
    Hope Is the Key to Winning With Your Money

    en-usFebruary 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Hiding Debt from Spouse: Consequences and SolutionsTransparency and communication are crucial for maintaining a healthy marriage. Hiding significant financial secrets from a spouse can lead to negative consequences and undermine trust.

      Hiding financial secrets from a spouse can lead to significant problems in a marriage. On the Ramsey Show, Rachel Crews and George Campbell discussed a caller's situation of carrying $85,000 in debt without her husband's knowledge. While the woman was trying to pay off the debt on her own, the experts emphasized the importance of transparency and communication in a relationship. They encouraged her to come clean about her debt and involve her husband, as keeping such a secret could negatively impact their marriage and overall well-being. The conversation underscored the importance of trust and honesty in maintaining a healthy and strong relationship.

    • Healing from Financial Debt: Address Root Causes and Seek HelpAcknowledge financial issues, address root causes through counseling, rebuild trust, explore online therapy, and commit to healing process.

      Financial debt often stems from deeper personal issues and requires a multi-faceted approach to healing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes, such as potential shopping addictions, poor boundaries, and lack of accountability, through counseling and therapy. Trust will need to be rebuilt within relationships, and it's crucial not to try to fix the problem alone. Additionally, the speaker suggests exploring online therapy platforms like BetterHelp for additional support. While bankruptcy might seem like the only solution for significant debt, it's essential to consider other options, such as asset liquidation or negotiating with creditors. Overall, the key is to acknowledge the issue, seek help, and commit to the hard work of healing.

    • Communicating with creditors during a loved one's financial crisisDuring a loved one's financial crisis, communicate openly with creditors to explore debt forgiveness, repayment plans, or bankruptcy as options to manage debt and prevent further damage.

      When dealing with a loved one's financial situation in a crisis, it's important to take control and communicate openly with creditors. In this case, a woman's health issues have left her unable to manage her finances, leading to a large amount of debt. The family had to take steps to cancel bills and put assets in their names to prevent further financial damage. The woman's situation is complex, with a history of poor health and a large amount of debt, including medical bills, credit cards, and loans. The family is considering contacting creditors to explain the situation and negotiate debt forgiveness or repayment plans. It's important to remember that in some cases, it may not be possible to pay off large debts in full, and bankruptcy may be an option. The key is to begin the process of communicating with creditors and exploring all possible solutions to manage the debt and prevent it from getting worse.

    • Supporting a loved one's financial recoveryWhile helping a loved one in financial distress is important, setting boundaries and encouraging responsible money management is crucial when enabling behavior could lead to more harm. Open conversations about finances and having life insurance can provide security.

      While it's important to support a loved one in financial distress, there comes a point where enabling their behavior can do more harm than good. In this case, a daughter's debt had accumulated to a point where bankruptcy was a real possibility, but she refused to take action due to her hoarding tendencies. The family had tried to help, but ultimately, they had to set boundaries and accept that the daughter may never fully recover financially. It's a difficult situation, but it's crucial for families to have open conversations about finances and to encourage responsible money management. Additionally, having life insurance can provide financial security in the face of unexpected events, such as the death of a spouse.

    • Cost of attending the Super BowlAttending the Super Bowl can cost around $15,700, while a 7-night cruise for two costs about $6,500

      Attending the Super Bowl can be quite expensive. During the discussion, the cost of flights, hotels, and tickets were estimated. Flights from any city to Las Vegas were estimated to cost around $1,000 for a round trip. Hotels near the venue were estimated to cost around $700 per night, while a resort near the venue was estimated to cost around $1,100. The average ticket price for the Super Bowl was estimated to be around $12,000. Adding up these costs, the total estimated cost for attending the Super Bowl without any additional expenses would be around $15,700. This is a significant investment, and some may prefer to spend their money on other experiences, such as a seven-night cruise for two in a junior suite with a balcony, which costs around $6,500.

    • Comparing the cost of attending the Super Bowl to other investmentsThe Super Bowl can be an expensive experience, leading some to consider the value of attending versus other significant investments or the comfort of watching at home.

      While the excitement of attending a live event like the Super Bowl can be enticing, the high costs associated with it can outweigh the experience for some. The speakers in the discussion compared the expense of going to the Super Bowl to other significant investments, such as funding a Roth IRA or even a wedding. They also highlighted the convenience and comfort of watching the game from home, with the added bonus of having access to commentary and being able to control one's environment. The mediocre commercials and potential debt accumulation were also mentioned as potential downsides to attending the event in person. Ultimately, the decision to attend or not comes down to personal preference and financial situation. For those who can afford it and want to experience the atmosphere, it can be a memorable event. But for others, enjoying the game from the comfort of their own home may be the better choice.

    • NetSuite's free KPI checklist and Total Money Makeover Weekend eventNetSuite's free KPI checklist and Total Money Makeover Weekend event offer valuable resources and insights for individuals and businesses looking to grow and succeed financially.

      NetSuite, a business management solution, can help businesses grow and succeed in the long term. To get started, you can download NetSuite's free KPI checklist at netsuite.com/Ramsey. In May, there will be a Total Money Makeover Weekend event in Nashville where attendees can learn about budgeting, debt, investing, and more. For those in the military, such as Gavin, the advice is to focus on paying off debt and building an emergency fund before making larger financial decisions. Regardless of where you are in your financial journey, there is value to be gained from these resources and events.

    • Managing Debt During Military ServicePrioritize financial stability, avoid debt, pay off existing debt, make medical payments, use debt snowball method, save cash, and don't rush investments or buying property.

      It's important to prioritize financial stability and avoid unnecessary debt, especially during military service. Paying off existing debt and building an emergency fund should be a priority before investing. Regarding medical debt, it's recommended not to let it go to collections but to make payments instead. The debt snowball method can be used to pay off debt with the largest balance first. Lastly, it's important to enjoy life and not feel pressured to invest or buy property too early. Instead, focus on saving cash for future expenses and investments.

    • Creating a budget during financial hardshipsWrite down expenses, aim to reduce them, avoid debt, and manage finances carefully during hardships

      During financial hardships, it's essential to create a budget and carefully manage expenses. When faced with unemployment, as Christian did, it's crucial to assess monthly expenses and make necessary adjustments to survive until the next job opportunity arises. Rachel advised Christian to write down all expenses, including groceries, utilities, and subscriptions, and aim to reduce them as much as possible during this time. The goal is to avoid going into debt and causing additional stress. This conversation took place on the Ramsey Show, where they help people manage their money and build wealth.

    • Focusing on Essential Expenses During Financial InstabilityMaintain essential expenses, consider temporary work, reflect on past experiences, and move forward with confidence during financial instability.

      During times of job loss or financial instability, it's crucial to focus on covering essential expenses like food, shelter, utilities, and transportation. It's important to have an emergency fund for unexpected situations, but if necessary, one can consider temporary work solutions like delivery jobs to make ends meet. Reflecting on past experiences and learning from them can also help in future job searches. Job loss can be a difficult experience, akin to a grief process, but it's essential to move forward with confidence, knowing that it's just a temporary setback. Additionally, there's no Ramsey dating app, and we're happily married and content with that.

    • Addressing underlying financial and relational issues in inherited moneyWhen dealing with inherited money, it's essential to discuss financial habits, values, and have equal say in usage to avoid conflicts and ensure responsible stewardship of the legacy.

      When dealing with inherited money in a marriage, it's essential to address the underlying financial and relational issues before making decisions. Grace and her husband's argument about using the inheritance for her husband's business highlights the importance of being on the same page regarding money management and values. The pattern of irresponsible spending in the past indicates that they need to change their financial habits before using the inheritance. It's crucial to consider the emotional responsibility of stewarding the legacy passed down and ensuring both parties have equal say in how the money is used. Ultimately, seeking the help of a marriage counselor or therapist to work through these issues can lead to a stronger, more united approach to managing the inherited funds.

    • Understanding financial mindsetsPartners with different financial backgrounds and mindsets can have disagreements, but effective communication and compromise can lead to a mutually beneficial financial plan.

      Financial decisions and goals can be influenced by personal experiences and mindsets, leading to disagreements between partners. In the discussed situation, one partner, Amy, grew up with financial scarcity and wants to aggressively pay off debt, while the other, who had a more abundant upbringing, is content with their current situation and wants to save up an emergency fund first. Despite their differences, they both share the goal of financial stability and can learn from each other's perspectives. Amy's background and mindset can be understood and used to create a plan that addresses her concerns while also considering the importance of an emergency fund. Communication and compromise are essential in finding a solution that works for both partners.

    • Struggling with Debt Despite a High IncomeAn individual with a combined income of $130,000 accumulated $80,000 in debt, including $38,000 for a home improvement project. To avoid bankruptcy, selling their truck and reprioritizing spending was suggested.

      Despite having a combined income of around $130,000 per year, this individual has accumulated approximately $80,000 in debt, primarily from personal loans and credit cards. The most significant debt, totaling $38,000, was taken out for a home improvement project. To avoid bankruptcy, the expert suggested selling their current truck, worth around $57,000, and purchasing a cheaper, older model to free up around $600 per month to put towards debt repayment. The individual was hesitant due to their line of work requiring a heavy-duty truck, but the expert emphasized that this was a necessary sacrifice to improve their financial situation. The individual shared that they had recently experienced a traumatic event, leading to several large expenses and the need to take out loans. Despite this, they were encouraged to reevaluate their spending habits and mindset towards money to avoid continuing the cycle of debt.

    • Struggling with a Large Truck LoanSelling a major expense can help pay off smaller debts first and speed up the debt snowball process.

      The speaker is currently in a significant amount of debt, with over $80,000 owed between a home improvement loan, credit cards, and a truck loan. The speaker is trying to get out of debt using the debt snowball method, but the truck loan is a major hindrance. The speaker was advised to sell the truck to free up $26,000 and focus on paying off the smaller debts first. The speaker has faced financial challenges in the past, including the loss of a child, which may have influenced some less than ideal financial decisions. The Ramsey team offered resources and encouragement to help the speaker get out of debt and achieve financial stability. Additionally, Dave Ramsey recently released a new book, "Real Estate the Ramsey Way," which provides strategies for making home ownership a blessing, not a burden. For those considering buying or selling a home, the book offers proven strategies to help build wealth and leave a legacy.

    • Considering Buying a House Despite Financial CapabilityThough financially able, hesitant buyer should have a plan, savings, and consider the best time to buy a house for financial readiness and affordability.

      While the interviewee is financially capable of buying a house, he is hesitant due to his commitment to living off one income and the high costs in Denver. The interviewee's income is around $300,000 per year, and they have no debt. They are considering using a VA loan with a potential disability rating waiving the funding fee, or a conventional 15-year fixed rate loan. The interviewee's current rent is around $2,100 per month, and they are saving all income for retirement and investments. The expert advises that buying a home is a good financial goal when ready, but encourages having a plan and sufficient savings beforehand. The best time to buy a house, in the expert's opinion, is when financially ready, but waiting for lower interest rates could lead to increased competition and higher prices. The expert also emphasizes the importance of having an emergency fund for unexpected circumstances.

    • Airbnb Arbitrage: A Risky Side HustleAirbnb arbitrage comes with risks like finding a landlord's approval, potential legal issues, and managing turnover with short-term renters. Focus on traditional income streams for reliable earnings.

      While the idea of Airbnb arbitrage as an additional income source can be tempting, especially for those looking to increase their income with limited time, it comes with significant risks. These risks include finding a landlord willing to allow subletting or short-term rentals, potential legal issues, and the challenges of managing turnover with short-term renters. Instead, focus on building a reliable income stream through traditional means, such as increasing your hours at work or finding a second job. Remember, patience and careful planning are key when it comes to your financial future.

    • Risks and complexities of renting out a property on Airbnb for passive incomeConsider the risks and complexities before attempting to make passive income through renting out a property on Airbnb, and explore other options for passive income such as saving and investing.

      While the idea of renting out a property on Airbnb without living there and having passive income may sound appealing, it comes with significant risks and legal complexities. The risks include potential liability issues, difficulty finding a landlord willing to let you do this, and the possibility of being stuck with rent payments even if the property isn't being rented out. Additionally, there are better ways to make passive income, such as saving and investing. Regarding the goal of graduating medical school debt-free, it's important to understand the costs involved and explore all possible options for reducing debt, such as working during and after undergrad, and applying for scholarships and grants. The military's coverage for education is a great start, but it's essential to plan for the remaining costs.

    • Focusing on the right advisor and securing your information are key to building wealthDon't prioritize degrees or credentials over knowledge and experience when choosing a financial advisor. Protect your financial information by using unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious with public Wi-Fi.

      Focusing too much on degrees or credentials when choosing a financial advisor is a mistake. Instead, it's important to focus on their knowledge, experience, and ability to help you achieve your financial goals. Additionally, the world of investing can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. There are resources available to help you understand the basics and make informed decisions. Another important topic discussed was the recent data breach affecting over 26 billion records, including users of LinkedIn, Venmo, and other popular platforms. This breach could lead to increased targeted cybercrime, so it's crucial to stay vigilant and take steps to protect your accounts. This includes using unique passwords for each account, enabling two-factor authentication, and being cautious when using public Wi-Fi. Investing in your future and protecting your financial information are two essential aspects of building wealth. By focusing on the right advisor and taking steps to secure your information, you can feel confident in your ability to grow your wealth and secure your financial future.

    • Protecting Your Identity in the Digital WorldInvest in ID theft protection services like Zander to secure your financial life and save time and stress. Use virtual debit card numbers from services like Privacy.com for safe online shopping. Consider a lease buyout to get out of a car lease, but weigh the costs and benefits before deciding.

      Protecting your identity is crucial in today's digital world. The best defense against identity theft is to invest in ID theft protection services. These services can help restore your financial life if you fall victim to fraud, saving you time and stress. Zander is one such service, and it's affordable, with monthly rates starting at around $6 for an individual and $12 for a family. Another option to consider is using virtual debit card numbers from services like Privacy.com to shop online safely. When it comes to managing debt, there are a few options for getting out of a car lease. The most recommended approach is a lease buyout, where you pay the difference between the lease payoff amount and the current value of the car. If you have enough savings, this could be a viable solution. However, it would also mean selling your current car and buying a new one. It's essential to weigh the costs and benefits before making a decision.

    • Paying off debt during uncertain timesDuring uncertain times, assess your financial situation, prioritize debt payments, and consider selling items or doing side hustles to secure your future. Discover the importance of having a safety net and being prepared for unexpected events.

      During uncertain times, it's essential to assess your financial situation and make necessary changes to secure your future. Nicholas and Devany from Alabama paid off $232,200 in debt in four years, including credit cards, car loans, student loans, and their mortgage. They were motivated by the pandemic and the fear of losing their jobs. Although they had a good income, they realized the risk of carrying debt and decided to take action. They sold items around their house, did side hustles, and prioritized their payments. In the process of paying off their debt, they discovered the importance of having a safety net and being prepared for unexpected events. When asked about the best way to handle a car lease buyout, the experts recommended doing it simultaneously if possible, but suggested contacting the dealer to work out the details if not. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being proactive with your finances and having the right support, like a trusted real estate agent, to help you make smart decisions.

    • From significant debt to multimillionaires in their 30sWith commitment, teamwork, and a solid financial plan, it's possible to pay off debt, save for future goals, and build wealth despite unexpected expenses and past struggles.

      With commitment, teamwork, and the right financial plan, it's possible to go from a significant negative net worth to being on the path to becoming multimillionaires, even in your early 30s. The couple in this discussion, who have young children, were able to pay off their house in just four years by implementing the principles of Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. They did this despite facing challenges such as unexpected expenses related to having a baby and dealing with past financial struggles. Their advice to young families is to believe in their ability to get out of debt and control what they can control. By turning money from an obstacle into a tool, they've been able to save for their children's college, invest in retirement, and even cash flow an international adoption.

    • Paying off debts with dedication and smart planningWith discipline and focus, individuals can pay off debts quickly and improve their overall financial situation.

      With dedication and smart financial planning, it's possible to pay off significant debts within a few years. A young couple shared their story of becoming debt-free in just four years, inspiring others to make similar sacrifices. Rachel and Dave discussed various financial scenarios, including a listener named Ruby who was deciding between paying off her house or car loan. Dave suggested paying off the car first and then saving to build an emergency fund before tackling the mortgage. The key message is that with discipline and focus, individuals can achieve financial freedom and improve their overall financial situation.

    • Sharing stories of debt-free journeys at any ageRegardless of age or current situation, focusing on debt repayment and financial agency can lead to increased savings, retirement readiness, and peace of mind.

      No matter your age or current financial situation, it's never too late to work towards becoming debt-free and securing your financial future. Ruby, a 73-year-old caller, shared her plan to pay off her car loan and mortgage, freeing up an additional $1,200 per month and allowing her to downsize and have over $3,200 for savings and investments. This freedom from debt will enable her to live off less during retirement and make her social security and investments go further. Rachel, the show's host, emphasized the importance of having the mindset that you can take control of your money and make different decisions to achieve a better financial outcome. The thread of hope and belief in financial agency is common among people on the debt-free journey, regardless of their background or starting point.

    • Explore the Ramsey Network app for practical and inspiring contentAccess a wide range of shows on life, relationships, money, and career in one place with the Ramsey Network app. Listen to your favorite shows like The Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and The Dr. John Deloney Show anytime, anywhere.

      If you want to access a wide range of practical and inspiring content on various topics like life, relationships, money, and career from the Ramsey Network, consider downloading the Ramsey Network app. With this app, you can easily listen to your favorite shows like The Ramsey Show, Smart Money Happy Hour, and The Dr. John Deloney Show all in one place. The app's user-friendly interface lets you browse by topic, allowing you to access the content you need whenever and wherever you want. Whether you're looking for advice on debt, business, or selling your home, the Ramsey Network app has got you covered. So, if you want to make the most of your time and gain valuable insights, download the Ramsey Network app today.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Make Financial Choices That Give You Freedom
    💵 Sign-up for EveryDollar today - The simplest way to budget for your life! Ken Coleman & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I am $470K in debt and drowning" "Is there a responsible way to go into debt?" Selling Taylor Swift tickets to pay off debt, Watch the trailer Mike Rowe's new movie Something to Stand For A 14-year-old entrepreneur looking to expand, Getting sent to collections... in Europe Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance Health Trust Financial Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📄 Will an online will work for you? 🏠 Find a Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agent Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Don’t Let a Disaster Dictate Your Financial Reality

    Don’t Let a Disaster Dictate Your Financial Reality
    💵 Sign-up for EveryDollar today - The simplest way to budget for your life! Dr. John Delony & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: What to do when you second guess your life choices, Mutual funds vs. index funds, "Should I save for a house or for a business?" Slowing down the debt payoff when life happens, "Should I break my lease if I can't afford my rent?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp Yrefy NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📄 Will an online will work for you? 🏠 Find a Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agent 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 11, 2024

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    Do We Actually Need Debt?
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    901: The 6 Beginner Steps to Take Before Investing in Real Estate
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    💵 Sign-up for EveryDollar today - The simplest way to budget for your life! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should I buy a house while paying off student loans?" "My husband refuses to talk about our finances," "Should I take a job that will triple my income?" "Is a Roth conversion a good idea?" "How do I pay bills that are in collections?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp NetSuite Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🏦 Take Your 3-Minute Money Assessment - Get a personalized money plan! 🍎 Enter the Teacher Appreciation Giveaway 📄 Need help with your taxes? See who we trust. 💼 Find The Work You're Wired To Do  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy