
    Fiverr & How to Become a Successful Freelancer | #AskGaryVee Episode 204

    enMay 10, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Fiverr: A Marketplace for Affordable Digital ServicesFiverr is the world's largest digital services marketplace with over 5 million services and 1 million sellers, offering a vast catalog of skills at affordable prices.

      Fiverr is the world's largest marketplace for digital services, offering a vast catalog of services for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers. The platform, which has over 5 million services and 1 million sellers, provides access to a wide range of skills at affordable prices. Originally, services started at $5, but they now offer more pricing options. Gary Vaynerchuk, who is a fan of the platform, believes that Fiverr has solved the issue of inefficiency and overpricing in the marketplace for digital services. The company has successfully attracted both buyers and sellers, making it a valuable resource for businesses looking to outsource tasks or find freelance help at lower costs. Fiverr's offerings include graphic design, music and audio, online marketing, programming, and tech services, among others. Overall, Fiverr is an essential platform for businesses and individuals looking to access a wide range of digital services at affordable prices.

    • Fiverr's focus on mid-priced services and effective scopingFiverr's success lies in offering a range of options for buyers and enabling sellers to effectively scope their services to deliver quality at the right price, while understanding the differences in quality and value between services at various price points.

      Fiverr has evolved from a marketplace where everything cost $5 to one with pricing freedom for sellers, as long as they can effectively scope their services. The company's focus is on providing a variety of options for buyers in the mid-price range, and the success of sellers depends on their ability to deliver quality services at the right price. Fiverr's brand and community are essential to its identity, and the company is continuously productizing and improving the process for each category in its marketplace. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the differences in quality and value between services at various price points, and acknowledged the need to leave room for the gray areas where talent and expertise come into play. Overall, Fiverr's approach to creating a marketplace for creative services has proven successful, and its focus on enabling pricing freedom and effective scoping has contributed to its growth and success.

    • Focus on the 'why' of pricing and offer different packages to build credibility and attract a larger customer base.To charge more, understand your unique value proposition, offer multiple pricing tiers, and provide additional benefits to justify the higher cost.

      To charge more than other sellers in your market without losing revenue, focus on the "why" of pricing and consider implementing a good, better, best pricing strategy. By offering different packages at various price points, you can build credibility, attract a larger customer base, and provide additional value to justify the higher price. Remember, taking risks and asking for more is important, but it's essential to understand your cash flow and how much time and resources you're willing to dedicate to your business. Ultimately, the market will decide what you're worth, and it's up to you to be willing to take no's and adjust your pricing accordingly. David Manila, the Chief Premier Officer at Fiverr, emphasized this strategy during a recent discussion, highlighting the importance of understanding your unique value proposition and providing additional benefits to justify higher prices.

    • The path to a 1% life requires patience, hard work, and seizing opportunitiesTo achieve a successful and fulfilling life, be willing to put in the time and effort, even if it means starting small and working your way up. Look for opportunities to improve daily habits and make the most of free time. Deliver high-quality work and continuously improve your craft to find financial and professional independence on platforms like Fiverr.

      If you're serious about making a change and pursuing your dreams, you need to be willing to put in the time and effort, even if it means starting small and working your way up. This was a common theme in the discussion, with several speakers emphasizing the importance of patience, hard work, and seizing opportunities for exposure. For those feeling stuck in their current jobs, it was suggested to assess your daily habits and make the most of your free time. If you truly want to live a successful and fulfilling life, it will require dedication and a willingness to take calculated risks. Fiverr was highlighted as a platform built for individuals with talent and skills to find financial and professional independence, with top sellers earning six-figure incomes. However, it's important to note that success on Fiverr or any platform requires delivering high-quality work and continuously improving your craft. Ultimately, the path to a 1% life is not easy, but it's attainable for those who are willing to put in the work and seize opportunities.

    • The Right Balance Between Content Marketing and Paid AdsChoose between content marketing and paid ads based on specific goals. Paid ads provide quicker results but rely on creative quality. Content marketing builds brand awareness and trust but takes time. On Fiverr, create a compelling profile to stand out with clear skills description, emotions, and talents, and use a profile picture with your face.

      Both content marketing and paid ads are essential for business growth, but the choice between the two depends on your specific goals. While paid ads may require less effort and provide quicker results, they rely heavily on the quality of the creative. On the other hand, content marketing builds brand awareness and trust, but it takes time to see results. Regarding showcasing a business as a copywriter or fiction writer on Fiverr without practical examples, focus on creating a compelling profile with a clear description of your skills, emotions, and talents. Use a profile picture with your face to build trust and confidence. Remember, potential buyers on Fiverr are buying based on what they see, so make your profile stand out.

    • Understanding the unique strengths and limitations of each toolUse the right tools for the job and not expect them to pay all the bills or do everything for you. Find avenues that offer exposure and build your brand.

      Not every tool or platform can do everything for you in your creative or entrepreneurial journey. It's essential to understand the unique strengths and limitations of each tool and use them appropriately. For instance, Medium is great for exposure, but it may not pay you. Similarly, using a Fiverr URL on Instagram can help drive transactions for designers or songwriters. It's crucial to find the avenues that offer the most exposure and build your brand, even if it means paying for it. For example, writing great stories for free on a popular Facebook page could lead to valuable exposure. In essence, it's about finding the right tools for the job and not expecting them to pay all the bills or do everything for you. As for my first gig on Fiverr, I would have likely offered hype video services, like an infomercial guy, as I have a background in marketing and video production.

    • Understanding Your Audience and Providing ValueTailor offerings to offline and online entrepreneurs' needs, ask questions to understand pain points, and provide valuable services that cannot be easily accessed online or offline.

      This conversation highlights the importance of understanding your audience and tailoring your offerings to their needs, whether they are offline or online entrepreneurs. The speakers discuss various topics, including video content creation, services for sale, and the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in the online space. They encourage the audience to ask questions and provide solutions to their pain points. The speakers also emphasize the need to adapt and provide value to different types of businesses. For offline entrepreneurs, they discuss the importance of transitioning to the online world and the services that can help them do so. For online entrepreneurs, they discuss the importance of providing valuable services that cannot be accessed easily online. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding your audience and providing value to meet their unique needs.

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    • Any niche business should be looking at the lockdown as an opportunity, a way to take a holistic view of their industry and add service-based online value to its customers. You need to become a modern commodity-based business that can also offer a service and an experience to the customer
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    • Niche businesses are not leveraging content marketing to its full potential. If you’re looking to build a pipeline of leads and clients actively searching for your businesses products and services you need to follow the 7 C’s framework to build you a vast brand. Content, consistency, channels, community, celebrity, courage & critics = cashflow.
    • If you’re not leveraging free social media and paid for online social media ads, you’re missing out. As a niche business in order to grow your brand, you need to diversify your online profile across multiple social media channels, post multiple pieces of unique content and as a result, you will receive multiple streams of leads to your business.
    • The concept of fair is exchange is an equilibrium between the consumer value and the producer’s margin. The formula for fair exchange is: Wealth = Value + Exchange x Leverage. There are laws that govern money. The wealthy understand and leverage them, the poor are a victim to them.



    “Content marketing is building up goodwill first”

    “You don’t want to get into a race to provide the cheapest possible product in your market”

    “If you do not disrupt, change or look for new solutions in your market you will not survive”

    “If you don’t evolve, grow and adapt you’re not going to be able to continue your business without outside disruption.”

    “Customers do not buy based on price, they buy based on value.”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com