
    Forgive Your Baggage

    en-gbDecember 21, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Practicing Self-Forgiveness for a Fresh StartAcknowledge mistakes, express remorse, and remind yourself of your inherent goodness to release guilt and make room for growth and positivity. Focus on the present and future instead of dwelling on the past.

      Forgiveness, particularly self-forgiveness, is an essential component of moving forward from past mistakes or difficult experiences. Holding onto guilt and negative emotions can weigh heavily on us, preventing us from finding peace and preventing us from focusing on the present and future. By acknowledging our mistakes, expressing remorse, and reminding ourselves of our inherent goodness, we can release the burden of guilt and make room for growth and positivity. Remember, you cannot change the past, but you can control how you respond to it and how you move forward. So, after a year filled with challenges and baggage, take a moment to practice self-forgiveness and let go of the past. Allow yourself to focus on the present and the future, and remember that you are capable of growth and positivity.

    • Incorporating positivity into daily lifeWatch daily positivity videos or visit everydaypositivity.com for resources to help maintain a positive mindset, leading to improved overall well-being.

      Incorporating positivity into your daily life can significantly improve your overall well-being. A simple yet effective way to do this is by following the "Everyday Positivity" channel on YouTube or visiting their website, everydaypositivity.com. Here, you'll find a wealth of resources, including daily videos, designed to help you maintain a positive mindset. By making this small commitment to yourself, you'll be amazed at the difference it can make in your day-to-day life. Remember, even the smallest steps can lead to big improvements. So, take a few minutes each day to tune in to some positivity and watch as it transforms your outlook on life.

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    Shout Outs and Plugs

    Website: https://leadstar.us/our-story/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angiewitkowski/

    "Bet on You: How to Win with Risk" Book: https://a.co/d/dZhaW0R

    If you have a question for the podcast call 571-336-6560 or leave a question via this Google Form.

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    Intro music provided by DJ BIGyoks. Check out his Instagram and Soundcloud channel can be found here: 



    Outro music provided by Ryan Rosemond. Check out his Soundcloud channel here: https://soundcloud.com/brothersrosemond/albums 

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    Positive Philter was selected by FeedSpot as Top 20 Positive Thinking Podcasts on the web.


    The Positive Philter Podcast is dedicated to Jeff Kirsch. A long-time supporter of the show and a major influence on this show's growth. Please support the careers of future advocates by donating to the Jeff Kirsch Fund for Anti-Hunger Advocacy. This fund was named after Jeff Kirsch for his decades of service in fighting hunger and inequality. Link to fund: https://frac.org/kirschfund