
    Gratitude To Pull You Out Of A Funk

    en-gbJuly 23, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Practicing Gratitude: Focus on the PositivesFocusing on things we're grateful for can improve mood and energy levels, shift perspective, and help cope with stress. Write down small things for quick relief.

      Practicing gratitude can help improve your mood and energy levels when you're feeling overwhelmed or in a funk. When we focus on the things we're grateful for, no matter how small, it can shift our perspective and help us cope with stress and tension. Kate Cocker, from the Volley network, shared her personal experience of using gratitude to pull herself out of a funk. She suggested taking just a few minutes to write down a list of things you're grateful for, starting with the small things. By focusing on the positive, we can find relief from the stress and tension that builds up in our daily lives. Cocker also mentioned her Amazon Echo skill called "guided sleep" which can help those struggling with sleep by focusing the mind before bedtime. It's updated regularly with new audio content. So, if you're feeling down or overwhelmed, take a moment to reflect on the things you're grateful for. It's a simple yet powerful practice that can help improve your mood and energy levels, and get you back on track. Remember, even small things can make a big difference. Try it out and see for yourself!

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    Podcast edited and managed by Haili Murch LLC.


    If you are interested in starting a podcast or you are currently a podcaster needing help managing or relaunching your podcast, you may email Haili Murch at hello@hailimurch.com or you can click here to book a call: https://calendly.com/hailimurch/podcast-discovery-call

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