
    Eric Adams: NYC's First Vegan Mayor On Why Healthy Food Is A Human Right

    enAugust 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • From Diagnosis to Transformation: Eric Adams' Journey with DiabetesDespite a diabetes diagnosis and grim prognosis, Eric Adams transformed his health through a plant-based diet and self-care practices, inspiring initiatives for New Yorkers' health.

      No matter what challenges you may be facing in life, it's never too late to make positive changes that can lead to a complete transformation. Eric Adams, the current democratic nominee for New York City mayor, is a prime example of this. Five years ago, he was diagnosed with advanced type 2 diabetes and given a grim prognosis. Instead of accepting his fate, he decided to take matters into his own hands by learning how to reverse his diabetes through a whole food plant-based diet and various breathing exercises. His commitment to self-care led to the reversal of his diabetes, improved vision, and a new lease on life. Adams' personal experience inspired him to share his knowledge and create initiatives to improve the health and nutrition of New Yorkers. This story highlights the importance of taking care of oneself and the potential for significant personal growth and positive change.

    • Enhancing Performance and Recovery with Plant-Based Protein and Innovative Apparel TechnologyTop athletes trust Momenta's plant-based protein for complete amino acids, great taste, and superior recovery. ON pushes apparel tech boundaries with lightweight, tailor-fit, and performance-enhancing fabrics.

      High-quality plant-based protein and innovative apparel technology can significantly enhance performance and recovery for athletes. Momenta's 100% plant-based protein, made from a precise blend of pea and rice proteins, offers a complete amino acid profile, great taste, and is trusted by top athletes and sports teams. ON, on the other hand, is pushing the boundaries of apparel technology with next-gen premium fabrics that are lightweight, tailor-fit, and built to move, providing superior comfort and performance. Additionally, Go Brewing's alcohol-free craft beers offer a healthier alternative for those who want to enjoy their favorite brews without the negative effects of alcohol. Eric Adams, New York City's next mayor, shares a powerful story of healing through plants and is on a mission to revolutionize health across America. These companies, with their industry-leading quality standards and innovative products, are game-changers in their respective industries.

    • Importance of personal health in societal issuesAuthenticity and personal health alignment are crucial for societal change, proven by Eric Adams' piercing promise

      Eric Adams, the Brooklyn Borough President, emphasizes the importance of personal health and its connection to societal issues. He believes that an unhealthy society is a result of an unbalanced ecosystem, where everything is interconnected. Adams also stresses the need for authenticity and living in alignment with one's values before attempting to make changes at a larger scale. A personal story he shared was about being asked to prove his commitment to health during his mayoral campaign, which led him to getting his ears pierced as a promise to the young people who questioned his authenticity. This anecdote highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing the micro problems within ourselves to effectively tackle the macro issues in society.

    • A newly elected official's journey to stay true to their promisesEveryone has the potential to evolve and grow, and staying true to oneself is crucial for staying grounded, especially during adversity. Mental health is also a crucial issue, especially in the wake of COVID.

      The newly elected official is committed to keeping their promises and not making empty campaign promises. They have gone through a challenging journey to get to this point, which included overcoming personal obstacles and staying focused despite distractions. This official's journey is a reminder that everyone has the potential to evolve and grow, and that staying true to oneself is key to staying grounded, especially in the face of adversity. The importance of addressing mental health, especially in the wake of COVID, was also a significant theme in this discussion. The campaign was not just about winning, but also about telling a story of a flawed, yet relatable human being.

    • Authenticity and belief in oneself: powerful tools for overcoming challengesEric Adams, the new mayor of NYC, emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and persevering through adversities, raising $11M for his campaign one fundraiser at a time, and shifting focus from sick care to true health care.

      Authenticity and belief in oneself are powerful tools for overcoming challenges and inspiring others. Eric Adams, the new mayor of New York City, spoke about the importance of being real and true to oneself, resonating with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. He shared his journey from underdog candidate to victor, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and faith. Despite facing adversities like learning disabilities, diabetes, and bullying, Adams remained determined and focused, raising $11,000,000 for his campaign one fundraiser at a time. He also highlighted the importance of health, sharing his own experience with late-stage diabetes and the need to shift our focus from sick care to true health care. The story of his victory and his message of authenticity and belief in oneself served as a breath of fresh air for New Yorkers and beyond.

    • One man's journey to managing health issuesDelaying doctor visits and ignoring health symptoms can lead to serious health issues. Take health concerns seriously and be proactive about seeking treatment.

      Ignoring health symptoms and delaying doctor visits can lead to serious health issues, as one man's experience with undiagnosed ulcer and diabetes illustrates. Despite his initial reluctance to go to the doctor, his condition eventually forced him to seek medical help, leading to a diagnosis and a new path towards managing his health. His story underscores the importance of taking health concerns seriously and being proactive about seeking treatment, rather than waiting until a crisis point. Additionally, his determination to find alternative solutions to manage his diabetes, such as the "reversing chronic diseases" approach, shows the power of education, motivation, and a willingness to try new approaches in managing health challenges.

    • From Grim Diagnosis to Transformative ExperienceDespite personal struggles and challenges, there's always an opportunity for growth and change through determination, curiosity, and new perspectives.

      Personal struggles and challenges can lead to transformative experiences. Eric's story illustrates this perfectly. He went from being legally blind and facing a grim diagnosis to regaining his vision and reversing his diabetes through a plant-based diet and learning to cook. His journey was not easy, and the first few weeks were tough, but his determination and curiosity led him to discover new ways of cooking and enjoying food. This experience not only improved his health but also gave him a new perspective on life. It's a reminder that even in difficult times, there's always an opportunity for growth and change. Additionally, Eric's endorsement of Birch mattresses highlights the importance of investing in good health practices, whether it's through a healthy diet or a comfortable sleeping environment.

    • Transforming to a whole, plant-based diet for improved healthSwitching to a whole, plant-based diet can lead to significant health improvements, despite initial challenges. Our taste preferences and cravings can change, making healthy foods exciting. The journey goes beyond physical health, involving spiritual nourishment and supportive relationships.

      The food we consume significantly impacts our health, and making the switch to a whole, plant-based diet can lead to remarkable improvements. This change may initially present challenges, similar to overcoming an addiction, but the benefits are worth it. Our taste preferences and cravings can evolve, making healthy foods exciting and nourishing. The transformation goes beyond just physical health; it's essential to consider the spiritual aspect and ensure we're nourishing our minds, bodies, and spirits holistically. Surrounding ourselves with supportive people is crucial during this journey. Ultimately, the decision to prioritize our health through diet is a powerful one, and the rewards extend far beyond the physical realm.

    • The importance of food, history, and health for communities of colorFormer cop and politician Eric Adams bridges grassroots activism and policy change for better food access and health outcomes in underserved communities through education, policy, and personal choices.

      The connection between food, history, and health, particularly for communities of color, is a crucial and often overlooked issue. The documentary "They're Trying to Kill Us" powerfully illustrates this point, speaking directly to communities impacted by the industrialized food system and its detrimental effects on health. Eric Adams, an unlikely advocate for plant-based diets due to his background as a former cop and politician, has the unique ability to bridge the gap between grassroots activism and policy change. His upcoming mayoral position in New York City presents an opportunity to make a significant impact on food access and health outcomes for underserved communities. By focusing on education, policy, and personal choices, Adams aims to set a new standard for health and nutrition in New York City and beyond.

    • Promoting Accessibility and Consumption of Healthy FoodImplement small-scale farming solutions, scale up, address food deserts, empower communities, and educate for lasting change.

      We need to prioritize the health and well-being of individuals and communities by promoting the accessibility and consumption of healthy, nutritious food. This can be achieved by starting small, such as implementing vertical farming and hydroponics, and gradually scaling up to larger initiatives. It's important to be both idealistic and realistic, and to empower communities to take an active role in growing and distributing their own food. By addressing food deserts and food apartheid, we can make a significant impact on public health and reduce the burden on healthcare systems. Additionally, education and awareness are key components of this movement, as teaching children about the importance of healthy eating and the origins of their food can lead to lasting, positive changes.

    • Addressing the environmental impact of meat and dairy consumptionYounger generations demand transparency and sustainable choices from businesses. Watch 'They're Trying to Kill Us' to learn about the health and environmental consequences of meat and dairy industry, and consider making informed decisions for a healthier, more sustainable life.

      Urban farming is an essential part of the conversation when it comes to saving the environment, but it's not enough to focus only on reducing carbon emissions from buildings and transportation. We need to address the impact of meat and dairy consumption on the environment as well. Hypocrisy won't be tolerated by younger generations, who demand transparency and meaningful giving back from businesses. The documentary "They're Trying to Kill Us" exposes the truth about the health and environmental consequences of the meat and dairy industry, and it's up to each individual to make a decision about how they want to live in light of that information. Motivation is key to making sustainable changes, and it's important to challenge the medical paradigm and question the advice of doctors. The Bellevue project with Doctors McMacken and Katz is an example of a collaborative effort to give people options and provide evidence-based information to help them make informed decisions about how to live healthier, more sustainable lives.

    • NYC Mayor Eric Adams advocates for plant-based lifestyle and nutrition educationMayor Adams is pushing for a shift towards plant-based diets and education to address chronic diseases and healthcare crises, making healthy food accessible and affordable, and addressing root causes of health issues.

      New York City Mayor Eric Adams is advocating for a major shift towards plant-based lifestyle medicine and nutrition education, with a focus on engaging young people to lead the movement. He believes that the current industrialized food system is contributing to chronic diseases and healthcare crises, and that making healthier food options accessible and affordable is crucial. The goal is to empower individuals to make informed choices about their health, rather than relying on pharmaceuticals and an unsustainable healthcare system. Adams also emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of health issues, rather than just treating symptoms. This holistic approach includes addressing economic disparities and systemic issues that impact access to healthy food and healthcare.

    • Creating healthier environments and incentivizing better choicesEncouraging healthier choices through changes in schools, hospitals, corporations, and food industries. Addressing misaligned incentives and promoting affordable, quick, and simple meals. Empowering individuals with education and resources to make healthier choices.

      Creating healthier environments and incentivizing better choices is key to promoting individual health and wellness. This can be achieved through changes in schools, hospitals, corporations, and even food industries. The conversation highlighted the importance of addressing the misalignment of incentives that currently encourage unhealthy choices due to accessibility and affordability. The industry is already shifting in response to consumer demands, as seen in the rise of plant-based options in fast food restaurants. To help those who struggle with time and affordability, it's important to learn simple, affordable, and quick meals, and to approach lifestyle changes as a marathon rather than a sprint. By providing accessible resources and education, we can empower individuals to make healthier choices and ultimately improve overall health and wellbeing.

    • From processed foods to nutrient-dense mealsTransform your diet with nutrient-dense foods, meal prep, and technology to boost energy and improve well-being

      Making healthy food choices and incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine can significantly improve your energy levels and overall well-being. The speaker shared their personal journey from starting the day with heavy, processed foods to transitioning to a healthier diet, including smoothies made with nutrient-dense ingredients and meals packed with vegetables and whole grains. They emphasized the importance of meal prep and the availability of technology to help maintain a healthy lifestyle, even when on the go. The speaker also emphasized the emotional connection to making these changes and the importance of having a supportive network to help make the transformation successful. They encouraged listeners to believe that the person they always wanted to be is still within reach, no matter how long they've been living unhealthily.

    • Embark on a journey to better healthSmall lifestyle changes can lead to significant health improvements, start small, be consistent, and surround yourself with support

      Taking care of oneself is a journey that involves making small, gradual changes to one's diet, breathing techniques, and overall lifestyle. This journey can lead to a transformation into a healthier, more energetic version of oneself. Simple steps, such as learning about spices, trying a meat-free day, or practicing breathing exercises, can have a significant impact. The speaker encourages everyone to start small, be consistent, and surround themselves with supportive people. The transformation may not be immediate, but the end result is a newfound ability to truly live and enjoy life. The speaker's book, "Healthy at Last," provides a roadmap for this journey.

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    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 23, 2024

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    This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉eightsleep.com/richroll  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉on.com/richroll  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 drinkAG1.com/richroll. Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉join.whoop.com/roll Brain.fm: Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉brain.fm/richroll SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉SriMu.com This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉BetterHelp.com/RICHROLL Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉richroll.com/sponsors Find out more about Voicing Change Media at voicingchange.media and follow us @voicingchange.
    The Rich Roll Podcast
    enMay 20, 2024

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    Best of 2016 – Part II

    Best of 2016 – Part II
    Welcome to Part II of our fourth annual Best of the RRP Anthology series. If you haven’t already, I suggest listening to The Best of 2016 — Part I first. This is a compendium of excerpts from some of my favorite conversations of 2016. It's our way of saying thanks, giving back, expressing gratitude and catapulting you into the new year with the information and inspiration required to make 2017 your best year yet. I appreciate you. Here’s to an absolutely extraordinary 2017. Enjoy the listen. Peace + Plants, Rich * RRP #242: Neal Barnard, M.D. On The Power Of Nutrition To Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease, Diabetes & Alzheimer’s * RRP #248: From Crack Addict To Running The Sahara To Prison Hero — Charlie Engle’s Third Act * RRP #252: Dr. Michael Gervais On Elite Performance & The Psychology Of Self-Mastery * RRP #262: Kerri Walsh Jennings: Lessons On Mindset From One Of The Most Dominant Olympic Athletes Of All Time * RRP #256: Chris Hauth: Building Better Athletes, Training For Optimal Performance & Achieving Fitness For Life * RRP #254: Julie Piatt On How To Build An Authentic Brand * RRP #223: John Joseph Wants You To Wake The F*ck Up * RRP #217: Gary Vaynerchuk Works Harder Than You Do * RRP #209: Rhonda Patrick On Longevity, Epigenetics & Microbiome Health * RRP #243: Coach George Raveling Is The Mentor You Wish You Had * RRP #226: Moby On Transforming Electronic Music, Elevating Consciousness & Saving The Planet * RRP #236: Andrew Morgan On The True Cost Of Fast Fashion: The Ethical & Environmental Price Of Clothing * RRP #244: Alexis Fox & Micah Risk Are Igniting A Social Movement To Help The World Eat Better * RRP #253: How To Be A Minimalist: Joshua Fields Millburn On The Power Of Living Deliberately

    On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ... WHOA!

    On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me ... WHOA!
    December 17: On this episode ... Shauna shares some more of her songwriting prowess. This time she rewrites a holiday classic. Also on this episode ... Drew updates everyone on his social media hiatus and his new diet ... and they play a couple rounds of Family Feud.

    Live Music: "Hardware Cafe" (by Dave Martinez)

    Rip Esselstyn Is PLANTSTRONG! (And Why You Should Be Too)

    Rip Esselstyn Is PLANTSTRONG! (And Why You Should Be Too)
    Friend, mentor and original Plantstrong pioneer Rip Esselstyn and I go way back. Both swimmers, we crossed paths at many a meet — as young teens and later as collegiate rivals (Rip was always far more accomplished than I). During the early stages of my transition to a plant-based diet, I vividly recall perusing Facebook when I stumbled upon Rip, who just happened to be on the precipice of publishing his first book on the very subject I was attempting to master. From that moment forward, Rip became a lighthouse — illuminating my path as a generous friend and cheerleader always available to share his knowledge, experience and inspiration. Today, Rip (finally) joins the podcast to share that knowledge, experience and inspiration with you — a hotly anticipated master course on the incredible power of a whole-food, plant-based diet to prevent and reverse disease, promote optimal health, and fuel your athletic dreams. Educated at the University of Texas at Austin, Rip was a three-time All-American swimmer before spending a decade as one of the premier professional triathletes in the world. He then joined the Austin Fire Department where he introduced his passion for a whole-food, plant-based diet to Austin’s Engine 2 Firehouse in order to rescue a firefighting brother’s health. To document his success he wrote the New York Times' bestselling book, The Engine 2 Diet, which demonstrates the irrefutable connection between a plant-based diet and good health. Rip left his job as a firefighter in 2009 to team up with Whole Foods Market as one of their Healthy Eating Partners to raise awareness for Whole Foods employees, customers and communities about the benefits of eating a plant-strong diet. As the founder of Engine 2, Rip develops and implements a range of programs and events geared toward education, inspiring and nurturing plant-strong living for individuals, families and organizations across the globe. A New York Times bestselling author of four books, Rip has appeared on hundreds of radio and national television shows, including the Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, Good Morning America and The Dr. Oz Show. Each year his family produces a series of all-inclusive, immersive events, culminating in Camp Plantstock — an extraordinary experience I highly recommend to anyone looking to reboot their lifestyle. Finally, Rip's newest book, The Engine 2 Cookbook hits bookstores everywhere on December 26, 2017. This is a conversation I’ve been anticipating since the first episode of this podcast Enjoy! Rich