
    Exclusive interview with Laurence Fox About His Arrest and GB News Exit, and Dangers Parents Face with Their Kids on Trans Ideology, with Dr. Miriam Grossman | Ep. 642

    enOctober 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Free Speech and Censorship with Lawrence FoxLawrence Fox shares his experiences with cancellation culture, questioning its purpose and expressing concern over organized efforts to silence him. The interview touches on themes of censorship, free speech, and power dynamics.

      The debate around free speech and cancellation culture was brought to the forefront in this interview with Lawrence Fox, who discussed his recent arrest and termination from GB News in the UK. Fox expressed deep sadness over the organized efforts against him, questioning if the fight was worth it. He emphasized that there was no agreement or consensus among those accusing him of conspiracy, and that the situation seemed like an attempt to harass him. The interview touched on themes of censorship, free speech, and the power dynamics at play in these situations. Fox's comments on male suicide by a woman named Ava Evans also sparked controversy and added to the ongoing discussion.

    • Discussing Men's Mental Health and the Need for a MinisterAddressing unique mental health issues faced by men, particularly high suicide rate, requires genuine equality in gender roles and empathy, understanding, and action.

      The discussion highlights the importance of addressing unique mental health issues faced by men, particularly the high suicide rate among men under 50. The conversation also underscores the need for genuine equality in gender roles and the detrimental impact of dismissing the suffering of men. The hostility towards the idea of a minister for men's mental health was criticized for perpetuating a culture that undermines the importance of addressing this issue. The callous tone and dismissive attitude towards men's mental health concerns were found to be deeply alarming and unacceptable. The conversation emphasizes the need for empathy, understanding, and action to address this pressing issue.

    • Men's mental health and societal pressuresSocietal stigma and toxic masculinity can prevent men from seeking help for mental health issues, potentially leading to tragic consequences. Acknowledging and addressing mental health struggles is crucial for everyone.

      The stigma surrounding mental health and toxic masculinity can lead to dangerous consequences, including suicide. The discussion highlighted how men and boys often don't seek help for mental health issues due to societal pressures and mocking, which can result in tragic outcomes. The speaker shared personal experiences of war and the lasting impact it had on soldiers, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and addressing mental health struggles. The conversation also touched upon the underreporting of sexual assault and the need for empathy and understanding towards victims. However, the speaker felt that one guest on a show diminished the importance of men's mental health struggles and expressed a deep-seated hatred towards men. The speaker regretted not challenging her perspective during the live broadcast and felt they let down the cause for men's mental health. Overall, the conversation underscored the need for compassion, understanding, and open dialogue around mental health and gender issues.

    • Controversial Comment on GB News and the BacklashA guest's comment expressing concern for men's mental health was criticized as disrespectful towards women, sparking a debate on free speech and the role of powerful women in media conversations.

      The discussion revolves around the controversy surrounding a comment made on GB News by a guest, which was perceived as disrespectful towards women. The guest, Dan, made a comment expressing concern about the mental health of men and was criticized for it. The conversation also touches upon the regulation of free speech and the organized response against Dan's comment. The speaker expresses disappointment in the reaction and feels that Dan was unfairly targeted. The conversation also includes reflections on the role of powerful women in making valid points and the need for balance in media conversations. Ultimately, the speaker argues that the situation highlights the importance of free speech and the need for a diversity of perspectives in media discourse.

    • Free speech under threat: Hypocrisy and censorship in mediaDespite claiming to champion free speech, some media organizations engage in cancel culture and silence dissenting voices, creating an uneven battlefield for open discussions.

      The current state of free speech and expression is under threat, with organizations like GB News, despite positioning themselves as champions of free speech, engaging in cancel culture and silencing dissenting voices. The father of a canceled musician, Paul Marshall, who owns part of GB News, is now trying to buy The Daily Telegraph and positioning himself as a free speech champion, yet fires those who don't conform to his views. This hypocrisy opens them up to criticism and attacks. The loss of free speech advocates and the organized efforts of those who silence opposing views has created an uneven battlefield, making it difficult for open, honest discussions to take place. Instances of biased reporting and lack of accountability in mainstream media, such as the BBC, further highlight this issue. The UK is currently unprotected against attacks on free speech, and the importance of this fundamental right cannot be overstated in any liberal secular democracy.

    • Unequal Media Treatment and Cancel CultureThe media and public response to allegations vary greatly, with some facing intense scrutiny while others receive little attention. Cancel culture can limit free speech and expression, potentially leading to unequal treatment of public figures.

      The discussion revolves around the contrasting reactions to allegations against two public figures and the implications of cancel culture. The speaker argues that the media and public response to allegations against him were exaggerated, while Russell Brand faced much more serious accusations with less public interest. The speaker expresses concern over the accelerating cancel culture and the limitations it places on free speech and expression. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the speaker's civil disobedience actions against government surveillance and the subsequent arrest. Overall, the conversation highlights the unequal treatment of public figures in the media and the potential consequences of cancel culture.

    • Politician's Arrest and Critique of Society's ValuesPolitician shares frustration over arrest, perceived bias in media, and hypocrisy of political leaders. He criticizes uncontrolled immigration and indoctrination in schools, believing society values appearances over substance.

      The speaker shares his experience of being arrested and detained at a police station, expressing frustration over the perceived political motivations behind his arrest. He also criticizes what he sees as a biased media narrative and the hypocrisy of political leaders. The speaker is a political figure leading the Reclaim Party, which aims to change freedom of speech laws and depoliticize public institutions. He believes that his arrest, based on his political views and speech, is an example of the manifestation of virtue signaling becoming reality. The speaker also touches on immigration and education issues, expressing concerns over uncontrolled immigration and the indoctrination of children in schools. Ultimately, he feels that the current state of affairs is a reflection of a society that values appearances over substance.

    • British Actor Lawrence Fox Discusses Cultural and Political Concerns in the WestLawrence Fox, a British actor and Reclaim Party leader, expresses concerns about the impact of immigration, loss of historical traditions, and silencing of opposing views in the West. He uses examples like Charlie Hebdo and Kavanaugh hearings, and encourages individuals to express their opinions despite backlash.

      The discussion revolves around the concerns of Lawrence Fox, a British actor and leader of the Reclaim Party, regarding cultural and political issues in the West. He expresses his concerns about the impact of immigration and the treatment of historical traditions, using examples like the Charlie Hebdo incident and the Kavanaugh hearings in the US. Fox also mentions his personal experiences with being silenced for expressing his opinions, which he believes is a sign of the end of the West and the loss of fundamental rights such as free speech and the presumption of innocence. He expresses his disappointment in the entertainment industry and the media for promoting certain narratives and silencing opposing views. Fox's stance has made him persona non grata in some circles, and he encourages individuals to express their own opinions and values, even if they are not popular.

    • Friend in hot water over tweet, speaker shows concern and loyaltySpeaker expresses concern for friend Dan facing job loss over tweet, emphasizes loyalty, shares fears for Britain and own future, plans to discuss next steps with financial backer.

      The speaker expresses deep concern for a friend, Dan, who is facing potential termination from his job due to controversy surrounding a tweet. The speaker believes Dan is vulnerable and not tough, and expresses frustration with those using him as a weapon. The speaker also shares her own fears about the current state of Britain and her own potential future there, as she has faced backlash for her views. The speaker emphasizes her loyalty to Dan and her belief in standing firm in the face of adversity. She also shares her curiosity about those attempting to control the British media landscape. Ultimately, the speaker plans to have a conversation with her financial backer about whether they have lost in this current climate and what their next steps should be.

    • UK's socialist healthcare system and internet regulation concernsThe UK's healthcare system raises democratic concerns, internet regulation looms, and parents' roles are crucial in supporting children through gender identity issues

      The UK's socialist healthcare system, which takes a significant portion of the tax burden and results in long waiting lists, raises concerns about the country's democratic and liberal values. The speaker expresses his worry about the UK's future and suggests exploring alternatives, such as the United States, which still upholds the First Amendment and values free speech. He also mentions the potential regulation of the internet by Ofcom and encourages UK residents to use VPNs to access information freely. Another important point discussed is the trauma experienced by parents when their children identify as transgender, which is outlined in Dr. Miriam Grossman's book "Lost in TransNation." The parents' role in this situation is crucial, and the speaker emphasizes their importance as the unsung heroes.

    • Parents of children with sudden onset gender dysphoria form underground support groups due to societal abandonmentDespite studies suggesting that not affirming children's gender identity can lead to resolution, parents of children with sudden onset gender dysphoria face immense fear and trauma as they go against societal pressure for affirmation, leading them to form secret support groups

      There are thousands of parents who refuse to affirm their children's gender transition due to their child's sudden onset of gender dysphoria during adolescence. These parents have formed underground support groups due to being abandoned by mental health professionals and societal institutions. They face immense fear and trauma as they go against the affirming narrative, fearing exposure and potential consequences. Despite studies showing that not affirming and allowing children to grow out of their gender confusion is more likely to lead to resolution, activists and mental health professionals push for social transition, leaving parents with a traumatic experience akin to a death in the family. These parents are desperately seeking support from other like-minded individuals, often through strenuous vetting processes to join private support groups.

    • Parents dealing with a child's transformationComplicated grief occurs when parents struggle to accept their child's transformation, leading to a wedge between them and potential tragic consequences.

      Simple grief and complicated grief are two different experiences. While simple grief involves suffering a loss without the complications of guilt, anger, or regret, complicated grief arises when a parent's child undergoes a transformation, both physically and mentally, due to medical interventions and societal pressure to conform to a new identity. This can result in a wedge being driven between the child and their family, with the parents being labeled as toxic or bigoted for refusing to accept the new identity. In some cases, this can lead to tragic consequences, as seen in the story of Ellie, a teenage girl who was influenced by outside forces to reject her parents and ultimately take her own life despite their continued efforts to help her. This complicated grief is a unique and devastating experience for parents, erasing cherished memories and leaving them feeling powerless to save their child.

    • The pressure to affirm a child's gender identity can lead to family estrangement and even suicideThe pressure to affirm a child's gender identity, even if it goes against a parent's beliefs, can lead to families being torn apart and children being placed on a path towards medicalization, potentially ignoring underlying issues.

      The conversation surrounding gender identity and the role of child protective services can lead to family estrangement and even suicide. Abigail Martinez's story is a tragic example of this issue, where her daughter was taken from her loving home due to her refusal to affirm her daughter's trans identity. This issue is not isolated, as there are many families experiencing similar estrangement. The pressure to affirm a child's gender identity, even if it goes against a parent's beliefs, can lead to a dangerous "accepted course of treatment" that ignores other underlying issues. This can result in families being broken up and children being placed on a path towards medicalization. The fear of backlash and investigation prevents many professionals from speaking out against this trend, but there are those who are standing up and sharing their stories. California's recent legislation, which considers the parent who is not affirming the new identity as potential harm to the child, is a concerning development that could lead to more families being torn apart.

    • Parents' Rights in Gender Identity LawsParents are debating their roles in their children's gender transition process due to conflicting laws and the need for clear communication and involvement.

      The debate surrounding gender identity laws in schools and their impact on parents' rights is a contentious issue. Some states are passing laws making it harder for parents to be involved in their children's gender transition process, while others are challenging these laws. The American Academy of Pediatrics, which has long advocated for affirming a child's gender identity, is now reconsidering its stance. Parents are increasingly speaking out against these laws and seeking legal action. A pediatrician's office asking a 14-year-old to discuss sensitive topics like gender identity without a parent present has sparked controversy, highlighting the need for clear communication and parental involvement in such discussions. It's crucial for parents to stay informed and engaged in their children's lives, especially when it comes to issues related to their health and identity.

    • Parental concerns over early gender ideology exposureParental groups support families and connect them with pediatricians sharing their values, while the debate around celebrating National Coming Out Day in elementary schools continues, emphasizing the need for open dialogue and age-appropriate information.

      There is a growing concern among some parents and professionals that children are being exposed to controversial gender ideologies at an early age, often without the involvement or consent of their parents. This has led to the formation of various parental support groups and organizations, such as the American College of Pediatricians, which aim to provide resources and connect families with pediatricians who share their values. The debate around this issue reached new heights recently with the announcement that the Los Angeles Unified School District plans to celebrate National Coming Out Day in elementary classrooms, which some critics argue is inappropriate and potentially harmful for young children. The discussion also touched upon the complexities and potential risks associated with gender transition, using Jazz Jennings and Elliot Page as examples. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of open dialogue and ensuring that children receive accurate and age-appropriate information about gender and sexuality.

    • Growing concern over LGBTQ+ agendas in schools targeting young childrenParents urged to be vigilant and educate children about permanent gender identity, while debate balances parental rights and children's autonomy.

      There is a growing concern over the influence of certain organizations and individuals who are pushing for LGBTQ+ agendas in schools, particularly targeting young children. These efforts are seen as dangerous and misleading, as they suggest that gender identity is not fixed and that it can be changed like assembling a Lego or a Mister Potato Head. This perspective is harmful and goes against scientific facts. Furthermore, these organizations are reportedly trying to gain access to children at a young age, specifically during their formative years, to influence their identity formation. Parents are urged to be vigilant and educate their children early about their gender identity being permanent and wonderful, regardless of stereotypical behaviors and interests. The debate also touches on the balance between parental rights and children's autonomy, with some arguing that children have the right to express their gender identity at school, even if their parents disagree.

    • Parents' role in raising children under debatePediatrician emphasizes importance of strong families, warns against state infringement, encourages parents to seek help and read 'Lost in TransNation'

      The ongoing debate surrounding child autonomy and gender identity is not about child autonomy or a comparison to a blood transfusion, but rather about the state infringing on parents' roles in raising their children. The speaker, a pediatrician, emphasizes the importance of strong, nuclear families in raising children and warns against the delusion of believing one can change their sex. He encourages parents going through similar experiences to seek help and support, as they are not alone. His book, "Lost in TransNation," is a valuable resource for parents navigating this issue and serves as an inoculation against the delusion. The speaker has no financial stake in promoting the book and urges parents to take responsibility and act now before it becomes more difficult to do so. The College of American Pediatricians' website, biological integrity dotorg, is a valuable resource for further information.

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

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    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Ep. 1047 - The Absurdity of the Left's 'Book Banning' Lie

    Ep. 1047 - The Absurdity of the Left's 'Book Banning' Lie

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    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Left claims that there is a right wing “book banning” movement growing across the country. But they’re lying as usual. Also, the CDC recommends that the COVID vaccine be added to your child’s regular immunization schedule. Elon Musk plans to fire the majority of Twitter employees. I’m taking my What Is A Woman tour to Berkeley, and expecting a very open and welcoming environment. And in our Daily Cancellation, a man faces the internet outrage mob after suggesting that men and women experience depression differently. The horror.

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    ZuckerPocalypse and the US Invasion

    ZuckerPocalypse and the US Invasion
    We are amidst a war of attrition and they're about to flood us with even more problems. Comms cut, food halted, weakened military, and now a swarm of potentially millions of new arrivals, possibly armed. They have been promised whatever they take is theirs. Remember at all times it is OUR Enemies from WITHIN that are Doing This. We need to go after the source, and hold these traitors accountable.
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    Reclaiming My Show (Ep 1308)

    Reclaiming My Show (Ep 1308)
    In this episode, I address the explosion in censorship by the big tech tyrants. I also address a troubling story about the attacks on conservative website Breitbart. I discuss the troubling deep state connections of the cabal responsible for the attempted takedown of President Trump.  News Picks: Hapless congressional representative Jayapal gets dunked on while questioning Bill Barr. Police agencies are pulling out of the Democrats’ convention because of their war on police. Tech tyranny and speech suppression are real. Breitbart speaks out.  More on Google’s war on conservatives. Twitter locks out parts of Don Trump Jr’s account. As least one of the rioters who broke into the private street the McCloskey’s lived on was armed.  The Supreme Court tosses the First Amendment out of the window. Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices