
    Podcast Summary

    • Productivity and simple joys in managing stressFocus on productivity, enjoy simple pleasures, and manage stress to maintain overall health and well-being

      Health comes in various forms and it's essential to focus on productivity and simple joys while managing stress. Jaiden, the podcast host, shared her weekly review, including her productivity efforts and staying home from Coachella to focus on her tasks. She expressed FOMO but reminded herself of the importance of completing what's in front of her. Jaiden also enjoys the simple things in life, such as spending time with her sick cat, Kitty. Her current obsessions include tuna on sourdough toast, walking and talking, a facial cleansing tool, and Cortisol Manager for managing cortisol levels. Her goal for the week is to spend more time with Kitty, embracing every moment with him as she navigates the grieving process for her beloved pet. Overall, the episode emphasizes the importance of productivity, enjoying the simple things, and managing stress to maintain overall health and well-being.

    • The importance of self-care and self-loveThrough self-care practices like organizing and daily stretching, and affirming self-worth, we can improve our overall well-being despite life's challenges and societal pressures.

      Our perception of ourselves and the world around us doesn't always align. The speaker expressed gratitude for her husband despite his aging and health issues, and emphasized the importance of self-care through organizing her bathroom and daily stretching. She also shared the impact of the podcast on her life, with an affirmation of new opportunities and a challenge to walk and talk with a friend for 30 minutes. The review from a listener highlighted the positive influence of the podcast on her personal growth and self-love. The speaker also shared a relatable experience of feeling unwell but receiving compliments on appearance. It's important to remember that our health and appearance don't define our worth, and self-care and self-love are essential for overall well-being.

    • Judging health by appearances can be misleadingFocus on personal health journey, not comparisons to others, and remember that true happiness comes from within

      Appearances can be deceiving when it comes to assessing someone's health, be it physical or mental. It's essential to remember that everyone's definition of health varies, and what looks healthy on the outside may not necessarily reflect a person's inner well-being. Comparing ourselves to others based on their appearances can be detrimental to our own health and self-esteem. Instead, we should focus on our unique journey towards health and self-love, recognizing that our healthiest selves may not look the same as others'. Past struggles with health issues, such as eating disorders, do not define our current or future health status. It's crucial to prioritize our mental and physical well-being and remember that true happiness and a fulfilling life come from within, not just our appearance.

    • The Importance of Inner HappinessPrioritizing mental health and inner happiness can lead to a more fulfilling life than focusing solely on physical appearance.

      Focusing solely on physical appearance for self-worth and happiness can lead to unhappiness and a lack of living life to the fullest. Instead, prioritizing mental health and inner happiness can lead to a more fulfilling life, even if physical appearance goals aren't met. Additionally, what works for one person's health routine may not work for another, and it's important to find what works best for you, rather than following trends or societal expectations blindly. Overall, living a healthy and happy life involves a balance of mental and physical well-being, and it's essential to listen to your body and mind to determine what truly makes you feel your best.

    • Listen to your body and trust your instincts when it comes to wellness habitsEveryone's health journey is unique, trust your instincts, and focus on routines that make you feel good, even if they don't align with popular trends. For entrepreneurs, find a reliable global commerce platform like Shopify to grow your business.

      Everyone's health journey is unique, and what works best for one person may not work for another. For instance, while lemon water may be a healthy habit for some, it may cause discomfort for others. It's essential to listen to your body and trust your instincts when it comes to wellness habits. Moreover, nobody has the right to declare something unhealthy for you, and it's crucial to focus on routines that make you feel good, even if they don't align with popular trends. Another crucial takeaway is the importance of finding the right platform to grow your business, especially if you're an entrepreneur. Shopify is a reliable global commerce platform that supports businesses at every stage, from launch to growth and beyond. With features like the Internet's best converting checkout and the ability to sell anything, Shopify empowers businesses to reach their target audience and turn browsers into buyers with less effort. So, if you have a business, consider signing up for Shopify's $1 per month trial to take it to the next level.

    • Embrace your uniqueness and prioritize health and happinessFind a routine that suits your needs, focus on inner health and happiness, and don't compare yourself to others.

      It's essential to find a healthy routine that works for you, rather than trying to follow someone else's routine or comparing yourself to others. The idea of "less is more" can be applied to your morning and evening routines, as well as your diet. It's crucial to listen to your body's needs and not force yourself into unhealthy stress to maintain a certain image or follow trends. Remember, everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Focus on living a healthy and happy life that caters to your individual needs, rather than just focusing on appearance. Take inspiration from others but don't compare yourself, and most importantly, stay true to yourself. Health and happiness come from within, and it's essential to prioritize both. So, embrace your uniqueness, and remember, "do not forget to stay busy yet pretty."

    Recent Episodes from Busy, Yet Pretty

    Summer Glow Up Guide: Hotter, Happier & Healthier

    Summer Glow Up Guide: Hotter, Happier & Healthier

    It's almost summer babe and you know what that means... GLOW UP TIME! It's time for the glow up of the year! In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the ultimate to becoming Hotter, Happier & Healthier this summer! If you're in a slump or are in need of glow up inspo, this episode is PERFECT for you. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte and a new YOU!


    Current Obsessions:

    - staying on track + being productive!

    - getting hot and happy for the summer

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify

    - prioritzing my health with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Friendships: Let Toxicity Go & How To Make New Friends

    Friendships: Let Toxicity Go & How To Make New Friends

    Whether you're in middle school looking to make friends or in your 50s and trying to navigate friendships, you are NOT alone. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares how you can recognize toxic friends + how to drop them, and most importantly how to make NEW friends that ADD to your life! It's all about quality friends over quantity. Tune into this episode with an almond milk matcha latte as you begin your journey to navigating healthy friendships.


    Current Obsessions:

    - taking more time for personal hobbies

    - early bed time!!! goodnight!

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    I Love Happy Me, She's So Pretty

    I Love Happy Me, She's So Pretty

    Happy you is truly the prettiest you, you know that. It's time for you to take control of your happiness and become the best version of yourself (shamelessly.) In honor of mental health awareness month, this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the importance of taking control of what you are able to and how you can improve the way you view your life. Tune into this episode with a cold brew vanilla latte with all the love for yourself.


    Current Obsessions:

    - listening to birds

    - taking time away from the phone

    - Playing!!!! Living for my 8 + 80 year old me!


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    FOMO?.. JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.)

    FOMO?.. JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.)

    FOMO?... Yep, we've all been there. Your fear of missing out is controlling your true feelings and decisions, and you may not even realize it. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares different forms of FOMO you may experience and how to turn your FOMO into JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.) Tune into this episode with an coconut milk matcha latte, as you begin to live life through the lens of JOMO.

    Current Obsessions:

    - tofu!! such a tofu girl

    - taking time away from the phone

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Health Does Not Have One Look

    Health Does Not Have One Look

    In today's day in age, the definition of "Health" may look like intense cardio every morning with a keto diet or maybe a slow morning routine followed by pilates with a balanced diet. We tend to forget that "health" does not have one look. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey discusses the topic of what Health may look like for you and why what's healthy for others may actually be UNhealthy for you. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte (or your favorite drink), as we chat about what health may look like for YOU.


    Current Obsessions:

    - complimenting others!

    - flared leggings (love alo & VS)

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey guides you to dropping your brainwashed mindset of self doubts, worth, how you view people and your goals, steering you to a new direction of living life free of influence. Whether you put your dream job, your enemy, your crush or your dream car on a pedastal, this episode will help you relaign how you view and attract your desires. Tune into this episode with an iced tea, as you rewire your mindset to see your desires at eye level.

    Current Obsessions:

    gua sha! feeling toned daily from it

    dried edamame is soooo divine (healthy)

    going to bed earlier

    prioritzing my healthy with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet


    I Don’t Drink Or Smoke… & Here’s Why

    I Don’t Drink Or Smoke… & Here’s Why

    Life isn’t about following societal norms, that don’t call to you. In this episode you host, Jadyn Hailey shares why she chooses not to drink or smoke. Whether you’re looking for directions on how to navigate social settings without alcohol or are interested in learning why some choose to not partake, Jadyn shares her raw and transparent experience + advice on life without drinking or smoking. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte with almond milk, as you learn that sometimes it’s not about the cup in your hand that matters but the CONFIDENCE in hand. 


    Current Obsessions:

    reading!!! my fav books -  self improvement books

    mat pilates

    For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Pink Peony Spring! Perfect Closet, Beauty & Itinerary Inspo

    Pink Peony Spring! Perfect Closet, Beauty & Itinerary Inspo

    YOU HEARD HER! It's a Pink Peony Spring! Time to wear too much blush, get dressed up in your favorite dress and go strawberry picking! In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the ultimate Spring inspo to embodying the Spring of your dreams. Whether you're looking for the pefect spring closet inspiration or need a spring day itentary, this episode has you covered. Tune into this episode with your strawberry, almond milk, matcha latte as your SPRING into Spring.


    Current Obsessions:

    my new jewelry collection! Golden Class Girl Collection

    eating more protein!! essential. 

    pink penoies!!! eeek!

    prioritzing my healthy with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet


    Girl Therapy: Get Out Of Your Slump & Maintain Positivity

    Girl Therapy: Get Out Of Your Slump & Maintain Positivity

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    Current Obsessions:

    my new jewelry collection! Golden Class Girl Collection

    reading!!! my favorite books -  self improvement books

    everything showers + my  anti frizz cream  (code: BUSY)


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Your Fear Of Failure & 'Looking Stupid' Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life

    Your Fear Of Failure & 'Looking Stupid' Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life

    Your Fear Of Looking Stupid & Failure Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life, think about that. How do you define failure? In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the true definition of failure and why you are currently stuck, not growing. We often wait for the green light from others, when it's time we create the green light and go. Tune into this episode with an almond milk matcha latte and motivation to begin working towards the life you've always dreamed of.


    Current Obsessions:

    sleeping in on the weekends.. wellneeded 

    reading!!! my favorite books -  self improvement books

    celtic salt in water


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Related Episodes

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    A 10 Minute Mindfulness Meditation

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    Wishing you a joyful, refreshing, delicious, relaxing, fun, and soulful holiday!


    Find us at www.soulfullofwellness.com

    Follow us on Instagram @soul_full_of_wellness

    Email us at SFOWpodcast@gmail.com

    Please share Soul Full of Wellness to spread the love.

    Thank you for listening!

    EP155: WTAF Does Wellness Mean Anyway?

    EP155: WTAF Does Wellness Mean Anyway?

    Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones are nationally recognized Registered Dietitians, Certified Diabetes Educators, and founders of Food Heaven, an online resource exploring the intersections of wellness and social justice. 


    We are long time fans of Jess and Wendy and we were so happy to bring them on to talk about a nuanced conversation about Gwenyth Paltrow, WTAF does wellness even mean, and self care for social media 


    Find them on IG @foodheaven and find Jess on Substack at internetelder.substack.com


    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Let's Talk Sex Toys Featuring Lisa from Babeland Toy Store

    Let's Talk Sex Toys Featuring Lisa from Babeland Toy Store

    Hey Girlies, Happy almost Spring!

    Welcome back to another Episode of Celeb Talk Girl Talk!

    On today's episode we have a special guest joining us, Lisa Finn! Lisa is a Sex Educator and the Brand Manager of Babeland. Babeland is a sex toy brand with shops in NYC and Seattle that offers something for everyone—whether you’re on your first or fiftieth visit.

    Our Girl Talk Includes:

    • Most common misconceptions people have about using sex toys
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    • Opening up the conversation that doesn't threaten your partner
    • Masturbation as a form of self-care

    Are you looking to learn more about Sex Toys?
    Check out Babeland to explore the different toys and their use!

    PS. If you purchase any sex toys from Babeland, online or in-stores, use the code 'CELEBTALK' to get a 10% discount!

    Interested? Grab a Cup and Join the Talk!!!!!

    Follow @celebtalkgirltalkpod @natasha_fig @jayrosexoxo
    Our guest Babeland on Instagram

    @celebtgirltalk on Twitter and don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!

    Music by WordSmith

    Cover Art by Ria

    Episode 24: Let's Talk Boundaries

    Episode 24: Let's Talk Boundaries

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    1. If a guy/girl slides into your dms, do you tell your significant other?
    2. Is it okay to be friends with your exes?
    3. Should you share your location with your significant other? Example: Find my friend

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    We talk about building healthy habits to foster a long lasting relationship!

    Interested? Grab a Cup and Join the Talk!!!!!

    Follow @celebtalkgirltalkpod @natasha_fig @jayrosexoxo on Instagram and
    @celebtgirltalk on Twitter and don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!

    Music by WordSmith
    Cover Art by Ria

    Episode 17: Let's Talk Yoga and Wellness Featuring Pilin Anice

    Episode 17: Let's Talk Yoga and Wellness Featuring Pilin Anice

    Hey Everyone, welcome back to another Episode of Celeb Talk Girl Talk.

    On today's episode we have a special guest joining us, Pilin Anice! Pilin is a Yoga and Barre Instructor as well as a Wellness Coach guiding the transition for those adopting a healthy, plant-based lifestyle!

    Our Girl Talk Includes:

    The physical and mental health benefits of yoga and barre!

    We talk about the path to a plant-heavy eating plan!

    We talk about the benefits of practicing meditation on a consistent basis!

    Are you looking to take control of your body? Join the Yoga and Barre classes held by Pilin Anice in NYC or CT to begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle!

    Interested? Grab a Cup and Join the Talk!!!!!

    Follow @celebtalkgirltalkpod @natasha_fig @jayrosexoxo on Instagram
    and our guest Piline Anice
    @celebtgirltalk on Twitter and don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!

    Music by WordSmith
    Cover Art by Ria