
    Episode 14: The World’s Only Stand-Up Economist

    enFebruary 08, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Combining local insights and global expertise in real estate investingPrincipal Asset Management uses a 360-degree perspective to identify compelling real estate investing opportunities through public and private equity and debt

      Principal Asset Management combines local insights and global expertise to deliver comprehensive real estate investment solutions. They apply a 360-degree perspective across public and private equity and debt to identify compelling investing opportunities. To further demonstrate the power of combining knowledge and humor, the team welcomed comedian economist Yoram Baumann to the show. Baumann, with a PhD in economics, entertains audiences with jokes about economic concepts, proving that even the most complex subjects can be made fun and engaging. While some may have low expectations for a stand-up economist, Baumann's unique perspective and delivery prove that there's always room for a fresh and entertaining take on the world of economics.

    • Intersection of Economics and ComedySpeaker uses humor to engage audiences with economics concepts, experienced bombing on stage during 2008 financial crisis, believes in not being afraid of failure, and aims to bring humor to economics through various opportunities

      Economics and comedy can intersect in unexpected ways, as shown by the speaker's experience of performing on the PBS NewsHour. The speaker uses humor to engage audiences with economics concepts, and even bombed on stage once, in 2008 during the global financial crisis. The interviewer asked him about his experience with bombing on stage, and the speaker admitted to it, attributing it to an unsuccessful opening line. The speaker also shared his belief in the importance of not being afraid of failure and keeping on trying until something works. The speaker's goal is to bring humor to economics and has even done a podcast show by telephone to share this vision with others. The idea for this gig came about randomly, but the speaker's passion and expertise in both fields have led to unique opportunities. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the potential for creativity and engagement in the intersection of economics and comedy.

    • Making Economics Entertaining with HumorApproaching economics with humor can make the subject more engaging and entertaining, revealing the human side of economists and the subject itself.

      Economics, often perceived as a dry and complex subject, can be made engaging and entertaining through the use of humor. This was the discovery of the speaker, who started as a graduate student writing a parody of economics principles and turned it into a full-time comedy career. He performs around 50-60 gigs a year at colleges and corporate events, leveraging stereotypes about economists for comedic effect. By approaching economics with a sense of humor and low expectations, he finds that people are often more pleasant surprises than stereotypes suggest. This not only makes for successful comedy but also highlights the human side of economists and the subject itself.

    • Assumption of Self-Interest in Economics and Its Humanistic UpsidesEconomics assumes individuals act in self-interest but recognizes people care about more than themselves. Humor in teaching economics can increase motivation and engagement.

      Economics, as a discipline, starts with the assumption that individuals act in their self-interest. However, economists understand that people care about more than just themselves. This assumption simplifies economic models and analysis. In academia, there are comedians in various fields, like science and neurobiology, who use humor to engage audiences and make complex concepts more accessible. When using comedy to teach economics, there are occasionally skeptics who believe it trivializes the subject. However, the use of humor can increase motivation and engagement, especially in high school students. Overall, the economic worldview, with its focus on self-interest, can be surprising in its humanistic upsides.

    • Economists use humor to make complex concepts accessibleNobel laureates and other economists write humorous papers to engage and challenge conventional economic ideas, using humor to make complex concepts more understandable.

      Economics can be both serious and funny. Economists, including Nobel laureates, have written humorous papers to engage and motivate people to learn about economics. These papers often challenge conventional ideas and use humor to make complex economic concepts more accessible. For instance, one paper valued the worth of salmon and humans in a river system using the same economic techniques, revealing unexpected results. Another paper, "Japan's Phillips curve looks like Japan," humorously questioned the traditional Phillips curve theory by comparing it to Japan's economic data. These papers are published in reputable economics journals like Economic Inquiry and the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking. Economists write these papers as a creative outlet, often inspired by a curiosity or a desire to challenge established economic theories.

    • The Impact of Background Music on Decision-making: An Unexpected Inspiration from ACDC FansUnexpected connections in research can lead to innovative findings and recognition in the academic community.

      Economist Rob Oxtoby used an unexpected source of inspiration – the debate among ACDC fans about which frontman, Bon Scott or Brian Johnson, was better – to explore the impact of background music on decision-making. While conducting research on this topic, he accidentally obtained different results for the two singers' songs during experiments. Instead of discarding the data, he wrote a humorous paper titled "The Efficiency of ACDC: Who Was the Better Singer?" The paper gained significant attention, even reaching Steve Levitt, a well-known economist who wrote a blog post about it without realizing it was a joke. Oxtoby is currently working on a new cartoon book about economics with a co-author. This story illustrates the importance of creativity and the unexpected connections that can arise in research.

    • Effective communication through cartoon booksCartoon books simplify complex topics, use humor, and are accessible to all ages. Economics, through market instruments and revenue redistribution, can help protect the environment.

      Cartoon books are an effective and accessible way to convey complex information to audiences of all ages. The speaker, who is working on cartoon introductions to climate change and calculus, appreciates their ability to use humor and simplify complex topics without the need for extensive footnotes or lengthy explanations. Additionally, the speaker is involved in a carbon tax reform campaign in Washington state, which aims to address climate change through market instruments and revenue redistribution. The idea of using economics to protect the environment is what drew the speaker to the field. Lastly, the speaker shared the oldest economics joke, known as the "assume a can opener" joke, which highlights the economist's tendency to simplify problems by assuming solutions are already available.

    • Exploring the Intersection of Economics and ComedyEconomist and comedian Yoram Bauman showcases the potential for humor in economics during an appearance on the Odd Lots podcast, emphasizing the versatility of both fields and the importance of approaching topics from different angles.

      The intersection of economics and comedy may not be as unlikely as it seems. Economist and stand-up comedian Yoram Bauman defied assumptions during an appearance on the Odd Lots podcast, showcasing the potential for humor in even the most complex economic concepts. Bauman shared his experiences of making a living as a stand-up economist and the joy of finding economic comedy in unexpected places. Tracy Alloway, co-host of the podcast, discussed the idea of common joke structures that can be applied to various fields, including economics. This unique blend of comedy and economics highlights the versatility of both and the potential for new perspectives in understanding complex topics. The conversation also touched on the growing slate of original content podcasts from Bloomberg, including Money Stuff, featuring Matt Levine and Katie Greifeld. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of approaching topics from different angles and the potential for humor to make complex ideas more accessible.

    • Discussing the latest finance news and trends on their podcast, Money StuffMatt and Katie's podcast offers valuable insights into finance and current events, available on popular platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify

      Every week, Matt and Katie discuss the latest Wall Street finance news and other intriguing topics in their podcast, Money Stuff. Listeners can tune in to this engaging podcast on popular platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or wherever they usually access their podcasts. By providing insights into the world of finance and beyond, Matt and Katie's podcast offers valuable information for anyone interested in staying informed about current events and trends. Don't miss out on their insightful conversations, which make Matt's newsletter a must-read and now, a must-listen as well.

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    The Real Estate Investing Club is a podcast and YouTube show where real estate investing professionals share their best advice, greatest stories, and favorite tips as a real estate investor. Join us as we delve into every aspect of real estate investing - from self-storage, to mobile home parks, to single-family flips and rentals, to multifamily syndication!

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    Interested in becoming a passive investor in one of our projects? Kaizen Properties, is looking for passive investors for our upcoming deals. We invest in what are known as “recession resistant assets”: self storage, MH & RV parks, and industrial properties. If you are interested, go to the website and click on the “Invest with Us” button at the bottom of the page.

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    PARTNER -- Want to partner on a deal or connect in person? Email the host Gabe Petersen at gabe@therealestateinvestingclub.com or reach out on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabe-petersen/ 


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