
    Podcast Summary

    • Waiting in Titan Games affects performancePrepare mentally and physically for long waits, maintain diet and consistent training for best results, and focus on endurance activities for enhanced vascularity

      Participating in the Titan Games presented unique challenges unlike traditional athletic events. Contestants faced a "hurry up and wait" situation, where they could wait for hours before competing, causing the physiological benefits of pre-workouts to wear off. Training consistently for months and maintaining a strict diet were crucial for success, as was understanding that veins become more visible when an individual is lean. Endurance-based activities, rather than heavy resistance training, can enhance vascularity by improving oxygen transportation in the body.

    • Using a headband as a personal symbol for workout modeCreating a neuro-pathway or habit to separate work and personal life can improve focus during workouts

      Dr. Caleb Redden, a board-certified family practice and sports medicine doctor, uses a headband as a personal symbol to help him transition into workout mode and disconnect from the stresses of the world. This practice, which started in high school, allows him to separate his identity and focus on his hour at the gym, creating a consistent habit that helps him be fully present during his workouts. This idea of creating a neuro-pathway or habit to separate work and personal life can be beneficial for anyone who struggles with leaving work stress behind or finding motivation to exercise.

    • Maintaining routines for better focus and stress managementConsistent routines help program mind and body for improved performance and better mental and physical health, even during challenging times

      Establishing routines and compartmentalizing different aspects of your life, such as exercise, can be a valuable tool for managing stress and maintaining focus, especially for individuals who have a hard time disassociating from work or other sources of stress. This concept is not only applicable to athletes, but also to anyone looking to improve their overall well-being. The use of step-by-step processes and consistent routines can help program your mind and body, leading to better performance and improved mental and physical health. For example, during medical school, despite the demanding schedule, the speaker maintained a consistent workout routine by leaving campus early and returning late, demonstrating the importance of prioritizing self-care even in the face of significant challenges.

    • The importance of a strong support system during medical schoolA clear vision and strong support system can help overcome challenges during significant life changes like medical school.

      Having a strong support system was crucial for this individual to balance medical school and family life. Despite sacrificing sleep and missing significant moments in his children's lives, he remained focused on his priorities and found motivation in his desire to be a good father. Before medical school, he worked in a job he found unfulfilling and realized he wanted a career change. With determination and hard work, he made the shift to medical school and never looked back. It's important to remember that making significant life changes can be challenging, but having a clear vision and a strong support system can help overcome obstacles.

    • The Power of CommitmentBelieving in one's ability to overcome challenges and push forward despite obstacles is crucial for achieving goals.

      Commitment is a driving force in achieving goals, no matter how big or small. The speaker's determination to finish projects, from painting a room to becoming a doctor, stems from a mindset instilled in him as a child by his hardworking parents. Despite not having all the knowledge or resources, he believed in his ability to figure things out and persevered through challenges. This attitude, rooted in the values of hard work and earning what one gets, has carried him through various aspects of his life, including starting a business with significant debt. The theme of commitment is universal, and everyone will face roadblocks, but continuing to push forward is essential for success.

    • The Power of Commitment and DedicationCommitment and dedication are crucial for achieving success in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional pursuits. They help overcome barriers and maintain focus on long-term goals.

      Commitment and dedication are more effective in achieving success than motivation and inspiration. These qualities are essential in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional pursuits. Fitness is an excellent example of how dedication and commitment can lead to personal growth and breaking through barriers. The enjoyment of being challenged and the desire to prove one's capabilities are significant motivators. However, it's essential to remember that the journey to success is often long and requires a strong mental attitude. Boone, a powerlifter with a significant barrier to overcome, demonstrates the importance of believing in one's abilities and staying committed to the goal. The psychological aspect of overcoming barriers cannot be underestimated. Ultimately, it's essential to trust in one's strength and resilience and maintain a consistent focus on the goal.

    • Burning the boats: Committing fully with no backup planCommitting fully to a goal with no backup plan can unlock hidden potential and push you beyond perceived limits, but seek help and try new approaches when progress plateaus.

      To achieve an extreme goal or make significant progress, you must be fully committed and have no backup plan. Burning the boats, or committing to a goal with no retreat, can unlock hidden potential and push you beyond your perceived limits. However, once you reach a plateau in your progress, it's essential to get creative and try new approaches to continue growing. Be humble and seek help from professionals, and don't let pride hold you back. The analogy of burning the boats comes from Julius Caesar's invasion of Pompeii, where he ordered his soldiers to light their ships on fire to ensure their commitment to victory or death. Similarly, in the gym or any other pursuit, going all in and leaving no reservations can lead to breakthroughs.

    • Overcoming fear and uncertaintyCaleb's story shows the importance of mental fortitude and pushing past fear to reach your potential. Confidence isn't about being right, but trusting in your abilities and taking calculated risks.

      Having the mental fortitude to push past fear and uncertainty is crucial for reaching one's full potential. This was exemplified in the story of Caleb, who overcame a broken back and climbed to new heights with unwavering determination. Confidence, according to the speaker, isn't about thinking you're right, but rather knowing you're not wrong. It's about trusting in your abilities and taking calculated risks. The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing, but it's important not to let it hold you back. In the gym or in life, it's essential to challenge yourself, to know your limits, and to give it your all. The speaker emphasized the importance of this mindset for coaches, as it allows them to help their athletes reach their full potential. It's a rare and valuable trait, one that can be honed over time, but ultimately, it's something that you either have or you don't.

    • The importance of effort and perseverance in relationships and personal growthEffort and perseverance lead to personal growth and progression in life, no matter the challenge.

      Effort is crucial in all aspects of life, and the more effort you put in, the better the outcomes, even if there are initial setbacks. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being fully committed, especially in relationships and personal growth. He shares his passion for being a good husband and father, and how this obsession has stayed with him since childhood. He also mentions his long-standing passion for fitness, which started when he was young and overweight. Despite facing setbacks early on, his determination to improve drove him to continue pursuing his goals. The speaker's experiences illustrate that effort and perseverance, no matter the challenge, lead to personal growth and progression in life.

    • Overcoming Obstacles and Believing in YourselfBelieve in your abilities, no matter your background. Everyone faces challenges, even successful people like Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Stay true to yourself and push through adversity to achieve your goals.

      Everyone has the potential to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, no matter where they come from or what their background is. The speaker shares his experience of competing in the Titan Games and how he hopes his presence in the gym or on podcasts can inspire others to believe in their abilities. He emphasizes that even someone as accomplished as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was once an "average dude" who worked hard to overcome adversity. The speaker also reflects on his own experience in the Titan Games, sharing how a moment of self-doubt led him to make an honest mistake and accept the consequences. Ultimately, he encourages the importance of staying true to oneself and pushing through challenges, even when the outcome may not be what was expected. He believes that by sharing stories of overcoming obstacles, we can inspire and motivate others to do the same.

    • The Power of Support and Inner Strength in CompetitionCompetition doesn't have to harm relationships, loved ones can provide support. Tap into inner strength to perform at your best.

      Competition and personal growth can be a complex experience, especially when it involves friends and loved ones. The speaker shares a story from a competition where he had to compete against his respected teammates, causing internal conflict. His wife, recognizing the importance of the moment, encouraged him to tap into his inner "Dracula" and leave no doubt in the competition. This experience led him to a surge of energy and ultimately, victory. This story highlights the power of support from loved ones, the importance of tapping into inner strength, and the understanding that competition does not have to come at the cost of relationships.

    • The importance of prioritizing personal experiences over career advancementWorking long hours for career advancement can lead to regret, but cherished family moments provide lasting joy and fulfillment. Intrinsic rewards and financial security are important reasons to pursue a demanding career.

      Prioritizing personal and family experiences over career advancement can lead to profound moments of joy and fulfillment. The speaker, a physician, shares his experience of working long hours and sacrificing time with his family during his career. He felt guilty about his absence and wondered if he had made the right decision. However, a visit to an aquarium with his family, where his sons had an unforgettable experience, reminded him of the value of his hard work and the memories he created with his family. He realized that the financial security and sense of accomplishment from his career were worth the sacrifices. The speaker also emphasizes that pursuing a career in medicine, or any demanding field, should not be solely for financial gain, but for the intrinsic rewards and the ability to provide for one's family.

    • Sharing knowledge and helping othersThis individual finds fulfillment in teaching and inspiring others in fitness and education, and prioritizes giving back despite challenges in his own life.

      For this individual, the most fulfilling experiences in life come from sharing knowledge and helping others achieve their goals. He values the opportunity to give back, especially in the field of fitness and education. Despite his own accomplishments, he is driven by a passion to teach and inspire others. The morning routine, though challenging for him due to past surgeries, is an opportunity to prepare for the day and make the most of every minute. Ultimately, his focus is on continuing to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on those around him.

    • Living Life to the Fullest and Using Time WiselyEmbrace life, be inspired, keep going despite imperfections, and make the most of every moment by finding value in unique experiences and unconventional methods.

      Time is a valuable and finite resource, and it's essential to make the most of it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of living life to the fullest and using every moment wisely. They share their personal experiences of wanting to do as much as possible and being inspired by figures like Teddy Roosevelt and their grandpa. The speaker also acknowledges their imperfections but emphasizes the importance of keeping going. When asked about who they would choose to have dinner with, they mention Teddy Roosevelt, their grandpa, and their wife. They also mention that they don't read many books but have found value in listening to them instead. The speaker encourages breaking the mold and being successful in one's unique way.

    • Continuous learning for personal growthFind ways to incorporate learning into daily life, whether through reading, listening, or physical activity, for personal growth and improvement.

      Continuous learning is essential for personal growth and fulfillment, according to the speaker. He emphasizes that everyone learns differently and looks down not on those who don't read, but on those who don't strive for improvement. The speaker values education highly but finds reading books time-consuming. Instead, he listens to audiobooks at faster speeds while doing cardio or riding his bike. He also shared his gym playlist, which includes music that sparks emotion and helps him use that emotion to fuel his training. The speaker believes that Chris Hemsworth would make a good casting choice for him in a movie and that his preferred training style depends on whether he has an event to prepare for or not. Overall, the speaker's message is that learning is a lifelong process, and finding ways to make it a part of daily life, whether through reading, listening, or physical activity, can lead to personal growth and improvement.

    • Embracing Intensity in TrainingPush beyond perceived limits for effective workouts, listen to your body, and stay committed to exercises until they're no longer effective.

      The speaker values intensity and pushing himself to his limits during his workouts, rather than focusing on specific reps, sets, or exercises. He believes that the ability to push oneself to failure is especially impressive for drug-free individuals with impressive physiques. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of listening to one's body and staying on an exercise until it's no longer effective, rather than adhering strictly to a plan. He finds that this intuitive training style allows him to get the most out of his workouts and meet his goals, whether in the gym or at home. Overall, the speaker values the effectiveness of training intensity and encourages others to push themselves beyond their perceived limits.

    • Intensity, heart, and positivity are crucial for progressIntensity in workouts leads to gains, and heart and positivity are essential for success. Look up to role models and stay motivated to achieve goals.

      Intensity is a crucial factor in increasing strength and making progress in workouts. While volume and training frequency are also important, the speaker emphasizes that intensity is always present when he sees people making real gains. His role models and sources of inspiration include his father, his wife, and Boone, who despite facing significant challenges, maintains a positive attitude and displays dedication and heart. The speaker admires these qualities and believes they are essential for success. He is a regular, hard-working person who believes that anyone can make progress with effort and commitment. The speaker's own experiences, including receiving messages from strangers inspired by his social media content, reinforce the idea that motivation and positivity can have a profound impact on others. In essence, the speaker's message is that intensity, heart, and positivity are key to achieving one's goals.

    • From patient to partner: the power of shared experiencesAuthentic connections formed through shared experiences are invaluable, whether in personal growth or business partnerships.

      No matter where we are in life or what we're doing, we're all connected in our shared experiences and challenges. Caleb's story of connecting with his team doctor, Trek Lions, and eventually becoming partners, illustrates this beautifully. From coaching kids in basketball to losing baby weight, every effort and experience holds value. The best compliments come from authenticity and being a "regular guy." The world doesn't leave room for pretentiousness. Caleb's journey full circle from patient to doctor and partner is a reminder that the connections we make along the way can be invaluable. It's the shared experiences, the effort, and the authenticity that truly matter.

    Recent Episodes from The Power of Lifting Podcast

    Episode #61 - Post Competition Bodybuilding

    Episode #61 - Post Competition Bodybuilding

    By popular demand the Power Of Lifting Podcast is answering all your questions about the infamous post bodybuilding show life. Eric, Kaycee, and Kaylia sit around the mics and discuss what to expect, do, and experience when your bodybuilding show is over. This stage of bodybuilding can be very difficult for a lot of athletes. If you are one of these athletes or you are just curious about what to expect listen in as these three experts dive deep into post-show bodybuilding life. 

    Follow Kaycee @realestatebykaycee and Kaylia @kayliarhodes. Also follow Kaylia's bodybuilding posing company at @performanceposing 

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

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    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #60 - Dr. Jenny Brennecke (Mecca Gym Physical Therapist)

    Episode #60 - Dr. Jenny Brennecke (Mecca Gym Physical Therapist)

    We are excited to introduce this episodes special guest Doctor of physical therapy, Jenny Brennecke! Dr. Brennecke joined the Mecca team only a few months ago and we couldn’t be more grateful. Jenny is building an empire to spread the word about Physical Therapy and the positive impact it can have on not only ones fitness, but their lives. Listen in on Jenny’s journey that takes her from graduating from a high school class of 4500, to being a D1 swimmer, to grinding through PT school, and beyond.  

    Follow Jenny @dr.jenny.pt and schedule an appointment with her at https://qrcodes.pro/tsZl2m

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

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    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #59 - Allegra Simms (Mecca Gym Coach)

    Episode #59 - Allegra Simms (Mecca Gym Coach)

    Welcome back to the Power Of Lifting Podcast! It has been a minute since we were sitting at the mics, and sharing the stories of our very special guests. However, the wait is over and we are excited to get "back in the saddle" and get this train moving once again! Our special guest this week is Allegra Simms, our newest Mecca Gym coach. Allegra, along with her fiancé, moved to Meridian Idaho only a couple months ago and has already made a great impact on our Mecca Gym staff and members. Allegra comes from a very diverse background. From working as a forensics specialist and being recruited by the FBI, too winning overall in the Bikini bodybuilding division, Allegra comes to us with tremendous experience and knowledge. Listen in as we hear about Allegra's journey to the bodybuilding stage, her years as a child working out with her mom, and her advice on the "post-show blues". 

    Follow Allegra @allegra_leigh_fit and reach out to her about all your training inquiries at allegra@themeccagym.com

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #58 - Travis Harwood (Sales)

    Episode #58 - Travis Harwood (Sales)

    We are honored to have a long-time client of Eric’s and Sales Expert, Travis Harwood on the Power Of Lifting Podast. First and foremost Travis is a strong powerlifter and has had great success, especially in the bench press, with an astrounding over 400 lbs. press! However Travis’ main love and passion is in Sales. Listen in as Travis shares his story on finding door to door sales and excelling enough to start multiple sales businesses of his own. We also dive into his newst venture, Nose Slap. Which combines his love for powerlifting and selling. Nose Slap is a strongly scented concoction meant to help highten your scences and get your blood pumping when you are feeling tired and/or warn out. 

    Follow Nose Slap @nose.slep on instragam and get yourself some Nose Slap at https://www.noseslap.com

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #57 - Tylar Bell (COBS)

    Episode #57 - Tylar Bell (COBS)

    *Trigger Warning* This episode of the Power Of Lifting Podcast is a little different then our usual motivational, fitness themed episodes. Our guest today is Tylar Bell who helps run a local Idaho Anti-Human Trafficking non-profit organziaion called Community Outreach Behaviour Services or COBS for short. This amazing organization works with many different law enforcement angencies and other support organizations to help recover, house, and heal victims of sex trafficking. We are grateful to have had the chance to have Tylar on the podcast and learn from him about the sobering reality of sex trafficking and what we can do in our own circle of influence to help prevent trafficking from happening, and helping people who are in need of rescue. 

    Follow COBS on instragam @idahocobs and for more information on their organization and mission please visit https://idahocobs.org

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #56 - Kam Wheeler (Entrepreneur)

    Episode #56 - Kam Wheeler (Entrepreneur)

    If this episode doesn’t get you motivated to get out and get stuff done, we don’t know what will! It was an honor to have Kam Wheeler as our guest today. Cody Wagnon graciously filled in for Hunter as co-host on this episode. Eric, Cody and Kam talk about life, business, and the importance of fitness in their lives. Listen in as Kam shares his incredible story and why he chooses to bring the power of lifting into his life every single day. 

    Follow Kam on instragam at @kam.wheeler and @kamwheelerventures also give his business a follow @americanconstructionsupply

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #54 - Kerri Price

    Episode #54 - Kerri Price

    It was a pleasure having the energetic, passionate, and vibrant Kerri Price on this episode of the Power Of Lifting Podcast! Kerri is our head Group Fitness Instructor here at the Mecca Gym. Group Fitness is a new feature offered at our facility, and unlimted classes are included in your membership with us! We have a great conversation getting to know Kerri and what lead her to become a “movement expert” and where she developed her passion for group fitness. Try not getting excited for bettering yourself after listening to this episode, we dare ya! 

    Have any questions about Group Fitness at The Mecca Gym, reach out to Kerri at kerri@themeccagym.com and follow her @vibefitkerri

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

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    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #53 - Zac Phillips (Mecca Gym General Manager)

    Episode #53 - Zac Phillips (Mecca Gym General Manager)

    On our 53rd episode of the Power Of Lifting Podcast we are honored to have The Mecca Gym's new General Manager, Zac Phillips! Zac is a born leader, and in his first couple of months at the Mecca Gym, he has already become invaluable to our team and culture. Zac was born and raised in Alabama, and as he entered his adult life, joined the marines. After his service in the military, Zac moved to Texas and took over as a sales manager at a gym there. After setting multiple sales records there he moved up to General Manager and created cultures of success. Zac then moved up to Idaho and became a Mecca Member right after the original location was opened and became a client of Eric’s. Learn about how fitness has influenced and become a major part of Zac's life, and of course all about his incredible BBQ skills. 

    Have any questions about the Mecca Gym and what it can offer you? Email Zac at manager@themeccagym.com to set up a gym tour. You can also follow him on instagram at @hooks2antlers

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #52 - Blake Haggett

    Episode #52 - Blake Haggett

    “We are back in the saddle” and are pleased to be back at the Mecca wood table with some amazing guests. On this, our 52nd episode we are pleased to finally have our great friend and long-time client of Eric’s, Blake Haggett. Blake is the CEO and Broker of KZB Real Estate which is a commercial real estate brockerage here in Boise Idaho. Blake also played an instrumental part in securing Mecca 2.0’s location and we couldn’t be more grateful. Listen in as Blake shares about his passion for real estate, entrepreneurship, family, and of course health and fitness!

    Follow Kaycee @Blake_haggett and check everyhing he has going on at www.blakehaggett.com

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #51 - Payton Falash

    Episode #51 - Payton Falash

    As we launch into our second semicentennial set of episodes of The Power Of Lifting Podcast, we are honored to have Payton Falash on the show! Relatively recently, she discovered her love and passion for bodybuilding and fitness. She took initiative in her life, found an expert coach, joined the worlds greatest gym, and hit the ground running. In less than a year she competed in her first bodybuilding competition in the bikini division, and hasn't looked back. Along the way Payton found a love for sharing her journey on social media. Her quality content mixed with her goofy personality has gained her hundreds of thousands of followers on tiktok and across other social media platforms. Take a listen as we learn about Payton and her journey! 

    Follow Payton on tiktok and instagram @pay10falash 

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

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