery.

      There are two products being discussed that aim to make everyday experiences better: Olive and June for at-home manicures, and Blue Nile for custom-designed engagement rings. Olive and June offers a complete manicure system that results in salon-worthy nails for just $2 a manicure, drying quickly and lasting up to 5 days. Blue Nile allows customers to design unique engagement rings online, with the convenience of home delivery. Paige shared her excitement about both brands, emphasizing their affordability, ease, and high-quality results. If you're looking for a better manicure experience or planning to propose, these companies might be worth considering. Use the promo codes PERFECTMANI20 for Olive and June and LISTEN for Blue Nile to enjoy discounts on your first purchases.

    • Pet peeves and unexpected obstacles in daily lifeFriends find humor in shared irritations and unexpected challenges, maintaining a lighthearted perspective despite daily annoyances and unexpected obstacles

      The speakers in this conversation often, jokingly, discuss various pet peeves and irritations in their daily lives. One recurring theme is that they find it frustrating when others interrupt them or demand their attention at inconvenient times. Another theme is their shared experience of unexpected obstacles, such as extreme weather conditions or bee infestations. Despite these challenges, they maintain a lighthearted and humorous perspective, often making jokes and using catchphrases to cope with the situations. The conversation also reveals their close friendship and mutual understanding, as they share stories and tease each other playfully. Overall, the conversation is a reminder that even in the midst of daily annoyances and unexpected obstacles, maintaining a sense of humor and connection with others can help us navigate life's ups and downs.

    • Unexpected bee encounter and neighbor's beekeeping practicesNeighbors shared experiences led to discussions about beekeeping, including the risks taken by the beekeeper despite his wife's allergies and their consumption of local honey.

      The speakers in this conversation live in close proximity and share various experiences, including an unexpected issue with bees from a neighboring garden. The neighbor mentioned that a beekeeper had noticed some bees were missing and explained that during swarming, bees can't sting. The speaker was surprised to learn that the beekeeper's wife is severely allergic to bee stings, yet he still goes to remove the bees without protective gear. The speakers also discussed their neighbor's beekeeping practices and their own consumption of honey from a nearby farm. Additionally, they mentioned an upcoming anniversary and the speaker's past work commitments on that day. The conversation showcases the speakers' shared experiences, their neighbor's unusual beekeeping methods, and the importance of acknowledging significant dates in a relationship.

    • Rosie's Unusual Habit of Shredding and Eating MailRosie's fear of identity theft led her to shred and eat mail containing her personal information.

      Rosie Ramsey, the podcast host, shares her unusual habit of shredding and eating mail that contains her personal information out of fear of identity theft. This behavior stems from an incident where she received a letter at her current address with her old home address and maiden name, which she couldn't explain how it ended up at her house. Despite finding it strange and unsolved, she continues to protect her family's privacy by destroying and consuming mail with caution. Additionally, Rosie mentioned that they were currently recording their audio book at a studio in Newcastle.

    • Transforming a podcast into a bookSwitching from podcasting to writing mode takes effort and time, but can result in a published book and audiobook.

      Transforming a podcast into a book is a more complex process than one might expect. The speakers in this conversation mentioned that they had to switch from podcasting to writing mode, and put in a lot of effort into turning their spoken words into written, grammatically correct text. They also noted that the process took longer than anticipated, and required careful proofreading. Despite the challenges, they found the experience enjoyable and even laughed a lot during the process. The book and audiobook versions of their work are now available for preorder, and the speakers have explored various careers, including modeling, in addition to their podcasting and writing endeavors. The conversation also touched on the topic of ghostwriting and the importance of taking care of oneself, especially for those in the public eye as models.

    • Exploring past struggles and finding common groundEmpathy and understanding are crucial for building connections, even during initial interactions that may seem negative or defensive.

      Despite the model's initial defensiveness and accusations of jealousy, the conversation eventually led to a shared experience and a deeper understanding between them. The model opened up about her past acne struggles and how a recent sunburn reminded her of that experience. They also discussed their mothers' different approaches to offering sympathy and support during difficult times. The conversation highlighted the importance of empathy and understanding in building connections, even when initial interactions may not be positive. Additionally, the conversation touched on the model's current situation of being out of work and focusing on social media platforms like Instagram for income and engagement.

    • Understanding each other's frustrationsEffective communication and understanding are essential for resolving relationship issues. Listen actively, acknowledge feelings, and find compromise to build a stronger bond.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to resolving relationship issues. The discussion reveals a couple's frustration with each other's habits, particularly around sleep and morning routines. The man feels annoyed that his partner stays in bed longer than him and doesn't contribute enough to household chores. The woman, on the other hand, feels ignored and unappreciated when her partner doesn't get up early to help with their child and household tasks. The conversation also touches on deeper issues, such as trust and past lives. While some beliefs are contradictory, it's clear that both partners have unique perspectives and ways of coping with stress. The exchange highlights the importance of open and respectful dialogue to find common ground and work towards a solution. Effective communication involves active listening, acknowledging each other's feelings, and finding compromise. By understanding each other's needs and concerns, the couple can build a stronger and more harmonious relationship.

    • The speaker's strong connections to certain things may be explained by past life experiencesThe speaker believes in exploring various spiritual beliefs and finds humor in their unique connections to certain things, such as period dramas or food, which they believe may be explained by past life experiences.

      The speaker expresses a strong connection to certain things, be it period dramas or food, to the point where they believe they may have lived those experiences in past lives. This belief is seen as a source of amusement and intrigue for the speaker, who also expresses a belief in hedging one's bets and exploring various spiritual beliefs. The conversation also includes a lighthearted and humorous anecdote about the speaker's child's clever yet inappropriate behavior. Overall, the speaker's beliefs and experiences are presented as unique and personal, reflecting their individuality and sense of humor.

    • Misunderstandings and hurtful insults in human relationshipsDespite occasional disagreements, people can find joy in relationships and appreciate the importance of high-quality essentials for travel, like those offered by Quince. Brands like Bombas provide comfort and give back to those in need.

      People, especially family members, can have conflicting opinions and appearances that may lead to misunderstandings and even arguments. In the discussed conversation, a man felt self-conscious about wearing certain clothes, which led to a misunderstanding with another person who thought he looked like a train driver. The man became upset, and although they both found the situation amusing, there were concerns about potential hurtful insults in the future. Despite the occasional disagreements, the man was also described as loving and the best. The conversation also touched upon the topic of gift giving and the importance of finding high-quality and affordable essentials for travel, such as those offered by Quince. Additionally, the conversation included a mention of Bombas, a brand known for its soft and comfortable clothing and its mission to donate items to those in need. Overall, the conversation showcased the complexities of human relationships and the importance of finding joy in the little things, even during misunderstandings.

    • Small Conflicts in Relationships: Brushing Teeth and TV ShowsEffective communication and compromise are essential in resolving small conflicts and maintaining a healthy relationship.

      The speakers in this conversation have had disagreements and pet peeves with each other, leading to small conflicts. One of these conflicts revolves around a small bathroom stoop that one person has been using to brush their teeth. The other person feels disrespected by this, leading to an argument. Another issue is finding a new TV show to watch together, which has caused frustration due to scheduling conflicts and differing opinions. Despite these disagreements, both parties acknowledge that they have no major beef with each other and are generally content with their relationship. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of communication and compromise in resolving small conflicts and maintaining a healthy relationship.

    • The importance of attention and memory in entertainmentPaying full attention and retaining information during entertainment enhances enjoyment, while forgetting details can lead to frustration and confusion. Personal connections also impact our engagement with media.

      Memory and attention play crucial roles in our entertainment experiences. The speaker shared an anecdote about forgetting details of a TV show, Ozark, despite having watched it before, causing frustration and confusion for both him and his partner. This incident highlights the importance of paying full attention during entertainment and the potential consequences of not retaining important information. The speaker also mentioned how his mother's strong memory and attachment to a TV show, Outlander, influenced his viewing experience, emphasizing the impact of personal connections on our engagement with media. Overall, the discussion underscores the significance of active engagement and recall in maximizing enjoyment from various forms of entertainment.

    • The lengths people go to satisfy their curiosityPeople's curiosity can lead them to take unconventional actions, as seen in Susie Briggs' mother pretending her rug was a dog.

      People's curiosity and nosiness can sometimes lead them to take unusual actions. Susie Briggs' mother, Violet, went to great lengths to satisfy her curiosity by taking a rug outside and pretending it was a dog. She even went so far as to tie a belt around it and pretend it was taking a crap in the bushes. This behavior is an extreme example of nosiness, but it highlights how some people's curiosity can drive them to do unconventional things. The discussion also brought back memories of childhood experiences, such as late-night noises and unexpected events, which can be intriguing and exciting. Overall, the conversation underscores the human tendency to be curious and the lengths some people will go to satisfy that curiosity.

    • Ex-boyfriend's peculiar habitsThe speaker shares unusual habits of their ex-boyfriend, including layering clothes and excessive toilet paper use, but the reasons behind these habits remain unknown.

      The speaker's ex-boyfriend had some unusual habits, including wearing two t-shirts, two pairs of underpants with a specific layering system, and using an entire toilet roll every morning in the bathroom. The speaker found these habits strange and shared them with their friends, who thought they would find them amusing. The reasons behind these habits remain unclear, and the speaker speculates that it could be for comfort, mummification, or even to give an illusion of a larger size. The speaker finds the situation odd but also finds humor in the situation.

    • Unexpected challenges in parentingParenting involves teaching children essential skills and dealing with the unexpected, like discovering long hairs in unusual places, which can be strange but also provide moments of humor.

      Parenting comes with unexpected challenges, such as teaching children to wipe their own bottoms and dealing with the occasional discovery of long hairs in unusual places. The speaker shared her experience of teaching her son Robin to wipe himself, which led to her using an excessive amount of toilet paper and dealing with the leftovers. She also revealed her own experience of discovering long hairs in her own bathroom, which she found both strange and unnerving. The speaker acknowledged the weirdness of the situation but found humor in it, emphasizing that parenting and everyday life can present unexpected and sometimes uncomfortable situations.

    • Avoid misunderstandings and conflicts through effective communicationEffective communication can prevent unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings, even in situations involving personal habits or billing issues. Clarifying misunderstandings and negotiating solutions can lead to positive outcomes.

      Communication and understanding are key to avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts. In the first part of the discussion, there was a misunderstanding about a personal habit, which led to confusion and insults. If the parties involved had taken the time to clarify their meanings, they could have avoided the unnecessary argument. In the second part of the discussion, there was a disagreement about a billing issue regarding a nursery and Christmas Eve. The parents were upset about being charged for a day their child didn't attend, despite the nursery being open. The situation escalated into name-calling and judgment from the wife, mother-in-law, and even the nursery staff. However, if the parents had communicated effectively with each other and the nursery, they could have found a solution that worked for everyone, such as negotiating a discount or arranging for the child to attend on a different day. Therefore, it's essential to clarify misunderstandings and communicate effectively to avoid unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings. Whether it's a personal habit or a billing issue, taking the time to understand each other's perspectives can lead to a more positive outcome.

    • A funny story about poor communication and cleanliness in relationshipsClear communication and good hygiene are essential in relationships to avoid unpleasant surprises.

      Communication and cleanliness are crucial in relationships, especially when trying new things. In a funny anecdote shared on a podcast, a woman discovered her boyfriend hadn't washed his hands after eating extra-hot chicken from Nando's, leading to an unpleasant experience in the bedroom. This incident not only ended their relationship but also served as a reminder for the importance of washing hands, especially when dealing with spicy food. The story also highlighted the importance of clear communication, as the woman felt embarrassed and frustrated that her boyfriend didn't inform her about the extra-hot chicken. The incident also brought up a humorous thought that the government could have used this opportunity to create public service announcements about washing hands after eating spicy food. Overall, the story serves as a reminder to always communicate openly with your partner and practice good hygiene to avoid any unwanted surprises.

    • New books available for preorder on Chivalrynotes.com, tips for allergy sufferers, and celebrating special occasions with 1800flowers.comMaron encourages allergy sufferers to use Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues for allergy relief, Quinn's offers affordable, ethical travel essentials, and 1800flowers.com adds love to all products and services for special occasions

      September 3rd marks the release of new books available for preorder on chivalrynote.com. Marc Maron from the WTF podcast encourages listeners to tackle allergy symptoms this season with Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues, which are hypoallergenic and allerist approved. For travelers, Quinn's offers high-quality essentials at affordable prices and ethical manufacturing practices. Lastly, 1800flowers.com is more than just a gift-giving destination; they put love into every product and service to help celebrate all life's special occasions. Marc Maron also mentioned that Chivalry Notes is releasing new books on September 3rd and they're available for preorder now. For allergy sufferers, Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues are a great option as they're hypoallergenic and allergy-approved, helping to alleviate symptoms without irritating the skin. Quinn's is another brand worth considering for travelers, offering European linen, premium luggage options, and Italian leather bags at affordable prices and with ethical manufacturing practices. Lastly, 1800flowers.com is not just a gift-giving destination; they put love into every product and service, making them a great choice for celebrating all life's special occasions.

    Recent Episodes from Sh**ged Married Annoyed

    Ep 275. Robaldo

    Ep 275. Robaldo
    On this week's podcast Rosie is excited by her Apple watch and Chris get animated over back of the knee sweat. Sister Kate features this week and explains the lengths she went to get her dog to come back. Beefs get emotional and QFTP's involve a gamer ick, peeing in public and perhaps the worse thing you can eat on a plane! Plus, is it okay to wear a track suit to a wedding?...

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in

    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
    In this episode of Shagged Married Annoyed Chris and Rosie discuss places they DON'T want to visit, Space being on the top of Rosie's list (even with 100 Tampons). Chris gives Mondays a kick up the backside and the beefs get personal when Chris reveals that Rosie read one of his texts. QFTP's involve an incredible/unusual kink and there are some stellar icks which kick off a chat about the John Barnes rap...cue Best Mate Steph!

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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
    This week, Rosie and Chris are off to London to do exciting things which they’re not allowed to talk about on the podcast, Chris has bumped into one of Rosie's old teachers at soft play and Rafe has revealed a development in our cashless society. We get an update after last week’s little argument… and the podcast also gets interrupted by the window cleaners. There are some questionable gym techniques discussed in QFTPs as well as a story from our favourite place… the GUM clinic!

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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
    On the podcast this week things get serious when the Ramsey's start preparing for a joint 40th birthday party that is taking place in 2 years! As well as this they discuss cream out of a can, thieving from your doorstep and bad algorithms! QFTP's involve some Rosie's Mysteries and a dog based ick! PLUS Chris reveals that he has never seen the film Grease!

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
    It's a (kind of) sexy episode this week! Chris and Rosie chat Northern Lights, latte art, competitions and Chris does some coffee math! Rosie has been talking about Chris behind his back which gets back to him and causes some fresh beef. QTFP involve a new game, spag bowl and a roll on deodorant. PLUS Chris starts planning Rosie's quiz for next week.

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    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
    Chris and Rosie discuss childhood games, refreshment sharing on a train and a league table of 'going out'. Chris shows Rosie his jiu-jitsu video and awaits her reaction! They also discus the potential meaning of pineapples! QFTP's include a randy dog, worms and a discussion about quick sand.

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    Ep 267. Rumour has it

    Ep 267. Rumour has it
    There's a rumour going around town about the Ramsey's... but is it true? The pair catch up after Rosie has been away for work and she presents Chris with the latest TikTok Bear/Man dilemma. The beef's get heated, there's some Star Wars explanation and QFTP's include a belly button investigation, an iron ick and a second time emailer!

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    Ep 266. Gasolina

    Ep 266. Gasolina
    On this week's podcast Chris proclaims Rosie as his Best Friend and it's not reciprocated! They discuss leisure wear, the London Marathon, Rosie's algorithm's and her thoughts on sugar free Chocolate Mousse. They have a couple of crime based QFTP's and a rouge mushroom incident.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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