
    From the Vault: Like a Circle in a Spiral, Part 2

    enDecember 18, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Integrating Podcasts into Daily Life with TechnologyTechnology companies like AT&T and Intel enable seamless podcast integration, transforming news and commute into engaging experiences, offering diverse perspectives, and using AI for more integrated and accessible experiences.

      Technology and podcasts are interconnected in various aspects of our daily lives. AT&T, through its innovative offerings, enables us to seamlessly integrate podcasts into our routines. From waking up to the news or a favorite podcast with the alarm, to changing the commute into an engaging learning experience with podcasts, technology companies like AT&T and Intel are leading the way in transforming the way we consume information. Furthermore, podcasts offer diverse perspectives and topics, allowing us to broaden our horizons and change our perspectives. The future of technology is promising, and with the help of AI and innovative companies, we can look forward to even more integrated and accessible experiences. So, next time you're getting ready for the day, consider starting with a podcast, and see how it can change your perspective.

    • Exploring the spiritual significance of Sufi WhirlingSufi Whirling, a monotonous yet captivating dance from Sufi Islam, symbolizes denial of desires and pursuit of spiritual enlightenment through repetitive turning.

      Music and dance, particularly the Sufi Whirling practice, can provide a calming and circular feeling, contributing to a good day and offering a unique and beautiful experience. Sufi Whirling is a monotonous yet captivating dance originating from Sufi Islam, a mystical branch of Islam where practitioners seek divine love and knowledge through direct experience. The dance involves repetitive turning, symbolizing the denial of physical or psychological desires and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. The Persian poet Rumi, a Sufi mystic, inspired the Mevlevi order, an organization of whirling dervishes who sought to experience God through elaborate rituals of dance and music. This practice demonstrates the power of individual experiences and practices in various religions, including Islam and Christianity, to facilitate a deeper connection with the divine.

    • Sufi Whirling Dance: Beyond a Visual PerformanceThe Sufi Whirling Dance is a spiritual practice that involves hours of continuous spinning to reach a meditative state, leading to potential structural changes in the brain.

      The Sufi whirling dance, a key part of the sema ceremony, is more than just a visually impressive performance. It represents the ego's shroud and leads to a meditative experience for the dancers. The physical act of whirling for hours without experiencing dizziness is a testament to their dedication and training. Research suggests that this prolonged whirling may even lead to structural changes in the cortex, allowing the dervishes to overcome vertigo and maintain focus. The dance is a unique blend of the religious, symbolic, psychological, and physiological, creating a profound and transformative experience.

    • Connection between Vestibular System and Default Mode NetworkLong-term meditation practice can lead to structural changes in the Default Mode Network, decreasing its activity, suggesting meditation as a means to exert control over the brain at rest. Activities like yoga, dance, and even jogging can induce a meditative state by engaging both the mind and body.

      The vestibular system, which contributes to our sense of balance and space perception, is connected to the default mode network (DMN), a neural network associated with self-referential thinking and introspection. Studies suggest that long-term meditation practice can lead to structural changes in the DMN and decreased activity, implying meditation as a way to exert control over the brain at rest. Physical activities that require mental engagement, like yoga or dance, may induce a meditative state, making the mind-body connection crucial for achieving a meditative state. However, even activities like jogging, which engage the body, can present mental challenges and lead to a sense of fulfillment or frustration depending on the individual's perception.

    • Our perception of ourselves and others changes based on transportation modeUsing different modes of transportation can alter our body schema and impact how we view others, with cars making us feel bigger and more powerful, potentially leading to less empathy towards individuals.

      That our perception of ourselves and others can change significantly based on the mode of transportation we use. When we're in a car, our body schema updates to include the vehicle, making us feel bigger and potentially leading us to view people as obstacles rather than individuals. This separation can be attributed to the rules of control and speed associated with driving. For instance, when we run, we may have a different relationship to others due to the faster pace and feeling of power. Furthermore, a product like Astepro's fast-acting nasal allergy spray was introduced, providing relief from symptoms in just 30 minutes, making it a game-changer for allergy sufferers. Overall, the discussion emphasized how various factors, including transportation and health, can influence our interactions with the world and others.

    • Study shows brain changes from Sufi whirlingExperienced Sufi whirling dervishes had increased cortical thickness in brain hemispheres, suggesting neuroplasticity and potential benefits for mood and vertigo therapy.

      The ancient practice of Sufi whirling, a form of meditation involving rhythmic spinning, leads to structural changes in the brain. A recent study using MRI scans compared the cortical thickness of experienced Sufi whirling dervishes to a control group. The results showed an average difference of 0.10 millimeters for the left hemisphere and 0.15 millimeters for the right hemisphere. These changes suggest neuroplasticity, which could have implications for vertigo therapy and mood enhancement. The study also theorizes that the suppression of certain cortical areas could lead to decreased selfish behavior, increased happiness, and potential neuroprotection against conditions like Alzheimer's. Overall, the study highlights the potential benefits of regular meditation practices on brain structure and function. However, it's important to remember that while these findings are intriguing, they don't definitively prove these outcomes yet. Further research is needed to confirm these theories.

    • Exploring the Visual Allure of Sufi WhirlingSufi Whirling offers a spiritual experience for participants and visually mesmerizing performance for observers through hypnotic, counterintuitive movements of dancers' skirts caused by centripetal force and fabric flow.

      The practice of Sufi Whirling goes beyond just a spiritual experience for the participants; it also offers a visually mesmerizing performance for outside observers. The hypnotic patterns created by the movement of the dancers' skirts, which represent the ego, are caused by the centripetal force of the rotation and the material flow of the fabric. These counterintuitive movements, which seem to defy physics, add to the soothing rhythm and create a captivating visual experience. This is just another layer to the rich cultural tradition of Sufi Whirling.

    • The Coriolis force influences various systems, from dancers' skirts to weather patternsThe Coriolis force, a result of a system's rotation, shapes patterns in diverse contexts, such as dancers' skirts and weather patterns, by causing deflections in motion.

      The Coriolis force plays a significant role in shaping patterns of movement, even in seemingly unrelated contexts such as the fabric of a dancer's skirt or weather patterns in the Earth's atmosphere. This force, which arises due to the rotation of a system, causes objects in motion to be deflected in a predictable way. The study of these skirt-like solutions in free-flowing, nearly symmetrical cones found that Coriolis forces are essential in establishing these patterns. The analogy of playing catch on a merry-go-round helps illustrate this concept. In larger systems like the Earth, these forces cause fluids to form distinct patterns based on hemisphere. The authors of the study even developed equations to describe these effects in free-flowing conical materials. This research adds to our understanding of the intricate mathematical patterns underlying natural phenomena.

    • Exploring the Future of AI with IntelInvesting in AI research and understanding its capabilities can lead to groundbreaking advancements, just like how training improves performance in the dizzy bat race.

      The future will be shaped by artificial intelligence, and Intel is at the forefront of implementing it in various industries. The unpredictability of AI's potential is comparable to the untrained performance in the dizzy bat race, but just like how training could improve one's ability in the race, investing in research and understanding AI's capabilities can lead to groundbreaking advancements. Meanwhile, in a lighter note, the discussion also touched upon the impromptu competition of the dizzy bat race and how training could potentially enhance one's performance. This concept can be related to the world of professional wrestling, where training and preparation are essential to excel in the ring. Overall, the future of technology and the potential of AI are worth exploring, and Intel's Technically Speaking podcast is a great resource to stay informed.

    • Professional wrestling moves: More than just causing dizzinessRegular use of spinning moves in wrestling can make performers less susceptible to dizziness and give them an advantage in matches. Opponents can also train to minimize the effectiveness of these moves.

      Spinning moves in professional wrestling, such as the airplane spin and giant swing, are not just for causing dizziness to opponents, but also for gaining an advantage in the match. These moves, when used regularly by a wrestler, can make them less susceptible to the effects of dizziness, allowing them to better utilize the moves against their opponents. Conversely, opponents can train and prepare to make the spinning moves less effective against them. Cesaro, a professional wrestler known for his use of spinning moves, even participated in a dizzy bat competition and performed impressively despite the unscientific nature of the event. This adds an interesting layer to the strategy and psychology of professional wrestling matches.

    • Exploring the connection between spinning practices in wrestling and danceCesaro's win in the dizzy bat competition raises questions about potential benefits of spinning practices in wrestling and dance, while extreme spinning can be dangerous due to redistribution of blood flow and potential loss of consciousness.

      The ability to endure and excel in high-spin activities, such as the dizzy bat competition or professional wrestling moves, could potentially be linked to performance in professional dance. Cesaro's victory in the competition, despite having only two competitors, raises questions about the potential benefits of spinning practices in wrestling and dance. The discussion also touched upon the potential dangers of extreme spinning, such as those depicted in a Simpsons episode where characters were strapped to airplane propellers, which could be fatal due to the redistribution of blood flow and potential loss of consciousness. Additionally, the conversation explored the possibility of famous wrestlers having dance backgrounds. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding the effects of g forces on the body, particularly in relation to blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain.

    • The Impact of Experiences on Brain ProcessingExperiences, whether from movies, video games, or physical activities, can influence brain processing and adaptation to new situations.

      Our experiences, whether it's from watching movies, playing video games, or engaging in physical activities like dancing or Sufi whirling, can have an impact on how our brains process information and adapt to new situations. For instance, the high G-forces in flight simulators or extreme activities can cause the screen to go black or red, simulating the sensation of losing consciousness. Similarly, practices like Sufi whirling or dance can train the brain to adapt to spinning and disorientation. The speaker shared his personal experiences with watching movies like "Firefox" and "Firebirds," which both involve high-speed planes and disorienting experiences, and how they influenced him. He also mentioned how video games and flight simulators can prepare pilots for the physical challenges of flying. Overall, the discussion highlights the connection between various experiences and their impact on our brains.

    • Affordable options for wireless services and entertainmentVisible offers $25/month unlimited 5G data, Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides an authentic black community perspective, Xumo Play offers free streaming with no logins, and Ebay Motors provides affordable car parts with guaranteed fit

      There are new and affordable options available for both wireless services and entertainment. Visible offers a transparent and affordable wireless plan with unlimited 5G data for just $25 a month, while Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily provides an authentic perspective on the black community in Detroit. Additionally, Xumo Play offers free streaming of over 350 live channels, movies, and TV series with no logins or sign-ups required. Lastly, Ebay Motors provides a wide range of car parts and accessories at affordable prices with a guaranteed fit, allowing individuals to keep their old vehicles running without breaking the bank. These companies and services are revolutionizing their industries by offering transparent pricing, high-quality products, and convenience.

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    This is a paid advertisement from IBM. The conversations on this podcast don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

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