
    Google's Anti-White AI Image Generator, Biden's Dangerous Dog, and the NYPD Dance Team, with the Ruthless Podcast Hosts | Ep. 729

    enFebruary 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Google's AI accused of racial biasGoogle's AI was found to produce inaccurate and misrepresentative results when queried about historical figures, displaying images of people of color instead of intended white figures. Potential bias within the company was raised due to the political views of a senior director.

      Technology, specifically Google's new AI, is facing accusations of racial bias after producing inaccurate and misrepresentative results when queried about various historical figures and concepts. During a discussion on The Megyn Kelly Show, hosts Josh Holmes, Michael Duncan, and John Ashbrook shared their findings after experimenting with the AI, revealing that it frequently displayed images of people of color instead of the intended white figures. The hosts also discovered that Jack Krawczyk, the senior director of Gemini Experiences at Google, has a history of expressing strong political views, raising questions about potential bias within the company's AI development. This issue highlights the importance of addressing and mitigating potential biases in artificial intelligence to ensure accurate and fair representation.

    • Impact of racism on AI technology developmentThe prevalence of racism in society can influence AI technology development, leading to inaccurate and offensive historical depictions. Balancing historical accuracy and avoiding offensive stereotypes is crucial.

      The discussion touched upon the prevalence of racism in America and the impact it has on various aspects of society, including technology development. A particular AI program, Google's Gemini, was criticized for generating inaccurate and offensive historical images, including depicting white figures as black. The creator of the program, Jack, was accused of having a racially obsessed mindset and promoting the elimination of white people to address white privilege. The conversation also highlighted the inconsistency in applying representation and bias standards, as some figures were altered to be black or female, while others were deemed too violent or offensive to be depicted. The speaker expressed concern about the oversight and hiring practices within successful companies like Google, where individuals with extreme views can gain influence. The overall sentiment was that the prioritization of addressing systemic racism should be balanced with maintaining historical accuracy and avoiding offensive stereotypes.

    • AI tool manipulates image search resultsInnovative AI technology can lead to unexpected discoveries, even if it involves manipulating search results or reminiscing about past events like the 'miracle on ice'.

      Technology, even with its limitations, can lead to innovative solutions and surprising discoveries. The discussion revolved around an AI tool that could manipulate image search results, tricking computers into displaying incorrect information. While some may find this concerning, others see it as a remarkable feat from a coding perspective. The conversation then shifted to a nostalgic topic - the 44th anniversary of the "miracle on ice" in 1980, where an underdog US hockey team defied expectations and won against the Soviet Union. This event brought the nation together and served as a symbol of unity and pride during a time when America was seeking direction.

    • The 1980 Lake Placid Olympics and US hockey team's victory over the Soviet Union symbolized national pride and unity for AmericansThe 1980 Olympics' underdog US hockey team's victory over the dominant Soviets brought Americans together, but today's education system promotes a divisive 'us versus them' mentality, hindering national unity.

      The 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics and the US hockey team's victory over the Soviet Union served as a symbol of national pride and unity for Americans during a time when the country was recovering from economic hardships. This event was particularly significant for those living in areas closer to Lake Placid, as it was the most exciting thing to happen in decades. The underdog team's victory against the dominant Soviets, who were baffled by the concept of pulling their goalie, was a feel-good moment in sports history. However, it's concerning that 44 years later, we seem to be celebrating Russia and its people while disparaging America. This shift in sentiment is self-inflicted and damaging to national unity. The root cause may lie in our education system, where children are taught to view people as oppressed or oppressors, leading to a divisive "us versus them" mentality. It's crucial that we find a way to reconnect with the national pride and unity experienced during events like the 1980 Olympics.

    • Impact of politics on the Olympics and athlete behaviorThe Olympics have become a platform for political statements, causing potential division and overshadowing the unifying power of sports and national pride.

      The current cultural climate has shifted towards focusing on past racial issues and oppression, rather than celebrating the unifying power of sports and national pride. This was discussed in the context of the Olympics and athletes' potential behavior on the podium. The speaker expressed concern about the impact on the world stage and the potential for division. They also shared their belief that sports provide important moments of national unity and shared experiences, which are increasingly rare in today's fractured media landscape. The speaker also expressed frustration with athletes who use their platforms to criticize America and suggested that they should keep their political views private during such events. Additionally, the speaker mentioned President Biden's new campaign strategy of highlighting former President Trump's inflammatory comments.

    • Speculation about potential leadership changes in Democratic and Republican partiesCritics question Biden's ability to unify Democrats and challenge Trump, while some Democrats discuss replacing him with Harris. Republicans discuss invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump. Discussions about leadership changes could impact 2024 and 2026 elections.

      Despite some differences, both the Democratic and Republican parties face internal challenges and speculation about potential leadership changes. President Biden's critics argue that he doesn't provide a unifying voice and question his ability to effectively challenge former President Trump. Some Democrats discuss the possibility of replacing Biden with Vice President Harris, who they believe could be a stronger candidate. On the Republican side, there have been discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump due to concerns about his behavior. Looking ahead, the focus on potential successors to both leaders could impact the 2024 and even 2026 elections. The ongoing discussions about leadership changes underscore the importance of strong, effective, and unifying leaders in today's political climate.

    • Democrats may consider replacing Harris with another nomineeThe Democratic Party might avoid removing Harris directly and instead consider alternative nominees like Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, or Wes Moore to replace Biden in the 2024 election.

      The Democratic Party may not be able to remove Vice President Kamala Harris as their nominee without alienating a significant portion of their voter base. Instead, they may opt to hold a convention and consider other candidates, such as Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, or Wes Moore, to replace Joe Biden. This strategy allows them to address the issue of Harris' leadership without appearing to target her specifically. Additionally, the party aims to avoid the chaotic primary process they experienced in 2020, where numerous candidates vied for attention and resources. In the Fannie Willis case, the latest development involves Terrence Bradley, Nathan Wade's former attorney, being called to testify in private about potential attorney-client privilege issues and his knowledge of the affair between Fannie and Nathan. If Bradley can confirm the affair's longevity, it could lead to perjury charges for both Fannie and Nathan.

    • Romantic relationship between key witness and defense attorney in Georgia caseThe Georgia case against Trump involves a witness with a romantic relationship with the defense attorney, raising questions about impartiality and judgment. Media coverage and criticisms have focused on the financial aspects and professionalism of those involved.

      The ongoing legal cases against Donald Trump continue to present unexpected developments. In the Georgia case, a key witness, Fannie Willis, appeared to have a romantic relationship with the defense attorney, Nathan Wade. This raises questions about her impartiality and judgment in handling the high-profile case. The media has been covering the situation extensively, and some commentators have criticized the perceived lack of professionalism and judgment displayed by those involved. The financial aspects of the case, including the large sums of money involved and the reporting of reimbursements, have also been a point of contention. Overall, the situation highlights the complexity and nuance of the legal proceedings against Trump, and the importance of maintaining professionalism and impartiality in the legal process.

    • Unnecessary sharing of personal details to discredit prosecutorsDuring a court hearing, personal details of prosecutors were shared publicly to discredit them, but the real issue is their inappropriate relationship and financial benefits.

      During a recent court hearing in Georgia, personal details of two prosecutors were unnecessarily shared with the public, including their health issues, financial situations, and personal relationships. This was done to discredit the lead prosecutor and create a public crisis of character. The defendants in the case, who are Republicans, are accused of bringing up these irrelevant matters. The media's attempt to defend the prosecutors is not likely to work, as the real issue is the inappropriate relationship and financial benefits the lead prosecutor is receiving from the special prosecutor she brought in. The straw man arguments being presented by some are not accurate to the real arguments being made. The dependency on technology was also highlighted during the discussion as a phone outage caused disruptions for some.

    • Urgent investigation into cause of AT&T outagePotential cyberattack or technical malfunction could cause chaos and disrupt infrastructure, highlighting the importance of federal focus on cybersecurity against threats from terrorism groups and foreign powers, even in trivial situations.

      The recent AT&T outage is under urgent investigation by various agencies, including the FBI and DHS, to determine if it was caused by a cyberattack or a technical malfunction. The potential implications of such an attack are significant, as our increasingly interconnected world means that malicious actors have more opportunities to cause chaos and disrupt infrastructure. This discussion also touched upon the importance of federal government focus on cybersecurity, as well as the potential threats from actors like terrorism groups and foreign powers. Additionally, there was a light-hearted anecdote about the White House dog, Major, who was removed due to biting Secret Service personnel, highlighting the importance of security even in seemingly trivial situations.

    • President Biden's White House faces surprises and controversiesPresident Biden is considering restricting asylum claims at the border through executive action, following controversies and growing concerns over his handling of the immigration crisis.

      The White House has seen its fair share of unusual incidents, including a secret service agent being bitten by the President's dog, Commander, resulting in severe injuries. The agent described the incident as shocking and surreal. Meanwhile, President Biden is reportedly considering restricting asylum claims at the border through executive action, a move that mirrors some of the controversial policies implemented by his predecessor, Donald Trump. The President's change of heart comes amid growing concerns over his handling of the immigration crisis and mounting pressure from polls. Despite his previous claims that he lacked the power to act without congressional support, Biden is now exploring executive measures to address the issue. The White House has been the scene of numerous surprises and controversies, with the President's own pet adding to the list. However, the latest development suggests that Biden is now taking action to address one of the most pressing issues of his presidency.

    • Increase in Illegal Immigration under Biden AdministrationBiden's immigration policies have led to over 8.5 million people entering the US illegally, causing political problems and concerns for voter's safety and drug distribution.

      President Biden's actions on immigration policy have led to a significant increase in illegal immigration, with over 8.5 million people entering the country since he took office. This issue is causing political problems for him, as it is a major concern for voters and a potential barrier to a second term. The administration's lack of action on border security and reversal of previous policies, such as the Remain in Mexico policy and Title 42, have contributed to this crisis. The consequences of this open border are far-reaching, including the influx of people seeking to do harm and the distribution of deadly drugs like Fentanyl. Despite the dire situation, there is a lack of willingness from the administration to take meaningful action to address these issues, raising concerns about their true priorities.

    • Addressing the Opioid Crisis and Political SpeculationThe opioid crisis demands immediate action, and Narcan can save lives. Politically, potential number twos in the election, like Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, are uncertain due to the ages and circumstances of leading candidates.

      The opioid crisis, specifically the rise of Fentanyl, is a pressing issue that requires immediate action. Just as we keep fire extinguishers on hand to put out fires, Narcan can save lives in the case of an overdose. Families should consider having Narcan available, and efforts should be made to limit the flow of illegal drugs into the country. In politics, the importance of potential number twos in the upcoming election is uncertain due to the ages and circumstances of the leading candidates. Ron DeSantis has stated he is not interested in being a vice president pick, but some speculate he may keep his options open for future elections. Similarly, Nikki Haley's continued campaigning in South Carolina, despite being far behind in the polls, could be a strategic move to secure delegates in case of an unexpected turn of events.

    • Republican Nomination Race: Trump and Haley Engage in Public SpatsThe Republican nomination race is intense and candidates and their teams are willing to go to great lengths to gain an edge, including public spats and dismissive comments towards opponents and media.

      The race for the Republican Party nomination continues to be a contentious one, with candidates and their advisors engaging in public spats and jabs at each other. A recent instance involved Trump and Nikki Haley, where Trump questioned Haley's dedication to her husband who is deployed in the military. Haley responded by expressing her longing for him during a campaign event, which some perceived as disingenuous. Chris LaCivita, a Trump adviser, also weighed in with a dismissive comment towards a reporter. These actions highlight the intense nature of the campaign and the lengths candidates and their teams will go to gain an edge. It's a reminder that the political arena can be a brutal and unforgiving place.

    • The Souring Relationship Between Katie Tur and Keith OlbermannDespite past romantic ties and professional disagreements, Katie Tur has moved on and continues to thrive in her career, reminding us that past relationships should not dictate present or future success.

      The relationship between Katie Tur and Keith Olbermann, once romantic, has turned sour and bitter. When a civil fraud case against the Trump Organization resulted in a large sum owed, Olbermann reacted strongly on his podcast, bringing up past transgressions between them. Tur had once attempted to write a book about her experiences with Trump, but couldn't complete it due to the difficulty of writing in someone else's style. Olbermann, who was fired from MSNBC, has continued to criticize Tur, raising questions about her journalistic integrity. Despite his criticisms, Tur has moved on and is living a happy life. The incident serves as a reminder that past relationships, even if they end negatively, should not define one's present or future.

    • New York AG seeks to seize Trump assets for $1.6M judgmentNew York AG is pursuing legal action against Trump for a $1.6M judgment, using a tendency-to-deceive standard to vindicate public good. Critics argue it's political targeting, but Trump's businesses remain strong.

      New York Attorney General Tish James is pursuing legal action against former President Donald Trump, seeking to seize his assets to pay for a $1.6 million judgment in a civil case. The legal standard for such action is whether there was a tendency to deceive, and New York's legislature has chosen to use this standard to vindicate the public good. Trump has been accused of financial fraud and faces multiple lawsuits in New York, some of which have resulted in large judgments against him and his organization. Critics argue that these actions are political targeting and an extrajudicial proceeding, and they have raised concerns about a crisis of political vendettas under the guise of lawmaking in metropolitan areas. Trump has stated that these actions could drive businesses out of New York, but tourism and Wall Street remain strong. The issue is not unique to Trump, but rather a problem in the current era where liberal politicians are determined to target him.

    • Democrats Targeting Individuals and BusinessesDemocrats targeting individuals and businesses for non-compliance with their agenda leads to growing support for Trump in key states. NYPD's dance team controversy raises concerns about officer fitness levels and effectiveness.

      In certain areas of the United States, there have been Democrat-run governments and judicial systems that have used their power to target individuals and businesses who don't comply with their agenda. This was discussed in relation to the IRS targeting conservative donors and a mayor in Illinois who shook down business owners for contributions. The consequences of these actions have led to a growing support for Trump in key states, as people become aware of these manipulative tactics. Additionally, there was a discussion about the NYPD dance team and the controversy surrounding their dance routine as a form of stress relief. The NYPD responded that it was their own project and didn't affect the budget or policing. However, there were concerns raised about the fitness levels of some of the officers and the potential impact on the effectiveness of the police force. The NYPD is experiencing a problem with overweight and obese officers, particularly women, who are unable to meet the basic fitness requirements. The standards have been lowered to accommodate more women, but this has resulted in missed arrests and a lack of fitness among officers. The suggestion was made that the officers should focus on getting in shape, as it is important for their ability to perform their duties effectively.

    • Recruiting Qualified Individuals into Law EnforcementThe political climate and societal attitudes towards policing are making it harder to recruit qualified individuals. Some diversity requirements may not make sense, and physical capabilities of some female officers are a concern. Better support, recognition, pay, and benefits for officers could encourage more people to join.

      The current political climate and societal attitudes towards policing are making it increasingly difficult to recruit qualified individuals into law enforcement. This issue is compounded by the fact that some requirements for diversity in policing may not always make sense. The speaker also expressed concern about the physical capabilities of some female officers and the impact of defunding the police on the morale and effectiveness of law enforcement agencies. The speaker urged for better support and recognition for police officers, including better pay, benefits, and rhetorical support, to encourage more people to join the force. The speaker also criticized politicians like AOC for contributing to the problem through their actions and rhetoric.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The 1922 committee: inside the Conservatives’ assassination bureau | Audio Long Read

    The Conservative Private Members Committee, informally known as the 1922 Committee (or the ’22), is the Tory confessional, its trade union and backbenchers’ common room. If that makes it sound chaotic (and it sometimes is) it is also the assassination bureau that felled Margaret Thatcher, and, more recently, three prime ministers in four years: Theresa May, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss. Will it come for Rishi Sunak before the next election?

    In this week’s richly detailed and highly entertaining long read, magazine writer Tanya Gold reports on the secretive committee’s inner workings, hearing from decision-makers past and present about what happens when a leader loses the party’s confidence. “The ’22 can be turgid for months, even years,” she writes. “But people talk about Committee Room 14 during a leadership crisis as they might about seeing Bruce Springsteen, or a riot.” And over the next 18 months, they could be busy.

    Written by Tanya Gold and read by Rachel Cunliffe. 

    This article originally appeared in the 21-27 July 2023 edition of the New Statesman, and you can read the text version here

    If you enjoyed this episode, you might also enjoy The making of Prince William by Tanya Gold.

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