
    Podcast Summary

    • Warning Against Counterfeit MerchandiseThe Blind By Podcast host doesn't sell official merchandise and advises caution against counterfeit items. Support him by buying tickets to his gigs or his book instead.

      The Blind By Podcast host, despite having a successful podcast and upcoming gigs, does not sell any official merchandise and advises listeners to be cautious of counterfeit items. Additionally, he shares his personal struggle with being in a hotel for an extended period, which negatively impacts his happiness by removing his sense of autonomy and control over food preparation. Instead, he encourages listeners to support him by buying tickets to his gigs or his book of short stories if they wish to buy something related to the podcast as a gift.

    • Mindful Activities and Personal HappinessEngaging in everyday activities with mindfulness can boost happiness and well-being by adding meaning, self-esteem, and accomplishment

      Engaging in simple, everyday activities with a mindful approach can significantly contribute to personal happiness and mental well-being. Using the example of preparing a meal, this process involves setting a goal (deciding what to cook), interacting with the environment (shopping for ingredients), and experiencing the resolution (enjoying the meal). These small journeys and stories provide a sense of personal meaning, self-esteem, and accomplishment. Even in more luxurious settings, it's the everyday mindful activities that truly enhance our overall happiness.

    • Simple tasks contribute to mental health and self-esteemEngaging in simple, meaningful activities like preparing food and washing clothes can promote mental well-being and boost self-esteem. However, when these tasks become meaningless transactions, they can negatively impact mental health and overall happiness.

      The lack of ability to perform simple, meaningful tasks such as preparing food and washing clothes can negatively impact mental health and overall happiness. These tasks provide a sense of achievement and contribute to self-esteem. When these tasks are taken away or become meaningless transactions, it can lead to feelings of irritability, unhappiness, and a lack of fulfillment. This is not just an issue for privileged individuals, but also for those in emergency housing situations who are denied the basic necessities for creating meaning in their daily lives. Commodities, including meals and clothes, can ultimately fuel a sense of emptiness and detachment when they become the sole means of satisfaction. Instead, engaging in mindful activities, even if they are simple, can help promote mental well-being and a greater sense of meaning in life.

    • The importance of mindfulness during activities and kindness towards celebritiesCycling promotes personal growth through mindfulness and conscious choices, while kindness towards celebrities can positively impact their mental health.

      The experience of cycling provides a sense of meaning and accomplishment, unlike the autonomous nature of driving a car. The speaker emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and conscious choices during activities, leading to personal growth and positive emotions. He plans to answer listener questions in an upcoming podcast episode. The speaker also shared his thoughts on the importance of kindness towards celebrities, especially when it comes to their mental health. He urged listeners not to engage in hateful comments, as they can negatively impact individuals dealing with personal struggles. This topic came up after the speaker commented on Pete Davidson's social media posts regarding his mental health. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the support his podcast receives from listeners through Patreon. He emphasized the importance of this financial support in keeping the podcast running and allowing him to continue creating content. Lastly, the speaker took a brief pause to play a sponsor message for Noom, a weight loss program, and Whole Foods Market, encouraging listeners to celebrate Mother's Day with their offerings.

    • The impact of cruel comments on celebrities' mental healthCelebrities are human beings who deserve respect and kindness, especially during difficult times. Our words and actions can significantly impact others, so it's important to use them in a positive and supportive way.

      Mental health is a serious issue that should be treated with compassion and understanding, not cruelty and judgment. The discussion highlighted the case of Pete Davidson, a comedian and ex-boyfriend of pop star Ariana Grande, who posted a concerning Instagram message that appeared to be a suicide note. The reaction from some of Ariana's fans was disturbing, with many leaving horrible comments urging Pete to kill himself. This behavior was a part of a phenomenon called "stan culture," where fans become excessively obsessive and aggressive towards celebrities. The incident was particularly unfortunate given that Pete has a history of mental health issues, including manic depression. The incident serves as a reminder that celebrities are human beings who deserve respect and kindness, especially during difficult times. It's important to remember that our words and actions can have a significant impact on others, and we should strive to use them in a positive and supportive way.

    • Reflecting on past relationships and learning from themFan culture can become extreme, blurring the line between roasting and bullying, and creating a performative and ironic cult of personality around artists.

      The song "Thank U, Next" by Ariana Grande reflects on her past relationships and the lessons she's learned from each of them, ultimately leading her to self-love. However, her fanbase, known as stan culture, can take this fandom to an extreme level, creating a performative and ironic cult of personality around the artist. This can lead to toxic and harmful behavior towards individuals perceived as attacking or disrespecting the artist, which can have serious consequences. The line between roasting and bullying becomes blurred, and the performative nature of stan culture can make it difficult to distinguish between genuine fans and toxic ones.

    • Toxic elements in intense fan culturesIntense fan cultures, like Stan culture, can have detrimental behaviors rooted in the desire for approval and infallibility, leading to harsh criticism and obedience to group dynamics, reminiscent of Milgram's experiments.

      Stan culture, an intense and performative form of celebrity fandom, can have toxic elements where fans compete to be the most extreme and savagely criticize targets, often detached from reality. This behavior isn't unique to Stan culture, but it's a specific example. The origins of this behavior may stem from the idea of divas being infallible and the desire for approval within the community. Psychologically, this phenomenon can be linked to Milgram's experiments in obedience and group behavior, which explored how individuals can follow orders or behave negatively when they believe they're part of a larger group. It's essential to recognize that not all fans or communities exhibit toxic behavior, but it's important to address and challenge the harmful actions when they occur.

    • The capacity for extreme cruelty under authorityHumans can be cruel when they believe they're following authority, a survival mechanism from our past, seen in online environments today.

      Learning from the Milgram experiment is that humans have the capacity for extreme cruelty when they believe they are acting under the authority of someone in power. The experiment involved subjects administering electric shocks to a supposed prisoner, with the experimenter encouraging them to continue even when the prisoner's distress was clear. Milgram found that most subjects obeyed, despite their concerns about the prisoner's welfare. This obedience, Milgram argued, was a survival mechanism from our evolutionary past, where obedience to a charismatic leader was beneficial for the community. Today, we can see similar dynamics in online environments, where individuals may encourage harmful actions against others, particularly when they believe they are part of a larger group or movement. It's a sobering reminder of the power of obedience and the potential for harm when we put faith in authority figures without question.

    • Online communities and deindividuation leading to harmful behaviorOnline groups can cause individuals to disregard personal ethics and shame others, leading to harmful consequences

      The toxic culture of online communities, such as stan cultures, can lead individuals to behave in harmful ways towards others due to the desire for approval and recognition from the group. This phenomenon, known as deindividuation, allows people to disregard their personal ethics and moral compass when they feel part of a larger group. The Milgram experiment, which explores obedience to authority, can be linked to this behavior as the group becomes the source of instruction and validation. Historically, shaming has been used as a means of control in societies, but with the anonymity of the internet, it has resurfaced as an effective tool for harm. Tragic examples, such as the suicide of porn star August Ames, illustrate the devastating consequences of online shaming.

    • Online shaming and bullying of August AmesBe mindful of the impact of words and actions online, strive for understanding, empathy, and respect towards others, and remember that online persona and real-life identity can be blurred.

      The internet and social media can be a harsh and unforgiving environment, especially when it comes to public figures. August Ames, a porn star, faced intense backlash after expressing an unfounded fear about working with a male actor who had previously worked in gay porn. Her comments were problematic and stigmatizing, and she was wrongly assuming that gay men have higher rates of HIV. Unfortunately, her vulnerable state due to her personal struggles made her an easy target for online shaming and bullying. The incident serves as a reminder that we all need to be more aware of the impact of our words and actions online, and that we should strive for understanding, empathy, and respect towards others, regardless of their background or choices. The line between online persona and real-life identity can be blurred, and it's essential to remember that our words and actions online can have real-life consequences.

    • Online debates can lead to toxic behaviorBe mindful of why we engage in online debates, ensure it's for the right reasons, and remember the person on the other end is human.

      Twitter and other social media platforms allow us to create a version of ourselves that can be a fabulous debater, but the emotional and binary nature of these platforms can lead to toxic behavior and a lack of empathy. It's important to be aware of why we're engaging in online debates and calling out others, and to ensure that we're doing it for the right reasons. The anonymity and distance provided by social media can desensitize us, and we must be mindful not to let it turn into a public arena for throwing rocks at people's heads, just for the sake of being seen as the one who throws the hardest. The consequences of online actions can be severe, and it's crucial to remember that the person on the other end of the screen is a human being, just like us. By being conscious of the toxicity that goes on online, we can help create a better society.

    • Connecting with loved ones during development stagesBeing open and willing to connect with loved ones, even when it's uncomfortable, can lead to unexpected and meaningful experiences. Appreciation and admiration can deepen the bond.

      Understanding and connecting with our loved ones during their stages of development, even when they may seem uncool or distant, can lead to unexpected and meaningful experiences. Bruce Springsteen's story of bonding with his teenage son through their shared love of music, despite initial resistance, demonstrates the importance of being open and willing to connect, even when it may seem uncomfortable or awkward. This story also highlights the power of appreciation and admiration, as the son's favorite band, Rise Against, ended up being fans of Bruce Springsteen, creating a unique and memorable experience for both father and son.

    • Finding meaning in uncomfortable situationsEmbrace anxiety, find significance in discomfort, prioritize self-care, and celebrate special occasions with love and care.

      Even during difficult or uncomfortable situations, it's important to find meaning and make the best of them. Using the example of meeting favorite celebrities despite personal discomfort, the speaker encourages listeners to embrace the anxiety and find significance in seemingly unpleasant experiences. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of self-care and taking a break when needed, such as during the holiday season. The speaker also promotes the idea of celebrating life's special occasions with love and care, as exemplified by the services offered by 1800flowers.com. Overall, the message is to approach life's challenges with a positive attitude and to find meaning in the moments that may initially seem unpleasant or daunting.

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    | Valerie Tiberius |

    ► Website | https://www.valerietiberius.com/newbook

    ► What Do You Want Out of Life Book | https://amzn.to/3BmMbUy


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    When the world feels dark, you and I must stay connected to our inner light. This episode will teach you how. Please share this with your loved ones because the world needs all of us to keep the light bright, and together we will.


    Xo, Mel 

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    Want more resources? Go to my podcast page at https://melrobbins.com/podcast.


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    For tickets to TPH's live event in Boston on September 7:



    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/ivy-ross-susan-magsamen

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    My Top Takeaways From this Episode:


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    • Meditating consistently and persistently can help one pursue their potential.

    • The importance of asking for help, even if this might seem intimidating.

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    • Take a personal inventory of your values each day

    • David is on a mission to positively affect 1 billion people with happiness.

    • I asked David what he would do if he lost everything again.

    • Connect with him on all platforms by searching "David Meltzer," going to www.dmeltzer.com or emailing him at david@dmeltzer.com

    Connect with Dr. Justin Moseley:

        •    Website :https://drjustinmoseley.com/

        •    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjustinmoseley/

        •    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJustinMoseley


    Join Dr. Justin Moseley's Free Facebook Group:



    Watch Dr. Justin Moseley’s TEDx talk: https://bit.ly/DrJustinTEDx


    Check out lots of Free Resources at:



    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Rewired Guidebook- 24 Questions to help your rewire your subconscious mind to attract success and happiness into your life:



    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Life Purpose Meditation: 



    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Baseball Technique that helps you prime your subconscious mind so that you can achieve your desired results 3-5x faster:



    Interested in joining a Mastermind Group?  Check out Dr. Justin Moseley’s MindShift Mastermind:



    If you enjoyed listening then please take a second to rate the show on Apple Podcasts.  Every podcaster will tell you that Apple Podcast reviews drive listeners to our shows so please let me know what you thought and make sure you subscribe using your favorite podcast player. It means a lot to me and to the guests. 


    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 13: Part 2 - Navigating Negative Thoughts Through The Lens Of Cognitive Restructuring

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 13: Part 2 - Navigating Negative Thoughts Through The Lens Of Cognitive Restructuring

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    The Power of Your Language: The episode highlights the importance of language in cognitive restructuring, emphasizing that words have a significant impact on thoughts and actions. Positive and intentional language can inspire and motivate change.

    The Mind-Body Connection: T. Michael discusses the connection between mental and physical well-being, stressing the importance of maintaining a healthy body for a healthy mind. 

    Common Misconceptions about Cognitive Restructuring: Common misunderstandings about cognitive restructuring are addressed, emphasizing that it's about challenging and reframing thoughts rather than ignoring negativity.

    Resource Recommendations: T. Michael recommends books and apps to support cognitive restructuring efforts, providing a list of valuable resources for personal growth and development.

    When to Consider Cognitive Restructuring: The episode advises when to consider cognitive restructuring, especially if negative thought patterns affect daily life, relationships, or mental health.

    Practical Steps: Practical steps for implementing cognitive restructuring are discussed, including being present, questioning thoughts, reframing, seeking evidence, and reflection.

    The Role of Technology: T. Michael explores the role of technology and apps in assisting with cognitive restructuring, highlighting their potential as supplements to personal growth efforts.

    Emotional Intelligence: Cognitive restructuring's role in enhancing emotional intelligence and improving social interactions is explained.

    Common Pitfalls to Avoid: The episode identifies common pitfalls in cognitive restructuring, such as overgeneralization, ignoring positives, self-labeling, and catastrophizing.

    The Importance of Journaling: T. Michael underscores the importance of keeping a journal to document one's journey, learn from past experiences, and maintain ethical character.

    Conclusion: T. Michael invites listeners to take charge of their thoughts and become the masters of their minds, concluding the two-episode exploration of cognitive restructuring.