
    Podcast Summary

    • Allow yourself to feel all emotionsAcknowledging emotions without judgment can lead to faster processing, emotional resilience, and overall well-being

      Allowing yourself to feel all emotions, rather than suppressing them, can lead to faster processing and better emotional resilience. According to Kate Cocker, the founder of Everyday Positivity, it's important to acknowledge and experience emotions fully, even the difficult ones. Fighting or denying emotions can lead to increased distress and longer recovery time. Instead, pausing to feel emotions before continuing with daily activities can provide relief and help individuals cope more effectively. Emotions are a natural part of the human experience, and acknowledging them without judgment can lead to greater emotional intelligence and overall well-being. So, the next time you're feeling emotional, give yourself permission to feel it all, and remember that it's okay to pause and process before moving forward.

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    #606: How to Activate Your Brain's Happy Chemicals

    Everyone has experienced the way our feelings fluctuate day by day, and even hour by hour. Sometimes we're feeling up and sometimes we're feeling down.

    My guest today says these oscillations are a result of nature's operating system and that you can learn to better manage these emotional peaks and valleys. Her name is Loretta Breuning and she's the author of several books on happiness and the human brain, including her latest, Tame Your Anxiety: Rewiring Your Brain for Happiness. We begin our conversation by discussing the similarities between human brains and the brains of other mammals, and how our brains release happiness-producing chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin to spur us to seek rewards related to our survival needs. We also talk about the unhappy chemical of cortisol which is released in response to perceived threats, and the factors that have increased our stress and anxiety in the modern world. Loretta then explains that the boost we get whenever the brain's happy chemicals are activated doesn't last, and how we need to plan and execute healthy options for proactively stimulating these chemicals, including creating expectations for rewards and finding small, positive ways of increasing our status. We end our conversation with how to manage spikes of cortisol in yourself, as well as help other people manage their emotional troughs.

    Get the show notes at aom.is/happychemicals.

    99: Are You Triggered by Trapped Emotions with Jennifer Bradford

    99: Are You Triggered by Trapped Emotions with Jennifer Bradford

    Emotions give us humanity, and although we often make the mistake of classifying them into only negative and positive, every emotion is necessary and valuable as they influence every part of our daily lives. We make decisions based on whether we are happy, angry, sad, bored, or frustrated. We choose activities and hobbies based on the emotions they incite. Understanding emotions can help us navigate life with greater ease and stability.

    But what happens when our emotions become trapped and are left unhealed? I asked Jennifer Bradford, an Emotion & Body Code expert, that question. Together we deep-dived into what emotions are, how they can rule our lives, and how each of us has the power to shift any emotional experience no matter how long ago the event took place.

    The truth is sometimes time does not heal all wounds. What is not dealt with and healed has a way of returning as a reaction to something unrelated. 

    This is a conversation you do not want to miss!

    Key Takeaways:

    00:00 Introduction

    02:57 What it means to be stuck in our emotional patterns

    06:25 What the emotional code is, and how we can use it to heal 

    09:52 Triggers and how energy gets stuck

    13:43 When we lock patterns inside, and we can use our patterns to address issues and heal         

    14:20 Three of the most constant emotions that become trapped are different than most think

    21:43 Leaning into our energy and emotions can be done through a body scan    

    23:32 We are taught not to trust ourselves or our feelings

    31:55 Your emotions are not good or bad; they just are   

    34:20 What do your emotions mean   

    37:15 Movement is essential with emotional processing

    40:27 Allow the emotional release of tears

    44:50 Our emotions are practiced

    51:14 Use your emotions as guides

    52:03 Jennifer’s three things

    This conversation was so good and filled with so many emotional truths that I didn’t think ending the discussion was fair. So instead, you’ll want to tune into Epi 101 on October 11th as Jennifer, and I deep dive into the physical aspects of emotions and how the body code practice helps clear our feelings once and for all.

    If you are interested in learning more about the emotion code, you can follow Jennifer @higher.love.reiki on Instagram or visit her website at higherlove.net. There you can find ways to work with Jennifer. Love this episode and want to keep the inspiration and conversation going? Join the 17.1K plus members on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok who are engaging in their own life revolution daily! Become a Get Your Life Together, Girl Insider! Sign up here! Free downloads are available right now!

    Looking for more? Visit: www.getyourlifetogethergirl.com, I also invite you to join the new Get Your Life Together, Girl Women’s Circle. This monthly membership gives you access to exclusive exercises, practices, tools, monthly live conversations where you can ask questions, 100s of techniques, and a community to support you. It’s just $9.00 a month. Connection can be complicated. Therapy isn’t cheap. The Women’s Circle bridges the gap. Visit the website to learn more and sign up.

    173. Why Complaining Isn't Always a Bad Thing: The Science Behind the Power of Venting

    173. Why Complaining Isn't Always a Bad Thing: The Science Behind the Power of Venting

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    We often think of complaining as a negative behavior, but research suggests that venting our frustrations and sharing our problems with others can actually have some surprising benefits.

    Here are a few key takeaways from our discussion:

    • First, complaining can help us process negative emotions. When we bottle up our frustrations or try to ignore them, they can fester and grow until they become overwhelming. By expressing our concerns and grievances, we can start to work through them and find a sense of closure.
    • Second, complaining can foster empathy and social connection. When we share our struggles with others, it helps us feel less alone and can help us build deeper connections with those around us. It also gives our friends and loved ones an opportunity to offer support and perspective.
    • Of course, there's a fine line between productive venting and chronic negativity. We don't want to get stuck in a cycle of complaining without taking action or seeking solutions. But if we can find a healthy balance, complaining can be a useful tool for managing stress and maintaining our mental well-being.

    So the next time you're feeling frustrated or upset, don't be afraid to share your feelings with a trusted friend or family member. You might be surprised at how much it can help!

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    How to stay out of your emotions and in your peace

    How to stay out of your emotions and in your peace

    In this bonus episode of Penny, On Your Thoughts, Penny reveals the changes that have been happening behind the scenes and how she has moved through these challenges using the tools she often shares. 

    We can carry emotional events and trauma for years and sometimes becoming aware of layers to be peeled requires a trigger. She shares in detail the reason she doesn’t talk about being in her emotions and the higher responsibility that comes with developing your spiritual awareness and working with others. 

    Penny touches on:

    • What shamanism is
    • Why the there is a great responsibility with evolving spiritually
    • The events that recently triggered old wounds
    • How she managed and moved through those emotions

    Emotions are not bad or good. They are a part of being human. We signed up for this experience. How we navigate those emotions is what allows us to the opportunity to grow. 

    If you are ready to say yes to following your purpose and helping others, register for our next hypnosis certification training at https://pennychiasson.com/certifyme

    If you want to work 1:1 with Penny, go to https://pennychiasson.com/work-with-me