
    Google Wants to Steal the 2024 Election, This is How we Stop Them! | Feat. Dr. Epstein

    enOctober 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Google's manipulation of search results could impact electionsGoogle's power over the internet could influence elections by altering search results, potentially swaying voter opinions

      Google's manipulation of search results could potentially impact elections. The documentary "The Creepy Line" brought this issue to light, and psychologist Robert Epstein, today's guest, has been studying this phenomenon. Epstein, who is not a conservative, became involved when Google blocked access to his website in 2012, raising questions about their power over the internet. This manipulation goes beyond Google's search engine, as they've also been blocking access on other browsers like Firefox. Epstein's research indicates that Google can subtly influence voters by altering search results, which could sway elections. It's important for everyone to be aware of this potential threat to democratic processes.

    • Google's search engine manipulation effectGoogle's dominance in search market can shift voter preferences and opinions by manipulating search results, impacting elections and purchases.

      Google's dominance in the search market gives it the power to manipulate public opinion through search engine results, a phenomenon known as the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEM). This effect was discovered in 2013 by a researcher who conducted experiments and found that manipulating search results could shift voter preferences by up to 66%. Google's control of over 92% of the global search market makes it an unprecedented manipulation tool, surpassing the influence of traditional advertising methods. Users are often unaware of biased search results as they trust the high-ranking items and seldom scroll beyond the first page. The consequences of this manipulation can significantly impact elections, opinions, and purchases. The researcher's findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, highlighting the profound impact of Google's search engine manipulation.

    • Search engines manipulate search suggestionsSearch engines can influence our decisions by manipulating search suggestions, often due to advertising relationships. Be aware and critically evaluate information.

      Search engines like Google have a significant influence over the information we access due to their dominant market position and the trust we place in their algorithms. Most searches are for simple facts, but these platforms can manipulate search suggestions to steer users towards certain results, often influenced by advertising relationships. This can impact our decision-making process, especially when it comes to political or controversial topics. During a congressional hearing, it was demonstrated that even senators can be influenced by these search suggestions, with Amazon being the most common suggestion when typing the letter 'a'. This manipulation can subtly sway public opinion, making it essential to be aware of this influence and to critically evaluate the information presented to us.

    • Google's Manipulation of Information and ElectionsGoogle's control over search results, suggestions, and YouTube can influence public opinion, potentially changing election outcomes. Their extensive surveillance and lack of accountability make this manipulation concerning.

      Tech companies, specifically Google, have a significant amount of control over the information we access and can manipulate search results, suggestions, and even videos to influence public opinion. This suppression of negative information and promotion of positive content can sway undecided voters, potentially changing election outcomes. Google's extensive surveillance and lack of accountability make this manipulation even more concerning. The suppression of stories like the Hunter Biden laptop investigation could have influenced the 2020 election. Google's control over YouTube allows them to censor content arbitrarily, making it difficult for alternative viewpoints to be heard. Politicians have discussed addressing this issue through Section 230, but until action is taken, tech companies have the power to control what information the public accesses and how they perceive it.

    • Power imbalance in tech companies under Section 230Section 230's ambiguous rules allow tech companies to profit from free speech without assuming responsibility for diverse voices in the public square, potentially silencing valid voices.

      The ambiguous rules and guidelines surrounding Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act have led to a power imbalance where tech companies can reap the benefits of free speech without assuming the responsibility to allow diverse voices in the public square. This issue became particularly evident during the 2016 U.S. Presidential election when allegations of tech companies manipulating vote results emerged. In this instance, Hillary Clinton, a Democratic candidate, responded to these allegations, which were debunked, by quoting false information obtained from an unknown source. This incident led to a media blackout for the speaker, who was previously well-connected in the media industry, despite providing valid concerns about the issue. The speaker's experience highlights the need for clearer guidelines and more transparency in the application of Section 230 to ensure fairness and promote free speech in the digital age.

    • Google's use of ephemeral experiences to manipulate viewsGoogle can use fleeting content to change perceptions without a trace, posing challenges for accountability

      Ephemeral experiences, which are fleeting and short-lived content that disappears without a trace, can be manipulated by tech companies like Google to influence people's views and behavior without leaving a paper trail. This was revealed in a leak of emails to the Wall Street Journal in 2018, where Googlers discussed using ephemeral experiences to change people's perceptions about Trump's travel ban. The speaker in the discussion had been studying the power of ephemeral experiences since 2013 and was alarmed by the acknowledgment of this power by the company. The lack of a trace makes it even harder to prosecute potential wrongdoing, and the speaker's team has been working since 2016 to preserve and catalog ephemeral experiences at Google. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding this capability and the potential dangers it poses.

    • Monitoring system preserves search results to combat bias during electionsDuring the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections, a monitoring system called 'America's digital shield' recruited real people to conduct searches and record results, finding bias towards Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020, potentially shifting millions of votes.

      During the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections, there was a concern of bias in search engine results from companies like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. To combat this issue, a monitoring system, internally known as "America's digital shield," was developed to preserve ephemeral content by recruiting real people, or "field agents," to conduct searches and record their results. In 2016, 95 field agents in 24 states preserved 13,000 searches and found extreme bias towards Hillary Clinton, potentially shifting up to 2.6 million votes. In 2018 and 2020, the system expanded to 1,730 field agents in four swing states, preserving over 1.5 million experiences and finding bias towards Joe Biden, potentially shifting over 6 million votes. These findings were shared with Senator Ted Cruz's office, leading to a threatening letter from Cruz and two other senators to the CEO of Google. The system's ability to analyze data faster in 2020 allowed for quicker action and dissemination of findings.

    • Google's election manipulation allegationsGoogle allegedly manipulated search results and vote reminders during the 2020 Georgia elections, potentially impacting millions of votes and highlighting the need for transparency and regulation in tech companies' role in elections.

      During the 2020 Georgia elections, Google allegedly manipulated search results and partisan vote reminders to suppress conservative voter turnout. This manipulation, which was unprecedented, occurred on Google's homepage and could potentially influence national elections by sending hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of votes to one candidate. Justice Brandeis' quote, "sunlight is the best disinfectant," emphasizes the importance of transparency in preventing such manipulations. Google's actions demonstrate the significant power that tech companies hold in shaping election outcomes and underscore the need for increased monitoring and regulation. The speaker's organization, which had over 2,000 field agents in 10 swing states during the 2022 elections, found evidence of similar manipulations on a larger scale. The implications of these findings are concerning, as they suggest that private companies could influence election outcomes, potentially undermining the democratic process.

    • Tech companies manipulating elections through misdirectionTech companies like Google shift millions of votes through manipulative practices, distracting from more visible concerns with conspiracy theories

      The perception of fairness and freedom in elections is a contentious issue, with each side holding strong beliefs. However, the surprising truth is that tech companies like Google use misdirection by spreading conspiracy theories to distract from their own manipulative actions. These actions involve shifting millions of votes in ways that cannot be seen or counteracted, making them a significant threat to the integrity of elections. It's essential to focus on addressing these underlying issues, such as tech companies' manipulative practices, alongside more visible concerns like allegations of ballot harvesting or constitutional changes in states.

    • Distinguishing Fact from Fiction in Election InformationTech companies hold power over election narratives, separating fact from fiction is crucial, and focusing on legitimate concerns protects election integrity.

      While there have been instances of questionable practices and potential manipulation in elections, it's crucial to distinguish between conspiracy theories and verifiable facts. The power to control the spread of information lies with tech companies, who have the ability to decide what stories go viral. In the case of the 2020 election, some arguments lacked solid evidence and played into the hands of those seeking to discredit the process. However, there were also legitimate concerns, such as the lack of proper legislative approval for mail-in voting in certain states. It's essential to scrutinize the sources of information, separate fact from fiction, and focus on the most significant issues to effectively address concerns and protect the integrity of elections.

    • Protecting democracy with tech monitoringEfforts to monitor tech companies for fairness and prevent harmful content require ongoing financial support to ensure democracy's health and children's well-being.

      The influence and power of tech companies, particularly in the realm of elections and data collection, have grown significantly and require constant monitoring to ensure fairness and prevent manipulation. Epstein, the founder of the monitoring system America's Digital Shield, emphasizes the importance of this permanent monitoring system to protect democracy and prevent the spread of biased or harmful content. However, the financial resources to build and maintain such a system are currently limited, leaving Epstein in a difficult position. To help, individuals can consider donating or getting involved in efforts to support and expand this type of monitoring system. The potential impact on democracy and the well-being of children makes this a crucial issue that warrants attention and action.

    • Supporting fair elections through sponsoring field agentsIndividuals can sponsor field agents to preserve privacy and ensure fair elections by donating to organizations through official channels, with significant costs requiring larger donations from foundations or generous individuals.

      Supporting organizations fighting for free and fair elections is an effective way to make a difference. However, it's not just about donating money, but doing so through official channels to ensure the funds reach the intended recipients. In this specific case, the organization mentioned is looking for financial support to sponsor field agents who monitor data from tech companies to preserve privacy and ensure fairness. The cost of running this project is significant, with over $10,000 being spent daily, and the organization is seeking larger donations from foundations or generous individuals to help cover these expenses. By sponsoring a field agent, individuals can contribute to the cause and help preserve privacy while fighting against manipulation of data by tech companies.

    • Technology companies use negativity bias to addict us to their platformsCompanies collect data on our online activity, even if it's negative or traumatic, to increase watch time and revenue. Efforts are being made to analyze this data and understand its impact on individuals and society.

      Technology companies, like Google, use our negativity bias to addict us and our children to their platforms by providing content that elicits strong emotional reactions, even if it's negative or traumatic. This is done to increase watch time and revenue. The companies are collecting massive amounts of data on what we watch, but they don't yet know how to analyze it effectively. However, organizations like the one being discussed are working to preserve and analyze this ephemeral content to better understand its impact on individuals and society. Incognito mode, while it may provide some privacy, is ultimately ineffective in hiding your online activity from these companies. The monitoring and preservation of digital content is crucial for understanding the effects of technology on our lives and maintaining human autonomy.

    • Protecting Privacy in the Digital AgeUse secure browsers, encrypted apps, and email services to minimize data collection. Be aware of device surveillance capabilities and consider using secure phones for sensitive communications.

      Individuals can take steps to protect their privacy in the digital age, despite the pervasive use of surveillance devices like smartphones. The speaker, who has been ad-free since 2014, suggests using secure browsers like Brave, encrypted messaging apps like Signal, and encrypted email services like ProtonMail to minimize data collection. He emphasizes that while these services may require a financial investment, the cost is worth it to maintain privacy and freedom from intrusive advertising and data collection. Additionally, he encourages individuals to be aware of the surveillance capabilities of their devices and consider using secure phones for sensitive communications. Overall, the speaker encourages a proactive approach to privacy in the digital age.

    • Protecting Democracy and Free Speech: A Call to ActionTo preserve democracy and protect free speech, it's crucial for those in a position to act to fund efforts for fair representation, despite potential risks and challenges, as the government and courts have failed to do so effectively.

      The use of surveillance by companies for manipulation purposes without consumers' awareness should be illegal. The upcoming elections in 2024 raise national security concerns if free and fair elections are not ensured. The government or local governments should fund efforts to ensure fair representation, but without government involvement. Conservatives, who feel targeted the most, should step up and fund this cause. However, fear of Google's potential reprisals prevents many wealthy individuals and companies from taking action. The courts have upheld Google's right to suppress speech, making it a significant challenge to preserve democracy and protect free speech. It's time for those in a position to make a difference to take a stand and put their money where their mouth is, despite the potential risks and challenges involved.

    • Using resources to fight for important causesInaction can lead to loss of trust and social unrest, so it's essential to stand up for what's right, support causes that align with values, and encourage transparency and accountability in politics.

      Those in positions of power and influence, blessed with resources, have a responsibility to use them to fight for important causes and protect the values they claim to believe in. This requires putting something on the line and taking risks. The cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of action, as it could lead to the loss of trust in the democratic process and potentially even social unrest. It's essential to stand up for what is right and encourage others to do the same. This is not an easy task, but it's necessary for the preservation of our core beliefs and the unity of our society. It's important to support causes that align with these values and to encourage transparency and accountability in politics. Trust in the democratic process and the protection of our fundamental rights are primary, and we must all do our part to ensure they are upheld.

    • The Undue Influence of CorporationsCorporations' growing power threatens democratic processes and public good, requiring action to hold them accountable.

      The power and influence of big corporations have grown to a point where they seem to be accountable to no one, and their actions, even those that may harm individuals or the public good, often go unchecked by the legal system. Robert Epstein's research highlights the concerning impact of this trend on our democratic processes and our lives as a whole. It's essential for individuals, elected officials, and future leaders to recognize this issue and take action to ensure that corporations are held accountable and that the balance of power is restored. The stakes are high, and the fight to save our country from the undue influence of corporations requires all of us to step up and join the cause.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-26-2024

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

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    Support freedom of speech with Rumble's 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775coffee.com/Crowder right now and pick up your first bag. Use code CROWDER to save 10%.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

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    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

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    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
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