
    Podcast Summary

    • Staying informed and attentive to health concerns can lead to significant benefitsRecognizing symptoms, such as bright red blood in stool, can lead to early detection and potential life-saving outcomes for both humans and pets. Stay informed and attentive to your health and your pet's health to reap the benefits.

      Being proactive about health, whether it's monitoring your pet's wellbeing or recognizing symptoms in yourself, can lead to early detection and potential life-saving outcomes. Deborah James, a blogger, broadcaster, and mother, shared her personal experience of being diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer at the age of 35 despite being a vegetarian, runner, and having no family history of the disease. She emphasized the importance of recognizing symptoms, such as bright red blood in stool, even if they are intermittent, and not dismissing them as less serious conditions like hemorrhoids. Similarly, PrettyLitter, a veterinarian-developed health monitoring litter, can help pet owners detect early signs of illness in their cats by changing colors, potentially saving lives and money. So, staying informed and attentive to health concerns, whether it's for ourselves or our pets, can lead to significant benefits. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of self-expression and sharing experiences, as Deborah has done through her podcast and book, "f u cancer." And for those looking for a special Mother's Day gift, Blue Nile offers a wide selection of beautiful jewelry that can be shipped quickly and comes with free shipping and returns.

    • Bowel cancer can be present without obvious symptomsEven with a healthy diet and no signs of anemia, bowel cancer can develop and symptoms may not be apparent. Persistent digestive issues should be addressed with your healthcare provider and further testing may be necessary.

      Even if you have a well-rounded diet and no signs of anemia, you can still develop bowel cancer, and symptoms such as tiredness and digestive issues may not always be obvious. Additionally, current screening tests like the FIT test have limitations, especially for younger women, and may not detect all cases of bowel cancer. It's crucial to be aware of these limitations and to advocate for additional testing if you have concerns or notice any potential symptoms, such as blood in your stool. Bowel cancer can be aggressive and may spread before symptoms become apparent, so early detection is key. If you experience persistent digestive issues, don't hesitate to speak with your healthcare provider and advocate for further testing.

    • Early detection of bowel cancer is vitalRecognize subtle symptoms like occult blood in stool, bright red blood, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss. Early detection leads to better treatment outcomes and higher survival rates.

      Early detection of bowel cancer is crucial, as symptoms can be subtle and easy to overlook. The presence of occult blood in stool samples, which is not visible to the naked eye, can indicate bowel cancer. Symptoms such as bright red blood in stool, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss can be signs of bowel cancer. It's essential to know your body and recognize any changes that may indicate a health issue. Even if you assume it's something else, like stress or exhaustion, it's important to push for further investigation if you have a gut feeling that something is not right. Additionally, bowel cancer can make you feel tired due to anemia or the body's effort to fight the disease. If you're experiencing unexplained symptoms, don't assume there's another reason – get checked out by a healthcare professional. Early detection can lead to better treatment outcomes and higher survival rates.

    • Understanding Cancer StagingCancer staging determines severity, impacts treatment options, and influences prognosis. Early stages like 1 can be treated with surgery alone, while advanced stages require complex therapies and frequent monitoring.

      The cancer staging system helps determine the severity and spread of the disease, and it significantly impacts the treatment options and prognosis. In the early stages, such as stage 1, the cancer is localized and can often be removed with surgery alone, resulting in high survival rates. However, as the cancer progresses to stages 2, 3, and 4, it begins to infiltrate surrounding tissues and may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream. This makes treatment more complex and often requires a combination of therapies like chemotherapy and immunotherapy. It's important to note that different types of cancer may have slightly different staging systems, but the general concept remains the same. Additionally, the staging at diagnosis is not always the final stage, as cancer can recur or metastasize, requiring ongoing treatment and monitoring.

    • A cancer survivor's journey to remissionA stage 4 bowel cancer survivor defied odds and went into remission after multiple surgeries and treatments, including ablation and CyberKnife radiotherapy. Despite challenges, she remained hopeful and continued to fight.

      Deborah, a stage 4 bowel cancer survivor, defied odds and went into remission after multiple surgeries and treatments, including ablation operations and CyberKnife radiotherapy. Her journey was filled with challenges, including being cancer-free for a short window and dealing with severe side effects during treatment. Despite the difficulties, Deborah remained hopeful and continued to fight. In other news, Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans, PlushCare provides telehealth solutions for weight loss, and Olive and June offers a home manicure system for salon-quality nails. LinkedIn is a valuable resource for hiring professionals, especially those not actively looking for new roles. Deborah's radiotherapy experience left her feeling extremely sick, but she remains in limbo, waiting to see what comes next in her cancer journey.

    • Cancer survivor's inspiring journey to improved quality of life through physical activity and complementary therapiesCancer patients can significantly enhance their quality of life by staying active and using complementary therapies like acupuncture, which can reduce pain, boost energy, manage neuropathy, and improve overall well-being. Evidence-based approaches are crucial for maximizing benefits.

      Despite facing a cancer diagnosis and undergoing treatment, maintaining physical activity and utilizing complementary therapies like acupuncture can significantly improve quality of life. The speaker shares her personal experience of going from being unable to walk a kilometer to running a half marathon after chemotherapy and acupuncture treatment. She emphasizes the importance of evidence-based approaches to complementary therapies and highlights the proven benefits of exercise during cancer treatment, including reduced hospital admissions, less anxiety and depression, and improved overall quality of life. The speaker also mentions the use of acupuncture for pain reduction, energy boost, and neuropathy management in cancer patients. Additionally, she mentions the potential benefits of probiotics in improving chemo outcomes.

    • Consult medical professionals before trying new practicesAlways consult medical professionals before incorporating new practices into cancer treatment to ensure safety and effectiveness.

      When dealing with cancer treatment and complementary practices, it's crucial to approach them with full medical knowledge and understanding. The individual's response to treatments can vary greatly due to the complexity of the human body and the existence of various microbes. Some practices, such as taking certain herbs or supplements, can be dangerous for certain individuals, especially those with specific types of cancer. It's essential to consult medical professionals before incorporating any new practices into one's cancer treatment plan to avoid potential harm. Additionally, the belief that one can cure cancer on their own is a dangerous notion, and the focus should be on making the body as healthy as possible to better cope with the cancer and its treatments.

    • Permission to not be okay during cancer treatmentFocus on self-care and feeling good, not just on alternative cancer treatments. Be aware of the placebo effect and remember to be yourself despite cancer.

      While it's important to explore various methods for managing cancer, it's crucial not to rely solely on them for a cure. Instead, focus on what makes you feel good about yourself. The author, who went through remission and then had cancer return, shares her experience of feeling like a failure when alternative methods didn't work. She emphasizes that there's a placebo effect in any therapy, and people should be aware of it. Additionally, she encourages those going through cancer treatment to remember that they can still be themselves and not let cancer define them. The author also shares her frustration with unsolicited advice about what to eat during treatment and emphasizes the importance of listening to your body. Overall, her book, "F U Cancer," aims to provide permission to not be okay and to still live your life.

    • Living in the present during a cancer diagnosisFocus on mental well-being, relationships, and making life easy. Connect with others in the online community and communicate openly with loved ones.

      Controlling what we can and living in the present moment can help us cope with challenging situations, such as a cancer diagnosis. Rachael Bland's guidance to focus on mental well-being, relationships, and making life easy while leaving the disease to experts resonated with the speaker. She shared her personal experience of living in the now and running to receive scan results as a way to face the uncertainty of her future. The speaker also recommended connecting with others in the online cancer community, like Bowel Babe, for support and understanding. Additionally, she emphasized the importance of open communication with family and children about the diagnosis. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of resilience, community, and living in the present to navigate the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.

    • Acknowledging fear and finding positivityExpressing fears allows for a positive outlook, while continued campaigning and early detection are crucial for all types of cancers, including less visible ones like bowel cancer.

      It's important to allow children to express their fears and feel secure in doing so. Author Deborah James shared her experience of feeling scared during cancer treatments and how acknowledging her fear led to a positive outlook. She also highlighted the disparities in cancer research and awareness between different types of cancers, using bowel cancer as an example. Deborah emphasized the need for continued campaigning and screening for all types of cancers, including those with less visibility like bowel cancer. Additionally, she discussed the importance of early detection through genetic testing for conditions like Lynch syndrome. Deborah's work and her inspiring attitude towards living with cancer serve as a reminder to live life to the fullest and be true to oneself.

    • Celebrate Mom with Whole Foods Market and 1800flowers.comWhole Foods Market offers discounts on premium gifts, flowers, and desserts for Mother's Day. UnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard plans help manage out-of-pocket costs. 1800flowers.com's Celebrations Passport provides free shipping and rewards for frequent purchases.

      For special occasions like Mother's Day, Whole Foods Market offers unbeatable savings on premium gifts, flowers, and desserts. With discounts on body care and candles, affordable tulip bundles, and delicious treats, Whole Foods Market is the perfect destination to celebrate mom. Additionally, when it comes to health care, being a little extra can pay off. UnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard fixed indemnity insurance plans supplement primary plans, helping manage out-of-pocket costs without usual requirements and restrictions. Lastly, for those known for their gift-giving skills, 1800flowers.com's Celebrations Passport provides free shipping on thousands of gifts and rewards for frequent purchases. Whether it's Mother's Day or any other occasion, these offers ensure that you can make the day special while saving.

    Recent Episodes from The Liz Earle Wellbeing Show

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    Vaginal oestrogen could save your life, with Dr Rachel Rubin

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    Rachel shares the realities of how dangerous UTIs can be, plus how the lack of knowledge on this common infection is just another example of medical misogyny.

    Rachel talks Liz through the symptoms of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) and how vaginal oestrogen could be lifesaving.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Get fit in just 11 minutes, with Lavina Mehta

    Get fit in just 11 minutes, with Lavina Mehta

    Struggle to find the time to fit in your workouts? Award-winning personal trainer Lavina Mehta joins Liz to share how you can get fit with just 11 minutes of exercise every day.

    Lavina talks Liz through exercise ‘snacking’ and why this can be a better approach for midlife women, plus why we should exercise for sanity not vanity and prioritise strength over cardio. Liz and Lavina also reveal a simple trick to help mitigate glucose spikes after meals, and try out a live exercise snacking session.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Finding love online in midlife, with Garance Doré

    Finding love online in midlife, with Garance Doré

    Have you ever used dating apps or websites? Beauty brand founder and author Garance Doré joins Liz to chat about how they both found love in the digital landscape. Garance reveals why she doesn’t fear heartbreak, and how our parents’ behaviour often influences our own with our partners.

    Liz and Garance also talk through their experiences of being in relationships with a significant age gap, and how this affects their perception of their own ageing bodies.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Are weight loss drugs too good to be true? – with Johann Hari

    Are weight loss drugs too good to be true? – with Johann Hari

    Can a 'magic pill' can fix the obesity epidemic - or are we creating even more problems? Author Johann Hari joins Liz on this podcast to discuss the benefits - and 12 potential risks - of new weight loss drugs, such as Ozempic.

    Johann reveals his motivations to use weight loss drugs personally, plus talks through shocking statistics on the realities of being overweight on our health.

    He also shares some of the positive effects that may come with these anti-obesity drugs beyond fat loss, along with the risks - including malnutrition and eating disorders.

    Meanwhile, Liz questions the true cost to our health here and whether we’re opening a Pandora’s box of unknown adverse effects when considering these drugs.

    CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains bad language and frank chat about suicide, sexual assault, and eating disorders, so please take care while listening.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Why your UTIs keep coming back, with Dr Kate Stephens

    Why your UTIs keep coming back, with Dr Kate Stephens

    Do you struggle with urinary tract infections (UTIs)? Dr Kate Stephens, a doctor of microbiology specialising in the human microbiome, joins Liz to share how we can better support our vaginal microbiome and avoid recurring UTIs.

    In this episode, brought to you in partnership with Optibac, Kate and Liz discuss the common causes of UTIs and why perimenopause and menopause often leave us more vulnerable to them.

    Liz and Kate talk through the best bacteria strains for intimate health, and address old wives’ tales - like whether cranberry juice can fight a UTI.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Are we too shy of the sun? - with Dr Leland Stillman

    Are we too shy of the sun? - with Dr Leland Stillman

    Have we become too shy of the sun or are we right to be extra cautious? Dr Leland Stillman joins Liz to share why he believes current advice about sun exposure is only skin deep.

    Leland discusses his perspective on how light impacts our eyes and our overall wellbeing, and Liz questions whether we can really avoid damaging our skin when seeking more sunlight.

    Leland shares how he keeps his skin safe in the sun plus how light may impact the gut, while Liz asks whether a vitamin D supplement is the same as getting it from light itself.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Healthy fats, weight loss and ‘reversing’ diabetes, with Eric Edmeades

    Healthy fats, weight loss and ‘reversing’ diabetes, with Eric Edmeades

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    They also cover the benefits of ketosis and autophagy, the importance of cutting down on sugar for our health, and other lifestyle changes that we can make to cut the risk of pre-diabetes.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Is mould sabotaging your health? - with Dr John Kim

    Is mould sabotaging your health? - with Dr John Kim

    Do you struggle with keeping mould at bay in your home? Functional medicine pharmacist Dr John Kim joins Liz to take a deep dive into the impacts mould may be having on our health.

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    John and Liz also cover how to avoid mould getting inside food - such as coffee and grains - why juice cleanses can't actually detox the body effectively, and other endocrine disruptors that may be lurking in our homes.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease, with Patrick Holford

    Reduce your risk of Alzheimer's disease, with Patrick Holford

    With one in 11 people currently suffering from dementia in the UK, Liz chats with Patrick Holford, founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, to learn how we can reduce our risk of Alzheimer's disease.

    Patrick, who is also the chief executive of the Food for the Brain Foundation, talks Liz through the role omega-3s and B vitamins play in protecting our brains, and they also discuss 30 factors associated with a heightened risk of Alzheimer's.

    Liz and Patrick cover foods to include in your diet, such as eggs and nuts, and the foods to avoid (spoiler: sugar!), plus key supplements that might help to protect our brains from cognitive decline.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    What are your dreams trying to tell you? With Dr Rahul Jandial

    What are your dreams trying to tell you? With Dr Rahul Jandial

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    The episode also covers 'sleep pressure', techniques that can enhance our dreams, and whether doctors can use our dreams as diagnostic tools.

    Links mentioned in the episode:

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Key points:

    1. Desires are not goals, though they are the motivation and “fuel” that keeps us moving towards our goals and taking action.

    2. Desires are not your to-do list, not the tasks or expectations of ourselves or other’s expectations of us. 

    3. Desires are not selfish!  We were each born with unique giftings, passions, and desires!

    4. Desires are in the deepest part of our hearts, not our heads!


    Lisa shared how she has found her inner desires by getting quiet, spending time by herself in her thoughts while in nature, meditating, journaling, imagining and allowing herself the liberty to suspend doubts, beliefs, and even her current reality. 


    Share what you do to connect with your desires and dreams.  We would love to connect with you!  Help us spread the word so we can inspire more women to “wake up and dream.”  Give us a “shout out” on your social media platforms!  Thank you! 


    Drop us a message, LIKE, SHARE, and leave us a review! 

    Follow us on Instagram @wakeupanddreampodcast 


    You can also connect with each of us here: 


    Sara Carlisi:



    Kelly Armstrong: 




    Lisa Taylor: 



    #031: Our Personal Experiences with Anxiety

    #031: Our Personal Experiences with Anxiety

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    [01:25]    Shared an itunes review 

    [02:40]    Kim shares her personal struggles with anxiety

    [11:00]    Hormones impacted by anxiety – Kim’s testing and low DHEA

    [12:50]    Physical symptoms of anxiety

    [17:00]    Some healthy ways to reduce these feelings 

    [23:50]    Laurie shares her personal experiences and most anxious period of her corporate career 

    [28:40]    Circumstances are not always to blame for anxiety…it can exist in any situation so we MUST find a way to manage it 


    Podcast website: www.awholenewyoupodcast.com

    Kim’s website: www.kimmaravich.com

    Laurie’s website: www.simplyempoweredllc.com

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    Follow us on Instagram: @A Whole New You Podcast

    Email us: contact@awholenewyoupodcast.com

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    Wisdom From Living With & Dying From Cancer - Interview with Elissa Goodman

    Wisdom From Living With & Dying From Cancer - Interview with Elissa Goodman

    Do you know what happiness and peacefulness genuinely mean to you? Elissa Goodman had no clue what those concepts were until her cancer diagnosis at age 32.

    After being diagnosed with cancer when she was 32, Elissa Goodman explored holistic alternatives, combined them with traditional treatments, and was able to beat it. Her husband wasn’t as fortunate; he succumbed to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma when he was only 45 after a regimen of doctor-prescribed chemotherapy and two bone marrow transplants. Her personal experience led her to realize how nutrition and lifestyle affect our ability to deal with health challenges.

    In this podcast, we cover:

    • About Elissa’s cancer diagnosis
    • How Elissa’s life changed after her cancer diagnosis  
    • How toxins are playing a role in our health
    • Why medicine isn’t going to save us
    • How Elissa deals with stress now
    • What Elissa discovered about nutrition
    • How to choose a juicer and how often you should juice
    • Why we need different plants in our diet
    • About the five things you need to do after a diagnosis


    Elissa Goodman’s Website

    Elissa Goodman’s Instagram

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    Ep 12: What are you making up about your anxiety?

    Ep 12: What are you making up about your anxiety?
    Callie chats around the meaning one may attach to the presence of anxiety.
    What if every feeling that moved through you was in service of your greatest good and keeping you connected to what is most important to you?
    There is a common narrative that anxiety is a negative and undesirable place to be - Callie acknowledges the discomfort that comes with this terrain but also discusses the possibility of looking at the benefits of why anxiety is visiting.
    The conversation covers new ways to engage with anxiety and tangible tools and powerful questions that will support a more functional relationship with that feeling of anxiousness.
    What story have you made up about your anxiety, tiredness, apathy or slowness?
    What does this pattern/feeling yearn for you to notice?
    How can these feelings be allies that are part of your team?
    Love to hear what really lands for you in this conversation!