
    God’s Work in Progress w/ LeAnn Rimes

    enOctober 25, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the duality of life and spirituality through musicArtist Leanne Rhimes invites listeners to reclaim the phrase 'God's work' and embrace the fullness of their experiences through her deeply personal and polarizing album 'God's Work'.

      Leanne Rhimes, an iconic artist known for her deep and meaningful music, recently released an album titled "God's Work" which reflects on the duality of life and the importance of embracing both our humanity and spirituality. The album came to her organically through her creative process and serves as a reclamation of the word "God's work" for those who may have previously shied away from it. Rhimes believes that our humanity cannot be excluded from our experiences and creation. The album, which is deeply personal and polarizing, invites listeners to reclaim the word "God's work" for themselves and embrace the fullness of their experiences. Rhimes' creative process is informed by her life experiences and her desire to draw from the collective human experience. She views her art as a means of giving permission to others to explore the complexities of life and faith.

    • Embracing our humanity and shadowsAcknowledging and accepting our imperfections and shadows is crucial to reconnecting with our inner genius and essence, and finding our way back to our divine connection

      Our connection to the divine or "God" is deeply intertwined with our humanity, including our struggles and imperfections. We have been taught through some religious teachings that our humanity is sinful and unholy, leading us to ignore or suppress certain aspects of ourselves. However, acknowledging and accepting our humanity, including our shadows, is essential to experiencing the core essence of who we truly are. This idea of sin being "missing the mark" of our inner genius and essence is a powerful way to reframe our understanding of ourselves and our relationship with the divine. Embracing our inner voice and innocence, which we often lose touch with as we grow older, can help us reconnect with this essence and find our way back to it.

    • Unleashing Imagination: Overcoming Trauma and Finding CreativityTrauma can stifle imagination, but learning to harness it and channel it into creativity can lead to personal growth and happiness.

      Our past experiences and traumas can suppress our imagination and creativity if we let them. However, by learning to harness our vivid imaginations and channel them into productive outlets like music, writing, or personal growth, we can unlock our innate genius and live happier, more fulfilling lives. The speaker shares her own experience of losing touch with her childhood imagination due to traumatic experiences, but learning to utilize it for positive change through her work. She also emphasizes the importance of love and the power it has in driving personal growth and overcoming challenges.

    • Self-awareness: Key to Overcoming Anxiety and JudgmentSelf-awareness of anxiety's causes and acceptance are essential steps towards breaking free from its grip. Even natural abilities require care and attention.

      Self-awareness is crucial in breaking free from the cycle of anxiety and judgment. We both struggle with anxiety and the familiar, even when it doesn't serve us well. Our shared experience could potentially lead to mutual support rather than constant pouring of worries. The awareness of our anxiety and its causes is the key to overcoming it. We are addicted to the familiar, even if it's detrimental. The speaker discovered that they have a natural talent for singing, which they both believe comes from a gift and hard work. They have had to work on rebuilding their vocal muscles during the pandemic, reminding us that even our natural abilities require care and attention. Ultimately, self-awareness and acceptance are essential steps towards breaking free from the grip of anxiety and judgment.

    • The power of music and art to connect and inspireMusic and art can evoke deep emotions, spark introspection, and inspire personal growth through the artist's vulnerability and authenticity. Prioritize self-care and seek help when needed.

      Music and art have the power to connect us deeply with ourselves and others, evoking emotions and sparking introspection. The artist's vulnerability and authenticity can create a spiritual experience, leading us to reflect on our own lives in meaningful ways. The artist's journey of self-discovery and healing, as shared in the conversation, underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing personal struggles, especially for those in the public eye. It takes courage to open up and share, but the potential impact on others can be profound. The artist's experience of hypervigilance and the need for self-care, including seeking help and taking time for personal growth, serves as a reminder for us all to prioritize our well-being.

    • Personal growth is a continuous journeyFocus on treating yourself kindly and living a happier, more joyful life for your own sake, while addressing core wounds to promote significant growth.

      Personal growth is a continuous journey, not a destination. We all have layers to peel back and understanding ourselves better is an ongoing process. Progress is made through chipping away at challenges, but it's also important to exist and be in the present. Self-help can be a valuable tool, but it's essential to avoid using it as a means of self-shame or getting stuck in a cycle of constant improvement. Instead, focus on treating yourself kindly and living a happier, more joyful life for your own sake. Anxiety and feelings of unworthiness can manifest in various ways, and addressing these core wounds can lead to significant growth. Remember, the most important thing you can do for others is to care for yourself first.

    • Recognizing and dealing with others' projectionsUnderstand that others' projections are not a reflection of your true self, and learn to compartmentalize and trust in your own worth and abilities.

      We all experience the impact of other people's projections on our self-perception and self-worth. For the speaker, this began when she faced criticism and judgement from others, leading her to question her identity and worth. This manifested in anxiety and stage fright. However, she eventually recognized that these projections were not a reflection of her true self, and learned to compartmentalize and allow space for these feelings while also trusting in her own worth and abilities. It's important to remember that we are not living other people's projections of us, but rather our own unique selves. Tools for dealing with these feelings can include self-reflection, recognizing the truth in criticisms while also acknowledging their biases, and trusting in one's own worth and abilities.

    • Exploring new things despite fear of discomfortEmbracing the uncomfortable can lead to personal growth and expansion, nurturing creativity, and finding unique ways to address challenges.

      Embracing the uncomfortable and exploring new things, even if they are scary, can lead to personal growth and expansion. The speaker shares her experience with anxiety and the fear of giving up practices that she believes contribute to her anxiety. However, she discovered the value of getting alone with herself and practicing forms of meditation. She also emphasizes the importance of nurturing creativity and finding unique ways to address individual challenges. The speaker encourages exploring uncomfortable areas, not necessarily jumping in headfirst, but rather dipping a toe in to expand one's beliefs about oneself and open up opportunities for growth in various aspects of life.

    • Discovering Inner FulfillmentTrue contentment comes from within, explore experiences, question why things matter, and focus on inner motivations and values.

      Our identities are often tied to external factors such as wealth, fame, or possessions, but true fulfillment and contentment come from within, especially when it comes to our passions and relationships. The speaker shares her personal experience of realizing that her voice and external accomplishments were not the only defining aspects of her identity. She encourages exploring different experiences and questioning why certain things hold significance. The speaker also reflects on how her reasons for doing things have shifted over time, from seeking external validation to connecting with people and helping them question or shift their perspectives. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of introspection and recognizing that our inner motivations and values are essential to living a meaningful life.

    • Embracing new experiences leads to personal growthTrying new things, even if fearful, can lead to personal growth and joy in life, with the support of others playing a crucial role.

      Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new, even if you're uncertain or fearful, can lead to personal growth and connection with others. The speaker shared her experience of overcoming her fear of public speaking and the impact it had on her life. She emphasized the importance of creating new experiences, even if you're already skilled in a particular area, as a way to continue growing and finding joy in life. The speaker also mentioned the role of support from others in encouraging us to try new things and face our fears. She encouraged the audience to embrace new experiences, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, as a pathway to bliss.

    • Connecting with our past selves for healingRevisiting childhood self for reassurance, self-love and compassion towards all parts of ourselves, recognizing common human experiences, and approaching challenges with introspection and self-care.

      Acknowledging and connecting with our past selves can provide healing and perspective during challenging times. The speaker shared how revisiting his childhood self as a way to reassure and comfort himself has been an effective coping mechanism. Leanne also mentioned the importance of self-love and compassion, especially towards our younger selves. Both speakers emphasized the importance of bringing all parts of ourselves into the present moment, rather than disassociating or pushing down difficult emotions. By recognizing the common human experiences of anxiety, fear, and self-doubt, we can learn to approach them with compassion and understanding. This conversation highlights the power of introspection and self-care in overcoming life's challenges.

    • Embracing Your Unique GeniusWhen we fully surrender to our unique genius, we experience deep connection and open-heartedness, contributing to our own joy and fulfillment, as well as humanity as a whole.

      Everyone has a unique "genius" or calling in life where they feel spiritually connected and in flow. This experience can bring immense joy and fulfillment, but it can also be challenging to fully embrace it due to self-judgment and anxiety. When we can move past these obstacles and fully surrender to the present moment, we can experience a sense of deep connection and open-heartedness that not only benefits us but also contributes to humanity as a whole. Whether it's through singing, mechanics, gardening, or mothering, the gift we give when we're in our genius is the authentic expression of ourselves.

    • Embrace vulnerability and be presentVulnerability and presence can lead to powerful experiences and connections, resulting in unexpected emotional responses and growth. Despite the challenges, these moments ultimately lead to renewed energy and dopamine hits.

      Embracing vulnerability and being fully present in the moment, even when it's uncomfortable or painful, can lead to powerful experiences and connections with others. Whether on stage or in everyday life, allowing ourselves to be open and authentic can result in unexpected emotional responses and growth. The lows that follow these highs can be challenging, but they're a natural part of the process and ultimately lead to a dopamine hit and renewed energy. So, invite people in to your experience, focus on being all of you for yourself, and trust that the vulnerability and presence will create meaningful moments.

    • Struggling to Receive LoveRecognizing and accepting love from others is crucial for personal growth and emotional well-being, despite the difficulty in receiving it.

      The speaker recognizes the importance of acknowledging and accepting love from others, which is a struggle for them. They have a natural ability to give love and connect with people, but have difficulty receiving it. The speaker is working on this issue and believes that recognizing and accepting love from others is essential for personal growth and emotional well-being. They also mentioned that therapy and self-reflection through writing can be helpful in this process. The speaker shared that they often feel lonely despite having a large support system and want to help others feel less alone by sharing their experiences openly.

    • Exploring self-love as the foundation for love from othersPractice daily self-love and self-acceptance to believe we deserve love from the outside world, despite ups and downs in our journey

      Self-love is the foundation for believing we're worthy of love from others. When we struggle with feelings of unworthiness or self-criticism, it can be helpful to explore how deeply we're loving ourselves. By being kinder to ourselves, accepting our mistakes, and focusing on our strengths, we can begin to believe we deserve love from the outside world. Remember, being human is an interesting journey with its ups and downs, and it's essential to find humor in our experiences as we continue to grow and evolve. Don't believe the lies that tell you you're further from love or that there's a magical moment when you'll no longer struggle with self-doubt. Instead, focus on the daily practice of self-love and self-acceptance.

    • Recognize and appreciate moments of joy and gratitudePracticing gratitude and curiosity, and allowing ourselves to imagine and dream, can lead to new experiences, hidden gifts, and significant growth.

      People often keep their visions of happiness, success, and fulfillment at a distance due to limiting beliefs and patterns in their lives. However, these moments of joy and gratitude are all around us, and recognizing and appreciating them can help bring us closer to our goals. Practicing gratitude and curiosity, and allowing ourselves to imagine and dream, can lead us to new experiences and discover hidden gifts within ourselves. It's important to remember that we all have the capacity to make a difference and that small steps, like starting a gratitude practice or trying something new, can lead to significant growth. Additionally, seeking out new experiences and stepping out of our comfort zones can reveal hidden talents and abilities. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying curious, practicing gratitude, and allowing ourselves to dream in order to live our best lives.

    • The power of desire and asking the universe for itHaving a clear vision and taking intentional steps can lead to hidden opportunities and experiences. Embrace vulnerability and worthiness to fully seize them.

      Having a deep desire and asking the universe for it can lead to opportunities and experiences that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Leanne Rimes emphasized the importance of starting with a clear vision and then taking action by asking and being open to the possibilities that come your way. She also highlighted the importance of embracing vulnerability and worthiness in order to fully seize opportunities. By being intentional and grateful, we can heighten our sensory acuity and notice things that were previously obscured from our awareness. Overall, the conversation underscored the power of having a clear vision and taking bold steps towards it.

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    Well, hello my beautiful soul.

    Let me ask you a question: "In your day to day life, do you choose more love or more pain?"

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    Last week, I put a quote on my Instagram that says: "Self-Forgiveness is loving yourself more than the pain you feel."

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    Things We Tolerate

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    You may be asked yourself "Why did I tolerate it?"

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    The first step is to define whether this is a reoccurring pattern, meaning you keep tolerating the same things over and over while not being comfortable with them.

    The second step is to define why you tolerate something and whether it is coming from a place of healthy sacrifice or lack of self-respect.

    The third step is to ask yourself these questions:
    "Do I want to keep tolerating this?"
    "Is this helping me grow or understand something?"
    "Is it moving me forward or keeping me stuck and brings me down?"

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    Julie Piatt On Sacred Commerce & SriMu

    Julie Piatt On Sacred Commerce & SriMu
    Today the wise & ethereal Julie Piatt -- my wife and partner for the last 20+ years -- returns for her umpteenth appearance on the podcast. But this time we try something different. As longtime listeners know well, Julie is a being of many talents. Although widely lauded for her series of bestselling plant-based cookbooks, the one who goes by SriMati is also an artist, musician, yogi, healer, mother of four and serial entrepreneur. In addition, Julie hosts the For The Life of Me podcast. She reigns over Water Tiger, her online spiritual community. And she’s the ‘Mother Arc’ (her term for founder & CEO) of SriMu, her plant-based cheese brainchild start-up. Over the years, Julie been a recurring source of spiritual wisdom on the podcast, dropping many a pearl on everything from parenting and creativity to navigating conflict, managing relationships, dealing with financial hardship, and countless other subjects. Today's episode, however, is something new -- an exploration of Julie as entrepreneur. Channeling my inner Guy Raz, I give Julie the ‘How I Built This’ treatment — tracing her background growing up in Alaska through her career in fashion. Building a garment line. The pain of shuttering it. The pivot into home construction and interior design. And how all of these experiences inform the business and culture of SriMu, her most successful start-up to date. You can call me biased. I am. But that doesn’t change the fact that she is poised for world domination with what truly is the best, next evolution of cheese. The visually inclined can watch our exchange on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Aside from the business bent, this conversation is centered on the power of meeting others — and yourself — in love. As humans, we self-identify with the stories we tell ourselves. We cling to illusions of safety and security. But this moment is challenging the firmness of the ground upon which we stand. Julie reminds us of the impermanence of everything. Embracing this vital truth will bring you greater peace. It will broaden your empathy for others. And help you identify the answers you seek. Hint: they have been inside you all along. Peace + Plants, Rich