
    Episode 154 - Belonging: The Search for Home

    enMarch 11, 2021
    What role do dreams play in personal growth?
    How does the story of the samovar relate to belonging?
    What did Jung believe about physical touch and belonging?
    How can individuation and belonging create tension?
    What does Maslow’s theory say about belonging and growth?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding dreams leads to personal growth and belongingDream School helps decipher personal dream code for optimal life, belonging is central to being human, and leaving home illustrates profound effect on sense of belonging.

      Dreams are a hidden door to the innermost recesses of the soul, and understanding them can lead to personal growth, healing, and a sense of belonging. Dream School, an online program, offers support, knowledge, and guidance to help individuals decipher their personal dream code and harness it to optimize their lives. Belonging, which means to go along with, is central to being human, and when it's taken away, it can lead to feelings of alienation. The story of a woman who brought her grandmother's samovar with her when she immigrated to the US illustrates the profound psychic effect of leaving one's home and creating a new sense of belonging. Our three Jungian analysts, Lisa Marciano, Deborah Stewart, and Joseph Lee, discussed the importance of belonging in today's culture and how it relates to our sense of self and our relationships with others and the world.

    • The Importance of Belonging and Attachment from Infancy to Old AgeBelonging and attachment are fundamental human needs that influence our physical, emotional, and mental well-being throughout our lives. Neglecting this need can hinder our growth and development.

      Belonging and attachment are fundamental human needs that play a significant role in our development, starting from infancy. Attachment theory, which emerged from the works of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, emphasizes the importance of bonding between a child and their primary caregiver. This bond creates a sense of safety, which is a prerequisite for further development. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs supports this idea, positing that safety and belongingness are basic needs that must be satisfied before higher-level needs like esteem and self-actualization can be achieved. Throughout our lives, the need to belong remains crucial, influencing our physical, emotional, and mental well-being, especially as we age. Neglecting this need can hinder our growth and development in various ways. In essence, belonging is a hardwired human need that shapes our lives from infancy to old age.

    • Fear of being shunned or excludedThe fear of exclusion can lead to anxiety, pressure for uniformity, and mental health issues, deeply rooted in our physiological and psychological makeup, bringing safety and connection but also creating tension between belonging and individuality.

      The fear of being shunned or excluded from a community can have profound effects on individuals, causing anxiety, pressure for uniformity, and even leading to mental health issues. Throughout history, being cast out from a group was a matter of life and death, and while the stakes may not be as high in modern society, the fear of losing a sense of belonging and acceptance still holds significant weight. This pressure to conform and belong can lead to strictures around individuality and intolerance for difference. The need to belong is deeply rooted in our physiological and psychological makeup, and while it can bring safety and connection, it can also create tension between the desire to belong and the need for individuality.

    • Balancing individuation and belongingBoth individuation and belonging are crucial for human development, but they can conflict. We can reconcile this tension by recognizing that we have different 'homes': one where we belong to the world and another where we belong to ourselves. Maslow's stage theory supports this idea, as safety and belonging form the foundation for individual growth.

      Both individuation and belonging are essential aspects of human development, but they can tension with each other. Individuation refers to the process of distinguishing oneself from the collective and discovering one's unique identity. However, this process often requires a sense of safety and belonging to function effectively. Belonging, on the other hand, comes from a desire to fit in and be part of a group. As we progress through life, we may belong to various objects, people, and ideas, eventually reaching a point where we belong to ourselves and serve something greater. Jung's experience of individuation is a great example of this, as he realized his life no longer belonged to him but to the world. To reconcile the tension between belonging and individuation, we might consider the idea of having different "homes" - one where we belong to the world and another where we belong to ourselves. Maslow's stage theory of development supports this idea, as having safety and belonging creates a foundation for individual growth.

    • Belongings and physical surroundings shape our identityThe loss of belongings and physical surroundings can lead to profound feelings of devastation and alienation. Our belongings hold our memories and narratives, making them an integral part of who we are. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of physical presence and connection, and simple things like favorite places can provide a sense of belonging.

      Our belongings and physical surroundings play a significant role in shaping our sense of identity and belonging. The destruction or loss of these items can lead to a profound sense of devastation and alienation. Our belongings hold our memories and narratives, making them an integral part of who we are. The pandemic has highlighted the importance of physical presence and connection, as many of the places and groups where we once belonged have been disrupted or moved online. Even simple things like a favorite coffee shop can provide a sense of belonging and connection to others. Jung believed that physical touch is a fundamental aspect of belonging, and in a world of virtual contact, the tangible evidence of belonging has been diminished.

    • The importance of sensory experiences for human connectionDeprivation of sensory experiences during isolation or dysfunctional upbringing can lead to shame and isolation, impacting ability to form healthy relationships later in life.

      The sense of belonging and connection to others is essential for human well-being, and it is fulfilled through various physical senses like touch, smell, and taste. However, during times of isolation, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, or growing up in dysfunctional families, the deprivation of these sensory experiences can lead to a deep sense of shame and isolation. The loss of scent and taste, for instance, can further exacerbate this feeling of disconnection. The importance of addressing these feelings of shame and isolation, especially in childhood, cannot be overstated, as they can significantly impact one's ability to form healthy relationships and fit in with communities later in life.

    • The importance of belonging for human development and well-beingSeeking out communities or tribes where one can resonate with like-minded individuals helps promote mental health, personal growth, and deeper connections with others.

      A sense of belonging is essential for human development and well-being. This sense can be threatened or betrayed through various means, such as being ejected from a group, being bullied online, or holding secrets that could lead to ostracism. The feeling of not belonging can stem from being unable to communicate important things to others or holding inadmissible views. According to Carl Jung, loneliness can come from being a knowledgeable person in a world where others lack the same understanding. To overcome this sense of not belonging, one can seek out communities or tribes where they can resonate with like-minded individuals. This tension between sameness and difference is a common theme, as the search for belonging often involves finding a new tribe where one's unique qualities are appreciated. In our modern world, technology and the internet offer opportunities to connect with people from all over the world based on shared interests, values, or experiences. By fostering a sense of belonging, we can promote mental health, personal growth, and a deeper sense of connection with others.

    • The need to belong and stand outEmbrace the tension between belonging and standing out, tolerate dislocation, and find a home within yourself as you grow and mature.

      Throughout our lives, we have a need to both belong and stand out. This tension is particularly prominent during adolescence. Societies and organizations, such as the military and sports teams, provide a sense of belonging through shared experiences and rituals. However, as we grow and mature, we may find ourselves no longer belonging to these groups, leading to feelings of disappointment and alienation. The archetype of individuation encourages us to find a home within ourselves and embrace the progressive belongings that emerge throughout our lives. It's important to tolerate the dislocation that comes with leaving one belonging behind and finding the next one. Personal experiences of investment in a career or identity can lead to devastation when it falls away, but the ability to sit in the not knowing and embrace the next belonging is crucial for personal growth.

    • Seeking Belonging and Healing Through CommunitiesForming connections in real communities like 12-step movement or psychotherapeutic process can help individuals heal and find a sense of belonging, acceptance and personal growth.

      Finding a sense of belonging is crucial for healing and personal growth. This can be achieved through forming connections in real communities, such as the 12-step movement or a psychotherapeutic process. In these environments, individuals can build relationships with others and find a sense of home and acceptance. The dream discussed in the podcast may reflect a longing for such a sense of belonging and the feeling of being disconnected or abandoned. The ruined home in the dream could symbolize a sense of personal destruction or despair, while the presence of the grandfather might represent a source of wisdom or guidance. Overall, the dream suggests the importance of seeking out supportive communities and connections to help us navigate through difficult times.

    • Understanding the symbolism of a destroyed home in a dreamDreams can reveal emotional turmoil and unresolved issues from the past, shaping our present and future. The destruction of a home in a dream may symbolize feelings of loss, confusion, and estrangement, and the need to confront and heal these emotional challenges.

      Our dreams can reflect our deepest fears, desires, and unresolved emotional issues from our past. In the discussed dream, a young man's feelings of confusion, sadness, and loss, stemmed from a sense of estrangement from his family and a lack of connection with his paternal grandfather. The dream's imagery of a destroyed home symbolizes the emotional turmoil and sense of loss experienced in his waking life. Fairbairn's theory of the neglected child suggests that such experiences in early childhood can shape the psyche, making it difficult for individuals to create or maintain inner objects that provide comfort, leading to chronic self-alienation and anxiety. As the young man faces the prospect of leaving home after completing his university degree, the dream may be signaling the need to confront and move past these emotional challenges in order to create a new sense of home and identity in his future.

    • Understanding the hidden meanings of dreamsDreams can indicate unresolved childhood issues and the need to move forward, illustrated through the metaphor of a stream.

      Dreams, such as the recurring one about a bird's eye view of a home landscape discussed in this podcast, can hold profound meanings that the conscious mind has yet to understand. This dream might indicate a desire to regress back to childhood, but the psyche may be blocking this regression due to unresolved issues. The call to move forward, even during difficult times, is a recurring theme in Jungian thought. The stream metaphor, used to describe the dream, illustrates this perspective, highlighting both the retrospective interpretation of childhood trauma and the need to move forward. Ultimately, the dream serves as a reminder that life calls us to keep moving, make plans, and pursue them, even when uncertain.

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    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/parental-complexes

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta


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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enSeptember 12, 2024

    SHADOWLAND: Relentless Pain - the story of Jean Campbell

    SHADOWLAND: Relentless Pain  - the story of Jean Campbell

    JEAN CAMPBELL  is a supermodel who from the outside looks to be living a fairy tale life. Stunningly beautiful, she has modeled on the international stage for brands including Alexander McQueen, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton and Burberry. Of course, nothing is ever so simple (especially in fairy tales).

    After experiencing a traumatic injury at a young age, Jean had to learn how to live with chronic pain. She underwent multiple surgeries, and confronted despair induced by the extreme physical and emotional challenges she faced. 

    Shadowland is our This Jungian Life forum for exploring the lives of people who exist in the hidden places of our culture. Life with chronic pain is one of those hidden places: for many it is characterized by loneliness and fear. At home and at work, people with chronic pain conditions are often asked to mask the reality of what they’re experiencing. 

    In this episode, Lisa and Deb explore the gulf Jean experienced between persona and shadow. In private, Jean searched for ways to cope with physical pain and suffering, whilst in public she built a successful career based on her exceptional physical beauty. 

    According to Jean, embracing and befriending pain has been key in her path to healing. This is explored through a discussion of A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin, in which the protagonist, Ged, must confront and befriend his shadow:

     “Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life: bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky” (A Wizard of Earthsea).

    Listen to Jean Campbell’s podcast, https://www.if-podcast.com/ 

    Follow Jean Campbell: https://www.instagram.com/jean_campbell/

    You might also be interested in our This Jungian Life episode on  https://thisjungianlife.com/episode-68-chronic-illness/


    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

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    Demure Social Media Trend: Elegant or Oppressive?

    Demure Social Media Trend: Elegant or Oppressive?

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    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/demure/ 

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 29, 2024

    Loyalty to Self and the Death of Illusion

    Loyalty to Self and the Death of Illusion

    Loyalty is deeply tied to our identity and evolves unconsciously, shaping our relationships and expectations.

    This evolution is influenced by attachment styles and can be manipulated in political contexts, distorting our sense of fairness. Disillusionment occurs when our loyalty to people, institutions, or ideas meets harsh reality, leading to the painful but necessary process of individuation. Mourning the loss of illusions requires taking responsibility for our lives and listening to the wisdom of the unconscious. Choosing Self over the system—whether through personal decisions like coming out, whistleblowing, or defying societal norms—demands courage and authenticity. This choice often comes at a great cost but is essential for true personal growth. Embracing our uniqueness and living authentically leads to true freedom and belonging. Loyalty to Self is about identifying and following the wise voice within, despite external pressures. It involves facing the consequences of stepping away from collective norms and rejecting external expectations. Ultimately, it is through this loyalty to Self that we align with our true purpose in life.

    Prepare to discover what drives the unconscious forces of loyalty and the impact of disillusionment on personal growth, how to navigate the complexities of choosing self over societal expectations and align with your true nature, which patterns of attachment influence your relationships and decisions, leading to either authentic or misguided loyalties, whether embracing individuality and rejecting illusions can lead to true freedom and belonging, why it is essential to confront and integrate the unconscious for personal authenticity and fulfillment…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/loyalty/ 



    Unlock The Power of Your Dreams. Transform Your Sleep into the Greatest Adventure of Your Life with Dream School! Discover how to interpret your dreams through our engaging webinars, thought-provoking audio sessions, and nurturing community. Crafted by Jungian Analysts Lisa, Deb, and Joe, "Our program is designed to companion and inspire you every step of the way. Unleash your hidden power tonight. Join our revolution of consciousness." — Learn More!

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 22, 2024

    The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul

    The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul

    What is unique about the evolution of consciousness in the female psyche?

    Hilary Morgan, filmmaker and granddaughter of Christiana Morgan, created the documentary "Tower of Dreams" to lift up her grandmother's significant contributions to analytical psychology and her exploration of the feminine psyche. Christiana's visionary art and collaboration with Carl Jung, particularly her influence on the Vision Seminars, were pivotal in clarifying how archetypal forces emerge in the psyche and eventually adopt human forms. Her tower embodied her individuation process and created sacred space to experiment with expanding Jung's work through intimate relationship. Despite societal repression and personal struggles, Morgan's legacy endures through Hilary's efforts to restore and celebrate her grandmother's work, ensuring her contributions continue to inspire future generations.

    Prepare to discover what distinguishes Christiana Morgan's contributions to Analytical Psychology; how she contributed to significant psychological tools like the Thematic Apperception Test; which aspects of her life and work exemplify female individuation; whether the insights derived from her life can provide meaningful perspectives on contemporary issues of female psychological development; why Christiana's legacy is essential for understanding the power of creativity and visionary experiences in shaping both individual lives and psychological practices…and so much more.

    LEARN more about The Tower & HELP Publish Christiana's Journals: https://www.towerofdreamsdoc.com/support

    TAKE ACTION to Save the Tower on the Marsh: https://www.thegovernorsacademy.org/academics/morgan-tower-project

    FUNDRAISE: To Join the experienced fundraising team with Hilary Morgan, reach out to her: hilarymorgandp@gmail.com

    READ: Translate This Darkness: The Life of Christiana Morgan by Claire Douglas,  https://a.co/d/5FPFEz7



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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 15, 2024



    Author, teacher, and Jungian analyst Murray Stein helps us unlock the power of symbols. 

    Symbols, as the keys to unlocking psychological forces, have the transformative potential to heal our suffering and restore our relationship to the center of our being. These images connect our waking minds to the unconscious reservoirs of creativity and emerging potential. From historical religious practices to modern everyday life, symbols evoke powerful emotional and psychological responses that can guide or manipulate us. Whether through dreams, visions, or cultural contexts, symbols bridge the material and spiritual worlds, restoring our instinctive sense that we live our lives from the inside out.

    Prepare to learn what symbols are and their significance in Jungian psychology, how to engage these images through techniques like active imagination, journaling, and creative expression, which symbols carry significant psychological and emotional weight, whether symbolic experiences can lead to transformative psychological insights, why symbols are essential in bridging the material and spiritual worlds and so much more…

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/unlock-the-power-of-symbols/

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta


    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/ 

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    LUXURY BELIEFS: Has social class shaped your mind?

    LUXURY BELIEFS: Has social class shaped your mind?

    What unconscious beliefs alienate us from those who are less privileged and what can we do about it?

    Rob Henderson, author of the best-selling book "Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class," explores the concept of "Luxury Beliefs." Raised in poverty by a drug-addicted mother and navigating a series of painful foster care homes, Henderson found outward success through the military, Yale, and Cambridge but never resolved his inner suffering. His self-reflection led him to identify "Luxury Beliefs," attitudes prevalent among his affluent peers that serve as social status indicators rather than practical principles. These beliefs, such as dismissing traditional marriage, advocating laissez-faire parenting, and drug decriminalization, are manageable for the wealthy but destabilize poorer communities. By understanding luxury beliefs, society can foster empathetic conversations across socioeconomic lines, ultimately recognizing that the upbringing and environment we provide for children shape our future culture.

    Prepare to discover what hidden socioeconomic doctrines influence our beliefs, how affluent philosophical tenets shape societal norms and affect different social classes, which beliefs serve more as status symbols than practical principles, whether luxury beliefs genuinely injure the impoverished, why understanding these concepts can foster empathy, bridge cultural divides, and inspire positive policy changes…and so much more.

    Learn more about Rob here: https://www.robkhenderson.com/about

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar

    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 01, 2024

    Is it Love or Abuse of Power? Shadow and Archetype in TELL THEM YOU LOVE ME

    Is it Love or Abuse of Power? Shadow and Archetype in TELL THEM YOU LOVE ME

    Can we protect ourselves and others from powerful projections that confuse reality and make us vulnerable in ways we cannot imagine?

    In honest and open discussion, we meet with director Nick August-Perna, whose controversial documentary, "Tell Them You Love Me," has set off a firestorm. Rutgers professor Anna Stubblefield claimed to unlock Derrick Johnson through facilitated communication. When their relationship turned sexual, whether Johnson, a nonverbal Black man with cerebral palsy, could give consent ignited debates questioning if this was true love or an abuse of power. Race, power, informed consent, the personal autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities, and overwhelming archetypal dynamics must be grasped to understand the complex forces at work in their relationship and the reactions others felt when it was discovered.

    Prepare to discover what disrupts the balance between love and power; how personal biases and psychological projections shape our interactions and ethical decisions; which societal attitudes towards race, disability, and consent need critical examination and reform; whether facilitated communication can authentically reflect the thoughts of nonverbal individuals or merely the facilitator’s fantasies; why we need multiple voices, divergent feelings, and cultural tensions to surface without simple resolutions to expand consciousness.

    LOOK & GROW!

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar 

    ARE YOU TRACKING TWISTERS? The reckless charm of creating tornados in our lives.

    ARE YOU TRACKING TWISTERS? The reckless charm of creating tornados in our lives.

    How can understanding the symbolic power of twisters help us navigate and transform the chaotic forces in our lives with resilience and wisdom?

    Twisters symbolize the spontaneous upheaval in the ordinary affairs of life that can be annihilating or transformative. These swirling vortexes are manifestations of the sacred, expressions of celestial and generative power that were communicated to the terrestrial realm. From Kiowa legends to Jungian analysis, tornados personify an aspect of the unconscious capable of volatility and violent acts of destruction,  yet the same forces provided life-giving rain. These wild archetypal storms signify inner turmoil, grief, and erotic passion. They symbolically evoke psychic tension gradually building to the bursting point or more sudden in-breakings of highly charged transpersonal energies. If we can face the power of these vortices of force, inner and outer, we will come to know the source of our own life.

    Prepare to discover what deep psychological insights can be drawn from the symbolic power of tornadoes in our lives, how diverse cultural interpretations of storms can enrich your understanding of personal and collective challenges, which archetypal elements resonate with your own experiences of chaos and transformation, whether the metaphor of twisters can be a guide for navigating life's emotional and spiritual upheavals, why the storm, as a potent symbol, captivates the human psyche and represents the balance between destruction and renewal…and so much more.

    READ ALONG WITH OUR DREAM INTERPRETATION HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/twisters/


    *TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! https://thisjungianlife.com/share-your-dream/

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    *YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8QSBLNlv765pT097FDeLA

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisjungianlifepodcast

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar


    PERSONAL SHADOW WORK: Where is your dark twin hiding?

    PERSONAL SHADOW WORK: Where is your dark twin hiding?

    Where are our lost talents and disowned powers hiding?

    PERSONAL SHADOW WORK: Where is your dark twin hiding? Helps us identify parts of ourselves pushed into the unconscious due to conflicts with our family of origin and misalignment with cultural and family norms. We first encounter shadow by projecting it on others. The despicable traits we cannot stand in others point to similar qualities we refuse to acknowledge in ourselves. Self-confrontation and honest introspection can help us say, “I am the one who hides this terrible flaw inside myself. I am the one who rejects my inner dark twin.” When we can approach reclaiming all parts of ourself with good humor, patience and courage we discover a reservoir of intense energy, talents and creativity.

    Prepare to discover why we dream of figures who hunt and chase us, whether it is safe to face our inner darkness alone, how to identify our most vilified characteristics, when it’s the right time to prioritize shadow work, what is pressuring us to accept our inner dark twin and where will this courageous process lead us…and so much more.

    HERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. BUY YOUR TICKET HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/personal-shadow-work/  

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta


    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar


    Related Episodes

    Episode 61 - Individuation

    Episode 61 - Individuation

    Individuation, the central concept of Jung’s psychology, is the foundational image and aspiration of Jungian psychoanalysis – and life. It is the theme of many a fairy tale, the sought-for treasure of a quest, and the “juice” that makes symbols compelling. Individuation has an innate developmental arc and a psychological trajectory that allows us to bring conscious intention to our own individuation process. However, vital transformational events are not simply occurrences ego alone can command; they are ultimately mysterious. They arise independently from the unconscious and what Jung termed the Self, the center, circumference and true center of the personality. In this episode Joseph, Lisa and Deb circumambulate and amplify the concept of individuation and images of the Self.


    The Dream:

    In the beginning of the dream, it's morning. I'm waiting for my father in the house where I grew up. We are about to drive halfway across the country to look at graduate schools. It is nearing afternoon and we still haven't left the house. I know from previous experience that it takes more than a full day of driving to reach our destination, which leaves me feeling anxious.


    Now my parents and I are in the car heading down the highway. From the backseat, where I used to sit, I'm looking outside. We reach an empty stretch of road surrounded on either side by farmland. The sky is overcast- halfway between rain and sunset; I notice a few geese flying across the road from the left of my line of vision in a small V-shaped formation. Once they have reached the other side they circle back, flying in the opposite direction; they have doubled in numbers and form a more unified chevron.


    I am standing in a field with my girlfriend. We are watching the dark shapes of the geese bobbing in the dusk. Suddenly they start to glow, one by one, as if each is carrying on their bodies a neon orb, similar to a brake light. I look down in the mud by my shoes and see a broken red light, one that could fit on a bike; I tell my girlfriend that the cracked object must have come from the geese. She agrees with me, which I find very reassuring.

    Episode 150 - Facing Your Feelings: Avoidance or Encounter?

    Episode 150 - Facing Your Feelings: Avoidance or Encounter?

    While we welcome “good” feelings, we often try to banish “bad” ones like sadness, fear, vulnerability and shame. We may deny them by trying to “think positive.” We may attribute them to political wrongs or even the barking dog next door. If emotions have nowhere else to go, they become symptoms, complexes, and even physical illnesses. Avoiding negative emotions simply causes them to go underground and express themselves in disguise.

    Jung says, “Our emotions happen to us; affect occurs at the point at which our adaptation is weakest and at the same time exposes the reason for its weakness.” So what is calling for encounter instead of avoidance, displacement or somatization? Feelings are information—they do not necessarily mandate action, nor do they originate externally. Notice them, name them--and look to your dreams, for the unconscious compensates nightly for what consciousness avoids. Something may be pursuing you. 

    Here's the dream we analyze:

    "I saw a bride in a white dress sitting behind a small table in a candlelit, cave-like room. Her groom was standing/waiting across the room. It was an arranged marriage but of their own volition. The bride stood up as a signal that the marriage would occur. They looked into each other’s eyes and knew the marriage was right. This part of the dream seemed to be in close-ups of their eyes and lasted what seemed like a couple of minutes. The sense of certainty seemed to have been there, either two weeks before or after the marriage. "


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    On the Way to the Wedding: Transforming the Love Relationship, by Linda Leonard (Amazon).


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    Learn to Analyze your own Dreams:  https://thisjungianlife.com/enroll/ 

    Ep. 52 - Individuation with Steven Kampmann

    Ep. 52 - Individuation with Steven Kampmann

    The wonderful Steven Kampmann returns to talk individuation, balance and the purpose of life.

    The book referenced throughout the episode is Hermann Hesse's, "Demian."

    This episode is brought to you by The Alan Watts Foundation.

    You can find every single recorded Alan Watts talk in one convenient place. All proceeds benefit the continuation and dissemination of Alan Watts recorded media.

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