
    Girls That Startup: Transitioning Your Skills and Talents from Employee to Entrepreneur

    enMarch 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Managing Investments with ShareSite and Simplifying Rent Payments with Rent AppShareSite offers comprehensive investment tracking and analysis tools for stocks, ETFs, and funds, while Rent App simplifies rent payments and provides additional benefits like credit score reporting.

      ShareSite is an innovative investment tracking platform that allows users to manage and analyze their investment portfolio in one place, with features including support for over 500,000 stocks, ETFs, and funds, integrated with over 200 platforms, and offering comprehensive performance reports and visualizations. Additionally, ShareSite offers a special deal for new annual premium plan subscribers, giving them four months free. While discussing unrelated topics, the speakers shared an experience of dealing with a clogged toilet in a rental accommodation and emphasized the importance of contacting the property owner in such situations. In conclusion, ShareSite's investment tracking capabilities can help users gain valuable insights and streamline their investment management, while Rent App simplifies the rent payment process and offers additional benefits like credit score reporting.

    • Transferable skills from previous jobs are valuable in entrepreneurshipRecognize the value of skills gained from past jobs, like problem-solving and people skills, for entrepreneurial success. Adaptability and effective communication are essential in any career.

      When considering a career transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur, it's essential to recognize the value of the skills and experiences gained from previous jobs. These skills, such as problem-solving and people skills, can be invaluable in the new realm of entrepreneurship. Even in jobs where direct interaction with customers may not seem necessary, like working behind a computer as a software engineer, the ability to learn and adapt to new environments and communicate effectively with teams remains crucial. When starting a business, understanding your audience and customers is vital to successfully adapting and serving their needs. The fear of starting anew can be daunting, but reframing the mindset to focus on the transferable skills and experiences from previous jobs can make the transition smoother and more successful.

    • Imagining a specific person for your ideal customerBuild an Ideal Customer Profile by picturing a unique individual, tailor tone of voice to resonate, and leverage soft skills like effective communication and community understanding to attract and retain customers.

      Understanding your ideal customer and their preferences, often referred to as building an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), is crucial for businesses. This involves imagining a specific person with a name, age, interests, and hobbies, and tailoring your brand's tone of voice to resonate with them. Soft skills, such as vibe checking and community understanding, play a significant role in this process. For instance, the founder of Girls That Invest identified a gap in the market where women were intimidated by the language and tone used in investing resources. By adopting a friendly and approachable tone, she was able to fill this gap and attract her target audience. Another example is the importance of strong people skills in a coffee shop setting, where a trained barista can provide a personalized experience and cater to customers' preferences, even at a petrol station. While technical skills are essential, soft skills like effective communication and understanding your audience are equally important for business success.

    • Personalizing customer interactionsRemembering and catering to customers' specific orders and preferences can lead to strong relationships and repeat business

      Providing personalized attention to customers can lead to building strong relationships and repeat business. The speaker shared an experience from her time working at a coffee station, where she learned to remember and cater to the specific orders of her regular customers. This small act of personalization made them feel special and valued, leading them to develop a connection with her and keep coming back. This skill can be applied in various jobs and industries, from remembering customers' names and preferences to acknowledging their achievements and interests. By going the extra mile to provide personalized service, businesses can create loyal customers and build a strong community.

    • Accept contactless payments directly from an iPhoneStripe's tap to pay on iPhone simplifies transactions, increases revenue, expands reach, and enhances customer experience for businesses of all sizes. Continuously seeking opportunities to improve can lead to significant benefits.

      As a business owner, every interaction and transaction holds significant value. This is why Stripe's tap to pay on iPhone solution is a game changer. It simplifies the process of accepting contactless payments directly from an iPhone, without requiring additional hardware. This solution caters to businesses of all sizes, enabling them to increase revenue, expand reach, and enhance customer experience with quick setup and minimal effort. Furthermore, taking initiatives and making small improvements, no matter how insignificant they may seem, can lead to significant benefits for your business. This mindset of continuously looking for opportunities to improve, whether it's cleaning the shelves or refining your brand's messaging, can help your business stay competitive and thrive.

    • From optometrist to media company owner: The importance of soft skills in entrepreneurshipSoft skills like initiative, adaptability, and work ethic are crucial for entrepreneurial success. An entrepreneurial mindset and a drive to be the best can lead individuals to break through career limitations and reach larger goals.

      The skills necessary to become a successful entrepreneur go beyond technical expertise and financial acumen. Instead, transferable soft skills like initiative, adaptability, and work ethic are crucial. Justin Kwan, a media company owner, emphasized the importance of these skills, sharing his experience of transitioning from an optometrist to an entrepreneur. He mentioned that he always had an entrepreneurial mindset and was driven to be the best in his field, but eventually hit a glass ceiling. By starting his own business, he was able to break through that limit and reach for much larger goals. For those considering making the leap from employee to entrepreneur, Kwan advises focusing on developing and leveraging these transferable skills. By doing so, individuals can increase their chances of success in entrepreneurship and in various aspects of their lives.

    • Utilizing Skills and Being Resourceful for SuccessEveryone has unique skills and knowledge. Focus on strengths, learn new skills, and be resourceful to overcome challenges and succeed in business.

      Being resourceful and utilizing the knowledge and skills you already possess can help you overcome challenges and succeed in various aspects of life, including starting a business. Maya's story illustrates this perfectly. She was able to learn new skills on her own and apply her optometry school knowledge to her job when necessary. Her determination to figure things out and refusal to sink when faced with obstacles led her to success. The key message here is that everyone has unique skills and knowledge, and it's essential to recognize and utilize them. When starting a business, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and think that you need specific skills or experience to be successful. However, as Sim emphasizes, you don't have to be an expert in a particular field to run a business. Instead, focus on your strengths and how they can be applied to your business. Moreover, when you encounter challenges, don't be afraid to seek out information and learn new skills. Use resources like Google, books, and colleagues to help you figure things out. Remember, knowledge is key, and the ability to learn and adapt is crucial for success. In summary, being resourceful, utilizing your skills, and being willing to learn and adapt are essential traits for success, whether it's in your personal or professional life. Don't underestimate what you already know and possess, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and learn new things.

    • Recognizing the value of diverse experiencesDiverse experiences contribute to entrepreneurial success by enhancing problem-solving, communication, and creativity skills. Everyone's unique background and abilities are valuable, and perceived weaknesses can be overcome through dedication and resources.

      Valuable skills for entrepreneurship and business ownership come from various experiences and aspects of life, not just technical expertise. The speaker shares how her abilities in problem-solving, communication, and creativity, which she developed from her previous jobs and personal experiences, have been essential in building lifelong customer relationships and creating content for her business. She emphasizes that everyone's unique background and skills contribute to their potential success, and encourages aspiring entrepreneurs not to be discouraged by their perceived weaknesses, as they can be learned and compensated for through dedication and resources. Overall, the key takeaway is to recognize the value of diverse experiences and the potential for growth in all aspects of life.

    • Seeking investment advice from girls who invest is valuable but unique circumstances require individual research and due diligenceWhile seeking advice from successful investors can be beneficial, it's crucial to approach investment decisions with a critical and informed mindset, conducting thorough research and due diligence to ensure investment choices align with individual financial circumstances and goals.

      While advice from girls who invest can be valuable, it's essential to remember that everyone's financial circumstances are unique. Therefore, it's crucial to conduct thorough research and due diligence before making any investment decisions. The discussion highlighted that generic investment advice may not always apply to your specific situation. For instance, factors such as risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment timeline can significantly impact your investment choices. Moreover, the conversation emphasized the importance of being informed and educated about the investment landscape. This includes staying updated on market trends, understanding the risks and rewards of different investment types, and being aware of potential scams or frauds. In summary, while seeking advice from successful investors can be beneficial, it's vital to approach investment decisions with a critical and informed mindset. Always do your research, and please do your due diligence to ensure that your investment choices align with your individual financial circumstances and goals.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Follow Personal Finance Club on Instagram

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Moby Link

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Moby Link

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Moby Link

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    For more Girls That Invest:

    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Moby Link

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Claire Butler was Figma’s first GTM hire and their 10th employee. She led Figma’s early GTM strategy from stealth through monetization. She also helped the team through the journey to find product-market fit and built the team that drove Figma’s unique bottom-up growth motion. Eight years later, as Senior Director of Marketing, she continues to lead Figma’s bottom-up growth motion, along with community, events, social, advocacy, and Figma for education. In this episode, we discuss:

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    Where to find Claire Butler:

    • Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/clairetbutler

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clairetbutler/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

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    (07:45) The most stressful memory of early days at Figma

    (09:55) Advice for people looking to join a startup

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    (52:09) “Little big updates” at Figma

    (54:16) Figma’s acquisition, and why it was one of the hardest days of Claire’s career

    (57:10) Figma’s core values

    (58:06) The Config conference

    (1:00:21) Spreading your product within the organization

    (1:02:09) The pricing tiers at Figma

    (1:07:35) The role of designer advocates

    (1:10:57) Design systems

    (1:16:12) Leveraging internal champions

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    (1:19:14) What types of companies are a good fit for bottom-up GTM

    (1:24:16) A summary of the bottom-up GTM model

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    • Dylan Field on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dylanfield/

    • John Lilly on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnlilly/

    • Ivan Zhao on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivanhzhao/

    • Xamarin: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/xamarin

    • Josef Müller-Brockmann: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_M%C3%BCller-Brockmann

    • Datadog: https://www.datadoghq.com/

    • Coda: https://coda.io/

    • Oren’s Hummus on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orenshummus/

    • Intercom: https://www.intercom.com/

    • How Coda builds product: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-coda-builds-product

    • Dylan Field on Twitter: https://twitter.com/zoink

    • Dylan’s tweet: https://twitter.com/zoink/status/1566566649712431105

    • Little Big Updates: https://www.figma.com/blog/little-big-updates-august-2022/

    • Sho Kuwamoto on Twitter: https://twitter.com/skuwamoto

    • Kris Rasmussen on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kris_rasmussen

    • Config: https://config.figma.com/

    • Tom Lowry on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomaslowry

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    • Figjam: https://www.figma.com/figjam/

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    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

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