
    Podcast Summary

    • New equipment at Mecca Gym and the addition of Zach Phillips as general managerMecca Gym adds new equipment like seated hamstring curl and leg extension, and hires Zach Phillips as general manager to enhance the training experience for members

      The Power of Lifting podcast is undergoing significant improvements, including enhanced production quality and new hires. The latest addition to the team is Zach Phillips, the new general manager of Mecca Gym, who shares the team's enthusiasm for the new equipment, including a seated hamstring curl and leg extension. These additions have already made a positive impact, with Zach expressing his satisfaction after using them. The team is confident that they have secured some of the best equipment currently available. Overall, the podcast and gym are undergoing exciting changes that aim to enhance the training experience for members.

    • New gym equipment with adjustable tension through unique pulley systemNew gym equipment features adjustable tension through a unique pulley system, enabling users to target specific muscle areas and optimize workouts

      The new gym equipment, specifically the leg extension, hamstring curl, and selectorized preacher curl machines, offer adjustable tension through a unique pulley system with a cam shaped like an egg. This feature allows users to focus on different parts of the muscle's range of motion and find the optimal contraction point for maximum activation. The gym goer, Zack, who is new to the gym, is a fan of setting four on these machines for optimal results. Zack, who is from Dothan, Alabama, grew up in a coastal area with a hunting and fishing background. He discovered his love for fitness at a young age and is excited about the new equipment's capabilities. The adjustable tension system is a game-changer for those seeking to target specific muscle areas and optimize their workouts.

    • A young man's thirst for adventure leads him to join the Marines and explore the worldJoining the Marines at 18, the interviewee embarked on a journey of adventure and exploration, adapting to new climates and cultures in Japan and Afghanistan, and overcoming challenges through determination

      The interviewee had a strong desire for adventure and exploration from a young age, which led him to join the Marine Corps and experience various climates and cultures around the world. He grew up in Alabama with a love for fishing and the outdoors, but his ambition extended beyond that to include military service and international travel. After joining the Marines at age 18, he was sent to Okinawa, Japan, which presented a vastly different climate compared to Alabama. Despite the challenges, he adapted and went on to serve three tours in Afghanistan. Throughout his military career, he faced numerous deployments and experiences that tested his limits, but his sense of adventure and determination kept him going.

    • Military Deployment: Intense Experiences and Long-Term Health EffectsMilitary deployment brings intense experiences and long-term health effects, including TBIs, requiring ongoing care and attention for veterans.

      Military service, especially during deployment, can involve intense and unpredictable experiences. This can include being one of the first personnel in a new location with limited infrastructure, attaching to infantry units to support their needs, and even experiencing traumatic events like explosions leading to injuries and TBIs. Despite the challenges, there's a sense of camaraderie and fun that comes with the experience. Upon returning home, veterans may face ongoing health issues that were not immediately apparent and require long-term care and attention. The military's approach to identifying and addressing TBIs has evolved over time, but the impact on veterans' lives can be significant and long-lasting.

    • Clearing IEDs in the desertMilitary teams use metal detectors to clear IEDs in desert deployments, building bridges with manpower and heavy equipment, and encountered unexpected incidents causing injuries.

      During a military deployment in the desert, the team encountered improvised explosive devices (IEDs) planted in the desert, similar to minefields in World War II. To clear the route before convoys, they used metal detectors and cleared the areas before establishing a presence. The team also built bridges using manpower and heavy equipment, but during one instance, the bridge was launched unexpectedly, causing the speaker to receive a severe elbow injury. The deployment took place in June 2011, and the team encountered mine rollers, which were designed to detonate IEDs before the vehicles passed over them. Despite the dangerous circumstances, the team continued their mission, and the speaker kept the incident from his pregnant wife until later.

    • Personal experiences and connections lead to unexpected opportunitiesConnecting with people using empathy and understanding body language led the speaker to success in sales despite initial struggles.

      Personal experiences and connections can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shared his experience of leading a team to inspect bridges post-military, encountering an accident and getting lost in thought. This led him to recall his post-military life, moving from California to Texas, and starting a job at a Gold's Gym. Initially offered a job as a fitness consultant, he struggled with sales but found success by connecting with people using his understanding of body language and empathy. Despite initial hesitation, he thrived in his role and learned to master sales techniques from his team. This experience demonstrates how personal experiences and connections can open doors to new opportunities and help individuals grow in unexpected ways.

    • Initiative and adaptability lead to opportunitiesTaking the initiative to offer solutions and adapting to new situations can lead to unexpected opportunities and career growth.

      Being proactive and offering solutions can lead to significant opportunities. The speaker shared how he suggested a body language course for trainers at his gym and, despite having only worked there for a few months and not having impressive numbers, the owner was impressed and offered him a sales manager position. This experience demonstrates the importance of taking initiative and showing value to an organization, even when you're new. Additionally, the speaker's ability to adapt and overcome challenges, as well as his focus on culture, played a role in his success. The speaker also shared how a unexpected turn of events led him to move to Idaho and eventually find a new opportunity in construction, but eventually seeking out new challenges and growth led him to interview for and join Gold's Gym.

    • Trusting your gut feeling can lead to unexpected opportunitiesFollowing your instincts can lead to new experiences and personal growth, even if the opportunity isn't initially sought out.

      Following your instincts and trusting your gut feeling can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth. The speaker shares a story of how they went through the hiring process for a sales manager position but had a gut feeling that something wasn't right. Despite not seeking out the opportunity, they eventually agreed that it felt right and ended up getting the job. This experience resonated with them as it had happened before when they were known as "the beard man" in Texas, and their identity went beyond just their appearance. The speaker also shared that they enjoy hobbies such as fishing and hunting, with a memorable experience being their second day in Texas where they bought a kayak and caught a large bass. Overall, trusting your gut and embracing new experiences can lead to personal growth and unexpected opportunities.

    • Fishing and Hunting Adventures and Fitness JourneyThe speaker shares his enthusiasm for fishing and hunting, recounts a large bass catch and potential elk discovery, and discusses his commitment to fitness and keeping hobby spots private.

      The speaker shares a passion for both fishing and hunting, and has had notable experiences in both hobbies. He described catching a large bass during a fishing trip and the excitement of potentially discovering a hidden herd of elk while hunting. The speaker also mentioned his background as a "fat kid" who turned to lifting weights to improve his life. Throughout the years, fitness has remained an important aspect of his lifestyle. However, he emphasized the importance of keeping certain fishing and hunting spots a secret to maintain their exclusivity.

    • Personal Growth Through FitnessFitness provides a platform for self-improvement and overcoming challenges. Committed individuals can achieve their goals despite limited resources and physically demanding environments.

      Fitness serves as a therapeutic release and source of personal growth for the speaker. He shares his experiences of focusing on gaining weight during high school and in the military, despite the challenges of limited resources and physically demanding environments. The speaker's dedication to fitness stems from his passion for self-improvement and desire to teach others. He also mentions his admiration for motivational figures like Zig Ziglar and a preference for personal development books. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of commitment and resilience in achieving fitness goals and personal growth.

    • Jurassic Park movie reviewsSpeakers shared differing opinions on the latest Jurassic Park movie, with some finding it disappointing and others enjoying its new premise and parallels to current events.

      The latest Jurassic Park movie received mixed reviews from the speakers in this conversation. They shared their experiences of watching it with their kids, expressing varying opinions. Some found it disappointing due to the corny script and references to previous movies, while others enjoyed it for its new premise involving a genetically engineered locust decimating crops, leading to a dinosaur-centric investigation. The introduction of a new, larger dinosaur that kills the T-Rex and is helped by urban warfare elements was also discussed. Despite the differences in opinion, they all agreed that the movie had some parallels to current events and continued the Jurassic Park theme of dinosaurs and humans coexisting.

    • Johnny Depp's reported financial troubles and love for movies and musicWealth doesn't ensure financial stability or wise spending habits. People connect through shared interests like movies and music.

      Wealth does not necessarily equate to financial stability or wise spending habits. The discussion revolved around Johnny Depp's reported extravagant lifestyle and potential financial troubles despite his significant earnings from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. The conversation also highlighted the importance of favorite movies, music genres, and personal preferences in connecting with people. Regarding movies, the group agreed that Johnny Depp's character, Jack Sparrow, is essential to the Pirates franchise, and Orlando Bloom could be replaced with clones. In terms of music, the participants enjoyed a diverse range of genres, including country, heavy metal, rock, and alternative. When asked about their music preferences, they identified Staind and Breaking Benjamin as favorite rock bands. The conversation also revealed that they were fans of Adam Sandler and Chris Farley, with a gym playlist consisting of country, heavy metal, rock, and alternative songs.

    • Discovering shared appreciation for whiskey and camaraderieDuring a conversation, two individuals bonded over their love for whiskey and the importance of enjoying it responsibly. They discussed their favorite types and shared a vision of a barbecue event to savor their drinks and food.

      During a conversation between two individuals, they discovered their shared appreciation for whiskey and the experience of having a drink responsibly. The speaker shared his preference for TX whiskey from Fort Worth, Texas, while the other expressed his fondness for Pendleton whiskey. They also discussed the importance of enjoying whiskey on the rocks and the negative effects of excessive drinking. In the spirit of camaraderie, they suggested having a barbecue event to enjoy their favorite drink and food. The speaker also shared his experience of acquiring a high-quality American Wagyu brisket and the influence he had on its breeder to raise Wagyu cattle. Overall, the conversation highlighted the enjoyment of good drinks, food, and company, and the importance of moderation.

    • Unexpected Surprise with American Wagyu BeefThe speaker, who focuses on high calorie red meat diet for bodybuilding, was grateful for the unexpected American Wagyu beef surprise and enjoyed the quinoa dish provided by chef Eva Flavas, making him consider phasing out chicken from his diet.

      The speaker had an unexpected experience with American Wagyu beef and received a large prime rib and brisket as a surprise. He typically orders specific cuts when ordering a cow, but this time he was grateful for the surprise. When it comes to food in the context of bodybuilding, the speaker eats a high calorie diet with a focus on red meat, which he believes is more nutrient dense than chicken. He is currently considering phasing out chicken from his diet. The speaker also praised a chef named Eva Flavas for providing delicious and varied meals, making it easy for him to stay on track with his diet without getting bored or sick of the same foods. Despite his military background of eating for function rather than enjoyment, he found himself enjoying the quinoa dish Eva brought him that week.

    • Food is a significant part of people's livesBodybuilders and non-bodybuilders alike value food for its efficiency, enjoyment, and shared human experience.

      Food plays a significant role in people's lives, whether they are bodybuilders or not. The speaker shared his experience of having oatmeal and eggs for seven years during his bodybuilding days, which he found efficient and enjoyable. He also mentioned his love for southern cooking and barbecue, and how he enjoys sharing his recipes and cooking techniques. The conversation revealed that people have unique food preferences and traditions, and food can bring joy and comfort. Whether it's a simple oatmeal and egg breakfast or a complex southern barbecue, the experience of preparing and enjoying food is a shared human experience.

    • Barbecuing Brisket with a Passion for Salt and Dry RubSeason heavily with salt and dry rub, use butcher paper instead of foil, combine Southern, California, and Portland liberal seasoning styles, and leave uncovered in fridge for 24 hours before cooking at 225 degrees Fahrenheit for 8-9 hours to reach an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

      The speaker is passionate about making barbecue, specifically brisket, with a liberal application of salt and a dry rub, using butcher paper instead of foil to allow the bark to form. He recommends using a combination of Southern, California, and Portland liberal seasoning styles, and favors kosher salt and red Hawaiian salt for their flavors and size. The brisket is seasoned heavily and left uncovered in the fridge for 24 hours to allow the salt to penetrate before cooking at around 225 degrees Fahrenheit for 8-9 hours until it reaches an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. The speaker also mentions that he often makes his own brisket and prefers to use a "holy cow" butcher's cut, and that he appreciates the concept of dry aging, although it can be challenging with smaller cuts of meat.

    • Cooking a Perfect Brisket: Temperature, Time, and FlavorCook a brisket at 250 degrees Fahrenheit, wrap in butcher paper, rest for 2 hours, use pellets for flavor, and serve with coleslaw and corn salad. Can take up to 16 hours total.

      Cooking a perfect brisket involves careful attention to temperature and rest time. The brisket should be cooked at around 250 degrees Fahrenheit, wrapped in butcher paper, and rested for a minimum of two hours before serving. The use of pellets, such as Mesquite and Apple, can add bold flavors to the brisket. Cooking a brisket can take up to 16 hours in total, with four hours of cooking and an additional 12 hours of rest. The process can be made easier with modern cooking equipment like triggers, but the old-school method of cooking all night and checking the brisket regularly still works. Pairing the brisket with homemade coleslaw and corn salad are popular side dishes. This method was passed down from growing up and further refined in Texas.

    • The Speaker's Unconventional Upbringing and Passion for Barbecue and FishingThe speaker, with an unconventional upbringing, is passionate about his cultural heritage and hobbies, specifically barbecue and fishing, which he perfects through self-teaching. He values patience and meticulousness in both activities and hopes to provide more opportunities for his child.

      The speaker's upbringing was unconventional, and he's passionate about his culture and hobbies, particularly barbecue and fishing. He's self-taught in these areas and takes great care in perfecting his techniques. The speaker also mentioned his disconnect with his father and his desire to provide more opportunities for his own child. When it comes to barbecue, the speaker uses a combination of honey, brown sugar, and his homemade barbecue sauce to enhance the flavor of the brisket, especially the drier flat cut. He recommends cooking the cubed fatty point slowly with the sauce for an additional two hours to create "burn ends." The speaker also shared that if he had to choose between his hobbies, fishing would be his top pick. He's patient and meticulous in his approach to both barbecue and fishing. The speaker was open to the suggestion of Bradley Cooper playing him in a biopic, although he personally doesn't care for the actor.

    • The power of role models and self-improvementEmbrace the inspiration from role models and influences to continuously strive for personal growth and improvement, not just for others but for one's own satisfaction.

      Having role models and influences in life, such as Zig Ziglar and Matthew McConaughey, can inspire us to continuously strive for personal growth and improvement. This mentality of competing against oneself and constantly pushing forward is a powerful motivator. It's not just about looking good for others, but also about bettering oneself for one's own satisfaction. As Zach Phillips mentioned, his grandfather's words, "Meat, meets, and gains," have stayed with him and remind him of the importance of putting in the work and striving for self-improvement. Whether it's through lifting weights, eating well, or pursuing personal goals, the drive to be the best version of oneself is a common thread that resonates with many.

    Recent Episodes from The Power of Lifting Podcast

    Episode #61 - Post Competition Bodybuilding

    Episode #61 - Post Competition Bodybuilding

    By popular demand the Power Of Lifting Podcast is answering all your questions about the infamous post bodybuilding show life. Eric, Kaycee, and Kaylia sit around the mics and discuss what to expect, do, and experience when your bodybuilding show is over. This stage of bodybuilding can be very difficult for a lot of athletes. If you are one of these athletes or you are just curious about what to expect listen in as these three experts dive deep into post-show bodybuilding life. 

    Follow Kaycee @realestatebykaycee and Kaylia @kayliarhodes. Also follow Kaylia's bodybuilding posing company at @performanceposing 

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #60 - Dr. Jenny Brennecke (Mecca Gym Physical Therapist)

    Episode #60 - Dr. Jenny Brennecke (Mecca Gym Physical Therapist)

    We are excited to introduce this episodes special guest Doctor of physical therapy, Jenny Brennecke! Dr. Brennecke joined the Mecca team only a few months ago and we couldn’t be more grateful. Jenny is building an empire to spread the word about Physical Therapy and the positive impact it can have on not only ones fitness, but their lives. Listen in on Jenny’s journey that takes her from graduating from a high school class of 4500, to being a D1 swimmer, to grinding through PT school, and beyond.  

    Follow Jenny @dr.jenny.pt and schedule an appointment with her at https://qrcodes.pro/tsZl2m

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #59 - Allegra Simms (Mecca Gym Coach)

    Episode #59 - Allegra Simms (Mecca Gym Coach)

    Welcome back to the Power Of Lifting Podcast! It has been a minute since we were sitting at the mics, and sharing the stories of our very special guests. However, the wait is over and we are excited to get "back in the saddle" and get this train moving once again! Our special guest this week is Allegra Simms, our newest Mecca Gym coach. Allegra, along with her fiancé, moved to Meridian Idaho only a couple months ago and has already made a great impact on our Mecca Gym staff and members. Allegra comes from a very diverse background. From working as a forensics specialist and being recruited by the FBI, too winning overall in the Bikini bodybuilding division, Allegra comes to us with tremendous experience and knowledge. Listen in as we hear about Allegra's journey to the bodybuilding stage, her years as a child working out with her mom, and her advice on the "post-show blues". 

    Follow Allegra @allegra_leigh_fit and reach out to her about all your training inquiries at allegra@themeccagym.com

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #58 - Travis Harwood (Sales)

    Episode #58 - Travis Harwood (Sales)

    We are honored to have a long-time client of Eric’s and Sales Expert, Travis Harwood on the Power Of Lifting Podast. First and foremost Travis is a strong powerlifter and has had great success, especially in the bench press, with an astrounding over 400 lbs. press! However Travis’ main love and passion is in Sales. Listen in as Travis shares his story on finding door to door sales and excelling enough to start multiple sales businesses of his own. We also dive into his newst venture, Nose Slap. Which combines his love for powerlifting and selling. Nose Slap is a strongly scented concoction meant to help highten your scences and get your blood pumping when you are feeling tired and/or warn out. 

    Follow Nose Slap @nose.slep on instragam and get yourself some Nose Slap at https://www.noseslap.com

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #57 - Tylar Bell (COBS)

    Episode #57 - Tylar Bell (COBS)

    *Trigger Warning* This episode of the Power Of Lifting Podcast is a little different then our usual motivational, fitness themed episodes. Our guest today is Tylar Bell who helps run a local Idaho Anti-Human Trafficking non-profit organziaion called Community Outreach Behaviour Services or COBS for short. This amazing organization works with many different law enforcement angencies and other support organizations to help recover, house, and heal victims of sex trafficking. We are grateful to have had the chance to have Tylar on the podcast and learn from him about the sobering reality of sex trafficking and what we can do in our own circle of influence to help prevent trafficking from happening, and helping people who are in need of rescue. 

    Follow COBS on instragam @idahocobs and for more information on their organization and mission please visit https://idahocobs.org

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #56 - Kam Wheeler (Entrepreneur)

    Episode #56 - Kam Wheeler (Entrepreneur)

    If this episode doesn’t get you motivated to get out and get stuff done, we don’t know what will! It was an honor to have Kam Wheeler as our guest today. Cody Wagnon graciously filled in for Hunter as co-host on this episode. Eric, Cody and Kam talk about life, business, and the importance of fitness in their lives. Listen in as Kam shares his incredible story and why he chooses to bring the power of lifting into his life every single day. 

    Follow Kam on instragam at @kam.wheeler and @kamwheelerventures also give his business a follow @americanconstructionsupply

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #54 - Kerri Price

    Episode #54 - Kerri Price

    It was a pleasure having the energetic, passionate, and vibrant Kerri Price on this episode of the Power Of Lifting Podcast! Kerri is our head Group Fitness Instructor here at the Mecca Gym. Group Fitness is a new feature offered at our facility, and unlimted classes are included in your membership with us! We have a great conversation getting to know Kerri and what lead her to become a “movement expert” and where she developed her passion for group fitness. Try not getting excited for bettering yourself after listening to this episode, we dare ya! 

    Have any questions about Group Fitness at The Mecca Gym, reach out to Kerri at kerri@themeccagym.com and follow her @vibefitkerri

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #53 - Zac Phillips (Mecca Gym General Manager)

    Episode #53 - Zac Phillips (Mecca Gym General Manager)

    On our 53rd episode of the Power Of Lifting Podcast we are honored to have The Mecca Gym's new General Manager, Zac Phillips! Zac is a born leader, and in his first couple of months at the Mecca Gym, he has already become invaluable to our team and culture. Zac was born and raised in Alabama, and as he entered his adult life, joined the marines. After his service in the military, Zac moved to Texas and took over as a sales manager at a gym there. After setting multiple sales records there he moved up to General Manager and created cultures of success. Zac then moved up to Idaho and became a Mecca Member right after the original location was opened and became a client of Eric’s. Learn about how fitness has influenced and become a major part of Zac's life, and of course all about his incredible BBQ skills. 

    Have any questions about the Mecca Gym and what it can offer you? Email Zac at manager@themeccagym.com to set up a gym tour. You can also follow him on instagram at @hooks2antlers

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #52 - Blake Haggett

    Episode #52 - Blake Haggett

    “We are back in the saddle” and are pleased to be back at the Mecca wood table with some amazing guests. On this, our 52nd episode we are pleased to finally have our great friend and long-time client of Eric’s, Blake Haggett. Blake is the CEO and Broker of KZB Real Estate which is a commercial real estate brockerage here in Boise Idaho. Blake also played an instrumental part in securing Mecca 2.0’s location and we couldn’t be more grateful. Listen in as Blake shares about his passion for real estate, entrepreneurship, family, and of course health and fitness!

    Follow Kaycee @Blake_haggett and check everyhing he has going on at www.blakehaggett.com

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #51 - Payton Falash

    Episode #51 - Payton Falash

    As we launch into our second semicentennial set of episodes of The Power Of Lifting Podcast, we are honored to have Payton Falash on the show! Relatively recently, she discovered her love and passion for bodybuilding and fitness. She took initiative in her life, found an expert coach, joined the worlds greatest gym, and hit the ground running. In less than a year she competed in her first bodybuilding competition in the bikini division, and hasn't looked back. Along the way Payton found a love for sharing her journey on social media. Her quality content mixed with her goofy personality has gained her hundreds of thousands of followers on tiktok and across other social media platforms. Take a listen as we learn about Payton and her journey! 

    Follow Payton on tiktok and instagram @pay10falash 

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Related Episodes

    Episode #48 - Paulie Campbell #2

    Episode #48 - Paulie Campbell #2

    The Power Of Lifting crew is honored to be joined once again by Paulie Campbell, a great friend and coach. Paulie came to visit us from his mountin home in Montana to talk; business, lifting weights, fitness myths, and of course food. We also hear his awesome story of teaming up with Layne Norton, Phd and joining the biolayne coaching team. Paulie is truly a one of a kind man with so much wisdom and experince to share. Follow Paulie @coach.paulie_llc and if you are in Montana go check out his amazing gym, The Bar. 

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #41 - Confidence Campaign and Asset

    Episode #41 - Confidence Campaign and Asset

    The official tease and introduction of The Confidence Campaign and our Asset Health and Fitness App! We are very excited for these two amazing projects that have been in development for a while now. The Confidence Campaign’s mission is to help people come to realize their most confident selves. Stay tuned for much more on this in the future. The Asset Health and Fitness App has been released to the world to help you make and keep goals, educate, and become your healthiest self. 

    Follow Asset @asset.fitness.wellness and download the app today on IOS or Andriod. 

    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #44 - Mandy Keene (Lifestyle and Success Coach)

    Episode #44 - Mandy Keene (Lifestyle and Success Coach)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Mandy Keene! It was a pleasure to sit with Mandy and talk with her about her journey. At a very young age Mandy became obsessed with Tony Robbins and his message to the world. After her mom gave her the opportunity she got hired on to be a coach for him. Unfortunately, burn-out came quickly for her and she decided to try other careers paths. Eventually however, Mandy’s love for coaching rekindled and she has been helping very successful people become even more successful ever since. Listen in and learn from Mandy about life, personalities, success, failure, and more!

    Follow Mandy @compassion.community and check out her website www.compassionandco.com

    The Confidence Challenge Registration has been EXTENDED until January 14th! Check out the details and get registered with the link below. 


    If you have any questions about bodybuilding, powerlifting, or just your overall health please go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #51 - Payton Falash

    Episode #51 - Payton Falash

    As we launch into our second semicentennial set of episodes of The Power Of Lifting Podcast, we are honored to have Payton Falash on the show! Relatively recently, she discovered her love and passion for bodybuilding and fitness. She took initiative in her life, found an expert coach, joined the worlds greatest gym, and hit the ground running. In less than a year she competed in her first bodybuilding competition in the bikini division, and hasn't looked back. Along the way Payton found a love for sharing her journey on social media. Her quality content mixed with her goofy personality has gained her hundreds of thousands of followers on tiktok and across other social media platforms. Take a listen as we learn about Payton and her journey! 

    Follow Payton on tiktok and instagram @pay10falash 

    If you have any questions about how to become your healthiest and most confident self, go to the link below and set up a FREE consultation with one of our expert coaches.


    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym

    Episode #33 - Brett Hughes (Owner; Boise Premier Real Estate)

    Episode #33 - Brett Hughes (Owner; Boise Premier Real Estate)

    It is an honor to have the owner of Boise Premier Real Estate and stand up gentleman, Brett Hughes! Brett began his real estate career at 21, became a top selling agent and opened his own brokerage which is nearing 300 agents. We learned a lot this episode not just about real estate, but how to keep fitness a priority in your daily life, what it takes to create a successful business, and what it means to have an underdog mentality. 

    Follow Brett @brett_e_hughes and Boise Premier Real Estate @boisepremierrealestate, and reach out for any of your real estate needs. 

    If you know of anyone who needs their story shared please email us at info@themeccagym.com or DM us at the links below. 

    Follow at;
    The Power Of Lifting Podcast - @thepowerofliftingpodcast
    Eric Cafferty - linktr.ee/EricCafferty
    The Mecca Gym - linktr.ee/themeccagym