
    Gabbi Tuft: Transition and Transformation

    enNovember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Improve your smile and home with Bite Clear Aligners and ThumbtackAffordably improve your smile with doctor-directed Bite Clear Aligners and simplify home projects with Thumbtack's local professionals

      There are convenient solutions for improving aspects of your life, whether it's achieving a beautiful smile with Bite Clear Aligners or managing home projects with Thumbtack. Bite Clear Aligners offer an affordable, doctor-directed option for orthodontic treatment, with impressions kits available for just $14.95 and financing options. Thumbtack simplifies home improvement projects by connecting users with highly rated local professionals, making it easier to tackle tasks and keep up with home maintenance. Additionally, Bonnie's podcast, Dumb Blonde, showcases individuals like Gabby Tuft who are true to themselves and share their stories, providing inspiration and a fresh perspective. Embrace the journey of self-improvement and tackling unfinished projects with confidence.

    • Childhood experiences shaped the speaker's resilience and determinationThe speaker's childhood, filled with cherished family memories and a strong work ethic, instilled in her the ability to bounce back from setbacks and shaped her interests

      The speaker's childhood experiences shaped her resilience and determination, as evidenced by her learning to ride a bike without protective gear and her family's emphasis on spending quality time together. The speaker grew up in Sebastopol, California, with parents who prioritized family time over career advancement, leading to cherished memories of fishing, water skiing, and vacationing together. These experiences instilled in the speaker a strong work ethic and the ability to bounce back from setbacks, as demonstrated by her story of learning to ride a bike despite crashing and getting back up to try again. The speaker's upbringing also influenced her interests, as she has been drawn to "witchy shirts" since childhood. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of family and the formative impact of childhood experiences on personal development.

    • Childhood experiences shape identitiesChildhood experiences, whether positive or negative, can significantly impact our self-understanding and identity development.

      Childhood experiences, even those involving discipline or exploration of identity, can shape us significantly. The speaker shared an experience of being scolded for using inappropriate language and the fear of getting caught in trying on his mother's clothes. He grew up in a time without extensive technology or resources for understanding sexuality, leading to years of hiding his feelings. Despite the fear of being discovered, he had a strong desire for self-expression through toys and clothing. He kept his struggles a secret until he was ready to transition. The experience of growing up with limited understanding and fear of judgment left a deep impact on him. Childhood experiences, whether they involve discipline, exploration, or secrecy, can shape our identities and influence us profoundly.

    • Childhood experiences of ostracism and bullying may have influenced a past life desire to transitionDespite past struggles with identity and acceptance, the speaker encourages everyone to love and accept themselves, embracing their unique identity and experiences.

      The speaker shares a deeply buried past of feeling ostracized and bullied for not conforming to masculine norms during his childhood. He believes that these experiences may have contributed to his desire to transition into a woman in a potential past life. The speaker also reflects on the challenges of transitioning later in life, accepting the limitations of physical changes, and embracing his identity. Despite the difficulties, he encourages everyone to love and accept themselves, no matter their circumstances. The speaker also discusses his experiences as a sensitive and sexual being, and how these aspects of his identity have evolved throughout his life.

    • Experiences and desires in sexual relationships evolvePeople's sexual desires and experiences can shift over time, emphasizing the importance of considering personal needs and seeking meaningful connections.

      People's experiences and desires regarding sexual relationships can change significantly over time. The speaker shares her past experiences of casual hookups and using dating apps, which were often disappointing or uncomfortable. She contrasts this with her current desire for a meaningful connection with a partner. The speaker also shares an unexpected experience during one of her earliest hookups, which further emphasized the importance of compatibility and comfort in sexual relationships. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of considering one's own needs and desires when it comes to sexual relationships, and the potential for growth and change in this area of life.

    • Honesty and communication in sexual encountersBeing honest and communicative in sexual encounters leads to more authentic experiences, even if past dishonesty requires admission and apology.

      Honesty and communication are crucial in sexual encounters. The speaker shares an experience where she was dishonest about her sexual history, leading her partner to lie in return. However, when she finally revealed the truth, they were able to move past the deception and have a more authentic experience. Additionally, the speaker expresses her preference for being a bottom in sexual encounters, seeking the female experience after years of being the dominant partner. The encounter also highlights the importance of being open-minded and adaptable, as the speaker discovered that her partner's preference was different from what she had assumed. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of honesty, communication, and flexibility in sexual relationships.

    • Exploring Femininity and Sexuality Later in LifeDespite encountering dehumanizing experiences with men, the speaker learned to analyze and process them, ultimately understanding her desires and preferences.

      The speaker shares her experiences of exploring her femininity and sexuality later in life, which involved encounters with men who treated her as an object. The first man, after giving her a hormone therapy shot, made her feel used and dehumanized. The second man, a self-proclaimed "bad boy," promised to treat her roughly, which she found exciting and reminiscent of her teenage years. Despite these experiences, she learned to analyze and process them, ultimately understanding her desires and preferences. She also shared her preference for being with masculine men and her discomfort with gay men, emphasizing her personal preference. The speaker's experiences were intense and compressed, but she gained valuable insights about herself during this period.

    • Understanding complexities of human relationships and desires through unconventional experiencesGaining new perspectives and empathy by learning from uncomfortable experiences, even if they involve power dynamics and consent issues.

      Our experiences, no matter how unconventional or uncomfortable they may be, can provide valuable insights and understanding. In the discussed encounter, the speaker learned about consent, power dynamics, and the desire for affirmation from a man who used him as an object for his own pleasure. Although the situation was far from ideal, the speaker gained a new perspective on the experiences of women and the importance of being affirmed. Despite the physical pain and emotional distress, he found pleasure in being used and abused, desiring the validation from someone else. This encounter helped him develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the complexities of human relationships and desires.

    • Exploring Different Aspects of SexualityEmbrace individuality, explore different aspects of sexuality in a consensual and healthy manner, and prioritize open communication and consent.

      Everyone's experiences and preferences when it comes to sex and relationships can be vastly different. The speaker in this conversation shares her experiences of having partners with varying levels of dominance and how she enjoys the excitement and intensity that comes with it. She also talks about her past experiences of being bullied and how she found confidence through weightlifting, leading her to pursue a career in personal training. The conversation also touches upon the importance of open communication and consent in sexual experiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of embracing individuality and exploring different aspects of sexuality in a consensual and healthy manner.

    • Dedication and openness to new experiences can lead to unexpected opportunities and successStay dedicated to your goals, be open to new experiences, and having a deep connection to your reasons for pursuing them can lead to unexpected opportunities and success in any field.

      No matter what field of study or passion one may have, following through and having a strong drive towards one's goals can lead to unexpected opportunities and success. The speaker, who studied hydrology and structure but became a licensed sports nutritionist and CPT, shared how her dedication to helping people transform their lives through fitness led her to discover her true calling. She also emphasized the importance of having role models and being open to new experiences, as these can lead to unexpected opportunities, such as her unexpected journey into the world of wrestling. Additionally, she highlighted the significance of having a deep connection to one's goals and reasons for pursuing them, as this can provide the necessary motivation to see them through, no matter the challenges.

    • A deep connection before datingFriendship based on mutual understanding and respect can lead to a strong and enduring relationship.

      The speaker and his partner had a deep connection that spanned over many years, even before they started dating. They found comfort in each other's company and developed a strong friendship based on mutual understanding and respect. The speaker shared various anecdotes from their past, including a memorable encounter where he had to win over the partner's father. Despite the challenges, they remained friends, and when they finally started dating, they honored the partner's religious commitment and waited until her wedding day to kiss. Their relationship was built on a foundation of trust, respect, and mutual admiration, which made it strong and enduring.

    • Lessons from a Ruthless MentorDespite initial dislike, learned valuable business lessons from a tough mentor who built an empire by being ruthless and intolerant of inefficiency.

      The speaker learned valuable business lessons from a difficult mentor, despite their initial dislike for him. Vince McMahon, though perceived as cold and uncaring, built an empire by being ruthless and intolerant of inefficiency. The speaker, who went from being an unexpected WWE recruit to a successful wrestler, struggled with the fear of not living up to expectations but ultimately found joy in controlling the crowd's energy and being in the spotlight. Despite the challenges, the speaker came to appreciate the experience and would even thank McMahon for the lessons learned.

    • Behind the Scenes of Professional Wrestling: Long Hours and Financial SacrificesProfessional wrestling requires significant financial sacrifices and long hours on the road, often leaving little time for personal life and family.

      Despite appearances, the life of a professional wrestler involves significant financial sacrifices and long hours on the road, leaving little time for personal life and family. The speaker, a former wrestler, shares his experience of working for WWE from 2008 to 2012, during which he and his partner split hotel and travel costs while WWE covered only their flights. The rigorous schedule involved traveling long distances between shows and tapings, leaving only brief moments at home with the family. The speaker ultimately decided to quit after the birth of his daughter, who he couldn't bear to leave behind. He credits his father's influence for the value he placed on family, and is grateful for his decision to prioritize it over his wrestling career.

    • Unexpected experiences can lead to valuable lessons and new opportunitiesLiving authentically, embracing vulnerability, resilience, determination, helping others, and learning from past mistakes can lead to personal growth and success.

      Unexpected experiences, even those that may initially be embarrassing or disappointing, can lead to valuable lessons and new opportunities. The couple in this story discovered they were unintentionally entertaining the entire cruise ship with their loud honeymoon activities. Mortified at first, they eventually realized that everyone's reactions were a reminder of the importance of living authentically and embracing vulnerability. Another significant takeaway is the power of resilience and determination in the face of adversity. The speaker shared her experience of quitting wrestling and starting a business, which came with numerous challenges and setbacks. Despite the difficulties, she persisted and eventually found success with her fitness ebook, Body Spartan. Furthermore, the story underscores the importance of helping others and learning from past mistakes. The speaker shared a deeply emotional story about her brother's addiction and suicide, and how she carried the guilt of not being able to help him for years. This experience ultimately inspired her to help people through her fitness ebook and turn her tragedy into something positive.

    • Suppressed desires resurface during transitionSelf-acceptance and open communication are crucial during gender transition, allowing individuals to express themselves authentically and strengthen relationships.

      Transitioning later in life can bring up unexpected desires and feelings from the past. Gabby shares her experience of suppressing her feminine side as a child, only for it to resurface in her mid-30s. She describes feeling a strong desire to wear female clothing and experience being feminine again. However, she was hesitant to express this side of herself to her partner due to societal stigmas and her own internalized beliefs about masculinity. One night, under the influence of alcohol, Gabby asked her partner to wear her panties for them during sex. This experience brought her a sense of fulfillment and connection to her past, but it also marked the beginning of her journey towards transitioning. It's important to note that everyone's experience with gender identity is unique, and there is no right or wrong way to express oneself. Gabby's story highlights the importance of self-acceptance and open communication in relationships.

    • Exploring Personal Identity and ConnectionExploring personal experiences and desires can lead to deeper connections and personal growth. It's essential to approach these topics with empathy and understanding.

      Everyone has unique experiences and desires, and exploring these aspects of ourselves can lead to deeper connections and personal growth. The speaker shares an experience of finding comfort and connection through wearing women's clothing, which he describes as feeling right and comforting, rather than a sexual fetish. He emphasizes that it was a safe and secretive practice, allowing him to express a side of himself that he had suppressed as a child. The conversations that emerged during this exploration were emotional and deep, leading to a greater understanding and appreciation of each other's feelings and perspectives. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's essential to approach these topics with empathy and understanding.

    • Authenticity and communication in relationshipsBeing true to oneself and communicating openly can lead to stronger, more authentic relationships, while hiding one's identity and suppressing desires can lead to disconnect and potential end of the relationship.

      Authenticity and communication are key components in maintaining healthy relationships. The speaker shared their experience of hiding their true identity from their spouse, leading to a disconnect and eventual end of their marriage. They also discussed the importance of understanding and respecting one's partner's desires and boundaries. The conversation also touched upon the importance of self-acceptance and the potential consequences of suppressing one's true self. The speaker's experience of struggling with their identity and the impact it had on their personal and professional life highlights the importance of being true to oneself and the potential challenges that come with it. It's important to remember that open communication and understanding can help navigate these challenges and lead to stronger, more authentic relationships.

    • Embracing Identity: A Lifelong Learning ProcessSelf-discovery, courage, and love are essential for embracing one's identity, even amidst societal expectations and deep-rooted shame.

      Becoming oneself is a lifelong learning process, even when it involves overcoming deep-rooted shame and societal expectations. The speaker shares her personal experience of discovering her true identity as a woman, which led to a profound moment of realization and ultimately, a suicidal thought. She expresses the challenges she faced during her transition, including the emotional turmoil it caused for herself and her spouse. Despite the difficulties, she found the strength to come out to her wife and share her truth, leading to a transformative moment of acceptance and love. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of self-discovery, the courage it takes to embrace one's identity, and the power of love and support in the face of adversity.

    • Friend's mother's surprise call boosted speaker's courageReceiving support from loved ones during transition can make a significant difference in the experience.

      Having the support of loved ones during the transition process can be a game-changer. The speaker shared her experience of receiving a surprising call from a friend's mother who knew about her plans to transition before she did, and how this revelation gave her the courage to start her journey. She also spoke about her fear of telling her own parents and how she wrote them a letter to break the news. The reaction from her parents was one of full support, which made a significant difference in her experience. It's essential to remember that every person's journey is unique, and the support and acceptance of loved ones can play a crucial role in navigating the challenges of transitioning.

    • A Personal Journey of Self-Discovery and TransitionSelf-confidence and understanding personal needs are crucial during the transition process. While the experience can be emotional, having the support of loved ones can bring relief and acceptance.

      Transitioning can be a personal and unique experience, with varying paths and challenges. Gabby, a trans woman, shared her journey of realizing her identity and starting hormone therapy at the age of 41. She emphasized the ease of the process, as she didn't require therapy or extensive red tape to begin her transition. Gabby's story highlights the importance of self-confidence and understanding one's own needs. However, she also acknowledged the emotional rollercoaster that comes with hormone therapy and the support of loved ones during this time. Ultimately, her transition brought about a sense of relief and acceptance, allowing her to live authentically.

    • Impact of societal norms on men's mental healthSocietal norms around masculinity can negatively affect men's mental health, potentially leading to health issues like stress, high blood pressure, and even early death. It's crucial to address men's mental health and create safe spaces for open conversations.

      Societal norms around masculinity can negatively impact men's mental health, potentially leading to stress, high blood pressure, and even early death. The speaker shares his personal experience with hormone therapy and its effects on emotional and physical changes, emphasizing that bone structure cannot be altered through hormones. He also addresses the importance of addressing men's mental health and creating safe spaces for men to discuss their feelings. The conversation also touches upon the misconceptions about hormone therapy and its effects on body structure and features. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of breaking down gender stereotypes and fostering open conversations around mental health and gender identity.

    • Mistaken for a man, questioning identityDespite external validation, self-acceptance and belief in oneself is crucial for a successful transition journey.

      Transitioning and trying to blend in as a woman can be a challenging experience filled with moments of self-doubt and fear of being discovered. The speaker shares an experience where she was mistaken for a man in public, which shattered her illusion of blending in seamlessly. This moment of realization was a harsh wake-up call, making her question her ability to continue her transition journey. However, she found solace in self-love and acceptance, ultimately realizing that it's essential to embrace oneself, regardless of external validation. The journey towards self-acceptance may be long and filled with ups and downs, but the most important thing is to believe in oneself and keep going.

    • Embracing Self-Love and AcceptanceRecognize and appreciate unique qualities, embrace self-discovery, and navigate challenges with self-love and acceptance.

      Self-love and acceptance are powerful tools for overcoming adversity and embracing change. The speaker shared a pivotal moment in their life when they learned to love and accept themselves despite societal pressures and personal insecurities. This moment of self-affirmation helped them navigate through challenging times, including significant physical transformations. It's essential to recognize and appreciate our unique qualities and embrace the journey of self-discovery, no matter what the world may think. Additionally, the speaker discussed their experience with gynecomastia and breast implants, highlighting the importance of being open about personal health and appearance choices. Ultimately, their story serves as a reminder that self-love and acceptance are crucial for leading a fulfilling life.

    • A desire for authentic femininity in media and personal transformationThe speaker expressed a longing for genuine femininity in media and shared their personal journey of transitioning, emphasizing the importance of informed decisions and self-authenticity.

      People, including the speaker, have gone through a phase of admiring and being attracted to the hyper-sexualized portrayal of women popularized in the 90s. However, the speaker expressed a desire for a more natural and authentic representation of femininity in the future. The speaker also shared their personal journey of transitioning and undergoing various surgeries, including breast augmentation and facial feminization, to align with their gender identity. The speaker emphasized the importance of making informed decisions and being true to oneself throughout the process. The speaker also highlighted the precision and skill involved in plastic surgery, despite its perceived barbarity.

    • A Woman's Journey Through Multiple Cosmetic ProceduresChoosing the right surgeon and careful planning are crucial for successful cosmetic procedures, but they come with pain, extended recovery periods, and potential complications.

      The speaker underwent multiple surgeries, including cheek implants, rhinoplasty, chin modification, trachea shave, and hairline advancement, to enhance her appearance. The procedures were painful and required extended recovery periods, during which she was heavily medicated. She had a night nurse's assistance during her initial recovery, and some procedures, such as her voice modification, required a specialized surgeon. Despite the challenges, she was satisfied with the results and plans to undergo additional procedures, such as a face and neck lift. The speaker emphasized the importance of choosing the right surgeon for each procedure and the significance of the vertical face lift method. She also shared her experiences with complications, such as prematurely removing splints, which led to setbacks in her recovery. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the commitment and determination required to undergo extensive cosmetic procedures and the importance of careful planning and the right medical professionals for optimal outcomes.

    • Journey of Self-Discovery and TransformationPatience, resilience, and positive interactions are crucial during personal transformations. Kindness towards others can make a big difference.

      The journey of self-discovery and transformation, whether it's through vocal cord surgery, gender reassignment, or physical appearance enhancements, can be challenging and lengthy. The speaker in this conversation has undergone multiple surgeries for voice modification, breast reduction, face lift, and neck surgery. She also plans to have a gender reassignment surgery, but the long recovery time and work requirements make it difficult for her to take the necessary time off. She has also experienced discrimination based on her appearance and is working on losing weight and getting a fat transfer to feel more comfortable in her body. The speaker emphasizes the importance of kindness and acceptance towards others, as everyone is on their own unique journey. She shares how a simple act of kindness, like being addressed as "ma'am" instead of "sir," can make a significant difference in someone's day. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of patience, resilience, and the power of positive interactions with others.

    • Focus on lean body mass instead of gram per pound ruleHigh protein diets can lead to kidney issues, and carbs aren't the only source of energy; the body burns energy in stages and enters self-healing mode when glucose and glycogen are depleted

      The common belief of consuming a gram of protein per pound of body weight is a myth, and it's essential to focus on lean body mass instead. The speaker, an online fitness and nutrition coach, emphasized that high protein diets can lead to chronic kidney disease and that carbohydrates are not as crucial for energy as previously thought. The body burns energy in three stages, first using sugars, then glycogen, and finally fats and ketones. Once glucose and glycogen are depleted, the body enters a state of autophagy, where it starts to heal itself by getting rid of corrupt proteins and replacing them with new ones. The speaker personally follows a 16:8 window and experiments with OMAD (one meal a day) and has found that these methods, combined with a keto diet, are effective and reduce hunger cravings.

    • Mental alignment plays a crucial role in fitness and nutrition successPersonalized approaches considering individual behavioral patterns lead to long-term fitness and nutrition success

      The effectiveness of a fitness and nutrition program depends on individual alignment and behavioral patterns. The placebo and nocebo effects demonstrate how mental alignment plays a crucial role in the success of a program. Unlike many generic programs, personalized approaches that consider individual behavioral patterns can lead to long-term success. Gabby Tuft's customized approach, which includes custom nutrition and workouts, as well as behavioral pattern modification, has proven successful for her clients. By addressing the underlying behavioral patterns, individuals can create new positive pathways and replace old, detrimental ones. If you're looking for a personalized approach to fitness and nutrition, consider seeking out a professional who can help you identify and address your unique behavioral patterns. Remember, what works for one person may not work for another, and a customized approach can make all the difference.

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    Dr. Ricky Brown: TikTok | YouTube | The Real Beauty Bible

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    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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    Farrah Abraham: IG | Website

    Sophia: IG

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    Winter Blanco: Behind the Likes | IG

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    RaMona; IG | Spiritual Slinger

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    Karen: IG | The Body Depot

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    Joanna Angel: 


    Aaron (Small Hands:) IG 

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    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

    Brittany Furlan Lee: Comedy Queen

    The iconic Brittany Furlan Lee is here to crack us up and get candid about exes, mental health and living life in the spotlight. She opens up about her wild ride in comedy and beyond, including skyrocketing to fame on Vine and finding zen with husband Tommy Lee. Brittany and Bunnie talk about how what you see online is not always real life, and Brittany gives a sneak peak about what's ahead for her LoveLee jewelry line and "This is the Worst" podcast.

    Watch Full Episodes & More:


    Brittany: IG | TikTok | LoveLee Jewelry | This is the Worst

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    Stomping on Butterflies

    Stomping on Butterflies

    Bunnie has some things to get off her chest this week! She lets loose and bares her soul about everything that's been on her mind lately. She and the gals - Meme and Hailee - dish on their love for the Patreon tribe and gear up for the next season of Bunnie XO. Bunnie also recounts her favorite run-ins on the red carpets of the CMT and iHeartMusic Awards. She talks about confronting weird online trolls head on and spills the tea on her family issues, from emergency plane landings to her father Bill.

    Watch Full Episodes & More:


    Meme: IG

    Hailee: IG

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