
    Fox Ratings Crater Post-Tucker, and Lia Thomas Slams Women, with Allie Beth Stuckey, Melissa Francis, and Tatiana Siegel | Ep. 538

    enApril 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Fox News Reportedly Secretly Recorded and Leaked Tucker Carlson's Off-Air ConversationsFox News may have secretly recorded and leaked conversations between Tucker Carlson and his team, including discussions about Carlson's fans and a woman being described as 'yummy'. The implications and context of this discovery are unclear.

      The ongoing feud between Tucker Carlson and Fox News has taken a dramatic turn, with The New York Times reporting that Fox News may have secretly recorded and leaked off-air conversations between Carlson and his team. The conversations, which were obtained by The New York Times, reportedly include Carlson discussing his postmenopausal fans and describing a woman as "yummy." The implications of these conversations are unclear, and it is not clear who recorded and leaked the conversations. This incident comes after Carlson's departure from Fox News and the network's subsequent loss of viewers. The revelation is part of a larger New York Times report on a "startling discovery" made by Fox News on the eve of the Dominion trial. The full context and implications of this discovery are not yet clear.

    • Fox News execs unaware of Tucker Carlson's offensive texts before public disclosureThe revelation of Tucker Carlson's offensive texts led to his termination, but some Fox News executives weren't aware of the contents before they were made public, raising questions about transparency and accountability.

      The revelation of offensive texts sent by Tucker Carlson, which included crude and misogynistic remarks, led to his termination from Fox News. However, not all executives were aware of the contents of the messages prior to the public disclosure. Some senior executives only learned about the texts after they had been made public, raising questions about transparency and accountability within the organization. Additionally, there have been inconsistencies regarding which executive was targeted in the messages, with some reports suggesting it was Irina Briganti, the head of the comms department, while others claimed it was Suzanne Scott, the CEO of Fox News. Regardless, the use of such language in a professional setting is unacceptable, and the handling of the situation by Fox News raises concerns about their commitment to addressing workplace misconduct. The incident also highlights the power dynamics at play, with some executives seemingly shielded from accountability while others face consequences for their actions.

    • Fox News' response to internal emails with demeaning languageDespite internal emails with demeaning language towards women, Fox News took no action and continued to employ the responsible individuals, contradicting their recent public stance on women's issues.

      The email sent out about the individual at Fox News, which contained demeaning language towards her, was a company-wide attempt to undermine her position, and it was not taken seriously by the company at the time. The individual in question and other managers received the email themselves. Fox News is known for having thick-skinned employees, and the standard was never to fire someone over such incidents. The recent media coverage portraying Fox News as being on the side of women is not true based on the speaker's personal experience. An email about her was sent out, and no action was taken, yet the person responsible for it still works there. Additionally, a video obtained by the New York Times of Tucker Carlson using inappropriate language was likely recorded during normal production practices, and its release now is suspicious. The company has the right to decide who to have on their air, but the selective release of information and the hypocritical portrayal of caring about women's issues is not convincing.

    • Employers try to damage talent's reputation after departureEmployers may use tactics like public attacks, character assassination, and nondisclosure agreements to limit what talent can say or do after departure, potentially causing long-lasting damage to their professional reputation.

      In the media industry, when talent is let go, their former employers often try to damage their reputation and career to prevent them from working elsewhere and taking their audience with them. This is a common tactic used to maintain power and control over talent, even after their departure. Talent is often silenced due to contractual obligations and the fear of losing severance pay, leaving them vulnerable to public attacks and character assassination. This can result in long-lasting damage to their professional reputation. The use of nondisclosure agreements is a common tool used by employers to further limit what the talent can say or do after their departure. It's important for talent to be aware of this tactic and to consider the potential consequences before signing such agreements.

    • Tucker Carlson's absence from Fox News leads to ratings drops and industry competitionFox News struggles with ratings after Tucker Carlson's departure, and the competition capitalizes. The industry's ruthless nature may prevent Tucker and others from finding work elsewhere.

      The absence of Tucker Carlson from Fox News' 8 PM hour led to significant ratings drops, with the channel experiencing its worst ratings in the key demo since before 9/11. Fox is reportedly trying to separate Tucker from his audience to prevent him from taking them to another platform, and the competition, including CNN and MSNBC, is capitalizing on this. The industry's ruthless nature, as seen in shows like Succession, means that when talent leaves, they are often undermined or destroyed to prevent them from taking their audience elsewhere. Despite the challenges, Tucker and others in the industry have discussed the reality that they may never be able to work for anyone else again due to the high stakes and the abundance of people willing to take their place.

    • Independent thinking and honest discourseTucker Carlson's appeal comes from his independent perspective and unwillingness to be controlled or silenced, inspiring thought and conversation despite potential backlash.

      Tucker Carlson's appeal lies in his independent thinking and unwillingness to be controlled or silenced by the mainstream media or political parties. His unpredictable and original perspectives make him a compelling host, even for those who disagree with him. The recent controversy surrounding his firing from Fox News highlights the value of independent voices and the dangers of censorship and consensus in media. Despite the potential ratings bonanza that Trump's presidency brought to Fox News, the network's decision to distance itself from him has left some viewers feeling alienated. The power of honest and independent discourse, as Carlson emphasizes, lies in its ability to challenge the status quo and inspire thought and conversation.

    • Fox News' sudden termination of popular hosts sparks controversy and speculationFox News' lack of transparency in terminating popular hosts fuels suspicion and mistrust, potentially driven by business considerations and resulting in reputational and financial implications.

      The sudden termination of popular Fox News hosts without clear reasons has left their audiences feeling angry and confused, leading to leaks and speculation about the real reasons behind the decisions. Fox News, as a powerful media entity, is grappling with the financial and reputational implications of these moves, trying to protect their stock price and viewership while also dealing with the fallout from the departing hosts' fans. The lack of transparency and communication from Fox News has fueled suspicion and mistrust, with some believing that business considerations, such as potential sales or sponsorship losses, may be driving these decisions. The controversy surrounding Bill O'Reilly and Tucker Carlson's departures serves as a reminder of the power dynamics at play in the media industry and the potential consequences for both the companies and their talent.

    • Feminists using transphobic arguments to exclude trans peopleSome feminists, under the guise of feminism, use transphobic arguments to exclude trans people from women's spaces, reducing women to reproductive capacity, and manipulating situations to seem pro-woman.

      Some individuals, under the guise of feminism, are using transphobic arguments to exclude trans people from women's spaces. They reduce women to reproductive capacity, which is a highly anti-feminist viewpoint. These individuals pretend not to understand the definition of a woman, but they do. They use condescending language towards women and try to manipulate the situation, making it seem as if women are the ones in need of enlightenment. The term "transphobic" is used to label those who oppose the inclusion of trans people in women's spaces, but the speaker believes that anger, rather than fear, is the primary emotion driving this opposition. The speaker identifies as a feminist but disagrees with certain aspects of feminist ideology, particularly when it comes to the definition of a woman. She believes that women's spaces should be exclusive to women and that trans people should not be allowed in these spaces, regardless of their intentions or motivations. The speaker encourages focusing on the issue at hand, rather than defending one's stance or label.

    • Acknowledging truths about gender identity can be controversialRecognizing the importance of truth and refusing to lie, even in sensitive gender discussions, can lead to controversy but is essential for maintaining privacy, dignity, and safety for all.

      Expressing a truthful perspective on gender identity, even with the most common sense stance, can lead to being labeled as transphobic. This is true even when acknowledging the importance of maintaining sex separation in certain spaces and competitions. An example given was the controversy surrounding a boy entering a girls' locker room under the guise of being transgender. The discussion also touched upon the potential violation of women's privacy, dignity, and safety in various contexts, including prisons and domestic abuse shelters. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of truth and refusing to lie, even if it means facing name-calling and controversy.

    • Bud Light's Partnership with Dylan Mulvaney Led to Significant Sales LossesBud Light's partnership with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney resulted in a 17% decrease in sales, a 21% decrease in pours, and a 18% increase in sales for rival beers. The backlash was not just about the transgender community but a response to the company's perceived disregard for its conservative customer base.

      The partnership between Bud Light and trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney resulted in significant sales losses for the beer brand. The statistics show a 17% decrease in sales, a 21% decrease in pours, and a 18% increase in sales for rival beers. This backlash against Bud Light is not just about the transgender community, but rather a response to the company's perceived disregard for its conservative customer base. The speaker believes that Bud Light made this partnership to appeal to progressive Gen Zers or change the minds of conservative buyers, but the strategy failed. Despite the leave of absence of the marketing executive responsible for the decision, the speaker remains skeptical that Bud Light has truly learned its lesson. The speaker also raises concerns about the influence of ESG scores and human rights campaigns on corporate decision-making, suggesting that companies may prioritize these factors over their customers' preferences. Ultimately, the speaker believes that Bud Light's reputation has been negatively impacted, and it may take a long time for the brand to regain its cool factor.

    • Concerns over attention-seeking gender transitions and potential harmThere are valid concerns about individuals who transition for attention or fetishization, distorting women's identities and potentially causing harm. A deeper conversation is needed about motivations and potential negative impacts.

      There are concerns about individuals, such as Dylan Mulvaney, who are identified as transitioning for attention and potential fetishization of women and femininity. The speaker believes that Mulvaney's actions and public persona, which include dressing as a young girl and performing in a provocative manner, are a mockery of women and a distortion of what it means to be a woman. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential influence of dark forms of pornography on the phenomenon of grown men identifying as women or young girls. The speaker also mentions the case of Tara Jay, a trans TikToker who threatened violence towards those who denied her access to women's spaces. The speaker finds the situation offensive and creepy, and believes that it highlights the need for a deeper conversation about the motivations behind gender transitions and the potential harm caused by fetishization and attention-seeking behavior.

    • The Blurry Line Between Dark Pornography and Transgender AdvocacyBe aware of the potential risks of individuals who blend femininity and aggressive masculinity, and trust instincts to ensure safety. Not all transgender individuals hold such views or behave dangerously.

      The line between certain forms of dark pornography and the phenomenon of some transgender individuals advocating for access to women's spaces, including bathrooms, can be blurry. Some individuals, like Tara Jay, who have been reported to post hardcore pornography involving diapers and children's clothes, have also threatened violence against those uncomfortable with their presence. This combination of wanting to be seen as a dainty, beautiful princess and retaining aggressive masculinity can be dangerous for women and girls. It's important to trust our instincts and protect ourselves and our loved ones, as some individuals may not hesitate to use threats or violence to get what they want. The conversation around this issue is complex, and it's essential to remember that not all transgender individuals hold such views or behave in this way. However, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to ensure safety.

    • Transgender debates: personal rights vs safety concernsRespectful dialogue and empathy are essential in addressing transgender issues, balancing personal rights and safety concerns.

      The debate surrounding transgender issues, particularly regarding bathroom use and medical treatments for minors, can be emotionally charged and divisive. Some individuals hold strong beliefs that these issues are a matter of personal rights and autonomy, while others are concerned about safety and potential harm to children. The discussion highlighted the importance of respectful dialogue and acknowledging the potential for harm on both sides. The example of Montana's Zoe Zephyr illustrates the intensity of these debates and the potential for political consequences. Regardless of personal views, it's crucial to promote understanding and empathy towards all parties involved.

    • Zoe's Disruptive Behavior Leads to CensureZoe was officially censored and barred from speaking on the house floor after disrupting a legislative session, accusing lawmakers of wanting to harm children and sharing controversial content.

      The actions of a lawmaker named Zoe during a legislative session led to her being officially censored and barred from speaking on the house floor for the rest of the 2023 session. The incident began when Zoe and a group of protesters disrupted the session, accusing lawmakers of wanting to harm children due to proposed bills regarding gender-affirming healthcare. Zoe's behavior was seen as rude and offensive, and she was later found to have a controversial past, including a history of advocating for transhumanism and sharing sexualized anime content on social media. Despite her claims that the bills were causing harm and suicide among the trans community, critics argue that common sense legislation protecting minors from irreversible medical procedures is necessary. The controversy raises questions about the boundaries of free speech and appropriate behavior for lawmakers.

    • Valid concerns regarding use of puberty blockers for gender transitionCritics raise concerns over irreversible physical changes, potential health complications, ethical implications, and financial interests of pharmaceutical companies in promoting puberty blockers for gender transition. Importance of considering psychological and emotional impacts and informed consent.

      There are valid concerns regarding the use of puberty blockers for young people undergoing gender transition. Critics argue that it can lead to irreversible physical changes and potential health complications, as well as ethical questions about the long-term implications for these individuals. The debate also raises concerns about the role of pharmaceutical companies and their financial interests in promoting these treatments. The discussion also highlighted the importance of considering the potential psychological and emotional impacts on young people and the importance of informed consent. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach this complex issue with compassion, respect, and a commitment to prioritizing the best interests of these individuals.

    • NBCUniversal CEO fired, Don Lemon demoted over workplace misconduct allegationsOrganizations must take allegations seriously and conduct thorough investigations to maintain a respectful and safe workplace.

      The CEO of NBCUniversal, Jeff Shell, was recently fired following an investigation into an inappropriate workplace relationship. Meanwhile, Don Lemon, a former CNN anchor, was demoted in 2020 after an investigation into allegations of misogyny and threatening behavior towards a colleague, Keira Phillips. Lemon has denied these claims, but the demotion is seen as a clear indication of wrongdoing. The allegations against Lemon date back to 2008 and include jealousy, unwanted advances, and threatening messages. Despite CNN's denial of having any proof, the investigation led to Lemon's removal from co-anchoring duties and a demotion to weekend broadcasts. The denial from Lemon and CNN has been criticized for lacking specificity and substance. It is important for organizations to take allegations seriously and conduct thorough investigations to ensure a safe and respectful workplace.

    • Don Lemon's career in jeopardy due to misogynistic commentsDespite claiming to be a survivor and having industry support, Don Lemon's career is in peril due to multiple instances of misogynistic comments towards women, leading to a loss of high-profile partnerships and potential future employment opportunities.

      Don Lemon's career is in flux following his departure from CNN due to on-air incidents where he diminished women. Despite his claims of being a survivor and having support in the industry, the evidence is against him, with numerous instances of misogynistic comments towards female colleagues and guests. These incidents were publicly known, and the fallout included high-profile figures in media and politics distorting from working with him. The industry's response to Lemon's behavior is a clear indication that he may struggle to find employment in the future. Additionally, the power dynamics within the media industry, as seen with figures like Jeff Schell and Don Lemon, can lead to complex situations and consequences.

    • Workplace affairs: A cautionary taleHaving an affair with a subordinate in the workplace can lead to serious consequences, including potential litigation and damage to reputation. Avoid such relationships to maintain professional integrity.

      Having an affair with an underling in the workplace can lead to serious consequences, including potential litigation and damage to one's reputation. The case of Jeff Schell, the former head of CNBC, serves as a cautionary tale. Schell had an 11-year affair with an on-air personality, and when she claimed sexual harassment and discrimination, he was let go from his position. Schell, who was in a position to determine her employability, raises questions about the true consensual nature of the relationship. While Schell had fired other executives for having affairs, he continued his own with an underling, leading to hypocrisy and backlash in the Hollywood community. The lesson for men, according to the speakers, is to avoid having affairs with colleagues and instead seek relationships outside of the workplace.

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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    Fox's Post-Tucker Crisis, Harry's Media Vendetta, and Harms of Gender "Transition," with Chadwick Moore, Dr. Miriam Grossman, and Nile Gardiner | Ep. 568

    Fox's Post-Tucker Crisis, Harry's Media Vendetta, and Harms of Gender "Transition," with Chadwick Moore, Dr. Miriam Grossman, and Nile Gardiner | Ep. 568

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Chadwick Moore, author of the forthcoming book "Tucker," to talk about Tucker Carlson's first Twitter "episode" dropping this week, what we're learning about the leaks targeting him, the latest battle in his war with Fox News, Fox's terrible ratings continuing, Moore's ban from Fox, what may have been behind Fox's decision to take Tucker Carlson off the air, and more. Then Nile Gardiner of the Heritage Foundation joins to discuss their lawsuit looking into whether Prince Harry got preferential treatment from the U.S. government when he moved to America, if he disclosed his past drug use, Prince Harry's vendetta against the media, never taking responsibility and the arrogance of Harry and Meghan, blaming the tabloids and the Royal family for everything, Finally Dr. Miriam Grossman, author of the forthcoming book "Lost in Trans Nation," joins to talk about the massive increase in kids identifying as trans, how parents can be prepared, Dr. Grossman mission to provide parents the tools to stop the insanity, the devastating emotional impact on kids and parents, the long-term ramifications of these medical interventions, the capture of medical institutions, a lack of "medical consensus" on puberty blockers, horrifying stories of gender mutilation, whether it's polite to use pronouns, and more.

    Moore: https://www.tuckerthebook.com

    Gardiner: https://twitter.com/NileGardiner
    Grossman: https://www.miriamgrossmanmd.com


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    Tucker Carlson's Controversial Career and Fiery Exit from Fox News

    Tucker Carlson's Controversial Career and Fiery Exit from Fox News

    Spicy episode alert! We're talking about the firing of Fox News superstar anchor, Tucker Carlson! This guy had no shortage of drama to review but we tried to highlight some of the most risque moments of his career, that ultimately had Fox saying "YA FIRED".

    We cover Tucker's private school artistic upbringing, his brief stint with CNN, his really healthy relationship with the ladies, and of course his "will they - won't they" relationship with Trump. The story focuses on the main victim of the entire story, the sales managers at Dominion Voting who had to completely adjust their sales forecasts after Tucker and the Fox News anchors targeted the voting systems for their election conspiracy theories. 

    Meanwhile, Laura has a spray tan and gets progressively more tan through the episode so don't forget to check out our Youtube and follow us @risquebusinessnews @mae_planert and @laurasogar