
    Podcast Summary

    • Self-care and happinessFocusing on self-care and happiness through personal goals, organization, home decor, and new routines can improve overall well-being and motivation.

      Prioritizing self-care and happiness, whether through organization, home decor, new routines, or personal goals, can significantly improve one's overall well-being and motivation. The speaker, Jaden Haley, emphasizes the importance of living a happy life and encourages listeners to focus on their happiness rather than external achievements. She also shares her current obsessions, including home decor shopping, vanilla lattes, and posting more on YouTube. Jaden sets personal goals for the week, such as eating more protein, limiting TV time, waking up earlier, and practicing breath work during breaks. Affirmations, like "What is meant to happen will happen, and the right things will always find me," can also help in the journey towards becoming a better version of oneself.

    • Consumption RefreshUnfollow negatives, delete apps, clean spaces, mindful consumption, take breaks, surround self with positivity, long-term happiness and growth

      What we consume, whether it's people, media, or food, significantly impacts our well-being and reflection of ourselves. To improve ourselves and glow up for the summer, it's crucial to unfollow negative influences, delete unnecessary apps, clean out our spaces, and be mindful of our consumption habits. Taking breaks to breathe and prevent burnout is also essential. Remember, the goal is to surround ourselves with positivity and balance, leading to long-term happiness and growth. So, take action today and start your consumption refresh. Unfollow, delete, and clean out to make room for new, positive influences and a happier, healthier you.

    • Declutter and Improve EnvironmentDecluttering and improving your environment can lead to increased happiness, motivation, and focus on personal growth. Getting rid of clutter, making your space more pleasant, and spending time outside can boost confidence and overall well-being.

      Improving your environment and getting rid of clutter can significantly impact your happiness and motivation to improve other aspects of your life, including your appearance. By cleaning out your space, getting rid of things you no longer need, and making your environment more pleasant, you can create a sense of peace and ease that makes it easier to focus on personal growth. Additionally, making an effort to get outside and see the light of day can help boost your confidence and motivation to take care of yourself and present yourself in the best way possible. So, take the time to declutter and clean up your space, and don't be afraid to treat yourself to some new home decor or a fun shopping trip once you've made progress. Remember, small changes in your environment can lead to big improvements in your overall well-being.

    • Summer Self-CareEmbrace your natural self, take care of your body through self-care routines, and find ways to embrace your natural beauty for a confident and radiant summer

      Embracing your natural self and taking care of yourself both inside and out can help you feel confident and beautiful during the summer. This can include getting your toes done, eating a balanced diet, and taking care of your body through self-care routines like showers and body oils. It's important to remember that balance is key and that small changes, like a 10-minute workout or a healthy snack, can make a big difference. Additionally, finding ways to embrace your natural beauty, such as a tan or a natural makeup look, can help you feel more confident and radiant. So, this summer, try focusing on self-care and self-love to help you glow up and feel your best.

    • Self-Care and Confidence BoostersInvest in hydrating body oil, find/create a confidence-boosting wardrobe, treat yourself to self-care experiences, prioritize health with top-rated doctors, and make self-care affordable.

      Taking care of both your inner and outer self can significantly boost your confidence and overall well-being. Start by investing in a hydrating body oil to keep your skin looking and feeling its best. Don't let ill-fitting clothes bring you down – remember, clothes should fit you, not the other way around. Make an effort to find or create a wardrobe that makes you feel good and confident. Treat yourself to experiences that make you feel good about yourself, whether that's a spa day or a new hairstyle. And when it comes to your health, don't settle for anything less than the best. Use resources like Zocdoc to find top-rated doctors and prioritize your well-being. A little self-care can go a long way in helping you glow up for the summer. And remember, it doesn't have to break the bank – there are plenty of affordable options for self-care and wardrobe updates.

    • Affordable Glow-UpTry new haircuts/colors, mouth taping, hydrating nail oil, and a bonnet for appearance and well-being. Utilize Shopify for business growth. Embrace natural look, self-care, and unique features for a meaningful glow-up.

      Enhancing your appearance and well-being can be achieved through simple, cost-effective methods, such as trying a new haircut or color, practicing mouth taping, using hydrating nail oil, and investing in a bonnet. Additionally, utilizing platforms like Shopify can help grow and sell your business effectively. Embracing a natural look with glowing makeup and focusing on self-care are also essential for feeling confident and ready for the summer. Remember, it's okay not to have perfect skin, and everyone's unique features should be embraced. By making small changes and investing in yourself, you can experience a meaningful glow-up.

    • Summer Self-CareEmbrace summer with self-care practices like consistent skin care, staying active, and sharing your journey online using #busyyetpretty and #jadenhalie

      The summer season is a time for feeling happy, sexy, and healthy, and Jaden from the Busy Yet Pretty podcast encourages listeners to embrace this season with various self-care practices. These practices include having a consistent skin care and wellness routine, staying active through working out, and engaging with the podcast community by sharing your own glowing up journey on Instagram and TikTok using the hashtags #busyyetpretty and #jadenhalie. Jaden also invites listeners to subscribe to her YouTube channel for a glimpse into her daily life. Overall, the message is to embrace the summer season and make it a time for personal growth and self-improvement. So, start your own glowing up journey today, and don't forget to stay busy yet pretty!

    Recent Episodes from Busy, Yet Pretty

    Summer Glow Up Guide: Hotter, Happier & Healthier

    Summer Glow Up Guide: Hotter, Happier & Healthier

    It's almost summer babe and you know what that means... GLOW UP TIME! It's time for the glow up of the year! In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the ultimate to becoming Hotter, Happier & Healthier this summer! If you're in a slump or are in need of glow up inspo, this episode is PERFECT for you. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte and a new YOU!


    Current Obsessions:

    - staying on track + being productive!

    - getting hot and happy for the summer

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify

    - prioritzing my health with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Friendships: Let Toxicity Go & How To Make New Friends

    Friendships: Let Toxicity Go & How To Make New Friends

    Whether you're in middle school looking to make friends or in your 50s and trying to navigate friendships, you are NOT alone. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares how you can recognize toxic friends + how to drop them, and most importantly how to make NEW friends that ADD to your life! It's all about quality friends over quantity. Tune into this episode with an almond milk matcha latte as you begin your journey to navigating healthy friendships.


    Current Obsessions:

    - taking more time for personal hobbies

    - early bed time!!! goodnight!

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    I Love Happy Me, She's So Pretty

    I Love Happy Me, She's So Pretty

    Happy you is truly the prettiest you, you know that. It's time for you to take control of your happiness and become the best version of yourself (shamelessly.) In honor of mental health awareness month, this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the importance of taking control of what you are able to and how you can improve the way you view your life. Tune into this episode with a cold brew vanilla latte with all the love for yourself.


    Current Obsessions:

    - listening to birds

    - taking time away from the phone

    - Playing!!!! Living for my 8 + 80 year old me!


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    FOMO?.. JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.)

    FOMO?.. JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.)

    FOMO?... Yep, we've all been there. Your fear of missing out is controlling your true feelings and decisions, and you may not even realize it. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares different forms of FOMO you may experience and how to turn your FOMO into JOMO (Joy of Missing Out.) Tune into this episode with an coconut milk matcha latte, as you begin to live life through the lens of JOMO.

    Current Obsessions:

    - tofu!! such a tofu girl

    - taking time away from the phone

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Health Does Not Have One Look

    Health Does Not Have One Look

    In today's day in age, the definition of "Health" may look like intense cardio every morning with a keto diet or maybe a slow morning routine followed by pilates with a balanced diet. We tend to forget that "health" does not have one look. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey discusses the topic of what Health may look like for you and why what's healthy for others may actually be UNhealthy for you. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte (or your favorite drink), as we chat about what health may look like for YOU.


    Current Obsessions:

    - complimenting others!

    - flared leggings (love alo & VS)

    - For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal

    Stop Putting Your Goals & People On A Pedestal. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey guides you to dropping your brainwashed mindset of self doubts, worth, how you view people and your goals, steering you to a new direction of living life free of influence. Whether you put your dream job, your enemy, your crush or your dream car on a pedastal, this episode will help you relaign how you view and attract your desires. Tune into this episode with an iced tea, as you rewire your mindset to see your desires at eye level.

    Current Obsessions:

    gua sha! feeling toned daily from it

    dried edamame is soooo divine (healthy)

    going to bed earlier

    prioritzing my healthy with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet


    I Don’t Drink Or Smoke… & Here’s Why

    I Don’t Drink Or Smoke… & Here’s Why

    Life isn’t about following societal norms, that don’t call to you. In this episode you host, Jadyn Hailey shares why she chooses not to drink or smoke. Whether you’re looking for directions on how to navigate social settings without alcohol or are interested in learning why some choose to not partake, Jadyn shares her raw and transparent experience + advice on life without drinking or smoking. Tune into this episode with a matcha latte with almond milk, as you learn that sometimes it’s not about the cup in your hand that matters but the CONFIDENCE in hand. 


    Current Obsessions:

    reading!!! my fav books -  self improvement books

    mat pilates

    For my gals with businesses!! love shopify


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Pink Peony Spring! Perfect Closet, Beauty & Itinerary Inspo

    Pink Peony Spring! Perfect Closet, Beauty & Itinerary Inspo

    YOU HEARD HER! It's a Pink Peony Spring! Time to wear too much blush, get dressed up in your favorite dress and go strawberry picking! In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the ultimate Spring inspo to embodying the Spring of your dreams. Whether you're looking for the pefect spring closet inspiration or need a spring day itentary, this episode has you covered. Tune into this episode with your strawberry, almond milk, matcha latte as your SPRING into Spring.


    Current Obsessions:

    my new jewelry collection! Golden Class Girl Collection

    eating more protein!! essential. 

    pink penoies!!! eeek!

    prioritzing my healthy with a doctor - find the perfect doctor 


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet


    Girl Therapy: Get Out Of Your Slump & Maintain Positivity

    Girl Therapy: Get Out Of Your Slump & Maintain Positivity

    Whether you're in a slump, feeling this is your lowest or are looking to maintain a positive mindset, you're at the perfect place and you should be proud of youself for acknowledging the need of change. In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares how to get out of your slump and maintain a healthy mental state, with the one and only "Girl therapy." Tune into this episode with an almond milk matcha latte as you have a night of girl therapy! 


    Current Obsessions:

    my new jewelry collection! Golden Class Girl Collection

    reading!!! my favorite books -  self improvement books

    everything showers + my  anti frizz cream  (code: BUSY)


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Your Fear Of Failure & 'Looking Stupid' Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life

    Your Fear Of Failure & 'Looking Stupid' Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life

    Your Fear Of Looking Stupid & Failure Is Holding You Back From Living Your Dream Life, think about that. How do you define failure? In this episode your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the true definition of failure and why you are currently stuck, not growing. We often wait for the green light from others, when it's time we create the green light and go. Tune into this episode with an almond milk matcha latte and motivation to begin working towards the life you've always dreamed of.


    Current Obsessions:

    sleeping in on the weekends.. wellneeded 

    reading!!! my favorite books -  self improvement books

    celtic salt in water


    Become your own dream girl with me!! :

    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram

    Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 

    - Productive Day In My Life: WATCH

    - Tiktok: @Fairyjadyn

    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Storefront

    - Outfit Details: My Closet

    Related Episodes

    #124 - Mama Wellness with Jen from Blossoming Moms Co.

    #124 - Mama Wellness with Jen from Blossoming Moms Co.

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     Jennifer is also the host of the top-rated mom podcast, The Blossoming Moms Show, and lives in a little fishing town with her husband and sons just south of Anchorage Alaska. 

     Jennifer is funny, upbeat, and full of passion! Make sure you reach out to her, listen to her podcast, and follow her on Instagram! 

    Be sure to check out the show notes on our blog at  Harkla.Co/Podcast.

    Brought To You By Harkla

    This podcast is brought to you by Harkla.  Our mission at Harkla is to help those with special needs live happy and healthy lives. We accomplish this through high-quality sensory products, child development courses, and The Harkla Sensory Club.

    Podcast listeners get 10% off their first order at Harkla with the discount code "sensory". Head to Harkla.co/sensory to start shopping now. 

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    Make This Your Best Summer Yet (Family, Friends, a Boyfriend & Money are NOT required)

    Make This Your Best Summer Yet (Family, Friends, a Boyfriend & Money are NOT required)

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    My Favorite Wellness Essential ATM AG1

    My Go-To Protien Bars MOSH

    Long Lasting Clean Beauty Products Thrive Causemetics


    Jadyn's Social Media platforms:

    - Busy, Yet Pretty Groupchat 


    - Instagram: Jadyn's Instagram & Busy, Yet Pretty Instagram


    - Youtube: Jadyn's Youtube


    - Tiktok: Jadyn's Tiktok


    - My Amazon Storefront: Jadyn's Amazon


    - Shop my Closet on Motom: Jadyn's Closet Favs

    037: Change is Easy, Thinking About Change is Hard

    037: Change is Easy, Thinking About Change is Hard



    The concept of change is easy and thinking about changes hard comes from a friend and mentor Dr. Eric Plasker. He is the author of the 100 Year Lifestyle and it's like an uncle to me as well. 

    The concept around changes easy and thinking about changes hard is applied to doing healthy things for yourself. I've applied it in so many different areas of my life and I've actually looked back to see where I made actually applied this. I share some of my journeys with you too hopefully inspire you to make some great changes in your life. I realize that as I am on my Journey, I can help inspire others with theirs through chiropractic, through this podcast, and any other ways that people may interact with me and my content.

    Please check out the links below so you can connect with me as a Chiropractor, Podcaster, future functional medicine doctor, and Lifestyle leader. Also please check out the www.100yearlifestyle.com