
    Hosting & Servers — Heroku, Now, Galaxy, Digital Ocean, Linode, Docker, Netlify and more!

    enJanuary 24, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Different Hosting Types: Wix, Squarespace, Medium, WordPress.com, Cloud Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated HostingChoosing a hosting solution involves considering factors like cost, control, scalability, and ease of use. Understanding the unique benefits and challenges of Wix, Squarespace, Medium, WordPress.com, Cloud Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated Hosting can help developers make informed decisions for their web projects.

      Hosting is an essential aspect of web development, and there are various hosting types, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Scott and Wes started the episode by discussing the most basic hosting types, such as Wix, Squarespace, Medium, and WordPress.com, which require minimal effort from developers as these services handle the hosting and site building. However, these options come with limitations and may not offer the same level of customization as self-hosted solutions. As the conversation continued, they touched on more complex hosting types, including cloud hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. Cloud hosting offers flexibility, scalability, and ease of deployment, while VPS hosting provides more control and customization compared to shared hosting. Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, offers the highest level of control and performance but requires more technical expertise and resources. Throughout the discussion, they emphasized the importance of considering factors like cost, control, scalability, and ease of use when choosing a hosting solution. Wes also shared his recent experience launching his CSS Grid course and how Mozilla sponsored it, making it available for free to users. In summary, the key takeaway is that there are various hosting types, each with its unique benefits and challenges. Understanding these differences can help developers make informed decisions when selecting a hosting solution for their web projects.

    • Choosing the right website hosting solution for your needsFor beginners, user-friendly platforms like Wix and Squarespace offer easy website creation with monthly fees. For those with technical skills and a lower budget, basic hosting like GoDaddy or Bluehost is a better choice.

      There are different types of website hosting solutions catering to various skill levels and needs. For those with no technical background, user-friendly platforms like Wix and Squarespace offer convenience with a monthly fee, allowing individuals to create websites easily without the need for coding knowledge. These services are ideal for people who want a quick website up and are often the first recommendation when someone asks for help. On the other hand, basic hosting, such as GoDaddy or Bluehost, is more suitable for those with some technical knowledge and a lower budget. These hosting services provide a simple Apache box with pre-installed PHP and basic tools for installing and managing websites. The choice between these options depends on your expertise, budget, and the complexity of your desired website.

    • Challenges of Shared HostingShared hosting can be cost-effective but comes with potential performance issues, limited customization, and unexpected changes, making alternative hosting solutions worth considering for more complex websites or those seeking greater control.

      While shared hosting services can be a cost-effective solution for starting a website, they come with their own set of challenges. These challenges include the potential for shared resources leading to performance issues, limitations in customization and technical control, and unexpected changes to the hosting environment. The speaker shared personal experiences of causing server downtime for others and experiencing frustrations with user interfaces and hidden plugin installations. The recommendation was made for those seeking more control and technical flexibility to consider alternative hosting solutions. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the positive experiences of some students with SiteGround, which offers automated backups and a user-friendly interface. Overall, while shared hosting can be a good starting point, it may not be the best long-term solution for more complex websites or those requiring greater customization and control.

    • Service-based hosting: Heroku, Zite, and Meteor's GalaxyHeroku, Zite, and Meteor's Galaxy are popular service-based hosting platforms for developers, offering affordable plans and easy scaling for various applications. They enable quick deployment and automatic resource management, but users do not have direct server access.

      There are various types of hosting services, and one category is service-based hosting, which includes platforms like Heroku, Zite, and Meteor's Galaxy. These services are ideal for developers and offer various services for hosting applications such as Ruby, Node, or single-page apps. Heroku, in particular, gained popularity due to its ease of use and affordability, even offering free tiers. These free tiers work by shutting down servers when not in use to save resources, which can lead to slower initial load times. However, when traffic increases, users can easily upgrade to paid plans for better performance and additional features. Additionally, these services enable easy scaling by increasing container size or the number of containers running an application, making it a popular choice for handling unexpected traffic spikes. However, it's important to note that users do not have direct access to the servers when using these services.

    • Deploying apps on Heroku: Simplified server managementHeroku simplifies server management by automatically detecting and installing dependencies, offering automatic scaling, and providing user-friendly interfaces for managing updates and SSL certificates.

      Using cloud services like Heroku for deploying applications offers several advantages, especially for developers who don't want to deal with the complexities of managing their own servers. With these services, you can easily push your Git repo to a specific branch on Heroku, and it will handle the auto-detection and installation of dependencies, including Node.js and its security patches. Additionally, these services offer automatic scaling, freeing developers from the need to worry about memory or other system resources. They also simplify the process of deploying updates with zero downtime and make it easy to manage SSL certificates through user-friendly interfaces. Overall, these services save developers time and effort, allowing them to focus on building and improving their applications.

    • Simplifying Application Deployment with Hosting PlatformsHosting platforms like DigitalOcean, now.sh, and Heroku offer features for easy app deployment and management, including automatic server management, error handling, and add-ons. Immutable hosting ensures new versions don't alter previous ones, but costs can be high.

      There are various hosting platforms and tools, such as DigitalOcean, now.sh, and Heroku, that simplify the process of deploying and managing applications. These platforms offer features like automatic server management, error handling, version rollbacks, and add-ons for additional services. Immutable hosting, as mentioned with now.sh, ensures that new versions are deployed without altering the previous one. While these services can be expensive, they save developers time and effort, especially for those who prefer not to manage their servers themselves. However, it's essential to consider the costs and evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the expenses.

    • Decentralized hosting: External platforms for databases and serversExternal platforms like Compose, DigitalOcean, AWS, and Rackspace offer benefits such as ease of use and security for hosting and maintaining databases and servers, while requiring less technical expertise compared to running your own server.

      Hosting databases and servers is becoming more decentralized, with companies providing platforms for hosting and maintaining databases and servers, offering benefits such as security, version control, and ease of use. For example, Compose, now owned by IBM, provides a nice interface for hosting databases. Running your own server is the cheapest and most configurable option, but it's also the hardest, requiring more technical expertise. Services like DigitalOcean, AWS, Rackspace, and Linode offer varying levels of support, from raw server space to pre-configured images. In the discussion, the hosts also mentioned Zojo, a cross-platform development tool for creating native apps, which offers a drag-and-drop user interface and the ability to write code once and deploy it to multiple platforms. Listeners of Syntax can get a 20% discount on Zojo using the coupon code "Syntax." Overall, the trend is towards using external platforms for hosting and maintaining databases and servers, providing benefits such as ease of use and security, but requiring less technical expertise.

    • Explore DigitalOcean's comprehensive documentation for control and insightsDigitalOcean's documentation enables users to manage servers, respond to issues, and learn web development skills

      DigitalOcean's comprehensive documentation provides users with the ability to have complete control over their projects and gain valuable insights into various aspects of their platforms. This control extends to the ability to quickly respond to issues, such as server crashes, by resizing servers or implementing floating IPs for zero downtime. However, running your own Nginx or Apache servers and managing SSL certificates adds an extra layer of responsibility. Overall, DigitalOcean's documentation and flexible infrastructure offer a powerful combination for those seeking to gain a deeper understanding of web development and server management. Additionally, the user shared an experience of attending a talk at Galvanize and experiencing the nerves of speaking in front of a crowd, leading to the repetition of phrases. This minor aside highlights the importance of being knowledgeable and confident in one's abilities, especially when presenting technical information to others. In essence, DigitalOcean's documentation and infrastructure empower users to take control of their projects while providing the flexibility to learn and grow in their web development and server management skills.

    • Setting up SSL certificates with Let's Encrypt on NGINXLet's Encrypt simplifies SSL setup on NGINX, but remember to enable auto-renewal and ensure server restarts. Alternatives like Caddy Server and Docker simplify the process further.

      Setting up SSL certificates, specifically using Let's Encrypt, can be a straightforward process with minimal configuration required for servers like NGINX. However, it's crucial to remember to set up auto-renewal and ensure the server restarts when the certificate expires. Configuring servers like NGINX and Apache can be complex and potentially risky for those unfamiliar with the process, as even minor syntax errors can cause significant issues. Caddy Server is an alternative option that offers SSL certificates baked in, simplifying the process further. It's essential to understand that these servers come as blank slates and require installation and maintenance of additional software, including Linux updates. Pre-configured servers or managed boxes can help alleviate some of these challenges. Another option is using Docker, which can simplify the installation and management of various applications and their dependencies.

    • Consistency between local and production environments with DockerDocker uses containers to ensure consistent images across platforms, saving time and reducing confusion. Netlify offers simplified deployment and management for single page apps with features like caching, CDN, and continuous deployment.

      Docker is a solution for ensuring consistency between local development and production environments by using containers that run the same image across platforms. This can save time and reduce confusion, as developers no longer have to worry about differences between their machines and production servers. Docker can be run on VirtualBox or other similar platforms, and images can be deployed to various hosting services including Zits. For single page apps, which are entirely client-side and interface-only with APIs, options include using a standard web server or specialized hosting services like Netlify. Netlify offers features like caching, CDN, and continuous deployment to simplify the process of deploying and managing single page apps. Overall, using tools like Docker and specialized hosting services can help streamline the development and deployment process, ensuring consistency and reducing potential issues.

    • Exploring Netlify and Serverless Functions for Gatsby SitesNetlify received praise for its user-friendly interface, free tier, and helpful resources. Serverless functions were suggested for future exploration. A magnetic USB cable was recommended for efficient charging of devices.

      Both Netlify and serverless functions were praised during the discussion for their capabilities in deploying and hosting web applications, particularly Gatsby sites. Netlify was highlighted for its user-friendly interface, free tier, and helpful resources. Serverless functions, although not delved into in detail during the conversation, were mentioned as an upcoming topic for further exploration. A unique and practical suggestion was shared regarding a magnetic USB cable for charging various devices, such as iPhones and wireless headphones, which was found to be convenient and time-saving. The cable, which comes with multiple tips, sticks to the device using a magnet, making the charging process more efficient. Though no personal experience with Netlify or serverless functions was shared during the conversation, the enthusiasm and positive feedback from others were enough to spark interest and encourage further investigation. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of exploring new tools and technologies to enhance productivity and streamline development processes.

    • Disappointment over loss of MagSafe charging port, praise for Bulk Supplements and promotion of LevelUp Tutorials ProSpeaker expresses disappointment over removal of MagSafe charging port from Apple laptops, shares positive experience with Bulk Supplements for affordable supplements, and promotes LevelUp Tutorials Pro for premium tutorial content.

      The removal of the MagSafe charging port from Apple laptops has left some users feeling uncertain and frustrated about the durability and convenience of the new USB-C charging solution. The speaker expresses his disappointment in the loss of the MagSafe feature, which he found to be particularly useful in preventing damage to his laptop from accidents. He plans to wait and see how well the new charging solution holds up before making a definitive judgment. Another topic that came up during the discussion was the use of Bulk Supplements for purchasing supplements in powder form at affordable prices. The speaker shared his positive experience with the company, praising the high quality of the products and the lack of unnecessary marketing on the packaging. He recommended Bulk Supplements as a cost-effective option for those who mix their own supplements or work out regularly. Finally, the speaker plugged his LevelUp Tutorials Pro subscription service, highlighting the premium tutorial series he produces every month for subscribers. He emphasized his commitment to creating content that meets the specific needs and interests of his audience and encouraged listeners to check out the service for high-quality, in-depth tutorials on various topics.

    • Staying engaged with the Syntax.fm communityCheck email for new content, subscribe, leave reviews, and join the Syntax.fm community to stay updated and connected with like-minded individuals and continue learning.

      Importance of staying updated and engaged with the Syntax.fm community. The speaker reminded listeners to check their email inboxes for new content, and encouraged them to subscribe in their podcast players and leave reviews if they enjoy the show. This emphasis on community and staying informed is a key aspect of the Syntax.fm experience. Additionally, the speaker expressed gratitude for the audience's presence and promised to see them again next week. Overall, this conversation underscores the value of connecting with like-minded individuals and staying engaged with the resources and content that resonate with us. So, be sure to check your email, subscribe to the podcast, and join the Syntax.fm community to stay in the loop and continue learning.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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