
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Self-Improvement and New BeginningsRegain focus on healthy habits, set goals, and explore new interests to become the best version of yourself.

      No matter where you are in the year, it's never too late to start making positive changes and becoming the best version of yourself. Jaiden shares her excitement about getting back on routine and focusing on healthy habits, and encourages listeners to do the same. She also discusses her current obsessions, including reading multiple books, nonprescription glasses, Japanese skincare, and cooking meals at home. Lastly, she sets goals for the week, including meditating more often, trying out more vegan recipes, and staying focused. Overall, Jaiden's message is one of motivation and self-improvement, reminding us that it's never too late to make a change and start fresh.

    • Overcoming Fear of Failure and JudgmentReflect on your dreams, affirm self-love, and live life on your own terms to overcome fear of failure and judgment.

      Fear of failure and judgment from others can hinder us from living our dream lives and becoming our best selves. It's essential to reflect on the life we truly want and the person we aspire to be, rather than letting fear hold us back. Affirming self-love and spreading it to others is also crucial. Practical steps, such as listening to podcasts instead of scrolling through social media before bed, can help improve focus and productivity. Remember, it's important to live life on our own terms and not let others' opinions define us. To further explore these ideas, tune in to the latest episode of Busy Get Pretty.

    • Every successful person has faced setbacksSuccessful people face challenges and learn from them, don't let fear of failure or rejection hold you back

      Validation from others should not be the sole driving force behind our actions and desires. We often create mental barriers for ourselves based on perceived judgments or fears of failure, but the truth is that every successful person has faced setbacks and learned to navigate through them. Instead of being scared of failure or rejection, we should focus on our own growth and promise ourselves not to give up. The fear of failure is often just a manifestation of caring too much about ourselves and our perceived image. By recognizing that rejection is not the same as failure, and that every successful person has faced challenges, we can gain the confidence to take action towards our goals. So, the next time you're hesitant to try something new due to fear of failure or rejection, remember that every successful person has been in your shoes and that the key to success lies in finding solutions to the bumps in the road.

    • Fear of failure and rejection are natural, don't let them hold you backEmbrace the journey, view setbacks as learning opportunities, and don't let fear of failure or rejection stop you from pursuing your goals

      Fear of failure and rejection should not hold you back from pursuing your goals. You are not alone in experiencing criticism and mocking, especially when starting something new. These experiences are a natural part of the process and should not be seen as failure. Instead, trust in yourself, stay consistent, and view setbacks as learning opportunities. Society's lies and the fear of what others think can lead to self-sabotage. Remember, misery likes company, so don't let those who are scared to try bring you down. Keep going, launch fast and perfect later, and understand that there is no such thing as failing if you don't give up. Embrace the journey and trust that each step, no matter how small, brings you closer to your success.

    • Overcoming Fear of Failure and OverthinkingFocus on taking action towards goals, trusting abilities to succeed, and seeing challenges as opportunities for growth.

      Fear of failure and overthinking can prevent us from living our best lives and achieving our goals. It's important to focus on taking action and trusting that things will work out, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. These difficult situations can actually be blessings in disguise, leading us to unexpected opportunities and growth. So instead of wasting time worrying about what others think or what might go wrong, we should focus on our goals, take action, and believe in our ability to succeed. Remember, there's no such thing as failure if we never give up or stop trying. So start working towards your dreams right now, and don't let fear hold you back.

    • Stay busy yet prettyMaintain a balance between productivity and self-presentation for a happier, more fulfilling life

      It's essential to maintain a balance between productivity and self-presentation. The quote "And do not forget to stay busy yet pretty" highlights this idea. It means that we should focus on achieving our goals and staying productive, but we should also make an effort to present ourselves well. This can involve taking care of our appearance, engaging in hobbies or activities that bring us joy, and building meaningful relationships. By finding a balance between these two aspects of our lives, we can lead happier, more fulfilling lives. It's important to remember that productivity and self-presentation are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they can complement each other. For example, when we look and feel our best, we may be more confident and productive in our work or personal lives. Similarly, when we are productive and accomplishing our goals, we may feel a sense of pride and satisfaction that boosts our self-esteem. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance that works for us and to prioritize both aspects of our lives. By doing so, we can live our best lives and make the most of the time we have.

    Recent Episodes from Busy, Yet Pretty

    Summer Glow Up Guide: Hotter, Happier & Healthier

    Summer Glow Up Guide: Hotter, Happier & Healthier

    It's almost summer babe and you know what that means... GLOW UP TIME! It's time for the glow up of the year! In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the ultimate to becoming Hotter, Happier & Healthier this summer! If you're in a slump or are in need of glow up inspo, this episode is PERFECT for you. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte and a new YOU!


    Current Obsessions:

    - staying on track + being productive!

    - getting hot and happy for the summer

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify

    - prioritzing my health with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Friendships: Let Toxicity Go & How To Make New Friends

    Friendships: Let Toxicity Go & How To Make New Friends

    Whether you're in middle school looking to make friends or in your 50s and trying to navigate friendships, you are NOT alone. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares how you can recognize toxic friends + how to drop them, and most importantly how to make NEW friends that ADD to your life! It's all about quality friends over quantity. Tune into this episode with an almond milk matcha latte as you begin your journey to navigating healthy friendships.


    Current Obsessions:

    - taking more time for personal hobbies

    - early bed time!!! goodnight!

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    I Love Happy Me, She's So Pretty

    I Love Happy Me, She's So Pretty

    Happy you is truly the prettiest you, you know that. It's time for you to take control of your happiness and become the best version of yourself (shamelessly.) In honor of mental health awareness month, this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the importance of taking control of what you are able to and how you can improve the way you view your life. Tune into this episode with a cold brew vanilla latte with all the love for yourself.


    Current Obsessions:

    - listening to birds

    - taking time away from the phone

    - Playing!!!! Living for my 8 + 80 year old me!


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    FOMO?.. JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.)

    FOMO?.. JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.)

    FOMO?... Yep, we've all been there. Your fear of missing out is controlling your true feelings and decisions, and you may not even realize it. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares different forms of FOMO you may experience and how to turn your FOMO into JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.) Tune into this episode with an coconut milk matcha latte, as you begin to live life through the lens of JOMO.

    Current Obsessions:

    - tofu!! such a tofu girl

    - taking time away from the phone

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Health Does Not Have One Look

    Health Does Not Have One Look

    In today's day in age, the definition of "Health" may look like intense cardio every morning with a keto diet or maybe a slow morning routine followed by pilates with a balanced diet. We tend to forget that "health" does not have one look. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey discusses the topic of what Health may look like for you and why what's healthy for others may actually be UNhealthy for you. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte (or your favorite drink), as we chat about what health may look like for YOU.


    Current Obsessions:

    - complimenting others!

    - flared leggings (love alo & VS)

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey guides you to dropping your brainwashed mindset of self doubts, worth, how you view people and your goals, steering you to a new direction of living life free of influence. Whether you put your dream job, your enemy, your crush or your dream car on a pedastal, this episode will help you relaign how you view and attract your desires. Tune into this episode with an iced tea, as you rewire your mindset to see your desires at eye level.

    Current Obsessions:

    gua sha! feeling toned daily from it

    dried edamame is soooo divine (healthy)

    going to bed earlier

    prioritzing my healthy with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet


    I Don’t Drink Or Smoke… & Here’s Why

    I Don’t Drink Or Smoke… & Here’s Why

    Life isn’t about following societal norms, that don’t call to you. In this episode you host, Jadyn Hailey shares why she chooses not to drink or smoke. Whether you’re looking for directions on how to navigate social settings without alcohol or are interested in learning why some choose to not partake, Jadyn shares her raw and transparent experience + advice on life without drinking or smoking. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte with almond milk, as you learn that sometimes it’s not about the cup in your hand that matters but the CONFIDENCE in hand. 


    Current Obsessions:

    reading!!! my fav books -  self improvement books

    mat pilates

    For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Pink Peony Spring! Perfect Closet, Beauty & Itinerary Inspo

    Pink Peony Spring! Perfect Closet, Beauty & Itinerary Inspo

    YOU HEARD HER! It's a Pink Peony Spring! Time to wear too much blush, get dressed up in your favorite dress and go strawberry picking! In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the ultimate Spring inspo to embodying the Spring of your dreams. Whether you're looking for the pefect spring closet inspiration or need a spring day itentary, this episode has you covered. Tune into this episode with your strawberry, almond milk, matcha latte as your SPRING into Spring.


    Current Obsessions:

    my new jewelry collection! Golden Class Girl Collection

    eating more protein!! essential. 

    pink penoies!!! eeek!

    prioritzing my healthy with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet


    Girl Therapy: Get Out Of Your Slump & Maintain Positivity

    Girl Therapy: Get Out Of Your Slump & Maintain Positivity

    Whether you're in a slump, feeling this is your lowest or are looking to maintain a positive mindset, you're at the perfect place and you should be proud of youself for acknowledging the need of change. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares how to get out of your slump and maintain a healthy mental state, with the one and only "Girl therapy." Tune into this episode with an almond milk matcha latte as you have a night of girl therapy! 


    Current Obsessions:

    my new jewelry collection! Golden Class Girl Collection

    reading!!! my favorite books -  self improvement books

    everything showers + my  anti frizz cream  (code: BUSY)


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Your Fear Of Failure & 'Looking Stupid' Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life

    Your Fear Of Failure & 'Looking Stupid' Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life

    Your Fear Of Looking Stupid & Failure Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life, think about that. How do you define failure? In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the true definition of failure and why you are currently stuck, not growing. We often wait for the green light from others, when it's time we create the green light and go. Tune into this episode with an almond milk matcha latte and motivation to begin working towards the life you've always dreamed of.


    Current Obsessions:

    sleeping in on the weekends.. wellneeded 

    reading!!! my favorite books -  self improvement books

    celtic salt in water


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Related Episodes

    Get Up & Start.

    Get Up & Start.

    It's finally time to Get Up and Start. No more excuses. No more ignoring your needs. No more disrespecting yourself. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey preaches it's time to take care of yourself, achieve your goals and begin living your dream lifestyle. No more procrastinating and waiting for the "perfect" time. Tune into this episode with an iced protein (decaf) coffee, while you get up & START.

    My favorite protein bars Mosh

    My classy, minimalist wardobe favorites Jenni Kayne (15% offcode: BUSY)

    Comfotable shapewear Honey Love(20% off link)


    Jadyn's Social Media platforms:



    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram


    - Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 


    - Tiktok: Jadyn's Tiktok


    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Amazon


    - Shop my Closet on Motom: Jadyn's Closet Favs


    How To Maximize Your Single Life As An Independent Girl

    How To Maximize Your Single Life As An Independent Girl

    Are you single, looking to find ways to maximize your single life? In this episode, your host Jadyn Hailey shares her best advice to maximize your life as a single, independent girl. From taking yourself on dates, to complimenting yourself in the mirror, learn to fill the possible relationship void you may have, with attention from yourself. Tune into this episode as you take yourself on a date and buy flowers from: You, To: You. 

    Jadyn's Social Media platforms:

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jadynhaileyy/ & https://www.instagram.com/busyyetpretty/

    - Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCx48PsDdAossgZjWWnXbvvg

    - Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fairyjadyn

    - Shop my Closet on Motom: http://www.motom.me/?referral_id=2otTRBb5O&client_group_token=c2cad9169bb6afa9af7a4b70abf24aad

    - My Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/jadynhaileyy



    The Love Doctor's Secrets to Fulfillment in Life & Relationships

    The Love Doctor's Secrets to Fulfillment in Life & Relationships

    The Love Doctor's Secrets to Fulfillment in Life & Relationships 🎤

    In this inspiring podcast episode, renowned host Vinney Chopra has an enlightening conversation with world-famous Love Doctor Anil Gupta. Anil shares golden nuggets on creating happy and fulfilling relationships through love, respect and communication. He provides amazing insights into understanding your partner's needs, performing acts of kindness, being grateful, and showing up fully in life. ✨

    Anil reveals his simple formula for happiness - Giving, Gratitude, and Growth. He encourages everyone to be the most amazing version of themselves. ❤️

    Don't miss Anil's incredible story about how he became the Love Doctor after losing everything in the 2008 recession. He teaches people around the world how to revive relationships and find the right life partner.

    About Anil Gupta:

    Known worldwide as the Love Doctor, Anil Gupta helps couples and singles improve their relationships. His proudest accomplishment is his 35-year marriage and raising two happy, successful kids.

    Anil created "The Perfect Partner Program" to help couples overcome issues destroying their marriages and restore love.

    He's been featured on major media like Fox News, Harvard, Sky TV, and TEDx. He wrote the bestseller "Immediate Happiness" and founded The Happiness Score.

    He's given workshops in 18+ countries in 8 languages with 10,000+ attendees. Anil has a gift for quickly removing barriers blocking fulfilled lives.

    After becoming suicidal in 2008, he developed the Happiness Formula and Test. Anil's met with world leaders, celebrities, billionaires and athletes including the Dalai Lama and Mike Tyson.

    Richard Branson attended Anil's event on Necker Island. His energy and wisdom uplift relationships worldwide. Watch this video with Mike Tyson at Necker Island: https://youtu.be/e4jKowEIsWs?si=xiaH1B6cSoEqHwtF

     #relationships #love #communication #happiness #gratitude #growth #positivity #inspiration #podcast #love #relationships #podcast #communication #respect #understanding #kindness #gratitude #happiness #growth

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    🎵 Vinney's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinney.chopra

    📌 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/vkchopra/

    Feel free to connect with Vinney on these platforms! 📱💼👍

    A Path To Inner Peace - It Is What It Is!

    A Path To Inner Peace - It Is What It Is!

    Years ago, I would hear the phrase "it is what it is," and I would think it meant the person saying it was losing hope and giving up.  But now I understand that the phrase is about acceptance, which can lead us to new beginnings - ones filled with new relationships, new opportunities, and new beautiful moments to experience. Acceptance is the springboard for hope and can lead to what is possibly the greatest peace we can feel in our hearts. I find this repeat episode very powerful to listen to often!

    Today You Are You! That Is Truer Than True!

    Today You Are You! That Is Truer Than True!

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