
    Coping with Dropping Balls

    en-gbOctober 22, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected mishaps during planned eventsMistakes are a natural part of life, learn from them and move forward with grace and humor.

      Life can be unpredictable and messy, even during planned events. I learned this lesson the hard way during a business trip where I was supposed to attend a spa day with clients. I was all set to wear a full bathing costume, but upon arriving at the hotel, I discovered I had only packed swimming shorts. I was mortified and embarrassed, feeling like I had let myself and my clients down. I even had a moment of self-doubt and tears. However, in that moment of vulnerability, I was able to share my mistake with a friend and we both had a good laugh about it. It served as a reminder that mistakes happen, and it's important to not let them define us or hold us back. Instead, we should learn from them and move forward with grace and humor. So, next time you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that it's okay to be human and that life's messiness is all part of the journey.

    • Embrace setbacks and learn from themLife presents challenges, but adopting a positive mindset and learning from mistakes can help us move forward and enjoy life

      Life will inevitably present us with challenges and setbacks, but it's essential to remember that we are only human and that it's okay to make mistakes. As shared in the story, even the speaker herself experienced a mishap during a spa day, but instead of dwelling on it, she chose to find the humor in the situation and move forward. This perspective not only helped her feel better but also allowed her to enjoy the rest of her day. So, the next time you encounter a setback, try to adopt a similar mindset and remember that it's all part of the messy journey called life. Embrace it, learn from it, and keep going. And, as a bonus tip, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation as the speaker, consider investing in a sports crop top for your spa day!

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    Hi everyone,
    Welcome to the Heart & Mind of a Leader show. I am happy to have you here. Please share your feedback about this topic and episode in the comments below. Thank you - Alex Kheyson

    ​Some of the main questions and points that I cover in this episode are:

    • How do we view challenging situations that we face in your lives? Are we looking at each challenge as an opportunity to grow and learn from or as something that can't be solved
    • The way we view each situation, positive or negative, affects the outcome of the outcome of that specific situation
    • Being afraid to reach out for help due to personal ego, is a big mistake that many of us make every time we need help. How can we be more open and not be afraid to ask for help?
    • Positive and optimistic outlook is the key. Getting negativity to get inside of you and keeping it in is not beneficial for our own mindset and wellbeing
    • Being in control, always remembering that each situation can be viewed from a different, a positive angle, while keeping negativity away




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    Episode 28 | Elevate Your Mind Series | Part 3: Fixed vs Growth Mindset
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    I share a study completed by Carol Dweck, a psychologist from Stanford University has performed a staggering amount of research on mindsets over the years.

    In part three of this series i talk about how we develop our mindset and how it plays a role in our success in life, how we view life and the way we respond to life.

    If this series resonates with you share on social media and tag me!

    Email: AuthenticShanta@gmail.com
    Twitter: @AuthenticTalks

    Happiness In The Unhappiness

    Happiness In The Unhappiness

    Learning to be happy in the unhappy just may be one of the most powerful things you can learn to master!  Come hang with me as we dive in to see just how you can be happy in the unhappy.

    [ 2:20 ] It’s in the moments that your unhappy, in the moments that things don't go your way, in the moments that you are not in a comfortable situation that you are pushed outside of your comfort zone.  In those moments it exposes what it is you need to re-evaluate, look at it, areas you need to grow in, different areas you need to change your mindset.

    [ 3:34 ] There is hope in the unhappiness.  Things are going to change, things will be different, there will be growth.  

    [ 7:16 ] You can stop an unhappy situation from turning into a disaster by stopping, reflecting, breathing, and seeing what it is you the parent can do to help the situation.

    [ 9:12 ] I’m not going to let this circumstance affect how I talk to my kids, how I treat to my kids or how I respond to my kids.

    [ 13:05 ] Life is going to throw things at you that you are not going to expect and that’s ok! Learn to pause in those moments of unhappiness and look inward asking yourself what part do I have, how can I grow, how can I move forward, how can I be resilient and how can I cope.  

    [ 15:08 ] Learn to focus on the positive and be happy where you are at.

    [ 17:12 ] If you allow circumstances, locations and external things to have a direct affect on whether or not you’re happy, you are probably going to be miserable 90 times out of 100. We have no control what happens on the outside but we do have control of what happens on the inside.

    [ 18:35 ] “When we resist experiences that cause us to feel unhappy we teach our children to be afraid of not only their natural human feeling but also of the natural ebb and flow of human existence.  Our children then grow up believing that unhappy feelings must be avoided at all costs. So the minute they feel uncomfortable they cant tolerate it.”  Dr. Shefali