
    Future-Proof Your Body by Practicing Good Posture

    enAugust 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Good Posture for Alleviating Body PainsUnderstanding and addressing the four components of the body - skin, muscle, bone, and fascia - is crucial for effectively combating common ailments and achieving holistic healing.

      Having good posture is crucial for preventing and alleviating bodily pains. Vinh Pham, a physical therapist, emphasizes that poor posture is often the source of common ailments such as knee pain, hip tightness, and backaches. He believes that the key to tackling these issues lies in understanding and addressing the four components of the body: skin, muscle, bone, and fascia. Unlike traditional approaches that focus only on one domain, Vinh takes a comprehensive and integrative approach to physical therapy. He suggests that strengthening and stretching the muscles is not enough; one must also consider joint manipulations, massage therapy, and even proper phone usage to combat problems like "tech neck." By diversifying his training and learning from various professionals, Vinh has developed a unique and holistic approach to healing, which he calls "mixed martial rehab."

    • The Impact of Prolonged Sitting and Physical Inactivity During the Pandemic on Back and Neck PainAddressing poor posture and strengthening weakened muscles are essential in physical therapy to effectively alleviate pain and prevent future issues caused by prolonged sitting and physical inactivity.

      Prolonged sitting and physical inactivity during the pandemic have led to an increase in back pain and neck pain. People sitting for an average of 17 hours a day, combined with poor ergonomic setups at home, have exacerbated these issues. Vinh Pham emphasizes the importance of posture assessment in physical therapy, comparing it to finding the source of a water leak. Just like cleaning up water on the floor is not enough if the source of the leak is not addressed, simply treating the pain without addressing poor posture will not provide long-term solutions. By addressing posture and strengthening weakened muscles, physical therapists can effectively alleviate pain and prevent future issues. It is crucial to recognize the impact of sedentary lifestyles and prioritize maintaining good posture and regular physical activity for overall well-being.

    • The Body's Interconnectedness and the Role of Posture in Preventing InjuriesAddressing imbalances and issues in the body, such as poor posture, is crucial for pain relief and injury prevention.

      The body is interconnected and compensates for imbalances and weaknesses. Just like in a group project, if one person does most of the work, they experience the most stress and trauma. Similarly, if one part of the body is overworked or not functioning properly, other parts may have to compensate and take on more load, leading to issues and injuries. Posture plays a significant role in how the body functions, and spending prolonged periods in a certain position can affect the alignment of the body. This can result in tightness, imbalances, and even injuries during exercises. Therefore, it is essential to address the underlying issues and imbalances in order to alleviate pain and prevent further complications.

    • The Importance of Good Posture for Physical HealthMaintaining good posture is essential for preventing shoulder, neck, and back pain by aligning the spine and hips. Avoiding "tech neck" and adopting proper sitting and standing techniques can improve posture and overall well-being.

      Maintaining good posture is crucial for overall physical health and preventing various issues such as shoulder, neck, and back pain. Bad posture, characterized by rounded shoulders and a forward head position, can negatively impact the alignment of the thoracic spine and hips, leading to discomfort and compensation patterns in daily activities such as walking or running. Additionally, the prevalence of "tech neck" from constantly looking down at smartphones further contributes to poor posture and its associated problems. Good posture, on the other hand, is not about maintaining a rigid, military-like position, but rather about effortless and dynamic movement. By focusing on realigning the thoracic spine and practicing proper sitting and standing techniques, individuals can improve their posture and avoid related complications.

    • Maintaining Good Posture for a Pain-Free and Healthy BodyDeveloping good posture through awareness and proper alignment can prevent pain and health issues, and requires effort and consistency like training for athletes or gymnasts.

      Good posture is essential for maintaining a pain-free and healthy body. It involves being aware of your body alignment, such as sitting at a 90 to 110 degree angle with eyes looking forward, having your head in line with your shoulders, and avoiding rounding of the shoulders or poking out the chin. Additionally, it is important to ensure that your elbows are at a 90-degree angle and your feet are making contact with the ground. Over time, through training and awareness, one can gradually improve their posture and strive for the ideal of sitting up straight. Taking simple steps like rolling back your shoulders and being mindful of wrist positioning can make a significant difference in preventing issues like carpal tunnel or tennis elbow. Developing good posture requires effort and consistency, just like training for athletes or gymnasts.

    • Finding the Right Balance for Optimal Health and PerformanceMaintaining proper posture, alternating between sitting and standing every 30 minutes, and incorporating regular movement is essential for preventing discomfort and improving overall well-being.

      Maintaining proper posture and incorporating regular movement throughout the day is crucial for overall health and performance. Sitting for extended periods can lead to issues like tennis elbow and hip stiffness, while standing all day can also create imbalances and slouching tendencies. The ideal ratio is to alternate between sitting and standing every 30 minutes, aiming for a maximum of four hours sitting and four hours walking in an eight-hour workday. Movement is essential for maintaining hip extension, which is important for various activities including sports and walking. Remember, the key is to find a balance between sitting, standing, and regular movement to prevent discomfort and improve overall well-being.

    • Maintaining Good Posture: Tips for Sitting, Standing, and Using Devices.Alternate between sitting and standing at a standing desk, use a footrest or stack of books to level the pelvis, position a bottle of water or a lumbar support at a sitting desk, hold smartphones at eye level, and use two hands to prevent wrist and thumb pain.

      Maintaining good posture is essential for both standing and sitting positions. When using a standing desk, it is important to alternate between sitting and standing, while keeping your pelvis level and maintaining a comfortable posture. Using a stack of books or a footrest can help level the pelvis and prevent slouching. When using a sitting desk, placing a bottle of water or a lumbar support at the back of the chair can prevent rolling of the pelvis and slouching. Additionally, when using smartphones or tablets, it is recommended to hold the device at eye level to avoid "tech neck" and periodically do chin tucks or neck exercises to relieve strain. Using two hands to hold and type on your phone can also prevent wrist and thumb pain.

    • The importance of good posture and mobility for our bodies.By practicing good posture, reducing phone usage, and incorporating mobility exercises, we can improve our physical well-being and prevent restrictions caused by tight fascia.

      Practicing good posture and staying mobile is essential for future-proofing our bodies. Using our phones less and incorporating mobility exercises into our daily routine can help correct years of bad posture and improve our overall physical well-being. Mobility and flexibility are different concepts, with mobility referring to the range of movement controlled by our muscles, while flexibility measures the full range of motion possible, including with the help of external force. Fascia, the wrapping that separates muscles and provides structure, plays a crucial role in mobility. By keeping our fascia loose and unwinding it through movement, we can maintain flexibility and prevent restrictions caused by tight fascia. One simple exercise to correct tech neck and neck issues is the chin tuck, where we retract our chin and create a "double chin" position.

    • Incorporating Simple Movements for Improved Flexibility and Alleviating TightnessAdding quick exercises throughout the day, such as neck stretches, thoracic spine rotations, and split stance for tightness can enhance flexibility and overall well-being.

      Incorporating simple movements throughout the day can improve flexibility and alleviate tightness in different parts of the body. For the neck, stretching the top part by doing a full range of motion with a two to three second hold, repeated five times, can be beneficial. To open up tight shoulders, targeting the thoracic spine is important. One exercise involves sitting down, extending the arms in a cross position, and rotating the palms towards the back wall to lift the thoracic spine. Similarly, for tight hips, standing up and going into a split stance can help alleviate the tightness. These movements act as "movement snacks" that can be done easily throughout the day to fulfill the body's need for movement.

    • Simple movements and stretches to relieve discomfort and promote flexibility.Incorporating hip flexor stretches and targeting the hips can alleviate tightness, relieve lower back pain, and promote overall mobility and productivity throughout the day.

      Incorporating simple movements and stretches into your routine can help alleviate discomfort and promote flexibility. By focusing on the hip flexors, you can address both calf and front hip flexor tightness. Shifting your weight forward and back while reaching for the ceiling with one hand can provide a deep stretch in these areas. Additionally, for lower back pain, targeting the hips can be beneficial. Pushing your glute away from you while reaching towards the opposite wall can relieve tension in the glutes and promote hip mobility. These movements can be easily done during short breaks throughout the day, allowing you to take care of your body and maintain productivity.

    • Incorporating Simple Movements for Better PostureBy dedicating a few minutes each day to simple movements and exercises, you can improve your posture and prevent future issues. Make it a regular routine to experience long-term benefits.

      Taking care of your body and preventing issues related to bad posture doesn't require a significant time commitment. You can incorporate simple movements and corrective exercises throughout your day, even if it's just for a few minutes at a time. However, if you want to go a step further and work on future-proofing your body, you can set aside 15 minutes after a workout to do a routine of exercises that can be found in Vinh Pham's book. Foam rolling is also a beneficial warm-up option. The important aspect is to make these practices a part of your routine, just like brushing your teeth or showering daily, in order to see long-term benefits.

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    • The Yoga Teachers College offers master-level training for those looking to build a career as yoga professionals. Our trainees benefit from the best of modern learning technology combined with old school apprenticeship. Graduates walk away with the skills, confidence and experience needed to become not just teachers, but community and business leaders as well.

      Whether your goal is to teach part time locally, travel and lead workshops internationally, or to open your own studios, The Yoga Teachers College will support your career every step of the way.

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