
    Ep. 97: Toxic Waste; Your Body Could be a Toxic Waste Dump

    enDecember 04, 2023
    What are the sources of toxic exposure mentioned?
    How can self-care help manage stress effectively?
    What role do detoxification foods play in health?
    Which mental health services are suggested for support?
    What diseases may result from excessive toxin exposure?

    Podcast Summary

    • Living with Toxic Exposures: Prioritize Self-CareRecognize potential toxic exposures, minimize them, prioritize self-care through delivery services and therapy, and be aware of the body's natural detoxification pathways.

      Our bodies can be exposed to toxic chemicals and metals in large quantities every year, and the long-term health effects are not well understood. It's important to prioritize self-care, such as using Instacart for delivery when sick, and seeking affordable online therapy with BetterHelp to help manage stress and make time for self-care. The body has natural detoxification pathways, but when exposed to an overwhelming amount of toxins, it can be difficult to keep up. The numbers are staggering, with approximately three billion pounds of toxic metals or toxins released every year, and over 80,000 toxic chemicals in use since the industrial revolution, with little testing on their long-term health effects. It's crucial to be aware of the potential toxic exposures and take steps to minimize them, such as avoiding toxic chemicals in everyday products and considering detoxification methods, but it's also essential to prioritize self-care and seek help when needed.

    • Newborns already have 287 known toxins in their umbilical cord bloodBeing informed and making conscious choices can help reduce exposure to toxins, while EWG.org is a valuable resource for learning about toxins and their impact on health.

      Our bodies have natural detoxification pathways, but we are exposed to an unprecedented amount of toxins that can impact our ability to detox effectively. The Environmental Working Group reports that newborn babies already have 287 known toxins in their umbilical cord blood. It's essential to be aware of this issue and take steps to minimize exposure to toxins if we want to maintain a well-functioning body and age gracefully. The Environmental Working Group's website, EWG.org, is a valuable resource for learning about toxins and their impact on our health. While it's impossible to avoid all toxins, being informed and making conscious choices can help reduce exposure.

    • Toxins from young age can impact health and weightIdentifying and addressing hidden toxins can aid in weight loss, but proper testing is crucial to avoid unnecessary expenses.

      Our exposure to toxins from a young age, even before birth, is significant and can contribute to health issues such as weight gain and toxic load. A case in point is a patient who struggled to lose weight despite diet and exercise changes. After further testing, it was discovered she had high levels of toxic chemicals in her body. By addressing these specific toxins, she was able to lose weight. However, the cost of testing varies for each individual, and it's essential to identify necessary tests during the initial consultation to avoid unnecessary expenses. Patients may hesitate to undergo multiple tests, but skipping crucial tests could result in hitting a roadblock in the treatment process. Therefore, healthcare professionals spend extensive time during the initial consultation to ensure all necessary tests are identified and run.

    • The complex process of addressing toxic waste in the bodyDoctors may miss toxic waste due to limited consultations, leading to ongoing health issues. Comprehensive consultations are crucial for identifying and addressing toxic waste.

      The process of identifying and addressing toxic waste in the body is a complex one that often requires extensive consultations. Patients may not be able to recall all relevant information during typical doctor visits due to the linear thinking required and the limited time available. As a result, many doctors are unaware of the existence, harm, or testing options for toxic waste, let alone how to help patients eliminate it. This can lead to ongoing health issues, including difficulty losing weight or feeling constantly sick. It's essential to recognize the importance of comprehensive consultations and the potential impact of toxic waste on overall well-being.

    • The Importance of Nutrition, Detoxification, and Functional MedicineFunctional medicine practitioners provide comprehensive care, focusing on nutrition, detoxification, and disease prevention/treatment. Daily detoxification is crucial due to our exposure to billions of pounds of toxic substances annually, leading to symptoms like fatigue.

      Nutrition, health, disease, and detoxification are crucial elements in maintaining good health and preventing or curing diseases. However, many medical doctors receive limited education on these topics, making it essential to seek functional medicine practitioners for comprehensive care. Toxins are a significant contributor to overall health and disease states, and our bodies need to detoxify daily to eliminate these harmful substances. Practitioners use scientific research to understand the impact of toxins on the body and find ways to help detoxify. Bioaccumulation of toxins can lead to various symptoms, such as fatigue, and we are exposed to billions of pounds of toxic substances every year, making detoxification an essential daily practice.

    • Misdiagnosed Health IssuesExplore alternative causes for common health issues like muscle aches, joint pain, sinus problems, headaches, and digestive issues. Inflammation or toxic buildup could be the root cause, and what's labeled as allergies or migraines might not always be accurate.

      Many common health issues, such as muscle aches, joint pain, sinus problems, headaches, and digestive issues, are often misdiagnosed or misunderstood. Instead of accepting a diagnosis like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or arthritis without question, it's important to explore other possible causes. For example, inflammation or toxic buildup in the body could be the root cause of these symptoms. Similarly, what is labeled as allergies may not always be allergies, and headaches may not necessarily be migraines. By questioning diagnoses and seeking alternative explanations, individuals can potentially avoid unnecessary medications and find relief through different treatments.

    • Symptoms of Chronic ToxicityInvestigate the root cause of symptoms instead of masking them, as chronic toxicity can indicate a malfunctioning detoxification system, leading to the build-up of toxins in the body.

      Chronic toxicity can manifest in various ways, including difficulty waking up, brain fog, unusual food cravings, skin issues, dark circles under the eyes, and premenstrual syndromes. These symptoms are indicators that something is not functioning properly in the body. Instead of covering up the symptoms with gum, mints, or mouthwash, it's essential to investigate the root cause. Detoxification is the body's natural ability to eliminate toxins, but if it's not functioning correctly, these toxins can build up. The body has an innate system to get rid of toxins, but when we're unable to eliminate them, they accumulate. A simple example is a glass of water that is unable to release impurities, leading to a build-up of toxins. The symptoms we experience are our body's way of communicating that something is wrong. Therefore, it's crucial to listen to our bodies and investigate the underlying causes rather than just masking the symptoms.

    • Exceeding our body's capacity to detoxify leads to diseasesFocus on reducing toxic load by avoiding toxins in food, water, environment, managing stress, and addressing internal imbalances for improved health and potential disease prevention.

      Our bodies can only handle a certain amount of toxins before we become sick. These toxins come from various sources such as chemicals, pesticides, mold, medications, mental and spiritual stressors, and internal imbalances. When we exceed our body's capacity to detoxify, we may develop diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, autism, depression, and many others. Conventional medicine often treats these diseases with more toxins in the form of pharmaceuticals. Instead, we can focus on reducing our toxic load by investigating the root causes of our health issues and making lifestyle changes. This includes avoiding toxins in our food, water, and environment, managing stress, and addressing internal imbalances. By doing so, we can improve our overall health and wellbeing, and potentially prevent disease.

    • Identify your unique toxic loadUnderstand specific toxins in your body, support detoxification pathways with clean water, regular bowel movements, organic foods, and limiting exposure to pesticides and hormones.

      Everyone's detoxification process is unique, and it's essential to identify what toxins are present in your body before attempting to eliminate them. There's no one-size-fits-all solution, and understanding your specific toxic load is the first step to addressing it effectively. Some practical steps to support your detoxification pathways include drinking clean water, maintaining regular bowel movements, eating organic foods, and limiting exposure to pesticides and hormones. Remember, small changes can make a significant difference in your overall health.

    • Supporting Your Body's Natural Detoxification ProcessEat detoxifying foods, minimize toxins, exercise, avoid sugar and flour, sweat daily, supplement, and relax to enhance your body's natural detoxification process, leading to improved health and well-being.

      Paying attention to detoxification and reducing toxins in your body can significantly impact your health. This includes eating detoxifying foods, such as colorful vegetables and minimizing intake of drugs, stimulants, sedatives, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. Regular exercise, avoiding white sugar and white flour, sweating daily, supplementing with high-quality supplements, and purposefully relaxing are also essential steps to support your body's natural detoxification process. Many people overlook the importance of these habits, but they can make a significant difference in improving overall health and well-being.

    • Misconceptions of Fun on Social Media and TVIdentify joyful activities, prioritize self-care, and avoid the comparison trap on social media to enhance overall health and happiness.

      Many people spend a significant amount of time on social media and TV, mistakenly believing they're having fun, when in reality, it's often driven by anxiety. Instead, focusing on activities that bring genuine joy and fulfillment can improve overall health and happiness. The speakers encourage listeners to identify what's important to them and make time for it, whether that's through therapy, reading, napping, or talking with friends. They also recommend checking out the podcast "After Bedtime with Big Little Feelings" for parenting advice and encouragement. Overall, the message is to prioritize self-care, mindfulness, and authentic experiences over the perceived perfection portrayed on social media.

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    #174 Kathryn Bennett: Non-Binary to Strongman to Sales| Joey Pinz Discipline Conversations

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